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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 457 KB, 2000x1333, get-rid-of-bad-breath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14860232 No.14860232 [Reply] [Original]

Yes, I'm on keto, how could you tell?

>> No.14860483

Not quite: I'm fasting.

>> No.14860484

Based. Fellow faster here.

>> No.14860603
File: 1.57 MB, 654x368, Jack_Chew.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow fasters

>> No.14860617

Does this happen? why cant people just brush their teeth and tongue? I have never had bad breath.

Probably not the best idea to be browsing a food based internet forum then.

>> No.14860625

Lol tub of lard gif related

>> No.14860634

>Probably not the best idea to be browsing a food based internet forum then
t. zero (0) self control and/or never fasted

I mainly use /tea/ anyway.

>> No.14860665

Based fastchads

>> No.14860715
File: 30 KB, 425x645, 61J2MyCaSOL._AC_SX425_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brushing your tongue
>not using a tongue scraper
Just brushing your tongue doesn't do shit, you gotta scrape that gunk off manually.

>> No.14860727

the bad smell comes from not flossing properly, mainly the back teeth

>> No.14860731

I was on keto (or even worse, dr. Atkins' diet) for ~1 year, I felt like shit after that. Nervous, sweating, with hurting stomach etc. Mayby the protein/fat proportion was the issue here, but anyway, be carefull guys. It works wonders about weight, tho- you loose it rapidly and permanently, I've got to admit that.

>> No.14860741

idk man, works for me and I never have bad breath. also, you dont need a single tool for every job.
Whats wrong with atkins?

>> No.14860746

>brushing your tongue doesn't get that gunk off
Except it does.

>> No.14860848

>Whats wrong with atkins
Not him
IMHO too much proteins kicking you out of ketosis

>> No.14860852

I felt terrible, I didn't see a doctor about this, but it was quite annoying (stomach ache at the end of that diet in particular). Mayby I didn't do it right, I basically just gorged on anything that was fat and protein.

>> No.14860857

Do you tell people if they have bad breath? One friend told me I was an asshole for doing so.

>> No.14860860

really? how about 1 a day?

I just like them beacue they are easy and dont have to think about prep much. Sometimes you arent hungry but know you need to eat, or you really dont know what you want to eat and they are just easy to slurp down.

>> No.14860927

new faster here, what am i in for?

>> No.14860931

For me, it's this shithole. I can't stop thinking of food

>> No.14860933

think of sex instead.

>> No.14860934

this is already happening to me

>> No.14860941

Acid reflex.

>> No.14860943

is that like a mutant power, I reflexively spray acid?

>> No.14860949

Why people like this? Is the water making people dumber?

>> No.14860967

>how could you tell?
Because you won't fucking shut up about it.

>> No.14860999

Weakness and pain. Also weight loss.

>> No.14861142


Fasting cured mine.

>> No.14861162

so you got a tummy ache at the end of a 1-year period, and that's supposed to prove something?

>> No.14861179

Must stomach issues come from too much protons, and lack of electrolytes. When your body runs out of glycogen a lot of water leaves your cells(which is why people tend to drop 5 or 7 lbs right away) but this can also cause an electrolyte imbalance. Some Gatorade Zero, or snake juice or magnesium supplements should help.

>> No.14861182

The schools have gone to hell

>> No.14861222

>I have never had bad breath.
This is what every person with bad breath actually believes. Everyone starts having bad breath as the day goes by, you're just in denial.

>> No.14861293

it hurt so much that I didn't eat anything for 1 week, literally. I drank only water, anything else caused pretty strong pain. But as I said, I probably did something wrong like>>14861179
not supplying electrolytes or mayby something else on top of that. Plus I felt like shit (figuratively) for last ~3 months of my retarded approach on that diet.

>> No.14861343

>about 1 a day?
One (1) what? According to your bodyweight and lifestyle there is a daily protein requirement you have to meet and not exceed to the point to trigger neoglucogenesis. Do your research.

>> No.14861347

Supplements with electrolytes under the citrate form to avoid ketoflu