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14837040 No.14837040 [Reply] [Original]

Name a better side than mashed potatoes and gravy

>> No.14837049

Whatever the fuck chinese places put in their green beans

>> No.14837095

Obviously a cooklet.

>> No.14837098

garlic and msg

>> No.14838348

broccoli and cheese

>> No.14838395
File: 92 KB, 600x467, sprouts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mashed potatoes and gravy are god tier of course.
But nothing can beat perfectly seasoned, maximum crispy roasted brussel sprouts. They're fucking

>> No.14838400

Based and yah pilled.

and they are so easy to make too. Just stuff in oven with olive oil and whatever you want to put on it.

>> No.14838424

This sounds based even though I haven't been here that long. It depends on the dish you're eating.

>> No.14838435

I did this the other day, immediately converted. Jesus that was delicious.

I did mine with garlic and finished them with some balsamic vinegar.

>> No.14838437

Is it true that americans never eat mashed potatoes without gravy?

>> No.14838446

Mashed potatoes without gravy.

>> No.14838449

Ranch will do in a pinch

>> No.14838450

loaded mashed potatoes with cheddar,crumbled bacon, sour cream, chives, and salt&pepper
Beats gravy every time

>> No.14838457

Too much going/10

>> No.14838473

your moms smelly poon

>> No.14838499

nonsense, the sour cream makes the tators creamy and gives it a bit of tang and make the tators a great medium to transport the cheddar/bacon flavor

>> No.14838507

store bought ranch dressing is beyond trash and should be outlawed, Ranch powder on the other hand really makes mashed tators GOAT

>> No.14838509

You've passed through the pleb filter. You are officially based.

>> No.14838513
File: 1.82 MB, 2052x1539, Macaroni-and-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14838551
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Don't think that's possible just switch gravy for cream sauce

>> No.14838563
File: 276 KB, 1500x1125, 20170630-austrian-potato-salad-erdapfelsalat-17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

potato salad

>> No.14838592

I really dont know why parents boiled our vegitables instead of baked them. I would get boiled broccoli like every other night and it was icky. Now I just back it and eat it up because it tasted good.

>> No.14838644

that potato salad looks like....idk bad?

>> No.14838735

>red wine sauce for steak
>ketchup for sausage or meatballs
>hollandaise for fish
>bearnaise for steak
>maybe mustard for some things

>> No.14838831

steaks don't need sauce

>> No.14839017

It can be nice though. Those sauces would also be appropriate for pork or chicken if you really don't want sauce for steak.

>> No.14839069
File: 10 KB, 259x195, green_beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Green beans seem to go well with just about everything so I suggest them.

>> No.14839076

fried plantains

>> No.14839078

if its a nice steak i just use salt&pepper, now if its a flavorless cheap cut yea a sauce is nice

>> No.14839079

How the FUCK do you make these little shits? I've had them enough times to know they're delicious, but every time I make them myself they end up tasting like shit. Too bitter and gross. I read that cutting them in half before you cook them helps deal with it, but it didn't help.

>> No.14839086

My man

>> No.14839093

I've had to improvise on those, the cooking part is easy but I've done weird shit to mash them before I got a potato masher, the bottom of a coke bottle has worked. Sometimes I just shut up and get it done.

>> No.14839099

The bottom of a coke bottle has a shape that works out well for mashing.

>> No.14839103

mash and twist, good times

>> No.14839104

Did you grill them before?

>> No.14839111
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baste and mac pilled

>> No.14839147

An ex girlfriend used to call me a masher, that was funny, I'd have to spank her for that.

>> No.14839160

peas, give peas a chance

>> No.14839171

Absolutely delicious

mashed potatoes and gravy are delicious too.

>> No.14839183

i know, i just don't get it
my parents steamed them for a while and since i've been back from college i've been encouraging them to sautee and roast all veggies with proper seasoning, and everyone is so much happier with them.

>> No.14839846

no, snap peas are good however

>> No.14839954

Jamaican rice and peas

>> No.14839973

cut the sprouts in half, toss them in whatever oil, salt, pepper, put them in a 350 oven, maybe check em and turn em a few times until that shit on the outside gets brown and crispy

>> No.14839983

It's Austrian potato salad so it's made differently, uses broth in the dressing. It's probably good though. I tried German potato salad which sounded odd to me but ended up tasting really good.

>> No.14841054

yea German tator salad is good but there two kinds, w/mayo, wo/mayo. I think the without mayo uses bacon grease and vinegar and with mayo just sounds the same as American potato salad.

>> No.14841703

I actually really like mac and cheese now as a britbong. My parents bought a "disney cookbook" when we went there and religiously stuck to the recipie even though it resulted in really dry, burnt mac and cheese. I don't know why, maybe our cheese or something is different

I now have it as a side on sunday roast dinner days. If noone here has tried it, mac and cheese is really good with a proper chicken gravy

>> No.14841721


>> No.14841799

I love stir fried green beans and yellow squash

>> No.14841810
File: 1003 KB, 2268x4032, 20200905_181337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Baked beans and potato salad

>> No.14841865

Hah, reminds me of my childhood, whenever I was served mash and beans I'd mix the two together and eat them. It was surprisingly tasty, but then again it would have been because my mum kept trying to make me fat by adding shitloads of butter to everything

>> No.14841877
File: 32 KB, 400x400, kraft-macaroni-cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>maybe our cheese or something is different
That's a given, not even as a "hurr plastic american cheese"

When American's are talking about mac and cheese they are refering to 1 particular product

It's like someone talking about peanut butter and it being jif or brits talking about baked beans and only referring to heinz.

>> No.14842081

I meant more it said use american cheddar, but that's obviously not going to be on sale here. Honestly I think my mum's just shit at cooking. I've tried making pretty much everything she does and after 2 goes it's better than hers. She's a massive brainlet and narcissist though so she actively punishes anyone who says my food is good.

The one I made is pretty good, but it still doesn't taste like the disney one I remember because I think it was an industrial version of your box. They sell that in the "american" section of my supermarket so I'll try some later

>> No.14842109

>better side
fried mozz sticks
onion rings
onion straws
curly fries
roasted cauliflower
should I go on?

>> No.14842116

Hmm, Can you get the cheese powder separately? I kind of want to make it with a different pasta

>> No.14842133

Sounds like your parents were just retards. Growing up I never had boiled veggies, my mom was a career chef and would never let us eat shit food like that.

>> No.14842166

of course a new store opened up just last week called amazon. they sell all kinds of powdered goods, even cheese powder

>> No.14842189

You could, for a time.
Believe the jar of "cheese sauce powder topping" was discontinued to help alleviate the Canadian KD shortage.

There's nothing particularly magical; it isn't hard to make a very similar sauce from scratch, and with some effort you could dial in the spice dosing. It's mostly whey powder, which is surprisingly affordable by the ton.

>> No.14842350

stuffing and gravy
mac and cheese
mashed potatoes

those are the best 3

>> No.14842821
File: 39 KB, 522x522, kraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well in America they sell kraft mac with different kinds of pastas.
I would just make it from scratch, mix 3 tbs butter/flour for a roux then add a cup of milk for bechamel and stir until creamy and add about 8oz of whichever cheese you want, i do cheddar/pepper jack, Gouda works well also. Yoy might need to add more milk to get desired creamyness

>> No.14842877

Bow can I when there is none?

>> No.14843326

More meat

>> No.14843386

Baked Mac and cheese, maybe with hot dog or broccoli or asparagus or another veggie of some sort mixed in

>> No.14843461

YES! I'll take properly seasoned and roasted greens over a crispy starch any day. If you give me brussels tossed in balsamic, salt, roasted and crushed black peppercorns, bacon fat, and red pepper flakes? Oh yeah. Finished with freshly grated parmesan, and I would eat a whole dish of just that. I hope you all have a great day!

>> No.14843476

litterally just put in oven with oil after you cut them in halves.

>> No.14843482

Sounds like your parents were LITERAL CAREER CHEFS,

Somehow I think there is a bit of a disconnect here.

>> No.14843487

>crispy starch
since when are mashed potatoes crispy?

>> No.14843517
File: 188 KB, 483x449, 1585653130540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My parents idea of cooking was meeting the legal minimum requirement so child protective services didn't take us away. Dinner was boiled canned peas, somehow burnt and under cooked white rice and she would boil chicken in a cast iron pan in the OVEN until all the water boil dry then she add more water and do it a second time, usually took about 1:45. hours to cook, we also had salt, pepper and margarine.

>> No.14843539


>> No.14843578
File: 164 KB, 680x1020, pecan-sweet-potato-casserole-12-of-12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet potato casserole

>> No.14843819
File: 1.21 MB, 748x669, tartiflette.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14843822

I can't. Maybe mashed sweet potatoes and gravy.

>> No.14843827

You should kill yourself that shit is disgusting and ruins perfectly good sweet potatoes.

>> No.14843835

I love em too but
>gives you the foulest sulfuric fart and pee smells.

>> No.14843838


>> No.14844049

>pecans ruin a sweet potato
i hope you're referring to the overly sweet brown sugar/marshmallow casserole and to the casserole i posted because nobody could possibly be that much of a tastelet...right?

>> No.14844976

Fries with bacon and cheese

>> No.14845259

my cum

>> No.14845272

A pat on the head and a delicate soulful open mouth kiss from my uncle for finishing my veggies

>> No.14845372

how to ruin a potato

>> No.14845717
File: 604 KB, 600x443, Screenshot_2020-09-30 17 Pictures That Should Be Considered Crimes Against Humanity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god forbid someone tries to make a bland starch taste like something

>> No.14846169


>> No.14847807

bumping mash

>> No.14847870

god damn this is so fucking good

>> No.14847911

thats got to burn in the nostril

>> No.14847918

Gravy is for fucking pigs.
Mashed potatoes are good on their lonesome. Adding gravy is like taking the mona lisa and drawing dicks all over it in acrylic paint.

>> No.14847936

Based, I'm a garlic rice man myself
t. Asian

>> No.14847989

My roomate claimed twice baked potatoes were superior to mashed, and I think he's just wrong.
They're good, but mashed potatoes are just so good.

>> No.14847993

for me it's potato bake

>> No.14849112

The potato flavour is at its peak when baked. Boiling and mashing doesn't add flavor, the butter and salt add flavor - and potentially scallions or chives.

>> No.14849387

Spicing potatoes like a pumpkin pie is a sin