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File: 128 KB, 1000x750, Mooncakes-e1568129297325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14832839 No.14832839 [Reply] [Original]

ITT pleb filter foods

>> No.14832863
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I too love mooncakes

>> No.14832864
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>> No.14832886

The fillings are made with ingredients unfamiliar to western pallets and the salted egg yolk in the middle of what is supposed to be a desert is extra alienating for people not used to salty and sweet.

>> No.14833176

Im skeptical but intrigued

>> No.14833183

Its not good. not disgusting just bad

>> No.14833196

Literal fucking cannonballs. If not liking that makes me a pleb, then I'm joining Caesar.
The flavour's fine, it's the fucking density of the bastards.

>> No.14833252

I have given mooncake a chance many times, but it always disappoints me. 4/10 below average.

>> No.14833263

Where can I get a mooncake?

>> No.14833269
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>pleb filter foods
>not posting the ultimate pleb filter

>> No.14833277

I got a tin from a Chinese store last year. It was pretty good, it had some shredded stuff inside and an egg yolk. I liked it.

>> No.14833373

bean paste is not exactly a western ingredient, neither is salted egg yolk.
i don't think they're terrible, just not something westerners like to eat, and that's fine.

>> No.14833497

Get one from a Chinese bakery, they taste better.

>> No.14833529
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>> No.14833550
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>> No.14833570

I completely disagree with you. I don't think they're weird to the western palate, I think they just fucking aren't good to eat. All my Chinese friends agree.

>> No.14833778

I was definitely surprised when I bit into one. Not what I was expecting. Of course I finished it because my roommate made them and gave one to me. Even enjoyed it somewhat after the strangeness wore off.

>> No.14833843
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>> No.14833852

These things are so fucking rich

>> No.14833878
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yellow person here, it's fine

costco has some

>> No.14833889


This describes the sex life of the average 30 something roastie rather accurately.

>> No.14833900


>> No.14833921

you see food and think about cum alot anon.

>> No.14833927

extremely based, mooncakes with redbean filling are fucking delicious and only manbabies who frequent taco bell threads will say otherwise

>> No.14833948
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szechuan hotpot, buddae jiggae, that kind of thing

>> No.14833962

I've had those bean cakes from some chinese bakery, are those similar?

>> No.14834431

ironically it is the plebs who eat that.

>> No.14834614
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Which costco is this? Do ALL Costco's have this?

>> No.14834647

The egg yolk isn't just alienating to western palates, it's alienating to some eastern palates as well.

t. Chinaman

>> No.14834691

If the density is as described, is it acceptable to have a pot of tea with on of these?

>> No.14834816

kribin motang

>> No.14834842
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Mine has some but they're tucked away past the baked goods along the wall. Didn't get any last time I went, got these instead. They're okay.

>> No.14834961

Ah, mooncakes.
You're supposed to cut them into 8 slices even though they're mostly the size of your fist because these fuckers are DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENSE

>> No.14834999

Are these bean curd Chinese things? I tried some bean curd moon cake thing when I was a kid and I liked it.

>> No.14835009

Yes, recommended

>> No.14835161

Nah, it's more like a filling of sweet lotus paste (or red bean) encased in a thin crust. Good stuff, and great with tea and coffee (do not add milk to either when enjoying your mooncake unless you have a stomach inflation because the mooncake is already extremely filling.)

>> No.14835165
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It's bug shit.

>> No.14835166

Stomach inflation fetish, I meant.

>> No.14835182

all chinese food looks disgusting to me

>> No.14835216

I’ve never met a Chinese person who actually likes moon cakes. They eat them out of tradition more than anything, like a Chinese fruit cake.

>> No.14835371

who the fuck doesn't like hot pot? That shit is so great. Whenever I have friends come to town I take them out for it because it's just a great format for socializing. Doesn't hurt that the place I go to doesn't have any concept of portion control(I ordered two orders of shaved lamb for my second round thinking I'd be getting about 8ounces based on what the other meat options had provided. They gave me two pounds of it.)

>> No.14835380

ugh yas queenie!! i love treating my gurls in SF! omg we should go shopping sometime! get boba, look at the cute guys, and chow down on ayce kbbq afterwards!! treat yo self!

>> No.14835385

>implying fruit cake isn't delicious

>> No.14835452


>> No.14835486

I hardly know ‘er!

>> No.14835497

My family is from hong kong and yeah we eat this but I don't really like it that way, also it's super calorie dense and just not worth it imo.

>> No.14835503
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Definitely. Nothing more chill than eating a slice of mooncake with a hot cup of tea under the full moon while watching the kids light their lanterns

>> No.14835507

Your chinese friends are gay
t. chink

>> No.14835522

Please be quiet, I make pleb filter threads to give morons the audacity to post stupid food opinions thinking they're above people. If they realise we're just laughing at the naked emperor in his new clothes they'll stop posting they're smooth brain preferences.

>> No.14835528
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No mention of the lotus paste. Clear sign of no chinese culture.

>> No.14835555

Five nuts are the superior filling

>> No.14835564

True but lotus paste is more traditional. I seen green tea skin with red bean paste to appeal to Japs.

>> No.14835585
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>> No.14835591

At least they haven't the misfortune of tasting the meme flavours, like fucking durian. Dear god, durian is top tier, but the mooncake filling? No matter the brand or bakery, it's always revolting. Can't wait for this fad to die out

>> No.14835644

They are meant to be eaten in very small pieces, with friends and family, preferably with a pot of gently steaming tea of your choice. Its definitely not one piece per person. You get maybe two to three mooncakes per family- salted egg yolk, green tea, maybe red bean- cut them into maybe eighths, and share them on a platter on the evening of the mooncake festival. A nice cup of tea balances out the sweet mooncakes nicely. The children will be outside playing with candlelit lanterns and looking at the moon.

>> No.14836016

It's the ultimate pleb food, like "sweet" candy for absolute fucking peasants who couldn't afford sugar.

>> No.14836342
File: 603 KB, 2500x1666, Hopia_CI2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that's like Hopia but with blood sausage and/or egg?

>> No.14836373
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God I wish I could find a place to buy this stuff in the US

>> No.14836433

it is the proper way of eating them. Mooncake can be really dense on its own but a nice hot cup of tea balances it very nicely

>> No.14836436

i try not to eat them becuase i dont wanma get fat

>> No.14836443

whats the filling of those?

the red stuff in OPs pic is not blood sausage, its rose liquor + chopped nuts and candied fruit

the other one is lotus paste

>> No.14836818

I've tried them, they're delicious

>> No.14836821

I like a lot of crap, and I'll taste anything. But licorice just makes me fuckin puke.

>> No.14836837

No it's salted tar

>> No.14837633

Me and my chinese people enjoy mooncakes. It just really high in calories and expensive.

-seething chinese

>> No.14837675

Buy closer or on the day after the festival, they drop the prices then.
>inb4 the speedy kike owners cycled them off the shelves already