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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14855273 No.14855273 [Reply] [Original]

How do I into my own duck farm?

>> No.14855295

Buy ducks and prepare for a lot of mess. Theres 4 or so duck owner on ck.

>> No.14855302

>prepare for a lot of mess

Ducks are messy?

>> No.14855399
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They have liquid poop
They like to slash and poop in water
They tend to scatter thier food.
oh and the plop out eggs whenever the wood strikes them.

>> No.14855418

based duck owner

>> No.14855466

Buy a lot of peas

>> No.14855513

Planning to move away from the city next year. How much land do I need to raise ducks? Which climates are best for ducks? Any good books you can recommend for duck farming?

>> No.14855526

that green object behind the trees is messing with my mind. it looks like an optical illusion, what is it? cool coop you got going there though.

>> No.14855532

If they're anything like chickens, they aren't that hard to raise.

>> No.14855536

>they aren't that hard to raise


>> No.14855548

Well neighbors just started a hen farm, the rooster goes off at 9-10 am i guess he is sleepy :D

Otherwise i must say i love the sounds, falls asleep to the hens clucking sounds :D

>> No.14855560

>How do I into my own duck farm?
>How do I into
I would start by asking someone who speaks your primary language.

>> No.14855896
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Almost none. The smaller space the more often you have to clean. Im on 1/3 of an acre and they havent ruined my yard yet. Unlike chickens which dig up everything.
Its my neighbers new garage.

>> No.14855910

Which state do you live in? How do you keep your duckers alive during the winter months?

>> No.14856062

Thats a chicen

>> No.14856149

Steal ducks from the part and shove them into your closet

>> No.14856196

*Everyone liked that*

>> No.14856229

Are ducks reddit?

>> No.14856325

lurk moar

>> No.14856340

>b-but it's a-a OLDFAG -MEME!!!!11!11

>> No.14856392
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>getting this upset for being called out on being /r/woooosh'd
there, i used lingo that you're more familiar with

>> No.14856417

I don't know what that is but you clearly do.

>> No.14856422

>called out
Post blue hair and septum piercing.

>> No.14857250

nice outing yourself.

>> No.14857265

this is next level trolling anon, well done.

>> No.14857463

wtf is that real?

>> No.14857527

Only females do.

>> No.14857783

Buy security geese

>> No.14857785

>whenever the wood strikes them


>> No.14857802

dumb zoomer

>> No.14857825

Geese are literally the niggers of birds.

>> No.14858484

I had a flock of 20 chickens, 10 ducks, and 4 geese all at once. Everybody was cool in their own gang but once the duck population got down to 4 from a wolf (chickens always stayed in the pen), they stuck with the geese and didnt lose any more
Build something that keeps the heat in and a thermometer wouldnt hurt to check. They still need bath water in winter so thats a bitch but you can buy heat stuff otherwise

>> No.14860095

Why didn’t you protect your duckers from the wolf? :^(

>> No.14860567
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Consider a guard llama/alpaca if you have the space, it's not a meme, they do actually protect the flocks well.

>> No.14860619
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Imagine trying to be an city farmer. Imagine the smell.

>> No.14860632

Why does the Jew fear the indoor chicken farm?

>> No.14860677
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Jews fear self sustainability. For their global scheme to come to fruition every citizen needs to be 100 percent reliant on the government.