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14882178 No.14882178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to go out to eat

>> No.14882197
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>> No.14882206

fat macauly culkin?

>> No.14882209

it's true though, at least if you're in an area where the restaurants customarily post inaccurate prices and implicitly expect the customer to pay the wages of their staff

there are restaurants that don't have tipping, and they are known as mcDonalds. they don't pay the staff properly either but at least it's all official and shit

>> No.14882355

lmao laugh at amerilards

>> No.14882392

It's not true at all.
In near every country that isn't America waiters get a guaranteed minimum and tips are a cherry on the cake for exceptional service.
An added bonus.
A TIP you might say.

So in America you have devolved into a situation where owners of restaurants can pay lower than their wages because they argued that tips supplimented their wages.
Now tips get taxed and have effectively become their wage and everyone gets shit on for not automatically tipping.

Even though they are still getting a mimumim?
They just want more and are willing to spit in people's food because they don't automatically tip?
That is the most backwards ass shit i've ever heard.
Just fix the shit to begin with, instead of expecting the population to play ball with insinuated consequences and threats if they don't.

If you can afford the price on the menu then you can eat there. Simple as that.
That should be paying overheads and wages already.

>> No.14882405
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That's a lot of words for "I want to abuse valid arguments against a system by using them as an excuse to screw over low income workers"

If you really want to be a man of principles, don't eat at those places at all. But that's not what this is about now, is it.

>> No.14882407

I can afford to tip, i just dont. I choose to save and invest my money for a better future. You choose to work a less than min wage job so you can get your drug fix daily. Restaurant work has the highest amount of drug users out of any field of work. Why would i contribute to that?

>> No.14882411

i dont tip at restaurants or hospitals or warehouses.

>> No.14882418

why the FUCK would i ever leave anyone a tip

fuck that. you don't deserve even minimum wage for being a waitress.

>> No.14882419

its not true.

>> No.14882421
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>thinks general public is abusing less than min wage workers and not thier employer

>> No.14882424
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>thinks the employer gives a shit if you're screwing over their employees as long as you pay your tab

>> No.14882425

I don't eat at those places ..because i'm not american.

That's also exactly what it's about.
People who go into a restaurant are expected to pay more after they've paid for a meal to someone on the owners behalf that covers their wages.

In a normal countries someone goes into a restaurant, pays for the meal and that covers the wages, bills and other costs.

You're even doing the thing you've been conditioned to do. Try and belittle anyone that's talking about how shit the system you have is and throw shit their way when they are talking about changing things.

Just fix the shit?
How is not paying more than the listed prices on the menu "screwing over low income workers"
No anon.
"Owners of restaurants being able to pay less than mimimum wages because the public is now expected to pay tips" is screwing low income workers

Stop defending the people who have the power to change things and actively stopping things from changing.

>> No.14882448

When waiters come to my place of work, they don't give me a tip. So why should I give them one?

>> No.14882457
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>my restuarant cant operate without tips because the margins are so small

>> No.14882458

an implicit agreement is still an agreement even if it not legally enforceable. would you lead a day laborer to believe that you've got a job for them tomorrow if there is no job? do you often pretend to hold a door for someone and then slam it in their face? nothing illegal about those things but it's a dick move. because you are a dick.

if you really want to "defend" the working man and teach those restauranteurs a lesson, pay the waiter, and don't pay the restaurant. as in, put it in writing, that you are paying the waiter and under no circumstances are they to construe the payment as a payment towards the food itself.

but you won't do that, because the restauranteur can have the police arrest you, whereas the waiter has no power to do so.

you don't give a shit about changing anything, you just want free labor.

>> No.14882463

Ameripoors are so pathetic.

>> No.14882465
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>> No.14882477

>I got found out and now I want to call foul
Nope. Your argument is transparent as fuck. You shouldn't care about your reputation here, I don't know why you're so reluctant to admit you're a piece of shit. I'm not a great guy either but at least I pay for services rendered.

>> No.14882482

I eat out regularly and I never tip. if you can't make ends meet without someone tipping you then you should re-evaluate your life choices.

>> No.14882489

>I dropped out of school so everyone else should subsidize my living beyond my means
t. on /trv/ right now asking what impoverished lawless countries are best to be a grotesque sex pest

>> No.14882499
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>if you want money you should get a better job

>> No.14882504

I don't even pay my bill. I just dine and dash.

>> No.14882506

Oh no the poor waitress who makes over twice minimum wage on average and doesn't report most of it on income tax will starve without my extra 2 dollars

>> No.14882615

Oh I can easily afford to tip but why should I subsidise the earnings of some faggot loser who brings me food from a kitchen to my table?
maybe they should have tried harder at school and gotten a real job.

>> No.14882634


I used to dream of visiting america but it just seams so unpleasant now

>> No.14882706

In an airport in the US a barman asked me if it was my first time in the USA, because they have a thing there called tipping. I said I was going to tip at the end when I left and he said that's not how it works and there should be a tip with each drink. Then proceeded to ignore me all night until I loudly asked him to serve me each time so people looked up.

I was going to leave a tip, but he was a dickhead so he got nothing.

>> No.14882776


>> No.14882790

Nah, those faggots picked this way of life, if they wanted consistent pay they would have picked a line of work that isn't based on tips
>should you tip
In America, sure, if you have good service in the waiter staff is attentive to your needs then sure, I'll give them a tip
>is tipping necessary
No, even if you dont tip, you are still contributing to their wages, no customers means no job, you shouldn't punish a section of people for proper budgeting, tipping is literally wasted income, not only that, but if you have a bad or even mediocre waiter, I fully believe in no tipping, if you want my hard-earned money then you need to put some fucken effort into it

>> No.14882802

>I was going to leave a tip, but he was a dickhead so he got nothing.
You are correct. You did nothing wrong. In a bar, sometimes, though, if you lay down a dollar per drink, if very busy, or you may leave in a hurry. If you had a tab going, you could tip at the end.

>> No.14883014

Yeah so we need to change that shit.

>> No.14883144

You wouldn't tip a handbag. You wouldn't tip a car. You wouldn't tip a movie *record scratch* Tipping is extortion. Extortion is a crime.

>> No.14883157

In some way, you're right. If a few dollars will make or break you, then you shouldn't.

On the other hand, tipping is not and should never be mandatory.

>> No.14883161

He's not fat. Are you retarded?

>> No.14883180

>canada has same minimum wage for servers as all other jobs unlike US
>US tipping culture is still here though
>Servers / delivery guy get pissed if you don't tip
it's all so tiresome

>> No.14883209

>Servers / delivery guy get pissed if you don't tip
fuck em

>> No.14883217

well actually I refuse to do delivery or dine at a restaurant where you're expected to tip until it goes away. I'm not going to be a dick and not tip / risk getting my food tampered with but I'm also not going to participate in it if I can help it

>> No.14883225

I can afford. I just dnt want to. Get a real Job Bitch!!!!

>> No.14883231

Enjoy only being able to safely visit a restaurant once.

>> No.14883236

I thought you weren't going to give a tip, but then you tipped them that they should get a real job!!!@

>> No.14883242

>you did a really really god job carring a plate 30ft

>> No.14883248

What are you gonna do, cry into my soup, you little faggot?

>> No.14883260

Put it to you this way: a tip is an unspoken protection fee. You be cocky all you want b. Yours is coming one of these days.

>> No.14883279

Made in The USA!™

>> No.14883325

Protection from what, a below minimum wage worker's fantasies?

>> No.14883374

>>canada has same minimum wage for servers as all other jobs unlike US
Only true in some provinces

>> No.14883410

Why the fuck would a "province" have any say in a minimum wage? Stupid system.

>> No.14883425

Why wouldn't they? Circumstances are different in different parts of a country.

>> No.14883441

>Why the fuck would a "province" have any say in a minimum wage? Stupid system.
US has "living wage ordinances" in some cities and in some places within cities, like airports, where they want to be assured quality minded people make a living in this higher security or higher cost of living areas, and not drug dealers.

>> No.14883471
File: 41 KB, 596x629, Screenshot_2020-10-11 Canadian Payroll Legislation 2020 Minimum Wages Payworks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny enough, wages are better out west where we don't have to pay out the ass for food like they do in Ontario and Qweebeck.
>inb4 that hongcouver chink who shops exclusively at whole foods shows up to complain about "le epic in-store prices"

>> No.14883522
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what happens when you dont tip? Does the wagie get angry?

>> No.14883535

based. tipping culture is asscancer

>> No.14883543

No, not usually. There's a couple asshats who post on whatever social media and get their screencaps endlessly circulated, but normal people just take it in stride because they're still getting paid anyways.

>> No.14883546

in canada, ive never been bitched at they just dont talk to you after you pay

>> No.14883556

only niggers dont tip

>> No.14883557

If you can't afford to pay your workers minimum wage, don't open a business.

>> No.14883603
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guess im a nigger

>> No.14883668

>implying I care about the retards stuck waiting tables
It's not my duty to make sure you don't get fucked by your boss. If you don't like the status quo, form a union and negotiate.

>> No.14883696
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unionization is pretty difficult in the US. also difficult for sub-minimum-wage workers to get compensated when tips fall below minimum. you should really consider my suggestion of eating at McDonalds, where you won't encounter any uncomfortable situations. I'm told they even have touch screens now for maximum pandering to autists

>> No.14883703

sure but don't expect your service to be nice :D

>> No.14883706

not true, I know some kids with messed up family lives who don't tip, I think it's an outlet for their control issues that they don't know how to express in healthy ways. nobody wants to go out to eat with them because they're also really weird to the staff. I wouldn't say "rude" per se but there's a really awkward dynamic like they don't know how to handle it.

>> No.14883740

Do your job.

>> No.14883744

>t. waiter
nice cope but i just like to save money

>> No.14883752

I work in tech. but I worked through high school and college, so yeah, I can talk to staff without dropping spaghetti everywhere or being fake

you know nobody likes going out to eat with you, right?

>> No.14883778

wasnt aware you knew anything about me little guy my bad

>> No.14883783

next office party with alcohol get them comfortable so their guard is down, and ask. you'll see

>> No.14883796

oh no they dont tip either

>> No.14884080

Nope, all tipping etiquette and backwards American society aside - you can always tell when people don't belong in civilized situations. They always make shit awkward. i don't want to say they don't fit in, but they really don't make an effort not grasp all things like manners, etiquette, food knowledge, hygiene, service - the likes.
And it usually happens to be people from pretty screwed up home lives and strange family backgrounds. If you can't notice this or recognize this, then you're either one of these goobers or you don't get out much.

>> No.14884108

I’m curious: How do you guys feel about tipping strippers?

>> No.14884109

I always tip 20% regardless of service because I've worked in the service industry. If you haven't done it shut the fuck up. You don't know what its like

>> No.14884117

Who said I pay when I go out in the first place

>> No.14884139
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i can tell you're the same guy seething over people not tipping. you wouldnt be able to tell im an anti-tipper until you gave me the check. the way you hypothesize over it shows how rent free it is for you.
yup, still not tipping bucko

>> No.14884144

It's like going to the movies and not buying a tub of popcorn. What the hell are you doing?

>> No.14884147

>dem bingo arms
>not fat
r u?

>> No.14884154

that phrase isnt even untrue in western europe, because they actually pay their restaurant staff here.

>> No.14884173

as someone living in canada and who lived in other places, tipping culture is fucking retarded and only practiced in a few countries (if not only in america). Tipping in canada is like an extra for the whole restaurant instead of for somebody individually. Not tipping in america is like a direct insult to somebody, instead of you just not feeling generous that day.
Make your food 2-5 dollars more expensive, pay your waiters right, and dont expect tips

>> No.14884216

>would you lead a day laborer to believe that you've got a job for them tomorrow if there is no job?
Are you implying the customer is the employer? This is not the case and not how business should operate. Low end employees who are not owners or stock holders should not be affected by the success and failures of the business. They are paid to do a job in return for money, regardless of if that job generates benefit. If you've signed a contract with a laborer and you've fucked up the job somehow, you still need to pay those laborers. There being no job is to their benefit.

Of course there's a lot of shady shit going on with laborers regarding lack of contracts and cash in hand payments. But that sort of shit gets shut down real quick when the laborers legitimately declare their earnings and pay tax.

There is no implicit agreement to tip with the customer. A tip is a gift freely given.

>> No.14884251

>maybe they should have tried harder at school and gotten a real job
I don't know about how it works where you're from, but here high school results are scaled and ranked. So if that guy studied more and got a better job it is necessarily true that another guy who just scraped through no longer makes the cut and ends up in the shitty food service job.
Which means nothing to you since they're both strangers.

The anti subsidy argument isn't that he should've done better, it's that the job should go away. Either pay a Chinaman 2c to get it done, have a robot do it, or shut down this tier of restaurant and only have the ones generating enough profit for workers to be paid a livable wage exist.

>> No.14884497

You should but nobody can tell you to do anything honestly because who they fuck are they to tell you how to live? Try to tip if the server looks like they are in their college years because they need the extra bucks because school is expensive.