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14826681 No.14826681 [Reply] [Original]

Subway can no longer be legally considered to be food.


>> No.14826697

What is the legal definition of bread?

>> No.14826703

>the weight of sugar and fat in a bread product must not be more than 2 percent of the total weight of flour in the dough.

>But the dough baked for Subway sandwiches has a sugar content of roughly 10 percent the weight of its flour content

>> No.14826705
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>Ireland’s highest court

>> No.14826729

>sugar content of roughly 10 percent the weight of its flour content
Pretty sure if I made bread with that much sugar it would be sweet enough to be unedible.
What the fuck is the point of adding massive amounts of sugar anyways if it doesn't taste like it has gargantuan quantities of sugar?

>> No.14826749

Yeah dude who gives a fuck about ireland

>> No.14826779

>10% sugar
That's disgusting

>> No.14826795


>> No.14826804

> the american, when told his sandwich is 10% sugar, groans and continues eating

>> No.14826813

No one.
UK should just annex them.

>> No.14826815

Part of it is just for the sweetness but it also helps make a really light and airy bread too I think. I don't like that too much either though because it becomes like cotton candy and it's too mushy.

>> No.14826853

Do Europeans even have independent sandwich shops?
Why do they just eat meat between sugar? They can't be this fat

>> No.14826908
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Looks like any brioche bread is around 8%. What should we call it now? The experts have spoken, it can't be bread.

>> No.14826910

They have been displaced by bakeries. Why go for a sandwich when you can go for sandwich, coffee AND some kind of danish pastry?
And at the same time the independent sandwich shops get displaced by whatever amounts to Subway and a few national chains.

>> No.14826953

brioche I got from aldi say 6%

>> No.14826969

>What should we call it now?

Maybe we should call it brioche?

>> No.14827015

Basically eating a cake filled with thawed out flash frozen veggies, msg riddled processed meats, and high sodium and trans fatty sauces.

Do they really think this is healthy food?

>> No.14827270

In America, it is.

>> No.14827312

compared to mcdonalds it is.

>> No.14827337

It's about as good as it gets

>> No.14827338

Note, this is just the Irish government enforcing particularly strict rules to make sure subway parys extra taxes. Europe had lots of retarded food rules, like Germany's hops, barley, and water law.

>> No.14827342

>flash frozen veggies are bad

>> No.14827900

Pro tip: When posting links, don't include the question mark, or anything after that.

>> No.14827910

>retarded food rules

Spoken like a true fatass.

>> No.14827915

>UK corporate tax rates (((mysteriously))) fall to 12%

>> No.14827984

They're called brioches for a reason.

>> No.14828029

>picture says bread cannot be labeled bread
>OP's brain is so destroyed by constant futanari consumption that he interprets this to mean it is not food

>> No.14828127

>american bread has more sugar than brioche
what the fuck

>> No.14828132

>Do Europeans even have independent sandwich shops?
Where the fuck do you think paninis come from you fool

>> No.14828138

>Do they really think this is healthy food?
Wait what? Is that a legit perception in the US? Over here it's definitely considered junk food

>> No.14828142

I’ll take a Subway Melt on Italian Bread toasted with extra American cheese, extra mayo, pickle and oil

>> No.14828159

Marie Antoinette said let them eat brioche and not cake, as it's often said.

>> No.14828173

No shit. Brioche is something you eat in the weekend like a croissant or chocolate bread. Nobody thinks it's healthy except for americans I guess

>> No.14828205

God damn Subway, you cheap capitalist globalist fucks trying to cut corners. Fuck you, I hope youre totally embarrassed.

>> No.14828207

I love me a good dose of frozen veggies and salt

>> No.14828230

>Wait what? Is that a legit perception in the US? Over here it's definitely considered junk food
All the 2014 oldfag zoomers that make up this site's population now are too young to remember or be aware of famous pedophile Subway Jared who was their spokesman for like 15 years. His whole thing was that he was some 400 lbs fat ass and he says that walking to subway everyday and getting some like plain tuna with mustard sandwich is what made him lose the weight and he became a millionaire just by posing for pictures while holding his pants being all LOOK AT HOW FUCKING FAT I USED TO BE YOU CAN THANK THE DELICIOUS SUBWAY SANDWICHES FOR MY WEIGHT LOSS and then eventually it got exposed that he more than likely lost the weight by constantly furiously masturbating to child pornography and having underage gay sex

>> No.14828236

what the fuck is wrong with you americans

>> No.14828247

That's advertising anon, everyone knows it's not real. Their slop was a little less processed and transfat filled at the time than Mcdonalds/BK/etc, but it was still understood to be cheap and shitty fastfood.

>> No.14828259

>but it was still understood to be cheap and shitty fastfood.
If it had been, it wouldn't have become popular. The whole selling point that people believed was that it was supposed to be vaguely healthy for you because of the pedophile with his big pants.

>> No.14828284


remember when subway had good food in the 90s.

>> No.14828363

And Heinz Ketchup was ruled in Israeli court as not containing enough tomatoes to meet the legal definition of "ketchup". The Hebrew sticker on the bottles currently states the product is "tomato dip".

>> No.14828448

It’s dough with yeast, not a cake. And the difference between sugar and flour is terms of nutritional impact is basically nil.

Flash freezing doesn’t make vegetables nutritionally valueless, but regardless, Subway veggies are almost exclusively fresh. If they were frozen the cell membranes would burst and you could tell they weren’t fresh. And artificial trans fats are illegal in America so there aren’t any in Subway sauces. Also they don’t use MSG in any of their sandwich ingredients.

>> No.14828475

When did "healthy" become part of the definition of bread?

>> No.14828522

What is it with mutts and the obsession with putting sugar in everything? I fucking hate it when I have to go Stateside for work, literally everything is sweet as fuck.

>> No.14828523

as if Subway needs tax-exempt status to begin with--American retail-investors are so full of shit

>> No.14828547

>was ruled in Israeli court
>Israeli court

Thinking we care what a jew has to say about anything. We will care what they have to say when they reverse globalization, foreign invasion immigration policies, the Caucasophobic economic pogroms and propaganda in their media.

Until then fuck the jews and don't listen to anything they have to say. Its like listening to Satan.

>> No.14828599

It's a thread about a country ruling that a certain food product from an other country doesn't count as what it's supposed to be. There's no reason to not being other examples of similar cases, regardless of views of the countries mentioned. Please don't forget to take your pills, your health is important to me, anon.

>> No.14828629

>frozen veggies
None of the vegetables are frozen at Subway. Only the olives, pickles, jalapenos, and banana peppers are prepackaged; everything else is prepped to be served fresh.
I don't think any of the meat has MSG in it either.
The sweet onion teriyaki sauce is the unhealthiest thing at Subway by far, it's mostly sugar.

>> No.14828675

Just let them eat cake.

>> No.14828689

NPC programmed responses discarded. The source always matters.

>> No.14828691

hey everyone its jared from subway. How are things Jared; what with all those allegations involving children?

>> No.14828715

do you consider sandwiches at home to be junk food?

>> No.14828732

How many kids have you raped this year you sick bastard

>> No.14828740

The bread there tastes fucking whack anyway. Cheap half baked baguettes are a mile better and has crust.

>> No.14828756

It's too sweet for any sane person to use in any typical application of bread. Teacake isn't considered bread. What point do you think you're making?

>> No.14828758

Who cares, I'm still going to choose Subway over garbage like KFC, McDonalds or Burgerking.

Subway also has way higher quality standards, at least in the UK. I've never had a shitty Subway but I've lost count the times that McDonalds have served me a patty which has sat in the warmer for hours on end and dried up and became disgusting.

>> No.14828853

No, I don't consider
>two slices of normal bread
to be junk food you negative iq retard

>> No.14828893

>welcome to subway what can I get you
>huuuuuuuurrr butta and jam pwease

>> No.14828898

>Subway can no longer be legally considered to be food.
It's still food, even in Ireland. It's just that stuff on the outside is legally cake, not bread.
(This matters because it is taxed differently.)

>> No.14828923

Anon, if I made sandwiches at home out of the same ingredients subway uses then yes I'd consider it junk food. It's not the fact it's produced in subway that makes it junk food you spacker

>> No.14828994

Once you have a certain amount of sugar, it becomes a cake. Most American bread is actually cake.

>> No.14829050

chopped veggies on deli meat is definitely healthier than your jelly samsons

>> No.14829132
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>laughs in Floridian

>> No.14829152

Subways definitely aren't chopped vegetables on deli meat as the fucking thread you are posting in shows

>> No.14829180

>Ireland is being flooded with Africans
>guys what about Subway bread? Is it really bread?

>> No.14829216
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Just bake your own bread using quality flour, home grown yeast and crystal clear spring water.

>> No.14829236

At least they didn't go to Africa and bring them back with them because Americans couldn't do basic farmwork.

>> No.14829254

I've had american granny complain how eggs don't taste 'sweet like in states'. Whatever that might mean.

>> No.14829279

Go diddle some kids Jared

>> No.14829340

heh yeah at least they didn't press a people into forced manual labor for their own benefit for centuries
>the left can't meme

>> No.14829351

>dough with yeast, not a cake
You can make a cake with yeast.

>> No.14829373

>>Ireland is being flooded with Africans
>>guys what about Subway bread? Is it really bread?

based point. The foreign invasion of the west makes everything moot

>> No.14829380

>Anthony Bor-Ring

Fuck Anthony Dis-dain. Never liked that faggot. He was one of those libtards that not only thought you should travel but you have to get away from tourist areas. There was a quote he had about him hating regular tourists. Self hating cuck. I hope he burns in hell.

>> No.14829383

based the left can't meme and they don't know fucking history. This fag doesn't even know about the Barbary Coast

>> No.14829386

>served fresh
As a former Subway employee, and of other meme sandwich places, it's hilarious how meaningless that term is.

The implication is that somehow we have a garden full vegetables in the back of the store or that we get veggies shipped in everyday straight from the farm. Absolutely not. All this shit comes in plastic bags shipped in every 2 weeks with like half the fucking lettuce bags already all rusted and us having to throw out moldy tomatoes everyday. The "freshness" is in the serving. Which is borderline schizophrenic nonsense. It means "wow look aren't you glad that we're serving it to you right this minute as you ordered it, rather than serving it to you 4 days from now".

>> No.14829398

I remember when they got exposed for having gum in their bread so they "changed their recipe to give the people what they wanted" which was actual bread. The only bread they didn't change was the flat bread. So that's the only bread I get if I eat at subway.

Also in the one article I read flat bread wasn't mentioned in the irish courts case, so I guess they don't have that in ireland. I'll continue to eat the most bread like bread they serve.

>> No.14829405
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>> No.14829413
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Irishm*n detected

>> No.14829414

Ireland never had slaves. I dont care about your historical anecdote.

>> No.14829780
File: 17 KB, 350x302, 375618517_thumbs_up_bciy_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ireland never had slaves.
UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh did you forget about that one time when Ireland enslaved 10 FUCKING MILLION Chinese slaves??

Can't believe I'm breathing the same air with stupid mother fuckers like this guy.

>> No.14829849

As long as you skip the soda and fries and preferably go for double burgers so you get less buns then yes even McD is likely healthier

>> No.14829911
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>> No.14830018

they're so close in price and you get so much more meat, sandwich overall is way better quality. I just don't understand why anybody would go to subway when Publix is around. Ingles grocery store also has really good subs that are almost as good as publix

>> No.14830144

Mate of mine is a sixth generation master baker and when we had friends over from the States a while back and they complained that his bread tasted wrong, like there was no sugar. He wasn't too impressed and properly made his feelings known.

>> No.14830155

It's not like bread is healthy anyway. May as well complain that soda has a lot of sugar in it.

>> No.14830161

wait do males bake in Europe?

>> No.14830164

>master baker
more like master bater haha!

>> No.14830167

>Brioche is something you eat in the weekend
What kind of a manlet eats things on specific days?

>> No.14830184
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> he doesn't eat fish on Friday

>> No.14830202

>master baker
more like master bater haha!

>> No.14830211
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>~2.5g of sugar per 6 inch bread
what would that be as a percentage relative to wheat, though?

>> No.14830258

Well, it all started when a neo nazi stole the presidency in 2016...

>> No.14830277

she never actually said it

>> No.14830294

We aren't in Europe, but guess they do.
Yeah, he hasn't heard that joke a million times before.

>> No.14830329

rent free

>> No.14830509

But she lost?

>> No.14830560
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How do you figure brioche is sold then? It's usually around 12.5% sugar and 20-100% butter.

>> No.14830609

The brioche comparison in this thread is dumb af. Brioche is closer to cake than bread and anyone with a brain knows it. Nobody (again with a brain) thinks brioche is healthy in any way.

So Subway is basically sandwiches with a shit-ton of highly dubious ingredients loaded on brioche bread. It's fast food, it's bad for you, anyone who didn't know this already got hoodwinked by Jared.

>> No.14830611

Math isn't your thing, is it?
American measure ingredients in cups. That is why they cannot make decent bread or pastry. Fact.

>> No.14830619
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>When it uses extremely high protein flour and doesn't incorporated any of the mixing methods associated with cakes.
While I agree, I hardly know Amerikeks exist.

>> No.14830625

Even if you cant taste the sugar you still get addicted to it.

>> No.14830638

Fuck off Nigel. nothing here is sweet unless it is meant to be sweet. Go eat some boiled goose

>> No.14830699

> nothing here is sweet unless it is meant to be sweet.
Was subway bread meant to be 10% sugar cause I don't recall Jared ever mentioning that

>> No.14832178

Or, and this is just a guess, you fat cunts have got so used to everything being stuffed with sugar and HFCS that you don't even notice how sickly sweet your shitty food actually is.

>> No.14832197

Subway doesn't freeze veggies

>> No.14832277

This is always bring my own bread and make the sandwich artisan use it. They always look at me like I'm out of my mind.

>> No.14832287

I don't understand why the Irish government speaks when not being spoken to or acts like their lives hold any value at all. America could literally nuke your entire country into a scorched, lifeless wasteland in a few hours. We could invade basically unopposed, skin your men alive and rape your women with zero effort. You exist by our mercy alone.

>> No.14832335

no wonder America is fat

>> No.14832343

so that pasta about that UK anon who travelled to america and is appalled that all the bread taste like cake is real......

>> No.14832382


>> No.14832650

lmao you people really are mind fucked arent you, maybe stop going to the brain rot board.

>> No.14832962

Eat your sugar bread fatass.

>> No.14832979

I've been saying this for years. Subway sucks ass. You can go literally anywhere else and get a better sandwich, even just back home.

>> No.14832997
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Well this one goes to my pasta collection

>> No.14833271

This. People need to consider this fact more often.

>> No.14833291

You wouldn't do shit. Your fatass president is all tough talk with no action, and I'm willing to bet he is literally impotent. And it's not just him. All Americans are insecure pussies when it comes down to it.

>> No.14833363

wait, is this only for the USA?
in germany it's allegedly less than 1% of sugar by weight in the bread.

>> No.14833366

nothing wrong with msg, faggot

>> No.14833381

eggs cannot legally be considered healthy

>> No.14833761

Keeps it "fresher" for longer

>> No.14833896

Ruling spreads out to the rest of the EU.

>> No.14833916

But Subway bread is kept as frozen dough and only cooked in small batches as needed.

>> No.14833934

There are plenty of sweetbuns and cakes that are made with the same process as yeast bread but not regarded as bread. That's even if you're not counting scrolls.

>> No.14833950

What is sweet roll dough for 200.

>> No.14833964

an expensive sweet roll dough

>> No.14834049

>Not reading the article
>Not reading the thread

>> No.14834070
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>Ireland never had slaves

>> No.14834222

This but Xi Ping to amerimutt land

>> No.14834283

>B-but the US!
Nice post, Pingpong.

>> No.14835096

i knew there were multiple reasons that i could not eat their sammies. this is reason number 23

>> No.14835460

I want to know the number 14

>> No.14835523

How does this dumpster fire of a company keep growing? They're opening three new stores within five miles of my work. Every year this company has another scandal about their bread or how disgusting the food is, but they keep opening more.

>> No.14835659

Anon this is Ireland and Europe, you're the ones with sugar surrounding meat as a meal
Why are you all so fat

>> No.14835664

This is in Europe, this is your country eating unhealthy you fat slob

>> No.14836021

“Fresh” means never frozen, pickled, or salted. It hasn’t been preserved.

>> No.14836181

It's considered, or was at one time, healthier than other fast food and convenience food due to it being a sandwich rather than fried chicken or burger and fries. Living in the deep south at the moment, I can tell you that the vast majority of people here do not take ingredients, quality of those ingredients, calories, and sides into consideration. They see that it's not typical fast food and marketing that says it's healthy but do not make healthy choices even when they have the option. So instead of a 6 inch ham and cheese with lettuce and mustard sandwich plus apple and water, they choose a foot long meatball parm with chips, cookies, and coke. Then they feel like it's healthy because it's not McDonald's or some other "bad" fast food. Subway is so disgusting that walking by one turns my stomach. You can smell the stench of their "bread" which smells like musty feet. Jersey Mike's would be a better example of how Subway is perceived since they only do cold sandwiches (no hot smothered stuff) and fresher, better ingredients. It has been 8 or more years since I went to one though, so I don't know if they've lowered their quality.

>> No.14836265

Oi, have you seen Britannica. It's America 2.0 with double the sugar content but minus all the other seasonings. Don't ignore the elephant in your region. You daft c***

>> No.14836285

No it doesn't. The rest of the EU uses Napoleonic Law. Precedence don't mean shit there.

>> No.14836316

>but they keep opening more.

Franchise fees are the cheapest in pretty much the entire fast food industry and corporate doesn't give a fuck how many subways are clogging the streets.

>> No.14836332

>Try out new Subway foot long sweet roll.

>> No.14836359

Is that pasta? I've done that myself, shit is disgusting.

>> No.14837310

Caught an episode of Diner, Drive-ins & Dives earlier whilst wasting a few minutes and they were in an 'English pub' in Texas where they were making Shepherds Pie. Looked pretty tasty, right up until the cook poured what looked like a whole bag of sugar into the meat and gravy.

>> No.14837857

The american obsession with sugar is bizarre. I mean it's not like shepards fuckin pie is good for you to begin with, why does it need anything else added to it? I get adding sugar to foods that are bitter/sour, but savory?

>> No.14837865

Having trouble with comprehension there, Daggit?

>> No.14837878

I'm american and I don't get it either.

>> No.14837910

Well there's the problem. Fucking liberal eurodouche prudes.

>> No.14837915

Well we had Irish first but they kept dropping from malaria. So the africans with sickle cell(provides strong resistance to malaria) took their place.

>> No.14837923
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Subway is not healthy. I get the cold cut combo and slather it in mayonnaise.

>> No.14838100

Some of You Guys are Alright, Don't go to Ireland Tomorrow

>> No.14838130

I see the containment board has entered the chat.

>> No.14838723

Is this true or brainlet faggit trying to cry wolf?

>> No.14838872

>whole grain breads
>high quality meat from sustainable farming
>fresh veggies
The fuck are you on about

>> No.14838900

>ireland never had slaves
>Ireland's most famous saint, saint Patrick, was a fucking slave

>> No.14838926


>> No.14839054

Brioche is a Patisserie Viennoise, not bread.

>> No.14839075

To be fair though German "purity law" beer is great.

>> No.14839266

Europe is the ones eating sugar bread

>> No.14839433

Bourdain had manic depression, you Q conspiracy retard.

>> No.14839509

>the only food that exists is bread
yeah ok