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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14818092 No.14818092 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make good rice in a pot? Not gummy.
Also, do you like your rice al dente or fully cooked?

>> No.14818120

Pour in 2 cups of rice with 2 1/2 cups of water in pot. Set to medium and wait about 10 minuets. By then the water should be boiling and some of the water has been absorbed into the rice. Turn off the heat, stir rice, and cover. Wait another 10 minuets and the residual heat will cook the rest of the rice.
This works for me every time and I like my rice fully cooked with out being mushy.

>> No.14818131

I will try this thank you.

>> No.14818139
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>pouring the rice into the water before it's boiling

>> No.14818186


I usually have to wait about 20 minutes. Guess I'm using a bit too much water

>> No.14818241


Rinsing the rice thoroughly prior to cooking will reduce the guminess by a factor of ten. Also, buy a fucking rice cooker. They're $15 bucks for a cheap one and it will last forever.

>> No.14818268

I don't have fifteen dollars, I just have rice.

>> No.14819160

Rinse the rice before cooking until water runs clear, then add a tsp of oil to the pot

>> No.14819202

Get a rice cooker you cave troll.

>> No.14819228


>> No.14819231



>> No.14819241

boil water then cover it and reduce the heat

>> No.14819514

buy a rice cooker

>> No.14819525

Yes, very good. Fill your kitchen with unnecessary unitaskers and replace them every year when they "randomly" break within the same exact time frame. Keep buying. Buy buy buy.

>> No.14819541
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I kinda do something similar.
Put whatever amount of rice you want in a pan. I usually get long grained basmati rice and add salt and small amount of turmeric powder.
Add cold water until it is 3/4 an inch above the level of the rice.
I bring to the boil, stirring occasionally. The rice will expand to reach the same level as the water. Reduce the heat to a simmer and cover the pot with a tight lid for around 8-10 minutes letting the rice to further cook by the steam.
Fluff up the rice before serving.

>> No.14819579

buying a good quality rice and stirring while it is coming to a boil will do a lot more to prevent stickiness and lumps.
Rinse if you want to.
Personally I don't notice much starch washing out. I guess some rice sellers prewash their rices?

>> No.14819614

>3/4 an inch
That's three quarters of an inch and not 3 or 4 inches

>> No.14819677


If you are a grown ass man and can't afford $15 just kill yourself now. Really.

>> No.14819725
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Drain it when it’s done cooking and rinse it after

Don’t be afraid to cook rice

>> No.14819736

It's not pasta you retard

>> No.14819739

Indians actually cook it that way

>> No.14819814

There are multiple ways to cook rice. None of them are the One True Way that people seem to think they are.

>> No.14819865

I heard asians pour rice vinegar over the cooked rice which makes it taste that good but I never tried it. Anyone did that and knows?

>> No.14819867
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Put tbs of butter in pot and melt it. Add in 2 cups rice saute that shit. add in 1 tbs of chicken bouillon stir that in. Add in 2.3 cups of boiling water then reduce heat to a simmer and cover and cook for 25 minutes. Then kill heat and let sit covered for another 25 minutes. Fluff and enjoy.

>> No.14819877

when you make sushi rice you add vinegar to the rice

>> No.14819894

Yes anon, all machines are evil consumerist monsters, even the extremely long lasting high quality well reviewed rice cookers that you can exactly one or two of in your life. What a scam. Never buy anything ever again because you are a free thinker and we are all blind.

>> No.14819896

Is it only applicable to sushi or can I use it to enhance the taste of any rice?

>> No.14819925

I like my rice like I like my women.
Without someone else's dick in it

>> No.14819932

Sushi rice is made by stirring sugar and vinegar into cooked rice while it's still hot.

>> No.14820024

If you are an adult and use "ass" as a suffix, kill your entire family then yourself.

>> No.14820060

I thought you meant the short type of rice

>> No.14820079

Try putting a bit of sesame oil in when you add the water if you want it not sticky. Tried that today and worked great easy cleanup too
But I like sucky rice so I won't do it ever again maybe

>> No.14820081

Sticky* xd

>> No.14820152

Indians also cook long grain rice.

>> No.14820690

Gonna trust the methods used by countries that feature rice in every meal of over some retarded suburb mom food blog tbqh lad.

>> No.14821560


>> No.14821789

>Put tbs of butter in pot and melt it. Add in 2 cups rice saute that shit.
I've had good results from frying day old boiled rice in butter.
Just make sure the butter is almost burning before adding the rice.

>> No.14821961
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cook it as you would pasta. in abundant boiling water until al dente then pour in a colander.
>muh uncle roger says using a colander is not authentic Chinese rice
who the fuck cares

>> No.14821974

>measuring by volume
why are Americans incapable to use a kitchen scale? measuring by volume will always give you inconsistent results (as opposed to measuring by weight) because not all rice is the same size/density. same thing with salt, if a recipe has a salt measurement in volume you know it's absolute shit

>> No.14821990


>pour however much rice in pot
>cover with enough water that your middle finger is submerged up to the first knuckle
>bring to boil
>turn pot all the way down to lowest
>come back in 20 minutes


>> No.14821997

If you have an IQ of up 75 you can know how much water you'll need so the colander is not necessary

>> No.14822002

Rather than a set number, you should wash it until the water no longer turns cloudy.

Also you can use stock when you cook it instead of pure water, this adds a lot imo.

>> No.14822027

Imagine over thinking how someone cooks a few cups of rice.

>> No.14822059
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>> No.14823675

I got a rice cooker. The electric stove at my old apartment would leave it either unfinished and sitting in water, or burnt depending on the exact position of the dial in the warm range, with nothing in between, so I'd have to turn the heat up and down during cooking. The bottom layer would get overcooked and stuck to the pot regardless, so I'd have to flip it. Using less water would just mean not having enough water to cook it properly. The gas stove at the new place has no setting lower than "burn that motherfucker to a crisp." I have to either turn the heat on and off constantly or construct some sort of rube goldberg machine to dissipate heat, which I wasn't going to bother with. Even with time and effort being wasted to manage the rice, the texture would never be perfectly even throughout the pot on either stove.

With the master race Japanese Zojirushi micom rice cooker folded over a thousand times, I can simply put in rice and water, press the button, and win. The keep warm feature is superb and the rice is still in good shape the next morning.

I just cooked quinoa in it. Get fucked. These things can cook all kinds of other stuff. I got the type asians use for 20 years straight, not poorly made junk. Read reviews instead of just getting the local store brand.

Rice vinegar can be a very effective flavoring, but you have to treat it like any cooking sauce and figure out what you're doing instead of randomly slapping it everywhere. There's different kinds of rice and different recipes for them, and rice vinegar is great with some but incompatible with other dishes.