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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14862036 No.14862036 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about this burnt toast story?

>> No.14862038
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>> No.14862050

Indian stories are fake 100% of the time. That said the dad did make the right choice given the information we have. Assuming you allow your wife to work (mistake). However if the burnt toast becomes a regular occurrence then a trip to a field in oregon may be in order

>> No.14862052
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One guy's funny comment

>> No.14862062
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Another guy's comment

>> No.14862081


>oh, my eye? nothings wrong! its my fault, really. i know how much he HATES burnt toast..

>> No.14862091

I once made some food that wasn't that great and my mother called it an abomination right to my face. Now I just make frozen foods in a toaster oven. Fuck trying.

>> No.14862097

I would never lie to my wife. I would show my appreciation by acknowledging her effort, not by seeding falsehoods. That said, I do prefer toast to be a bit burnt.

>> No.14862111


your mom sounds based, how did she raise such a pussy??

>> No.14862138

Very sweet.

>> No.14862145

Dad is a chad

>> No.14862153

By telling her he loves it, she will not intentionally burn it. So don't lie, but don't get mad. Tell her that it's ok and she doesn't need to worry, but don't fucking make shit up that reinforces the bad behavior.

>> No.14862154

I would never hit my wife for no reason, but Allah will have to forgive me if she burns toast and serves it to me.

>> No.14862165

Women should be at home and not working for Mr. Nosenberger.

>> No.14862167
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>> No.14862172

or in a cooking profession srs

>> No.14862185

Story is shit. But you have a tinder notification and I wanna see if you talk to a cutie or a hog

>> No.14862191

Allah will have to forgive her for daring feed you such filth.

>> No.14862220
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he lied like all men do, typical
if he was a real man he would have made dinner himself
I can't believe he's teaching their children to lie

>> No.14862223

This is the toast in question

>> No.14862288

Both of my parents are geniuses with ridiculous degrees from top tier universities.

I'm content to just leech until society collapses upon itself though. There's nothing to strive for.

>> No.14862300

Uh, so the lesson is if you are a man in a relationship with children don't act like an autistic child over a piece of toast? Some deep shit here.

>> No.14862303

the moral of the story is don't ask for for another slice, ever.

>> No.14862305

The lesson is women are never wrong, and you should never expect them to improve or change.

>> No.14862320


Why would you eat the toast and pretend it's ok? If the eggs were a little over or under cooked, fine, eat them but don't pretend it's the best thing in the world.
But why would she even serve burnt toast? It's just bread. Make a new toast. Intentionally serving it seems like a fuck you to everyone you just made dinner for. Having a bad day doesn't give reason to take it out on anyone.

>> No.14862322

But the mom apologized. I think the most retarded part of the whole thing is that this bitch calls herself a "Life Changer".

>> No.14862333
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This is a sweet story, I am sure the mother knew that he didn't love burnt toast, but it probably did help her to know that he wasn't as bothered about it as she thought he would be. Having a person (partner, friend, or relative) that understands you so well and that you can rely on makes you want to do better with your life and be the same kind of person to them that they are to you. The story may be fake, but it's a nice story and I it makes me feel grateful to have my special person even if they are on a different continent and that could make us both sad but it doesn't, and I still feel very lucky.

>> No.14862344
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>funny comment

>> No.14862345

My boyfriend and I don't have the same exact tastes, so I always ask for honest feedback. I'd rather he tell me something is too spicy or too salty than pretend he likes it, that way I can adjust towards something we both like.

This is how real adults interact.

>> No.14862346


But why serve it?

>> No.14862353

I guess she served it bc it was part of the meal and he didn't have to eat it if it was unacceptable and she would have made him another piece, but he didn't mind it so she could sit and enjoy her time with him.

>> No.14862365

LinkedIn is the most cancerous social media of them all

>> No.14862370


If you are going to do something, do it right. If you aren't going to do it right, don't do it. Having a long day isn't an excuse to start half-assing everything. Imagine a surgeon having a long day and just half-assing an open heart surgery because of it.

This toast is just as important a lesson as that poor fuckers cold, dead heart.

>> No.14862376
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I don't think so, Tim.

>> No.14862384

LinkedIn has become fucking cancer, sucks because it's the best place to find jobs in my career.

>> No.14862394

I'm losing my fucking mind

>> No.14862397
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>> No.14862408


Do you feel no shame?

>> No.14862420

I want to smash their face with a brick

>> No.14862421

LinkedIn gives me an existential crisis every time I look at it. Oh God, what have we done.

>> No.14862431

None. Fortunately for me, I'm smarter than either one of my parents, even if I lack their credentials on paper. So I can easily justify anything I want, but in truth I just don't care.

Feels good man.

>> No.14862459

Unironically this. It's a fucking social media network now for people in jobs. It's fucking awful.

>> No.14862468
File: 131 KB, 1400x1010, judgment_compress92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can easily justify anything I want
>I could accomplish things if I really wanted to!!
>cos I'm s-smarter!!
Cope harder smoothbrain.

>> No.14862475

Why is Linkedin just facebook now? Wtf does this have to do with me getting a better job?

>> No.14862489

Stop crying nigger, you don't even like working.

>> No.14862515

At what point does carelessness become a power play?

>> No.14862520

the fuck does that have to do with me wanting more money? Of course I don't like working, but I want to be paid better for it


>> No.14862525

Didn't think I'd hurt your feelings just by talking about myself. Sorry about that.

>> No.14862533

The dad should've taken the mom out for a car ride she would never have forgotten.

>> No.14862536

She's a Life Changer posting that story to demonstrate ways she goes about her profession.

>> No.14862571
File: 129 KB, 1300x990, brainjack_compress32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being retarded hurts people's feelings
>actually posting this

>> No.14862577

>I can easily justify anything I want
What do you mean by that?

>> No.14862579

Most people don't know how to behave like mature adults toward each other because they grew up in households where their parents behaved like stupid children and they think it's normal.

>> No.14862599

an entire loaf of bread is piss change just make another fucking slice the effort and expense is near zero

>> No.14862609

Is this what women think is interesting? Is this how they use the internet?

>> No.14862645

Funny? Sort of true, but the thing is you don't do that to kids, but adults can take it. Fuck that old man and fuck your booner thread.

>> No.14862664

I think 4chan/nel is funny and I only use 4chan/nel.

>> No.14862672

Exactly what I said. Why, do you need something justified?

>> No.14862761

Either larp or delusion, either way hilarious. Can you justify why you go to HIV parties to get gangbanged?

>> No.14862786

I think he got a sleepy blowjob that night for putting up with that shitty burnt toast

>> No.14862787

ok yeah but im not going to eat the burnt toast and who the fuck burns toast?

>> No.14862800

I wanted to see both opinions of cooks and entrepreneurs.

>> No.14862803

it reminds me of the time pryia poo of bon apatite made a burnt yogurt sandwich

>> No.14862804

The father sounds a bit touchy feely. Probably a repressed pedo, or maybe not repressed.

>> No.14862816

pretty sure that could give you cancer

>> No.14862827

The second part of her post was how her father continued that using words like "my daddy fingers me every night" can also be very hurtful and that we all need to deal with "burnt toast" in one way or another.

>> No.14862851

Are you a woman, though? I just cannot conceive why someone would use Linkedin to tell a stupid story like this, let alone people would find it interesting.

>> No.14862868

we are one in the same. the only difference is the moderation of the two boards. I like how the /biz/ thread got the wife beating pasta. usually I start on /ck/ and go buy fast food and liquor and troll around the fast food threads. then when I get warmed up I go to the drug and alcohol threads until I am ready to log into my brokerage account and start browsing /biz/. usually when I'm too rowdy for /ck/ I'm just the right amount for /smg/