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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14820922 No.14820922 [Reply] [Original]

Seems like this board is mostly City people, Hoodrats, and ghetto dwellers. There any Farm people on here or people that at least work in agriculture? Do you guys even understand the importance of moisture content to the corn that's being harvested in why it needs to be dried out so well even if it's feed corn? Do you guys know anything about raising Hogs? The American Farmer supplies the food to the United States and half the world.

>> No.14820926

City folk just don’t get it...

>> No.14820940

I know do they even understand the importance of getting
anhydrous ammonia into the dirt in the fields and why do people keep stealing it to make meth with. What about cutting tobacco and getting it dried if they ever even done it?

>> No.14821084


>> No.14821088

Why do you need anhydrous ammonia? What's wrong with hydrated ammonia? The ammonia is going to absorb moisture quickly anyway.

>> No.14821105

Mos tof the people on the net are city brainlets. I live in rural michigan and have my whole life. when I was young I thought farmers were fags and losers while I watched anime and played counter strike source. Now im almost thirty and I realize how amazing it is to live rural. Bought a whole hog three years ago, buy local grass fed beef regularily. Bought a whole pig belly once too.

>> No.14821136

Working in agriculture just seems stressful. The margins are super low so the effects of bad change (either to your crop or the broader economy) are multiplied and can get out of control fast. In good years you're simply doing okay and in bad years you can lose your home to no fault of your own. It's also seems boring being out in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do.

If I had a few million I'd be fine with a small family farm as a "hobby" (garden and orchard to grow food to cook with), but I wouldn't be looking to make money with it.

>> No.14821141

Dead industry living off gibs. I'll just go to the grocery store for my food.

>> No.14821159

There's plenty to do. Shoot guns, garden, hike, fish, camp, etc etc etc. There's more to life then bar hopping and shopping all day.

>> No.14821171

Umm you can do that anywhere sweett

>> No.14821176

You cannot hunt and camp in the city.
I mean, you can gangbang and be homeless but thats not the same thing sweatie

>> No.14821181

Want to pay me to open a restaurant on your farm? No? City life it is for me, then. At least until I can get enough cash for a hobby farm to make overpriced goat cheese or something.

>> No.14821191

You can drive like 15 minutes

>> No.14821229
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I am looking to be a farmer, but I want to have as many different foods to sell as possible so if one fails I can fall back on something else without having to rely on government subsidies. Don't have hogs but I know a guy who raised 100 head of hogs. Not in the way I would but he did it. My neighbor raises beef cows and we rent parts of our property out to him and I am currently raising ducks with plans to get a micro beef herd of maybe 6 to 10 head of feeder calves to start. The guy with the hogs also grows corn and soy along with other cash and cover crops.

I'm a city refugee. I wanted to farm when I was a kid but was not encouraged (quite the opposite), I had to realize that it was stupid to wait until I was old to move to the country and got the fuck out when I could. Best decision I ever made. Fuck the city.

>> No.14821235

Crop insurance in this country is insane. All of the family farmers around me are millionaires, because due to government programs it doesn't matter whether their crops grow or not, they still make money. They all have ATVs, three or four of the same enormous pickup, etc etc. A lot of them even golf. You have to work 12 hours or more per day in the planting season, and the land is tightly controlled by various families that refuse to sell because it's so profitable. But if you've got the land and supplies, it's a sure route to wealth

>> No.14821241

Fucking welfare queens

>> No.14821250 [DELETED] 
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Rurals like to pretend they're self-reliant he-men forging farm tools out of pig iron and hunting wolves with their bear hands but the reality is they just sit around smoking opioids and driving to walshart to buy Chinese crap to clutter their enormous yards

The average city dweller spends more time outdoors than any country bumpkin

>> No.14821252

>without government subsidies
Unless you make extremely high quality products for wealthy people, there's no way to do that. Family farms were destroyed by agribusiness in the 70's, and only exist now because FarmAid motivated conservative politicians to implement insanely proactive government programs to bail out small farmers. The economies of scale simply don't even begin to work out on the open market. Family farming in the US is basically welfare with a very heavy work requirement.

>> No.14821300

>farmer commodities are near worthless, doing nigger tier manual labor to produce goods that no one wants to buy
>farmers accruing record level debt and declaring bankruptcy at levels not seen in decades
>suicide rate among farmers is skyrocketing, among the highest in the country
>b-b-but muh city niggers
yeah, guess you dont need a nigger with a gun to kill you when you retards do it yourselves

>> No.14821333

Of course you can. It happens daily in every city.

>> No.14821527

>The average city dweller spends more time outdoors than any country bumpkin
Time spent waiting for the bus doesn’t count

>> No.14821530

I’m working I n city now to leave not just the city but the entire country. Been investing in a farm in another country and finally have enough to fully live off of it and never have to work a day for another person again

>> No.14821612


That's why we say our prayers before dinner, giving thanks to the Father in Heaven. You are not forgotten. Just be thankful.

>> No.14821685

>expert on meth production
Way to go cleetus

>> No.14821704
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Anhydrous ammonia makes corn grow like crazy.

>> No.14821718


>> No.14821744
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I know your mom you so ya... you could say I know a few thing about raising hogs

>> No.14821767

>for wealthy people
Fuck off with this class warfare bullshit. There's a huge resurgence in the average person being willing to pay a little more for a high quality product. People are realizing that factory farms don't produce food that is as tasty as what comes from smaller farms that are closer to them.

>> No.14821798

>pay a little more for a high quality product
You realize that the only way to ensure high quality produce in agriculture is to throw all the bad produce out, right? Organic and boutique farming is terrible for the environment, because it involves way more waste.

>> No.14821813

Organic farming cannot possibly be worse for the environment than the pesticide usage large-scale agribusiness relies on

>> No.14821819

How do you define bad produce? Most big agriculture throws out incredible amounts of produce because it was bruised in a way that doesn't affect the taste, not shaped quite right, or had a funny spot on the skin. Most of that is perfectly fine, but is thrown out because of picky buyers who've gotten used to too much photoshop.

>> No.14821842

Yes, and organic produce does this even MORE, because without GMOs and Pesticides an even higher proportion of the crop is disfigured, and because they sell themselves on the lie that "natural" produce looks and tastes better. They establish that lie by throwing out the vast majority of the crop.
It absolutely is, because it requires more energy, water, and space to grow less food. Pesticides aren't great for the environment, but without them the cost of farming enough to support the population would be way, way higher in terms of air pollution and water use.

>> No.14821857


This guy farmed conventionally and almost went bankrupt. Now doing regenerative farming and told the government subsidies to suck his cock. Start at 15:00

Depends on the traffic. And if you are hunting near a city you have to pay more for licenses and there are way less animals since other cityfags have wiped them out. If I wanna hunt I got deer in my backyard. In fact, my property is so lush and thick with wildlife I make 15k a year just off charging city cucks to hunt here for 6 days. And that's just off firearms. I don't allow bow hunters. And since I don't live in a coffin apartment that costs 10k a month to rent, I have the room to store all that delicious deer meat

>> No.14821886

Fuck organic, I never said anything about organic. Stop shopping at Whole Foods and go visit a farmers market. You can get good produce that is either organic or close enough that it doesn't matter. "Organic" is a meme and doesn't mean what people think it does. Some stuff will look weird, but it will taste good and be nutritious.

>> No.14821894

corn and corn byproducts are destroying the health of Americans. you should be hanged for growing it.

>> No.14821896

A lot of the environmental impact would be lessened if the government would stop trying to make ethanol fuel a think. It still takes more diesel emissions to produce ethanol than you actually save. Plus, ethanol is less efficient as a fuel, and harsher on fuel systems.

>> No.14821904

don't think I'd ever become a farmer for money because I don't want into commodities or gmo wheat/soy/corn/etc
would rather do small scale (maybe like 10-20 acres max) natural farming
test out various perennial and tree crops guilds

>> No.14821928

Why are there suddenly so many seething ostensibly country people just seething and whining at the slightest (or no, in this thread's case) provocation about "city people" as if that label means literally anything?

>> No.14821950

subsidized leeches that then turn around and complain about public spending

>> No.14821957

Because there are two groups of people in most places. There are those who live in cities, and those who live in rural areas. Those two groups tend to have entirely different sets of values, both personally and in terms of politics. City people tend to sit in their concrete boxes and think that they are smart enough to tell the rest of us how to live our lives. Then, because of population density, they vote in such a way that fucks over the entire rest of the geographical area and tell us it's for our own good. So, city people can get fucked, and I don't care if New York, London, Paris, Moscow, etc all get nuked tomorrow.

>> No.14822010

You’d certainly care the day after tomorrow though

>> No.14822017
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im a city dweller that works as an agri-researcher for a consultancy firm and I tend a food forest. Pretty much spend half my time out in the sticks.
Also, I am smart enough to advise and change the way you work and live - it's literally my job kek

>> No.14822097 [DELETED] 

I take the train or ride a bike. Still need to walk to the nearest stop if I'm taking the train

>> No.14822110

Thats dope af, but
> I don't allow bow hunters
Why not?

>> No.14822116
File: 8 KB, 480x360, FD1B7712-B071-4D2B-BB24-E76069390524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My way good your way bad
Actual brainlet

>> No.14822303

Their hunting season is way too long
When I lived in the city I biked everywhere. I refused public transportation because it was fucking gross and I'd always end up next to some obeast or creepy unwashed old dude who had 20000 empty seats but he wanted to sit next to me with his arm pressed against me until I got up and moved to the empty seats. I still fucking hated it. I still spent less time outside.

>> No.14822314

post pics of food forest. How the fuck can u live in a city and have enough land for a forest?

>> No.14822413


>> No.14822455

it's called a car, dumbass. I drive out to it.
There's also a bunch of emerging urban food forests (within city parks and greenways) that'd I'd love to help with but the local branch of my firm doesn't really do that and they're cheapos that don't want to fly me out there.

>> No.14822506
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Im rural. But not farmland. I live on a lake.

>> No.14822549

Get a real job, retard.
I make 7 figures sitting on my ass posting on 4chan all day.

>> No.14822825

I make 6 figures as a chef at Wendy's, shit is so cash

>> No.14822841
File: 2.24 MB, 853x1345, farmer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the pics of ur damn food forest.

>> No.14822892

Not really. I mean they already have ways of getting rid of less than perfect fruit. Mcdonald's apple pies don't use perfect apples, and bruised oranges don't make worse orange juice

Plus there's always people willing to buy things if they're cheap. Go to any supermarket before closing and you'll see hordes of chinese old women following round the poor employee with the discount sticker gun, and snatching shit out of his hands as soon as he's stuck the sticker on

>> No.14822894


>> No.14822903

i love how your idea of living the rural life is "i hought a hog once" fucking citycucks man....

>> No.14823040

On my blog, you dipshit.

>> No.14823129
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Ok where is your blog?

>> No.14823179
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>> No.14823200

Up your ass, virgin

>> No.14823216
File: 187 KB, 363x413, Smoking a pipe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have a forest made of food... do you?

>> No.14823285

Of course he does, why would anyone lie on 4chan?

>> No.14823373 [DELETED] 
File: 113 KB, 341x512, unnamed (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have do milkies on farm.

>> No.14824240

You know organic uses pesticides too right? The difference is man made vs natural pesticides. Many of those natural pesticides are also far more toxic. Organic is nothing but a fucking scam, do the research.

>> No.14824294

>Seems like this board is mostly City people
most people i the world live in cities, most people in America live in cities

>> No.14824473

>Pesticides aren't great for the environment, but without them the cost of farming enough to support the population would be way, way higher in terms of air pollution and water use.
This is very much the lesser of two evils when you consider that pesticide use will render insects, as a whole, extinct in the next 50 years. What do you think will happen to farming when the bedrock upon which nature rests collapses under your feet, retard?

>> No.14824711

>insects, as a whole, extinct in the next 50 years
Are you literally retarded? I'm not even trying to insult you, do you literally have a severe mental deficiency?

>> No.14826155

>big agribusiness shills

>> No.14826187

Why do amerisharts and canacucks seethe so much about where half of their country"men" live both urban and rural

>> No.14826479

>throw all the bad produce

Technically none of that is "thrown out" or wasted. Anything that is not suitable for retail sale, like red peppers and tomatoes that are bruised or over-ripe? Goes straight to the hogs or into the compost bin, so it's not "wasted" or lost in any way.

>> No.14826486

Look at your love life. What do YOU know about chemistry?

>> No.14827627

My dad and his brothers farm thousands of acres of canola, wheat and chickpeas, but my dad sent me to live in the city and the rest dont have kids so our like 10 generations of farmers is coning to an abrupt end... Unless i can learn alot real fast.

>> No.14827902

Make babies and tell your dad you hate the city.
Unless you like the city?

Look into regenerative farming

>> No.14827907

(blue/red) TEAM BAD! (red/blue) TEAM GOOD!

>> No.14828096

Plus city folks vote for their own ethnic extermination. They have strayed so far from nature, they lack even the most basic survival instincts.

>> No.14828540

Family owns an agricultural business in Montana. We do flour & grains & whatnot. You can find our stuff in quite a few places. It's actually quite good stuff, use it myself.

>> No.14828630

You sure? I get the impression most of this board is rural or suburban Americans.

>> No.14828633

>Bought a whole hog three years ago, buy local grass fed beef regularily. Bought a whole pig belly once too.
I live in a city and if I wanted to do that I'd just walk to the fucking butchers, anon. You do know what a butcher is, right?

>> No.14828638

I've never been told how to live by a cityfag. It's only countrysidefags telling me how WRONG I am for liking cities.

>> No.14828749

maximum concentration of aqueous ammonia is about 35% w/w with a density of about 0.88 g/ml. anhydrous ammonia has a density of about 0.78 g/ml. assume 1 ml for easier calculations.

1 ml aq. ammonia * 0.88 g/ml = 0.88 g * 35% = 0.308 g ammonia + .572 g water
1 ml anhydrous ammonia * 0.78 g/ml = 0.78 g * 100% = 0.780 g ammonia + 0 g water

So for a fixed storage vessel, like a 1000 gallon tank, you can store 2.53x weight of ammonia if you use anhydrous ammonia over aqueous ammonia.

>> No.14828775

Agriculture in America is fucking easy mode
t. Third world shitter

>> No.14829457

The silent majority just never shuts the fuck up

>> No.14829465

Good riddance, no offense but a large corporation will be able to farm that land much more efficiently and effectively

>> No.14829506

The average American farmer is also a welfare queen who would go broke without the tariffs, price controls, and billions of dollars the federal government shells out in subsidies.

>> No.14830003

were your guys crops hit hard by gsm?