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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14834299 No.14834299 [Reply] [Original]

>Let me be clear: I think cultural appropriation is a real problem, and that's why I don't do any 'ethnic' recipes in my videos. I think it's important to uplift marginalized peoples and amplify marginalized voices, and let THEM tell their stories and share their culture through their food.

>> No.14834312

I respect some of his work, especially the food science videos.

What zoomers don't understand is it's possible to respect a piece of work while still understanding the author is an insufferable faggot you would want to punch out if you spent more then 5 minutes alone with.

>> No.14834315


>> No.14834329

Has any ethnic minority ever come forward and said NO YOU WHITE PEOPLE CAN'T MAKE AND ENJOY MY FOOD IT'S ONLY FOR PEOPLE FROM MY CULTURE, or is it just other white people feeling offended vicariously?

>> No.14834333

All these rich asian kids in orchestras playing mozart need to fucking hang

>> No.14834347

wtf is naan? and yeah I think black people and non whites should get the fuck off the internet. culture appropriation. Also they cant use cameras

>> No.14834352 [DELETED] 

What is the meaning of multiculturalism if you are going to move apart cultures regardless ?
I blame the jewish

>> No.14834359

That flip over technique was cool but my stove is exposed element. So it wouldn't work.

>> No.14834361


>> No.14834373

Also they should stop using latin words , non euros need to stop culture appropriating my language.
and the next time I see a non italian eat pizza , im gonna call em racist and call the police.

>> No.14834384
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Well, he's a cunt so

>> No.14834395

Dudes a fuckin fag.

>> No.14834405

Why does he have to be an absolute fag about it? I was actually excited to try and make naan at home before reading the green text

>> No.14834422

Naan is a flat bread eaten commonly with Indian meals.

>> No.14834483

If you don't have german ancestry you can't make hamburgers, if you aren't Italian you should get strung up for making pizza, and OP is a fag

>> No.14834496


The idea is that you have different peoples in the same place, but you also make them hate each other to generate continuous strife.

>> No.14834505

Are Indians marginalized? They've got a pretty big country to themselves, and were once even allowed to kick a bunch of people out on grounds of religion.

>> No.14834508

i can agree with this. i followed his cast iron pizza and it turned out incredible--way better than the other shitty recipes i tried. that being said, i hated the motherfucker talk, i hated him going "rev up your meme machines", and i fucking hate his smug tone.

>> No.14834531

Indians marginalize each other. Look up the caste system. When they come over here, however, Pajeets are showered with chain business opportunities and tech job opportunities.
The crazy thing about their caste system though is it was probably brought in, along with what became Hinduism, by lighter-skinned Indo-European invaders that pushed the darker-skinned natives into the south. So if you wanted to stretch really far, you could make the argument that the caste system is the world's first case of white supremacy.

>> No.14834575

I've never ever seen anyone of any race try to say different cultures can't enjoy their food. It literally doesn't happen. I don't know where this notion of eating/making food being cultural appropriation comes from but I've never seen such an opinion expressed by an actual human being. If that were the case, you wouldn't have all those Asian YouTubers teaching white middle class Americans how to make Japanese/Korean/Chinese/Thai food with their videos.

>> No.14834583
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>le fagusea has arrived

>> No.14834599

Any brown person instantly gets marginalized status

>> No.14834603

i'm thinking its less about eating other cultures foods and rather making them? like, a white person showing you the indian method instead of an indian. not agreeing with it, but i think thats how they see it

>> No.14834670

>garlic naan
I've only ever seen white people eat this garbage. Any self-respecting streetshitter (such as myself) gets his fill of garlic from the curry. Additional garlic basted onto the naan is unnecessary and further ruins your breath.

>> No.14834684

Children of new immigrants
Can’t stand the children of Mexicans who cry over whites committing cultural appropriation or dumb shit like that >>14834333

>> No.14834743

Indian pita

>> No.14834918

Only very faggy ones that you shouldn't take seriously. I'm a pajeet and I literally don't give a fuck what y'all do with Indian recipes, to each their own.

>> No.14835010

Italians complaining that pizza should only taste like sour cream fraiche and not good as well as mexicans reeing about taco shouldn't have cucumber, tomato and corn also Italians again promoting their shitty style of Carbonara without cream now that I think about it, it's mostly Italians that don't like food being perfected

>> No.14835158

I actually went out to get some yogurt today in order to try his naan recipe. Ragusea is a fucking genius.

>> No.14835346

>can't make macaroons
>thinks people should never fry at home
>thinks turkey can't be made juicy
>seasons his cutting board

>> No.14835353

yo never met an italian in your life

>> No.14835509

Why do I want to punch Adam Ragusea in the face so fucking bad? I've never even watched a video of his because after seeing him talking for 3 seconds I get this primal urge to punch my screen as hard as possible

>> No.14835657


>> No.14835668
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>> No.14835679

Look Adam, your recipes are usually good, but you’re an insufferable faggot who loves to video his own face. I can only get through your videos in audio only mode, and even then, I’m suffering from your disgusting way of talking.
But the recipes are good, I’ve never made anything bad following them. You’re like chef John, except you also love to film your ugly face. Good recipes, but terribly annoying.

>> No.14835685

They're bog standard recipes. You'll get the same conteny anywhere.

>> No.14835694

Nah, I like how he makes then easy and idiot proof. For example coq au vin. All recipes are fucking 12 hours of intense labour and shit. His recipe is 90% of the flavour, but you’re done in 30 minutes (plus hands off cooking). That’s what I need desu, otherwise we will be eating fucking pasta every day.

>> No.14835729


>> No.14835756

You hate what you don't understand.

>> No.14835761

When does he say this?

>> No.14835762

>audio only mode
I often scroll down a bit just so I can see everything but his face.

>> No.14835958

Faggot we cook other peoples food better than they do.
Get good or get rekt
Today I'm making kimchi, yesterday I made a lamb curry, the day before I made dandan noodles
My naan sucks though

>> No.14836400

He posted on reddit once about mexican food.

>> No.14836432

Ethnic minorities WITHIN white-majority nations have said so, and yes, I understand their point. Imagine having a whole food culture yet the only people who get popular cooking it are people from a different fucking race than you, the one which just happens to be dominant too.

People from the countries which are jam-packed with nonwhites (i.e. actual Chinks, Poos, and Africans) give zero shits though.

>> No.14836435

Yeah IME Italians definitely think cooking Italian the "wrong" way is, well, wrong, but they don't get mad about it, they just kinda look down on it a bit.

>> No.14836452

The caste system as we know it nowadays was semi-inadvertently created by the British because they had good bureaucracy. I'm not even kidding. Before the British, a low-caste shitter could walk a hundred miles and pop up in a new village and tell everyone ACTUALLY he's a middle-caste dude and people would just buy it. And that's how the caste system worked for millennia. And then the British rocked in with their autistic bureaucracy (because it "makes things easier") where they made you note down what your caste was so everyone got treated like they were "supposed" to be treated, and now nobody could pretend to be of a different caste than what they were born as. The British just thought they were acting like good Indian rulers, lmao.

>> No.14836467


>> No.14836502

>as well as mexicans reeing about taco shouldn't have cucumber, tomato and corn
I like arguing against these motherfuckers and nitpick their cuisine against Texano cuisine- which is, in my opinion, superior. Any spic want to argue with me on food is going to lose.

>> No.14836523

You know this is extremely dumb and makes me think if these people or /pol/fags have friends.

Foreigners are happy to share their recipes and I know because I'm one myself and I know plenty of others, also it's really awesome when a dish from your country starts being a common addition to a friend that didn't know the dish. This extreme correctness (and the other polar opposite) is just sucking the fun out of life.

>> No.14836560

You are such a fucking retard, just use Google next time.


>> No.14836576
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For the fucking lazy

>> No.14836613

You guys need to get those anger issues checked out.

>> No.14836677

>Iron Naan: The Indian Avenger.

>> No.14836687

I take this to the next level by ignoring their existence completely. Elevate by exclusion.

>> No.14836712

Well guess what, they have their entire home country they can fuck off back to instead of coming to mine and bitching 24/7.

>> No.14836728

These are children of immigrants, not people from Korea.

There's a video from Munchies or similar channel where they have Maangchi and some Korean-Americans to discuss that army stew that has spam and hot dogs. All the Americans were criticizing so-called cultural appropriation, while Maangchi was not having it. She basically said it was great that people from other cultures learn recipes from Korea.

As usual, it's an American problem.

Americans have too easy lives with no real problems, so they create problems for them

>> No.14836753

No, shut the fuck up, improving your country is a good and noble thing.

>> No.14836756

No, this happens in non-american countries all the time. It happens in fucking China when Han niggers appropriate minority culture. This isn't some fru-fru white American female invention. It's a legitimate problem when it legitimately happens.

Your example isn't actually appropriation though. What were they complaining about?

>> No.14836759

Hey that's not YouTube

>> No.14836765

How is having a bunch of whiny little faggots moving to my country and then complaining about how everything is so terrible improving things?

>> No.14836768

Because your country is legitimately terrible in those ways.

>> No.14836781

Then they are free to go back to their third world shithole if that's the case, but instead they move to the west and shit it up with their nigger ways.

>> No.14836789

>your parents moved to a country you love
>amazing in so many ways
>has some problems though, you try to fix 'em
>a complete nigger on some tibetan basket weaving website takes issue with this because it's not HIM doing the fixing

>> No.14836800

>Be nigger
>Move to a good country
>Bitch and moan about the people who made the country good
>Change shit
>Country becomes as bad as the one you came from
Countries are good or bad because the native people there made it that way. Anyone who moves to someone else's country and tried to change things should be fucking shot.

>> No.14836805

Italians don't really care if you cook food the "wrong" way. They only get butthurt if you start calling the food italian or traditional, rightfully so.

That's kinda like people intentionally using the wrong genre for music. They don't like the actual genre but they enjoy the idea/image attached to the genre so they try to force their own music into it.

>> No.14836814
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I have this fantasy of moving to a majority non-white country and just spending the entire time complaining about how much it sucks compared to the US. Move to India, start an open pit BBQ restaurant and spend every day of the rest of my life blaming all my problems on racism.

>> No.14836844

Nah they don't care if you make their food. Most of them would in fact be happy you are interested in their culinary tradition. The only caveat would be that you somewhat follow the recipe/tradition or if you don't use another name for it.

Basically don't start using ketchup in your sushi or if you do, call it fish rice and ketchup.

>> No.14836852

>Imagine having a whole food culture yet the only people who get popular cooking it are people from a different fucking race than you, the one which just happens to be dominant too.
ok I'm imagining it and I still wouldn't give a fuck. Such a retarded thing to even care about. If you're passionate about your food and think other people are doing it wrong then see it as a niche you can fill and try to outshine other people instead of just shitting on them like a jealous, petulant child.

>> No.14836864

You motherfuckers are always so naive. Like lmao you think we really have equality of opportunity. The simple fact is people like seeing safe, happy, friendly, familiar faces from their own race. YOU will never become popular cooking your own cuisine. Only people from the dominant race will become popular cooking YOUR cuisine.

It's better nowadays, but even just forty years ago it's so fucking blatant how anything mildly exotic needs to be introduced to western countries by a white person. Niggers like Bruce Lee were fighting an uphill battle.

>> No.14836865

Why can't he just bring on a guest when making ethnic food and talk about the history of the dish? Like Townsends when he brought that black guy on to make BBQ.

>> No.14836873

What's funny is Jews are the ultimate example of cultural appropriation. Ashkenazi Jews are from Khazaria yet steal Eastern European and German cuisine and call it their own.

>> No.14836876

Lets hear some examples of people who got popular by the means you are describing. Every famous chef/cooking personality makes a bunch of different food from various cultures.

>> No.14836892

Oh boy. Did she have to explain that her country was destroyed by the white man's stupid war and their options were american handouts or starve?

>> No.14836897

Unironically only the westernized coon ones complain

>> No.14836911

I can smell all the white cocks you have deepthroated from here, filthy westerner

>> No.14836923

Fuck off

>> No.14836955

flour, water, salt, and some butter or ghee if you're feeling adventurous. It's like a thicker tortilla that isn't pressed and slightly fried.

>> No.14836982

white washed second+ generation immigrants. people with no problems in life, so lingering mental illness forces them to create problems out of thin air.

>> No.14836987
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It makes me happy to see non-Venezuelans eating arepas desu

>> No.14837008

>country was destroyed by the white man's stupid war
which war? if you mean the Korean war then that was a civil war which the US got into, and if the US was forced to pull back for political reasons then north Korea wouldn't even be a thing today and many lives would be saved and so much suffering wouldn't have happened.

>> No.14837042

why does he not use metric?

>> No.14837058

sounds like a neutered faggot.

>> No.14837130
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theyre often the 3rd (and onward) generation immigrants
basically act like any other stuck up westerner that eats into that whole leftist mentality
they are irrationally insecure about their own culture

though its not usually like that 100% of the time, i know some very integrated immigrants that are still very accepting with everyone else
maybe it helps to visit your home country every once in a while so you have time off to physically distance yourself from this westerner nonsense

>> No.14837211

they're usually thrilled you give enough of a fuck to try and learn how to make their food or enjoy their media. the 8th gen west coast asians and chicanos might get a little butthurt if you're running around in ethnic costume or trying to profiteer off their shit

>> No.14837379

Nah bro not really. I live in south Texas and everyone here goes to Mexican owned Mexican restaurants, even white people. Not many white owned Mexican restaurants down here and the ones that are usually do like specialty tacos or some shit. No one is mad at the white restaurants either, they have a solid niche and that’s what gets customers. I know it’s not authentic Mexican cuisine, but there are a lot of immigrants that own restaurants here. No one is mad bro you keep fighting those imaginary demons tho.

>> No.14837398

>WB tries to remove Spirit Gonzales because “Muh rasisimus against Latinxs”
>Mexicans in Mexico immediately protest saying that they have always liked the character
The less “ethnic” the more bitchy

>> No.14837407

Still stupid as shit they try to gatekeep a culture they only care about when a white person likes it. Actually that might be it, like repressed guilt that white people appreciate their home culture more than they do.

>> No.14837410
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if some whitey wants to make an abomination of your """"traditional dish""""" then let them and make your authentic version too and show that it outshines the doppelganger

how can one say things like cultural appropriation bad or make moral statements against people exercising their freedom to create and explore things from "other cultures" in the "Freedom loving" "Melting Pot" that is supposed to be the USA

>> No.14837439

You may be onto something here.. Many 2d generation migrants are butthurt they never get to know their parents culture and feelings of jealously may appear.

>> No.14837482

go be a shitskin somewhere else baby

>> No.14837506

This. He's good when you're starting to get into cooking, but goddamn some of his shit like cooking a pizza on the oven rack is utterly retarded. That and his insufferable tone.

>> No.14837507

They can’t. Our version is always superior. Americanized Chinese, Mexican and Italian food BTFOs the original slop. We take everything and turn it up to the next LEVEL

>> No.14837803

Sure, I've got a few old cookbooks on Chinese cooking, all of them written by random white women. Also
>Fuchsia Dunlop
Mexicans are white anon

>> No.14837810

Nobody gives a damn when people like their cooking. The issue's when people get popular cooking their cuisine and it's clear that they're only popular because of their skin. Someone of equivalent skill but the original ethnicity wouldn't have got so popular, becuz it's just not marketable.
Like I said, it's not such a thing nowadays with maangchi and wang gang and all, but it's not exactly stamped out either.
That's unrelated but also true. You should see second gen Chinks, lol. They would die for a motherland which doesn't even recognise them because there's no such thing as dual Chink citizenship.

>> No.14837977

Been to Italy a couple of times and got a bunch of Italians in my country as well so I beg to differ but I will never make the mistake of buying a Italian pizza in Italy again as I prefer my food staying down, boy am I glad most of the pizza influence in Scandinavia is in fact influenced by Turkish pizza

Carbonara is better with cream and Bolognese must have cream, simple as

>> No.14838015

You're right. Only white people should be allowed to live in white countries. Hope you enjoyed your stay but you and your people never belonged here you rice/curry/bean/whatever kind of nigger you are.

>> No.14838021

But it's not a problem in the first place. Cultural appropriation is a leftist invention. It has no consequence to anyone.

Good food is good food. Full stop. Doesn't matter where it came from. No culture "owns" it.

>> No.14838033

[citation needed]

>> No.14838082

>Cultural appropriation is a leftist invention

It is an American invention. You don't hear about this shit in mother Europa

>> No.14838110
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is he the naan king?

>> No.14838115

Literally what the fuck about my post implied people can't immigrate you dumb nigger
It's a symptom of a problem. It isn't the problem itself. The problem is "things only being accepted when someone from the dominant culture does it". Notice I didn't say "when a white person does it", because like I said this shit goes on in China and India n shit too.
Yes you fucking do. What's this weird "everything bad is just American and not legitimate" narrative.

>> No.14838205

>Yes you fucking do. What's this weird "everything bad is just American and not legitimate" narrative.

Don't strawman me bro

>> No.14838267

>White people are so industrious they will make better bread than us brown people who have designated shitting streets and rape in the rural shit field.

>> No.14838285
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i like how he cooks his food upside down

>> No.14838294

Wheres that "Why I prep my bull, not my wife" image?

>> No.14840066
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not really. I mean by race partially and by culture also partially but overall they a completely different type of people than euros. They are also treated differently than white people so I don't know what you are implying because like I said no one is taking over gentrifying Mexican food. I mean maybe you could argue that places like Taco Bell and Chipotle are but not really because most recognize that it is not actual Mexican food and just like the way it taste and that the food they are gentrifying (tex-mex/northern mex food) is not even considered authentic Mexican cuisine.