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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 97 KB, 532x299, Moonckae-1s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14835966 No.14835966 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any Canadians here? Is moon cake any good?

>> No.14835971

>Are there any Canadians here?
>Is moon cake any good?
How the fuck should I know?

>> No.14835979

Respect your ancestors.

>> No.14835982

aaaaaw I get it, it's a leafs are chinks thread, very nice OP, I am lmaoing (Laughing My Ass Offing) very hard right now

>> No.14835986

>t. Alexander Wang

>> No.14836000

not canadian and moon cakes are disgusting. they look appealing but are fucking foul

>> No.14836005

How so? Apparently there are many different fillings. Which one did you have?

>> No.14836062
File: 2.96 MB, 640x360, ontario.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14836125

>LMAO, le epic Chinada memes, amirite?
Go back to Redd/int/. Fuck the PRC, fuck the Taiwanese, fuck everyone who comes to ruin this beautiful nation.

>> No.14836389

Take your meds we aren't in an anime

>> No.14836417

I'm not Canadian and I'm unironically buttmad you associate Canada with Chinks because I love Chink shit
congrats OP you got everyone mad

>> No.14836429

day of the repeal can't come soon enough my american friend

>> No.14836431

Hong Konger here, anything that doesn't have the classic lotus filling and egg yolk or is not the ice cream version tastes like weird medicine shit. In general they are ok but extremely unhealthy, you are supposed to eat just half or even 1/4th cause iirc a quarter has like the same amount of calories as a mcdonald's cheeseburger.

>> No.14836445
File: 30 KB, 488x488, Canada_Dry-Cranberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here was a sad one from Canada, sometimes people are really goofy.

>> No.14836451

I understand, HK was probably really cool before the handover.

>> No.14836461

double egg yolk with lard and the melon seeds is still the best

none of those weird durian or truffle mooncakes

>> No.14836507

Don't folk get caned for durians or is that Sinapore?

>> No.14836514

Current title: Guns 591108 ep396 Cavalcade

>> No.14836515
File: 169 KB, 1584x864, Me_on_right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aaaaaw I get it, it's a leafs are chinks thread, very nice OP, I am lmaoing (Laughing My Ass Offing) very hard right now

>> No.14836518

I thought that all Canadians were islamics now as a way to get into the USA.

>> No.14836527
File: 19 KB, 264x381, Miss_Kitty-Dodge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14836538

I'm a leaf and I've never even seen one.

>> No.14836546

no? wtf
you cant bring raw durian onto public transport that's all. Mooncakes are fine since they are wrapped

>> No.14836574

I have one mooncake every December or January and everytime im reminded on just how much they fucking suck. They are all bad regardless of flavor.

>> No.14836710

lived in China 5 years. most mooncakes fucking suck and overly mix salty and sweet. there are tons of varieties and fillings, so you could probably find one you enjoy. but still, not worth it.

>> No.14836749

T&T is pretty based. Much cleaner/better organized/better smelling than any of the Chinatown supermarkets here. More expensive though.

>> No.14836772

Aren't u canadian...?

>> No.14838054

I’m sorry you lost Vancouver to China, maybe after the CCP buys all the land in Canada then is annexed we’ll let you into the USA

>> No.14838084
File: 43 KB, 722x398, weippe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14838094

I don't think traveling all the way to the moon just for cake seems very feasible for most people.

>> No.14838147

my chinky cooking waifu just made a recipe video for those

>> No.14838330

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.14838347

Holy shit I cannot STAND how that bitch talks. Why is there an extra syllable on EVERY SINGLE WORD SHE SAYS??? FUCK.

>> No.14838392

Mooncakes are Chinese. Your OP should be directed at Hongcouver or Markham.
China has some cool items (pork and red bean buns, mapo tofu, shark fin soup, sichuan pork) but most of the cuisine is dogshit as is almost every country's culinary output.

>> No.14838396

I like fake chinese food and well made steamed buns tho.

>> No.14838406

A lot of Asian languages are based around vowels hence why their pronunciation of English usually accentuates vowels to where it accentuates syllables in.
Computer becomes co-m-pu-ta.
Penis becomes pi-ne-su.

>> No.14838414

I like some "fake" Chinese like Hakka fusions and ginger beef, but even there most are done horribly. So many bad experiences with buns with too much dough or undercooked dough to where its like eating flour.
But even with Chinese food being mostly trash, nothing compares to how horrible baijiu tastes.

>> No.14838420

pretty much agree. fusions places tend to do it decently since they try to make stuff taste good without having the venere of doing it a specific way.

>> No.14838464

>Computer becomes co-m-pu-ta.
>Penis becomes pi-ne-su.

That's all he can think of when he makes examples.
Take notes, anons.

>> No.14838491


>> No.14838492

I strongly disagree with your judgement, pretty much all Hunanese, Hong Kong and Sichuan food is gorgeous, and Hubeiese food is great, even if other regions like Beijing and Shanghai are IMO lacking.

>> No.14838497

£15 baijiu tastes good, stop guzzling erguotou or that one with the blue and white cardboard.

>> No.14838521

Hong Kong is literally the United Nations of cuisine. It's basically not even Chinese cuisine and most is overpriced food for rich cunts.
I'm okay with Sichuan and Hunan but a lot is very samey after a while but still not as bland as Cantonese.

>> No.14838527

I've had $50 baijiu and it tastes like rotten strawberry jam drizzled with burning plastic. It's terrible shit. Classic varietal wine made in China and some beer can be okay but most Chinese liquors suck.

>> No.14838547

>Are there any Canadians here
kek I see what you mean

>> No.14838548

Hong Kong cuisine is still Hong Kong cuisine, it being a mishmash of international styles is part of what makes it good. I don't agree that Sichuanese or Hunanese cuisine is any more samey than, like, Provencal cuisine.
I'm not a huge baijiu fan but I'd describe even £15 baijiu as tasting kinda like peach flavoured perfume. I like it, although not enough to buy it for myself.

>> No.14838733

what is the point of making such hyperintense sweets you can't eat in one serving even if they're so small? Are they long-lasting?

>> No.14838854

sup my fellow canto bretheren

>> No.14838868

theyre only supposed to be eaten for the mid-autumm festival and nothing else. Most people dont eat these year-round

>> No.14840613

I'd be offended by this joke, but I'm a white Canadian who tried mooncake after my Chinese roommate offered me some in college, and I can actually answer this:
It's fucking delicious. Sweet, oddly savory, and densely chewy. Highly recommend.

>> No.14842020

You say that, but they do sell these year-round.

>> No.14842089


Firstly, lmao

Secondly, not a leaf but do live in Cambodia which has been reamed by Chinks in recent years, so we get tonnes of mooncakes. My workplace just gave us all a 3-pack for the mid-autumn festival and holy shit

I will eat most things. I could not finish one.

>> No.14842135

>I could not finish one.
anon..you are not supposed to finish one

"1 serving" is like a quarter of a mooncake at the most. And you are supposed to have it with tea. Its a very dense cake.