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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14848667 No.14848667 [Reply] [Original]

What's your best trick to make children eat vegetables?

>> No.14848670

Is obesity a mental illness?

>> No.14848671

never introduce them to fast food

>> No.14848675

Mix some cough syrup in their beverage and tell them to relax. Works great for loads of other things too.

>> No.14848679

The belt

>> No.14848686

Tbh brussel sprouts are pretty shitty when people cook them wrong. Like brocolli tastes great no matter what, green beans yeah them too, brussel sprouts are either my favorite veggie or disgusting

>> No.14848705

It's Goofy Time whenever they don't.

>> No.14848708

Cook them good and then tell your children that Satan will devour those that do not eat their vegetables, gotta put the fear of hell in them

>> No.14848719

if the kid is neuro-typical, depending on age, allowing them some choice in the selection of vegetables is helpful. Adding minced vegetables to meatloaf, meatballs, lasagna, muffins, breads, and spaghetti helps too. Keeping crudites on hand in the fridge with a dip they like is good. Having them help grow some vegetables helps too. If you have an autistic kid, then feeding therapy does help, but it takes a while.

>> No.14848722

just don't cook shit vegetables and don't allow them to be picky

i always liked broccoli, don't know what shows kept yapping on about

>> No.14848725

Classic, a sandal works too

>> No.14848730


>> No.14848732

Kids who hate vegetables were fed them by shitty parents who didn't know how to cook. If you can cook the vegetables properly you won't have any issues feeding them to your children.

>> No.14848755

you have them eat them at an early age.
if you give kids "kid food" then they'll only want said food.

>> No.14848766

just deprive them of food for 2 to 3 days
if that doesn't work, forcing them to kneel on shards of glass or inserting needles under their nails usually does the trick

>> No.14848768

dont give them another option

>> No.14848784

>he got the sandal
Lucky bastard

>> No.14848787

Nothing. It just means they're normal. Veggies taste like absolute ass and humans stopped eating them as soon as we discovered fire. The only humans who still eat mostly veggies are amazonian manlets who got conquered by meat eating chads. I ALWAYS through away veggies whenever i see them on my plate. Except tomatos

>> No.14848795

whats your nationality?

>> No.14848802

A symptom of one.

>> No.14848807

Hunger. If they won't eat the veg then it'll be there in the morning, and lunch and dinner until it's eaten.

>> No.14848811

symptom of sugar addiction / stress eating

>> No.14848812

Find which vegetables they can tolerate and work from there.

>> No.14848815
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Vegetables are disgusting for a reason. Do you think cows are choking down grass while thinking it tastes awful?

A species appropriate diet would taste good. Humans should be eating mostly meat with local seasonal fruit and occasional honey.

>> No.14848824


>> No.14848826

kids can be insanely stubborn, not to mention the government doesnt like people not crumbling to the demands of a toddler, they claim its neglect or some shit

>> No.14848838

American. Why does that matter

>> No.14848846

theirs a way to cook them so they taste good?

>> No.14848847

Yeah the belt was for bad fucks up, sometimes cold showers too if I was being a whiny little bitch

>> No.14848851

just curious
also just wondering, how much do you weigh?

>> No.14848863
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I think it's mostly just shit cooking desu
like what kid wouldn't want something like a nice lecso or goulash, especially if you throw some chicken in there

>> No.14848865

Well I'll eat them steamed with just salt and pepper tossed but my gf says that's gross
Best way though:
Cut them in half and put on baking sheet with some olive oil and salt and pepper
Bake at 350 for like 15 min or until you can see them charing, flip them halfway too
Then put in a bowl and toss with a little balsamic vinaigrette and honey mixed together

Baking is the way to go if you dont like them

>> No.14848871

Use enough of the sauce mix to give them all a visible glaze but not like soaking you still want some crunch

>> No.14848872

my dad used a glue stick. hurt like hell

>> No.14848881


Use a Vitamix to make Shrek juice - it's a green smoothy (spinach, carrots, cabbage have little taste when raw) sweetened with grape juice.

>> No.14848900

if they refuse to eat vaggies they get their leftovers for breakfast next morning instead of cereal.

>> No.14848910

Hahaha damn, that must had been a nice whipping

>> No.14848913

Is believing reality tv a mental illness? I think it is, but it seems like all of /ck/ has it.

>> No.14848917

a gluestick?
was it in a sock or something?

>> No.14848923

I think he means those sticks you put in glue guns?

>> No.14848930

but those are smaller
are there some special type that are super long, like getting hit with a plastic cane?

>> No.14848960

Thinner but longer, like a whip

>> No.14848987
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Just fucking eat it and don't make a huge deal about it. Kids get that "oh, this is yucky" vibe when adults sperg out about babbying their kids into eating vegetables. Shove 'em in your face with gusto, get fucking hyped for YOUR veggies (cook 'em right, obvi), and those lil' dorks will get hyped, too.
Also, limit their engagement with mind-numbing forms of entertainment that propagate shitty "broccoli is evil!" nonsense. I swear, half the reason we're in this mess is because cartoons push the idea.

>> No.14849013

i know gorilla glue makes sticks 8-12 in.

>> No.14849019

This guy gets it.

>> No.14849018

it's pretty simple, use salt and don't act like the veggies are a punishment.

>> No.14849027

Just keep your kids away from most tv shows and movies. They're usually trash.

>> No.14849043

yeah they were like a foot long, very pliable, stung like you wouldnt believe

>> No.14849050

Yes we know scripted, but that fat bitch is genuinely disgusted by plants

>> No.14849052

1. Don't overcook the vegetables. Nobody likes mush.
2. Enough salt, but not too much salt. Let them add a pinch of salt to their own.

My daughters quite literally raid the fridge and will each eat an entire broccoli, raw, then dive into the carrots. I've watched them strip a cabbage apart, eating the whole thing. It is a struggle to get them to eat meat some days

>> No.14849054

No she's not you retard, she was told to pick it up and then fake-wretch

>> No.14849059
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>It is a struggle to get them to eat meat some days
t. vegan larper

>> No.14849068

Steamed brussel sprouts are the best way. Blanching can work, but you need to cut them in half; otherwise the outside is overcooked and the inside is raw.

Toss with olive oil or garlic butter.

>> No.14849089

Cook and include them in a dish properly.

>> No.14849110

You seem upset.

>> No.14849118

Nah man, they just like vegetables.
Plenty of meat available.
If the kids want carrots and broccoli, it's more steak for me.

Just barely convinced the 2 year old that she wanted lunch yesterday; finally settled on rice, eggs, deenz ("Fish snack lunch?"). Kid ripped open the can (brunswick kippers in tomato basil sauce), dumped most of it on her rice and was happy. Then wanted to get into some of the other deenz (one of the oil packed skin on sardines), no worries. She eats the bones.

Kids are just in the mood for what they're in the mood for, but a lack of experience and language skills makes it hard for them to say things like "I have a craving for (X), so maybe I'm in need of B vitamins and calcium".

Just have to let them eat vegetables that don't suck so they'll want more in the future.

>> No.14849127

>What's your best trick to make children eat vegetables?
there is no better way to get children to hate and avoid vegetables then to trick or force them to eat them.

>don't allow them to be picky
you don't have children do you.

this is completely wrong if you don't like vegetables no way of cooking them will make them taste goof, only disguise them.

Knock knock Child protective services. we would like to talk to you.

that did not work on me.

an actual good answer.

that didn't work for me. poison is poison and I am not going to eat it.

>> No.14849143

Probably because I am upset you nigger

>> No.14849151

Beatings and yelling

>> No.14849153

I believe you. I fucking loved veggies as a kid. I loved meat too tho

>> No.14849157
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>> No.14849171

In what you mean, we had the wooden spoon for minor infractions

>> No.14849173

Seriously I used to bitch at my mom all thectime as a kid if I didn't have a salad snack before dinner, I still eat whole heads of lettuce like a rabbit, my brother I don't think has ever bought a gead since he moved out on his own sometimes some kids just like what they like

>> No.14849209

>don't ever boil them, steam or roast them
>always fresh, never canned
>finish with garlic salt and a light grating of parmesan cheese
>if they still dont like it just move onto the next vegetable, never force them to finish it (use the "you have to at least take 1 bite" rule)
When I was a kid I hated pretty much all vegetables besides onions and peas, because my mom was a horrible cook. Now as an adult I eat most vegetables, but I STILL can't get into asparagus or zucchini because my mom would force me to eat them until I puked. I always make sure to give it a chance just to see if different cooking styles make them better, but it never does, the childhood aversion trauma was too much.

>> No.14849213

Actually a lot of little kids have an aversion to meat, though it's more about the texture than the taste.

>> No.14849214


>> No.14849332

Hold a lot of truth imo. I got coddled as a only kid and was a wimp. I treated my younger sibling as rubber when I watched 'em and they're fearless. Foodwise I'm always trying to get them to trying veggies and let them decide if they like it after they taste it not before.
>hey I made this try it and tell me what you think
>ok honey I know you don't like [food] but give this a chance, ok??

>> No.14849370

>Kids Eating Meat VS Kids Eating Vegetables

>> No.14849392

I got a wooden paddle with holes drilled in.

>> No.14849402

Aren't humans frugivores? If that's the case our diet should consist mostly of fruit, nuts, and roots with some meat.

>> No.14849422


there is literally a gene that make kale and all related vegetables taste less bitter for some people
same as with cilantro tasting like soap for some and fresh citric for others

>> No.14849432

fry them

>> No.14849450

and suddenly anon didn't feel like answering questions any more

>> No.14849452

>bragging about child abuse
What awful people you are.

>> No.14849455

>with local seasonal fruit and occasional honey
Why does /ck/ attract the biggest contrarian retards? I used to think it was /g/ but holy fuck do you niggers have them beat

>> No.14849460

"Hi /ck/, none of you have raised children but please give me advice on how to raise children"
What is your major malfunction you cretin

>> No.14849480

It certainly a state of mind.

>> No.14849497

I am raising a child, I gave advice. Food intolerances can be overcome with patience and creativity. Scaring children into eating things just fucks them up later. Developing a healthy relationship with food starts early.

>> No.14849512

Puree them and mix them in the mashed potatoes or the KD

>> No.14849516

Have them make vegetable soup with you and teach them how to properly use knives to cut them up. Food kids have prepared themselves isn't sus to them.

>> No.14849525

>He thinks a cold shower or being hit with a wooden spoon is child abuse

>> No.14849558

Try it on an adult and see how it goes, motherfucker. If it's assault on adult, it's assault on a child.

>> No.14849563

yes! This is what we do.

>> No.14849566

I limit carbs with supper. Carb em' up for breakfast and lunch but supper is usually meat and salad or steamed veggies. If I'm extra hungry I'll make a side of quinoa with supper or home cut air-fried French fries.
I also run on the rule of "only eat what you want to eat, and only eat until you're full" . All the food is already made so it's sunk cost fallacy if you force them to eat it "because it's wasted food" . I don't keep a lot of junk food in the house either. Fuck candy, chocolate, ice cream ,etc but most importantly, Fuck Jannies

>> No.14849591

>be autistic child
>hate eating vegetables
>parents tried this method
>literally stopped eating for three days
>loved that I no longer needed to eat
This technique doesn't work on true picky eaters.

>> No.14849648

It does. 3 days is fucking nothing you need to stop eating for a week or two before you truly get hungry. Before that you only feel a bit of a drop on sugar levels.

>> No.14849659

Make it taste good.
Find veggies they will eat and make them how they like it.
Slowly introduce more veggies prepare it in a way they might like.

>> No.14849669

Vegetables are not disgusting to me, though. I love them, raw or cooked.

>> No.14849678

no, it doesn't. My kid is autistic. He was dropping weight so badly we had to start feeding therapy and that worked better. he eats a more varied diet now.

>> No.14849679

Serve them with abundant ranch and cheese sauce. Maybe some chutney.

>> No.14849694

If you go back far enough our pre-hominid ape ancestors were frugivores. That's before their brains started to grow.

Hominids grew huge brains eating meat. The human diet from the beginning of man up until agriculture appeared was mostly meat. There was a period after megafauna started to go extinct when man acquired the amylase gene for digesting starch which suggests consumption of tubers, but that was clearly out of desperation from lack of meat availability.

Basically the best human diet is mostly meat. Some starchy veg if you like them. Some honey. Some seasonal fruit.

>> No.14849703

How is that a contrarian view? It's pretty middle of the road. Basically paleo.

>> No.14849724

Outside people with mental illness it does. That goes beyond "picky eater" territory.

>> No.14849742

>let tard kid starve
>have to take them to the hospital
>have to pay for medical bills
>they go to school and tell teachers
Great plan anon.

>> No.14849767

no, why do you say that?

>> No.14849786

>200,000+ tard cases per year in US
>hurr those picky eaters don't count!!
If I ate a PBJ and some chicken nuggets, my parents celebrated and called it a win. Growing up autistic makes sensory experiences excruciatingly uncomfortable and painful. I eat mostly normal as an adult but it took decades of hard work at my own pace to expand my palate.

>> No.14849790

He said that he was autistic as a child. I took that to mean he is autistic and not acting autistic. Neurotypical kids are different, and feeding therapy wouldn't be appropriate for them.

>> No.14849797
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>> No.14849813

Mix a lot of vegs and cooked lentils in the blender. Put veggies in stews/thin soups/roast them etc..

I didn't like salads until i realized that my family put a shit ton of lemon/vinegar/salt on them. Now i eat a lot of raw vegs. Don't fedd your child with procesed sweets.

if nothing of what i put before works, just spank the lil shit on the ass.

>> No.14849882

I didn't say they don't count i say they are mentally ill as are you.
They are not picky eaters they have a disease.

>> No.14849909

That's she needs to be hugged is what always gets me.
Imagine actually shitting yourself this much over a small cabbage

>> No.14849918

This to be honest, desu

>> No.14849961

as others have said, dont give them the option of eating anything else. dont regularly give them fast food or junk food and theyll basically be forced to eat it or starve. also be a decent cook, maybe saute instead of boil, use appropriate spices, incorporate vegetables into dishes like casseroles etc.

that being said I didn't really start liking vegetables equivalent to other foods until i was an adult. think it just has to do with development or taste buds or something. my mom was shit at cooking tho.

>> No.14849997

I always loved vegetables and shit but this wouldn't work on me as a kid. I once went a full four days without eating until the teacher called my parents and threatened to call CPS because it was clear I'd lost like 10 lbs over the weekend and she asked why.

Also, fuck the "clean your plate or don't leave the table" shit. My aunt and uncle who were tremendous fatasses tried to pull this on me when they babysat for a week and so we sat there for a for two-three hours after dinner the first few nights seeing who would break. They finally did each time. I wasn't gonna force-stuff myself.

>> No.14850010


Lol it is abuse. Regardless, you'll reap what you sow with how you raise your kids and that's punishment enough.

>> No.14850151

Why do boomers think vegetables are healthy? what vitamins do they have that the body can even absorb?

>> No.14850346

>Like brocolli tastes great no matter what
The reason broccoli is memed so much in childrens tv is because most schools served it (over)boiled and unseasoned, which tastes like shit.
They could at least throw some salt and pepper on it.

>> No.14850358

This is a stupid idea. Serving a kid horrible food for the first dozen years of their life won't make them enjoy vegetables, it will just make them hate you.

>> No.14850369

>discipline is abuse
Demoralization has worked on you.

>> No.14850376

>if they refuse to eat something when it's "fresh" surely they'll eat it when it's all cold and old!
Yeah that didnt work on me lol

>> No.14850411

I'm pro-spanking but it's not "discipline" to force someone to eat nasty tasting food. You wouldn't like it if someone whipped you for refusing to eat nasty food as an adult so why is it any better on a kid who can't defend themselves?

>> No.14850423

My oldest would eat broccoli no problem, until one day she refused and we had been left dumb struck. We kindly asked her, why she didn't like it, and she could not articulate a point. Fine, she is young. So we ask her if anyone she knows doesn't like broccoli, and she said Caillou. That disgusting bald little Canadian faggot. He had been let into our home and he pushed his little bullshit ways. We stopped letting her watch anything on television, especially PBS, and the problems melted away.

After that we heavily screened every damn thing she watched, nothing was considered safe just because it was on PBS or Sprout.

>> No.14850425

You're pro molestation but draw the line at making someone eat vegetables?

>> No.14850448

I still remember making turnip soup at primary school and loving it, even though it was no doubt shitty soup by adult standards.
A1 advice.

>> No.14850473

A child is not an adult. Simple as. Obviously you never raised children if you don't recognize that.

>> No.14850482

This is the answer. I've always eaten vegetables. Never been big on fruit though.

>> No.14850490

A belt

>> No.14850693

Why would you discipline your child for not eating vegetables? That's sick.

>> No.14850715

I just made up names for stuff like spinach was fairy lettuce harvest from a magical realm. Brussel Sprouts were ent brains. Best way is find what they like and expand on that. Also avoid having them watch and consume material that has characters react negatively to vegetables

>> No.14850741

Roast them, give them a colorful selection. If they don't like eating them, then don't force them to or reward them with things they prefer eating or they'll associate vegetables with suffering. Start with sweeter stuff like roasted red bell peppers or carrots, or things with fun textures like celery. Also, remember that children are wired to dislike bitter things so if they put up too much of a fuss just let them and keep the rest of their diet healthy.

>> No.14850747

I feel like that does more harm then help. Like inventimg another santa every fucking dish

>> No.14850756

Get your kid involved in gardening and teach them where vegetables come from. A big squash or a bunch of carrots coming from tiny seeds may as well be magic to a child and they love learning and taking part. Get a windowsill herb garden or grow some cherry tomatoes if you don't have a yard.

>> No.14850757

This, my parents always just gave me vegetables with no preamble and I ate them because they were in front of me.

>> No.14850765

That's qt, you're a good dad/mom anon.

>> No.14850769

hit your kid
give him a puppy
find the puppy dead
kid was hitting the puppy
"why did you do that?"
"i was just playing"

>> No.14850784

Cook with a lot of different food. Always make them try something new. Let them help you cook and teach them about food. My kid eats everything included stuff I didnt like when I was his age like olives and mustard.

>> No.14850788

>After that we heavily screened every damn thing she watched,
lol i hope you encourage all of your friends who are parents and every new parent you talk to to do this
my homeboard used to be /co/ until i started realizing how many employees in the industry are pedophiles intentionally trying to traumatize and groom their underage viewers

>> No.14850794

Sure thing chud

>> No.14850813

Weren't there like dozens if not hundreds of Youtube 'kids' creators doing the same thing? Making videos with child-friendly thumbnails to lure kids in then either terrifying them or exposing them to weird, inappropriate shit?

What kind of sad faggot do you have to be to get your rocks off from traumatizing children?

>> No.14850814

it's only for when they're very little, once they're older and more used to it they learn what it really is. Not everyone is a retard like you and can't separate reality from fiction.

thanks it works

it helps if they have older siblings who like stuff because they'll usually try and mimic their siblings. Also make every vegetable seem like a big deal and special. They're dumb and if they think it's special or unique they're more likely to try it. You also need to restrict certain foods initially like if you let them eat too much fast food ALL they'll want is fast food. Kids are great but at the same time they're shitty little retards. Best method I've found is treat them like your friend who is blotto and uncooperative, all those little tricks to cajole them works on them too

>> No.14850844

Yeah they aren't animals either. If you want to treat them like misbehaving dogs for not wanting to eat unseasoned crap from a can you're probably a shitskin.

>> No.14851079

sick people

>> No.14851233

Make them think you're completely heartbroken about them not eating your delicious food.

>> No.14851275
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Am I supposed to believe a fat person is that disgusted by a certain type of food?

>> No.14851289

>cilantro tasting like soap
It tastes downright rotten to me. Like rat poison got into my burrito.

>> No.14851434

who the fuck would want to drink Shrek's """juice"""? what is wrong with you?

>> No.14851462

Why is it that americans simply don't know how to raise kids properly
Every parent should know how to beat up their kids right, most of them either go too far or don't go far enough to let the little fucks know their place

>> No.14851467

Anon has the pallette of a 14yo kid that watched a single peterson video

>> No.14851469


>> No.14851480

There was this one viral video of parents making a knock sound behind their kids, then acting as if the baby got hit, the baby would cry out in pain, despite them never being hurt
interesting shit

>> No.14851483

>t. person that has never fasted in his life

>> No.14851499


>> No.14851518

This is when your ass gets homeschooled.

>> No.14851521

bake them

>> No.14851527

My parents did this with my brother and he won't eat seafood to this day because of it
He's nearly 20

>> No.14851529

spanking a child isn't considered "just playing" to them you non sequitur spouting mongoloid

>> No.14851532

lol third world looser jeans too me it are tasting of god nectar

>> No.14851536


>> No.14851544

those 600 pounds of pure lard sure are scripted.

>> No.14851546

meant for

>> No.14851899

This is purely ancedotal, but in my experience people who did not get hit are, on average, better than people who did not get hit as kids

>> No.14851900
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>> No.14851913

Just make them taste good. Why did they serve that fat bitch a single boiled brussel sprout?

Literally all it takes is salt, pepper, olive oil then roast until tender.

>> No.14851962

make them eat fucking vegetables.

>> No.14851965


butter or olive oil + salt & pepper

my mom always used to put a tablespoon of butter and on my greens, and we had salt and pepper at the table. downside is if I steam vegetables, I almost always eat them with butter, but it's better than not having vegetables at all.

>> No.14851971

You shouldnt lay a hand on your child let alone shout at them.
There are better ways to punish.
Or, hows about, parent them right so they dont act out to begin with.
My son has rarely ever acted out in his 14 years and i havent had to punish him. Never shouted or hit.
Your parents were shit moron apes and youre probably black.

>> No.14851975

You were going so well until the hurr durr nigger thing.

>> No.14851980

( i only threw that in to make him seethe. people like him on this board tend to get really mad at the accusation of being black because theyre all dumb pollacks. im not actually racist and neither is my son, because i actually rasied him :^) .)

>> No.14851985

this desu
the west is weak
spolit, entitled brats and tofu strawberry children, unable to handle any stress or hardship
crying about corporal punishment is soy tier.

>> No.14851996
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>im not actually racist and neither is my son

hell yea!!

>> No.14852056

see what i mean: >>14851975

>> No.14852153


>> No.14852200
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>> No.14852221

Serve them raw. Veggies taste like shit when they are cooked. The taste is overpowering, they are mushy. Veggies were meant to be cool and crisp. My kids love them because we don't cook them.

There are obvious exceptions like corn, potatoes, etc.

>> No.14852255

he's fucking right and you know it
niggers are known to beat the shit out of their kids
it's not about their "race", but their culture.
Asian people beat their kids too
since when are we not allowed to call out cultures on their bullshit

>> No.14852257

>whey in the shot
>display of utter violence that makes the camera shake

>> No.14852783

I agree with this sentiment.
Just have them eat vegetables regularly from an early age so they get used to it.
That being said, if they really don't like something, try something else instead of forcing them to eat it. As mentioned. Their taste buds are still developing and some vegetables (like brussel sprouts) they simply will not like. So start out with bland yet nutritious stuff like carrots, tomato and the likes.

>> No.14852795

>not beating your kids with a closed fist
You people are the reason Tik Tok thots are a thing.

>> No.14852843

Give them ranch and french onion dip to dip fresh veggies in. Cover veggies with BBQ sauce too.

>> No.14852870

Put the veggies on a pizza or burger and overload it. Also give them salads with lots of dressing.

>> No.14852882

>you don't have children do you.
you dont have discipline or willpower do you?

>> No.14852893

>Aren't humans frugivores
t. masters in anthropology

>> No.14852913

I think you mean Homo, not hominids.

>> No.14852945

white people not beating their kids is what led to their weakness and soynuggetry right now.

>> No.14853087

give them the illusion of choice you either get this vegetable or that vegetable

>> No.14853098

Don't force them to eat them for one.

For second, give them them in a form they might like, lots of butter and onions, cheese on the brocolli or cauliflower, cut them into shapes they like, and let them try a variety of them.

Never, EVER treat vegetables like a "Chore" food they have to eat but make sure they see you enjoying the fuck out of them.

>> No.14853121

If you are so strong then why do you claim to be oppressed? If whites were so weak you can't logically be oppressed by them.

>> No.14853164

It literally comes down to how much of a nigger the parents are because the child gets those genes. A non-nigger can conceptualize the future. Non-niggers have enough frontal lobes to overpower their inappropriate base behaviours. With the right incentives, non-nigger children can behave themselves. Niggers cannot. For niggers, beatings are necessary because they are immediate and easily understood.

>> No.14853171

That doesn't make sense, nigger.

>> No.14853185

I never used to eat steak/ red meat as a kid
>first time I got it
>blue/ rare
>eww didnt like the blood, the texture made me gag
>next time I get it, tell them I dont want all the blood this time
>well done, really tough and chewy, took me like 10 minutes to chew a mouthful of it
>tell them I no longer like it
>get to a teenager
>decide to order steak at a steak house,
>its amazing
>still refuse to eat any red meats cooked by family, and wont cook a steak myself as I prefer restaurant ones.
vegetables were easy for me.

>> No.14853191

most people start off as stupid kids, you've managed to stay that way until adulthood congrats

>> No.14853218

why because I don't eat shit food cooked by retards?
if they could cook it right id eat it, but until that day they can fuck off and ill cook my own or make something different

>> No.14853266

If you like vegetables, then by all means eat them. However, carbohydrates in all forms are 100% not necessary for a human diet. If you want your kids to be smarter, faster, and stronger then their autistic sugar addicted peers, feed them steak, liver, and eggs.

>> No.14853270

come on now
put sugar on it
gradually remove sugar

>> No.14853273

I don't like it regardless of how it's prepared

>> No.14853278

No, jewish media did that

>> No.14853294

How did his AIDS get cancer?

>> No.14853369

Get temp probe and a cast iron or stainless pan and talk to your butcher.
Ask the butcher to get a scotch fillet and new York strip and one more steak that looks good and get it cut 5-6cm thick.
Now cook the thing on high the whole way or high for a few minutes each side and turn to low then add butter and base it.
Once it hits 46-49c take it off it's gonna rise in temp after the 10 minute rest.
Shits so easy and let's me eat half kg steaks for $15-20 all the time.
Shits the easiest to learn.

>> No.14853376

I tell my kids to eat them. They eat them.

>> No.14853383

Found the giant FAGGOT, haha.

>> No.14853508
File: 219 KB, 1024x772, brainsize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes you're absolutely right. I was referring to groups like homo habilis and homo erectus. Thank you for the correction.

Our pre-human ancestors started eating meat 2 million years ago which coincided with a sharp increase in brain size. I think humans need that level of nutrition to maintain brain health. People who don't eat animal products beome mentally deranged and emotionally unbalanced.

Vegetables don't provide anywhere near that level of nutrition. Herbivores are dumb for a reason. The obsession with forcing children to eat vegetables is a huge meme.

>> No.14853530

there are plenty of adults that were not hit enough as kids
frankly, we should go back to public humiliation, whipping and stocks

>> No.14853699

ill try this. but everytime I make a steak Its good but never compares to a proper steak from a 5 star restaurant. thanks for the advice though, ill definitely give this method a shot

>> No.14854491

Don't give they anything else to eat. Eventually the hunger pains will convince them.

>> No.14854528

Cooking it

>> No.14854854

Yes. Just stop thinking fat thoughts.

>> No.14855144

rubber dildos

>> No.14855280

They appreciate being treated like adults and strive to be acknowledged as equals if you give them the opportunity to earn that right. The ones who don't have brain defects and were never going to come out any good. So your children are shit because of bad parenting or bad genetics. Either way, you should never have bred.

>> No.14856885

Make them not taste like shit
Just because you're so worn out after work that you'd eat steamed cauliflower doesnt mean they'll like it

Veggie lasagna is tastier than with meat

>> No.14856906

>What's your best trick to make children eat vegetables?
Breading it and deep frying it, and having a dipping sauce is what most kids will try. I think that butternut and acorn squash are pretty much undetectable when you cook them in the pasta water when boiling pasta for baked mac n cheese.

>> No.14856925
File: 236 KB, 600x600, 4ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you identified your stress eating too late and are paying the price in terms of health and weight

>> No.14857376

Beat them mercilessly

>> No.14858104

If those were steamed brussel sprouts I'd honestly make that same reaction.
Raw is the only way for me for brussel sprouts

>> No.14858265

As a kid I always liked *some* vegetables. Just ask which they like. Or hide them in other foods. If you didnt tell them there was broccoli in the meatloaf or casserole?

>> No.14858320

Don't give them a choice. Eat what's put in front of them or fucking starve

>> No.14859340
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Home made vegetable soup with chicken. Worked on my gran mother, mother and me.

>> No.14859550

Old method best

Fag. My father used a 2x2 to beat my ass and I'm grateful for it. I'm a properly raised man with no dislike to any food. Not using force when necessary creates little weak faggots like you.

>> No.14859597

>Don't overcook the vegetables. Nobody likes mush
My teeth don't touch, and I can only eat veggies if they're no longer crunchy. And I fucking love broccoli and brussels sprouts. kys, vegan liar

>> No.14859720

>vegetables taste good
What is this meme, are you all trolling? They are all bland and tasteless, only difference is texture. If you want them to taste good, use salt, butter, olive oil, sugar, ranch, cheese, sauces, anything. Kids are just honest, vegetables taste like shit. I don't eat any vegetables without salt and butter on them, they're unappetizing without them.

>> No.14859752

>I don't eat any vegetables without salt and butter on them, they're unappetizing without them.
>Implying you eat steaks without salt and butter

>> No.14859763

Like I said, try any of this on me and see what happens.

>> No.14860173

Like a child would do anything to an adult. Also you have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.14860444

t. fast food addicted tastelet

>> No.14860449

Better pack a lunch running your mouth like that

>> No.14860451

Cook them properly. My kids have never not liked vegetables. I always thought that trope was stupid. I guess people just really don't know how to cook. Hell, my toddler puts down just a plate of brocolli because I'm not an inept, lazy pos.

>> No.14860454

>try any of this on me and see what happens.
cringe and underaged

>> No.14860536

Jesus, you had a fucked up child hood, were you diddled?

>> No.14860587

Tbh, overcooked broc is vile

>> No.14860612

Cooking and seasoning them correctly.

>> No.14860652

Grill or bake veggies

>> No.14860681

Break em, bake em, Steak em, and take em.

>> No.14860778

Marinate them in oil (preferably one healthier for cooking like grapeseed oil or sesame seed oil) and season them with sea salt and other good seasonings like cayenne pepper. It's pretty much identical to what fast food does.

>> No.14860801

You wish, pedo.

>> No.14860838

So cute. How bad have you been beaten as a child? I admire the attitude but please simmer down, nobody will hurt you anymore mate. Or at least shouldn't.

>> No.14860845

5'11 190lbs

>> No.14860851

Nice. Do you fuck your children too?

>> No.14860861

>child abuse
>he thinks a quick smack on the bottom for being a spoiled brat is abuse
Spankings are reserved for the older children, when they actually should understand the idea of consequences and right/wrong.
You had some shit parents if you got whipped for just having a crying tantrum at ages 1-4.

>> No.14860886

I was sort of like this as a child but two things
One, I actually liked broccoli, maybe cooked carrots, and peas were okay if mixed with mashed potatoes. You sound like the weirdos who only eat certain meals because of your conditioning.
Two, as I got older I allowed myself to stop being a stubborn fuck and try new things. I tolerate peas because I need greens. I grew to tolerate spinach even if I find it kind of fucked some days.
Grow the fuck up faggot with your "poison is poison" bullshit. Other people aren't dying because you find spinach "yucky".

>> No.14860896

This. Giving a child a spank ain't no child abuse lol. Coming from a guy who got beaten on any occasion i stepped outside of rules. Simple as. I'm 40yr old now and thank my dad for the beatings I got.

>> No.14860905

>not aborting your failed genetics
Why do parents of tard children act so high and mighty about parenting. You're not better than anyone because you decide to take care of something less functioning and useless than a standard pet.
At least a dog or cat loves you back, a tard child freaks out over the idea of being touched. Fuck you.

>> No.14860921

Based femme poster
What were some vegetables you threw into your soup pot? I can never think of good enough veggies that won't taste bad or disintegrate fully.

>> No.14860974

he wasn't autistic in the womb. No one was being high and mighty. Autistic kids are all different. Many of them enjoy being hugged and are highly functioning in other aspects of life.

>> No.14861193

Blending all the veggies into a sauce was my mums way of doing it, didn't for me becasue I would eat anything, including ants on the window ledge.
>child abuse on an adult
You're either ujderage or mentally 9 in a "mans" body. You don't even know what you chatting about.

>> No.14861253

put them on a plate, no trick

>> No.14861265

No because I’m not a nigger

>> No.14861312

Just wanted to say i ate almost everything except bananas when i was a kid, and i really enjoyed trying new shit whenever i could, meanwhile my brother would refuse almost everything but white bread, dumplings, meat and biscuit.

I am still at a loss regarding what caused this. How is it possible that two children with similar parenting and initial diets could drift so far apart so quickly?

>> No.14861317


>> No.14861648

I'm the only one of my siblings that liked brussel sprouts as a child.
Sometimes people just have different taste buds.

>> No.14862893

I usually slice them up and pan-fry them with butter, garlic, salt, pepper, and something acidic like a balsamic vinaigrette/vinegar. If I have any bacon or ham I'll toss it in too. Shit's fire, yo.
Boiling them is nasty, and most people just dump them into a pot without cutting the base/stem off.

>> No.14863787


>> No.14863799

*Eat all your food, every single day, son. And you get a new xbox under the christmastree."
(he doesn't know I got a brand new 360 in the cellar)

>> No.14865267

Sounds like you didn't get beaten enough lol

>> No.14865534

>the teacher called my parents and threatened to call CPS

this is why state education is bad, teachers are fucking narcs