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14843256 No.14843256[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>in europe
>waiters give me a funny look when I order water
>waiters serve me with no ice when I order soda
>2 dl, no refills

>> No.14843283

>drinking soda ever
Fat fuck or skinny DYEL detected

>> No.14843392


>> No.14843440

What do you mean, ordering water? What sort of restaurant doesn't provide clean chilled water for the table as soon as you're seated?

>> No.14843447

Many. Have you never seen it?

>> No.14843458

They demand you order their overpriced bottled crap. If you order tap water be ready for bad service the entire night

>> No.14843564

Wouldn't you be disappointed to find out that things are exactly the same everywhere you go?
Delete this thread and make a better one

>> No.14843590

t. eats chicken breast and white rice nightly

>> No.14845401

>What do you mean, ordering water? What sort of restaurant doesn't provide clean chilled water for the table as soon as you're seated?
This is the norm in most of Europe.

>> No.14845407 [DELETED] 

Nah chud

>> No.14845419

What do you want after they've delivered the food? A massage? It's impossible to get bad service.

>> No.14845605

>waiter takes forever to seat you
>after you're seated they take forever to even offer you water
>take forever to ask for your order
>take forever to give you your order
>take forever to check on you after you're done eating
>take forever to give you your receipt/take your payment
It doesn't happen often in my experience, but it does happen.

>> No.14845613

Places where that happens close down pretty quickly unless they fire and rehire.

>> No.14845636

Coke is real fucking good in France

>> No.14845648 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.14845689

>be US army inna germany
>go to local kaserne kitchen in based bavaria, explain what iced tea is in america, ask if they would be willing to make it for me
>they do, thank them
>every time I went there afterwards they made "tea amerikaner" and say ALLO OOSA (idk why but they pronounced USA like that, but it was very endearing)
>go to spain
>they already make iced tea apparently
>go to austria
>they politely say no
>go to france
>people not very friendly, don't risk froggie wrath and don't even ask
if you go to germany I always asked for "mineralwasse stilles", but they won't typically serve stuff with ice in my experience because they don't just have large icemakers in the back like most american restaurants. Get a radler instead.

>> No.14845776

>don't risk froggie wrath
I keked even if being afraid of euros is kinda cringe.

>> No.14845821

It's because it's not corn syrup in it

>> No.14846267

*Brown rice

>> No.14846275

>and say ALLO OOSA
Lol, English is my first language and I always pronounce USA as OOSA.

>> No.14846291

Do you have downs syndrome?

>> No.14846354

Live in america, get free tap water but you are forced to tip half the price of your order.
Live in Europe, pay for your premium bottled water, eat and leave without giving tips.

>> No.14846368


>> No.14846397 [DELETED] 

Ok chud

>> No.14847725

There's many restaurants where you get free water if you order it and they don't mind but they also don't put it on the table from the beginning.
It's mostly just restaurants with good wine collections and where most people order wine that they put water on the table

>> No.14847778

I got chewed out by an old lady because I was distributing brochures once, frog wrath is real.

>> No.14847796

Also, the tap water probably gives you cancer

>> No.14847976

Restaurants will generally have their own in building filters on top of what the city already provides.

>> No.14848006

You're so used to free refills, that if you get charged for two colas you're like wtf I can't even drink unlimited soda while only paying for just one???
How much do you weight? 200 pounds, but don't consider yourself THAT fat in comparison. Why aren't grocery stores provide a free wheelchair in Europe cuz my knees hurt
after walking from my car to the door.

>> No.14848016
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Oops forgot image

>> No.14848317

>in europe
Any post that starts with this something happening in "Europe" is fabricated. You would specify the country you visited, because Europe isn't a big, singular nation with a single culture

>> No.14848516

I mean tbf what he said could apply to a fuck ton of European countries, at least the ones I've visited.

Ice in drinks is not common, nor is tap water served with meals unless asked for. It also seems like people are particularly stingy with their water, and a lot of people I know that live in Italy, France, Turkey, and the UK seem to drink a lot of bottled water.

Even in Amsterdam, where they have some of the best drinking water in the world, it's not the same as in the states. At almost any non-high dining restaurant it is standard to have a large glass of ice water with a meal.

Same goes for refrigeration, I feel like in the states we keep items refrigerated at a much cooler temperature. Beer and soda in Europe almost seems warm to me, which is odd if that's not what you're used too. Just saying this seems pretty accurate desu.

>> No.14848522

In europe they only drink sparkling water. You have to request normal water.

Here on the east coast they don't drink water either. They sell gallons of corn syrup sweet tea at convience stores but water is only sold in volumes up to 1 liter. The people here seem to only drink soft drinks and alcohol.

>> No.14848527

Where do you go where they don't give you ice when you order a fizzy drink? Every time on the continent where I've asked for something like that it's come with a glass and ice or chilled enough that you don't need ice.

>> No.14848528

Oh fuck off.

>> No.14848531

Based esl manlet

>> No.14848532

I always order tap water and the amount of times I've had bad service I can count on my left hand. Perhaps you just have bad taste in restaurants.

>> No.14848533

Headed to the sporting goods section I see

>> No.14848537

But they sell iced tea all over the place on the Continent. It's a regular staple in shops and supermarkets.

>> No.14848544

Not to get into a pissing match, but most of the tap water across European countries is perfectly safe to drink. It's only when you get into the Med regions that it starts to be dicey. The recommendation that you drink mineral water is because you can have an upset stomach due to acclimitisation at times and that can ruin your time limited holiday, not that it'll kill you (unlike say, India).

>> No.14848561

It's only dicey in shitty old cities like new york that you would have lead in the pipes. You're best bet is to bring a life straw if you're going to the third world cities on the i95.

>> No.14848563

They give you a funny look not because of your order, they give it to you because you are paranoid.

>> No.14848651

It basically is fuckface. Thanks to the Socialist Union of European nations if you're in Europe you're just in Europe. Go wherever you want. Only an american who feigns pride in European ancestry he would never understand would be so oblivious to the dismal modern day realities of the NATION of Europe.

>> No.14848662

Sadly this. Who would have thought we'd live to see the day England rises up with a rebel yell.

>> No.14848666

yanks are the worst tourists in the world

>> No.14848668
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>> No.14848669

Why would they care? I could maybe see this happening at some restaurants in the U.S. If you order water they might think you're cheap and won't tip well, so they won't even make an attempt at providing decent service. But I'm told that people don't tip in Europe, so why would ordering water affect how waiters treat you?

>> No.14848693

In the Western US they give you water and a drink. Water is standard. But on the shit coast they don't provide water unless you ask for it. They also don't refill the water with any urgency. I would imagine if you order still water in a place with excellent mineral water like Germany they would give worse service because you're a fucking pleb. But then the Germans would never do that. Way more likely a frog, waffle, or pasta problem.

>> No.14848729

>In europe they only drink sparkling water. You have to request normal water.
They only drink sparkling water in gastro-deserts like germany and the netherlands.. i literally don't know any european country with a better than shit-tier food culture that also drinks carbonated water

>> No.14848731

Fuck you Gerolsteiner is amazing

>> No.14848738

>I would imagine.

You would imagine because no one fucking minds. Why would restaurants keep jugs ready, full of tap water, if they didn't want people to not order them? Chances are if you're asking for a jug of tap water you're also buying soft drinks or booze with the meal too.

>> No.14848747

Wait you're telling me that they still have to go to the aqueduct fountains and fill jugs up every day in yurope? Like they don't have faucets there?

>> No.14848797

Too obvious, anon.

>> No.14848835

That's my problem with jokes in general anon. The premise that an American would know about the aqueducts already tells you he wouldn't be ignorant enough to think that. A joke I would come up with is the statement, I prefer semiotics to semantics because I can't read. Or I support marine mammal conservation because I want to know what dolphins taste like.

>> No.14849015

>Go to have breakfast at a cafe in America
>Order an omelette and pancakes
>Omelette must have at least 6 eggs
>8 huge pancakes covered in syrup and a huge chunk of butter
I was amazed by the sheer size of everything, no wonder you guys are fat but the food was great.

>> No.14850466

Fuck off you shitters. I live here. No i don't like EU and nobody with a working brain does.
t. finland

>> No.14850549

>In Europe
Every fucking country has it's own rules here faggot.

>> No.14850552

It's hard to distinguish between one communist country and another anon

>> No.14850554

fugg :DDD

>> No.14850556

Ah yes Spain is completely the same country as Poland for example.
Fucking retards.

>> No.14850578
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Trips confirm

>> No.14850588

It's just like Arizona vs Minnesota. We get it. You guys are cute.

>> No.14850597

>t. peoples republic of dumbfuckistan citizen who's doctors will lie to make the president's health seem better than it actually is

>> No.14850601

Wow you guys heard about that? I didn't know fake news spread so quickly.

>> No.14850610

No it's like Mexico and Canada you mongoloid.
And this goes for nearly every country here except for some ethnic groupings like Austria and Germany or Czechia and Slovakia, those would be close to interstate differences.

>> No.14850617

Mexico and Canada use different currency and governments anon. Poland and Spain have the same currency and overlords.

>> No.14850648

Completely irrelevant to how people act in restaurants though, aside from not forcing tips on their customers.

>> No.14850656

Everything from the mouth of your dictator is fake news. Might as well listen to the north korean account of events.

>> No.14850662

People act differently in Arizona as opposed to Minnesota though anon. In Arizona they carry their gun and their water jugs into the restaurant then demand more free water to top off their sip straws on their still suits. In Minnesota they bring their own buttermilk ranch dressing to plunge their cheese curds into and they have to make the restaurants big enough for their mobility scooters.

>> No.14850663

>order a coke light
>comes in a can
>no lemon slice
Fuck EU, at least it was fridgerated unlike in the UK, have to order a beer to not have a warm beverage.

>> No.14850681

Doesn't matter bro, my mutual funds have gone up 8 grand this year. Voting for him again this year as opposed to the communist faggot. Guns, God and weed are all I need amigo. Fuck politicians, fuck pussies, fuck communists, fuck public transportation, fuck the law, fuck all a yallz.

>> No.14850695

Why do retards always talk like this?

>> No.14850704

Because we aren't fucking gay hombre

>> No.14850738

Seriously why the fuck would the server care

>> No.14850950

You sure?
You sound soylent-filled

>> No.14850968

Rent free

>> No.14850984

Bro I eat nothing but lard cooked meat and potatoes. I would never eat a vegetable shake like that.

>> No.14850993

I support your genetic lineage living on but only in the matrilineal line.

>> No.14851001

false flag

>> No.14851008

Nobody would serve pancakes with the syrup already on. Nice try, though.

>> No.14851012

You are dismissed by the teacher, not the bell.

>> No.14851027

hey alright

>> No.14851036

apostrophes are used to signify possession, anon.

>> No.14851049

They're also used for conjunctions bro.

>> No.14851099

>Waiter seats you, immediately asks what you'd like to drink
>Immediately comes back with your drinks and asks if you know what you want to eat
>Checks back every minute until you order
>Gives you minute by minute updates on your order still being prepared in the kitchen
>Food runner who doesn't know who ordered what drops off your food
>Waiter immediately comes by and asks how everything is before you have a chance to take a bite
>Drops off the check before you're even have way done eating. No rush
>Fucks off for the next 30 minutes, nowhere to be seen as you're sitting at a table cluttered with your dirty dishes and empty cups that haven't been refilled since before your food arrived, waiting to pay the bill.
>Finally comes back to take your payment
There's a fine line between the waiter checking in on you too much, and not enough, and not many can walk that line.

>> No.14851118

multiple uses doesn't negate an individual use. it sounds like you need the grammatical lesson more than the other anon does.