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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14838706 No.14838706 [Reply] [Original]

Does this board still care about Cooking With Jack? I always forget this guy lives in my area until I see him shilling his bullshit on local community groups

I also had to work with his shitty teenage son in retail a few years back, he was fucking miserable

Fuck you Jack

>> No.14838725


Are you in nashville, bro?

>> No.14838747



>> No.14838759

Holy shit, fucking Americans. "Cheesy" isn't a fucking flavor.

>> No.14838772


sure it is; its cheese flavored. seems pretty obvious to me.


do you wanna finish the job? do what nature for some reason will not?

>> No.14838774

Cheese doesn't have a flavor, faggot? Suck my diabetic dick, nigger

>> No.14838785

Well, Ja/ck/ posts are being pretty actively deleted these past month or so, so it's tough to say.

>> No.14838833

>do you wanna finish the job? do what nature for some reason will not?
It's just sad that he won't take any action regarding his incredibly unhealthy lifestyle even after suffering multiple strokes.

>> No.14838919


>> No.14838944


i hate him, and the fact that he simply keeps getting fatter In spite of the string of massive losses hes taken healthwise makes me seethe. Hes got one foot in the grave and hes leaning toward it, all it would take is a little nudge

>> No.14838960

Yeah, it's kind of irritating to see people do this. It's partially why the cost of medical care is so high in this country. You have so many people like this that just soak up the resources and do nothing on their own to improve their health.

>> No.14839011
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suck my COCK, NIGGER

>> No.14839015


hes literally too stupid to not eat himself to death. thats what animals with unlimited access to food do.

>> No.14839476

it's not as easy as you might think. the human body is fucking resilient as hell.
a year ago this week actually I started having angina symptoms at 40 years young. three weeks go by with what felt like heart attacks daily. after three weeks I gave up with the idea and went to the ER and had double bypass on october 25 one 95 and the other 98% blocked
I still eat like shit because I'm too much of a pussy to blow my brains out and smart enough not to take every pill in my possession

>> No.14839490


Im 31 and fucking shredded, m8. idk about any of that; stop being fat you fatass

>> No.14839494
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>I still eat like shit
Please elaborate on what kinds of foods you eat. I have a feeling I'm probably worse than you.

>> No.14839495
File: 17 KB, 698x422, yes jack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14839670

I weigh about 140 at 5'8"
diagnosed with crohns 20 years ago so I don't get much fiber in my diet. high fat and sodium and a ton of sugar.
if anyone didn't realize my IDEA was to keel over and die during one of the angina attacks or die in my sleep. I can't imagine living another 40 years let alone 10
get me out of here

>> No.14839940

went to highschool with the food reviewer (the gushers kid with the song). feels pretty good to have your town represented by a /ck/ legend.

>> No.14839955

I have a feeling it has something to do with his internet success.

>> No.14839970
File: 54 KB, 445x418, pedromustache1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14840022

-Take a round of whatever penicillin variant you tolerate or whatever antibiotic can kill the bacteria that causes most chrons cases, forgot what it’s called mycobacterium something, it happens in cows
-start taking at least 0.5mg cyproheptadine a night before bed
-take 500mg-1g Niacinamide a day and maybe some thiamine
-look into bpc-157-arginine peptide if your chrons ulcers heal too slow
Ta da you don’t have chrons anymore and you have your life back . Don’t take immuno suppressants unless u want to be a slave to the Jews

>> No.14840085

Korea is the America of Asia

>> No.14840096

>I also had to work with his shitty teenage son in retail a few years back, he was fucking miserable
tell us more

>> No.14840119




can you expound on these claims, anon? i have a few people i really like who suffer from crohns.

>> No.14840140

>Ta da
it's not a magic trick and too late about the immunosuppresants i'm on remicade
plus my doc won't prescribe that treatment you said

>> No.14841770

To me that's the weird thing. He's been talking about how he's going to make lose his diabetes ridden ass some weight like a decade ago and how he's going to do that mainly by avoiding carbohydrates, but he's never actually pulled it off, so it's not like he didn't recognize that his weight has been a problem and he didn't have some sort of "solution". What he seemed to lack was commitment.

Though I'd have to admit that the part where he blamed his stroke on a chemical in soda he drank was pretty damn stupid. Especially considering he still got another one later on.