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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14814601 No.14814601 [Reply] [Original]

What are some exotic meats and fish that you want to try?

>> No.14814609

>eel is exotic
Do americans really?

>> No.14814623

I grew up in Hawaii and literally every time I put on a mask and snorkel I saw multiple moray eels doing their autistic "this is MY hole" thing. I never considered spearing and eating one, and never even realized they were considered "exotic". It was much rarer to see an octopus because they actually hide.

>> No.14814632

your cock

>> No.14814654
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i've worked with conger eel. they are literal sea monsters; but i've never seen anybody ever talk about moray eel. i bet they're delicious, but they're also like semi octopus levels of intelligent and VERY docile.

i'd still eat em if it was offered but i'd feel bad about spearing one myself

>> No.14814669

my local chinese place offers cream of sum yung gai but i get nervous every time

>> No.14814670
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>mfw i realize eels are the most autistic sea creature

>> No.14814677
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>> No.14814683

I ate mouse cooked in a tamarind sauce and it was delicious.

>> No.14814690
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I have a bunch of recipes that call for this fucker. Morbidly curious to try it

>> No.14814693


>> No.14814700

morays themself arent that exotic and unknown i meant eating one you silly gooses

>> No.14814714


you've never tried monkfish? it's literal bycatch and generally very cheap for how tasty it is. the only thing about monkfish is that it needs to be COOKED or else the texture is literally gritty. like halibut is chewy and stringy, monkfish is straight up sandy.

when cooked properly it's really good but it's kind of a bitch to clean as there's a membrane under the top layer of already super slimy/weird skin; pretty sure they get BTFO'd from too sudden of a pressure change when theyre hauled up

>> No.14814725

i bet hippo burgers would be good

>> No.14814857

>This is MY hole
>There may be many like it but THIS one is MINE

>> No.14814867


>> No.14814871

ossetra caviar

>> No.14815082
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>> No.14815085

Yessir, you should also add birds of prey

>> No.14815088

moray eels are far from docile.

>> No.14815091

Ossetra caviar is absolutely delicious, it’s more complex than your standard roe

>> No.14815096

morays have ciguatera

>> No.14815154

thought carnivorous animals were kinda shit. I guess shark is decent enough, and chickens will 100% eat bugs if given the opportunity, so there are exceptions

>> No.14815155

Carnivorous land animals are shit. Tuna is a carnivorous animal, as are lobsters.

>> No.14815297


>> No.14815313

Chickens will eat anything if given the chance, including each other

>> No.14815315


Everyone in this thread is confused. OP is the eel. He wants to eat a human.

>> No.14815336
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they're fucking retarded and i love them

>> No.14815337
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>pressure change
not deep enough

>> No.14815339


Grumpy eel is grumpy.

>> No.14815346

would like to try dog

>> No.14815364

There was a plan once to bring hippos to the US and raise them in the swamps of Louisiana and Florida. Then people realized how ornery they are compared to cows and said never mind. Feral hogs are bad enough.

>> No.14815374

nah m8 sea snakes are way more aesthetic

>> No.14815379

I think they're taking over a country in South America because Pablo Escobar owned a zoo and they escaped and now they're fucking killing people and shit

>> No.14815433

Ozfag here
Ive eaten kangaroo a few times the best kangaroo ive eaten was in a 2 day stew. You really have to slow cook the meat because its very lean and tough and honestly not that great tasting.

Most of the times ive hunted kangaroo we usually feed them to the dogs.

>> No.14815436

Ive eaten dog once by mistake in the philippines and it tasted like lamb.

Never eaten lamb since.

>> No.14815450
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i wonder what a few of the deep sea mariana trench abominations would taste like

>> No.14815460
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This. And insofar as our perception of food is often tied to cultural context, I should prefer not Japanese whale, nor Inuit whale, but specifically NORDIC whale.

>b-but whales are intelligent!

How else do you think the Swedes invented Ikea?

Imagine what a Scandinavian Princess that meme Greta girl could have been, had she been raised on fatty whale instead of soy snacks and lawn clippings.

>> No.14815465


Kino, when do we get an ambassador to negotiate with the Hippo Nation?

>> No.14815476


>> No.14815479

Chickens will eat everything. They are omnivores.

>> No.14815482

some would be quite nice i imagine. there were apparently huge ass shrimps there too

>> No.14815490

Served with some kale.

>> No.14815514
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they’re thousands of feet below sea level so as soon as you drag them up to the surface they fall apart like jelly because of the pressure differences. scientists only recently were able to capture and contain a few deep sea shrimp and crabs with a pressurized tank called an abyss box.

>> No.14815546


Wow, scientists really did all of that just to see how crunchy and delicious they taste in their natural habitat? And I thought that I liked seafood!

>> No.14817142

thats fucking dope

>> No.14817476

>crunchy and delicious they taste in their natural habitat?
How will you eat one? As soon as you open that box the crab will turn into purée

>> No.14817500

Big data elites

>> No.14818682

>crab will turn into purée
crab pate is pretty awesome

>> No.14818889

that one bologna with cheese bits in it

>> No.14819334

what about clown meat

>> No.14819822
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>> No.14820045
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All of them

>> No.14820057

Wait, but there's less pressure when they bring it up above water, how would it turn into mush?

>> No.14820109

Kangaroo mince is good but

>> No.14820118

Maybe cooking them under pressure first means that the depressurization process will make them fluffy. Like dense bread vs fluffy cake. Or hard over eggs vs fluffy omelet.

>> No.14820128


>> No.14820135

Use the same method that prevent divers from getting the bends.

>> No.14820140

The lack of pressure makes crab expand like a balloon and then POP

>> No.14820144
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I really want to try Ortolan one day, before authoritarians outlaw it

>> No.14820146

>ywn be raped by Rindou Senpai
Fuck this gay earth

>> No.14820149

Nice digits but snake is fucking delicious especially in sausage

>> No.14820178

I'm curious about gazelle tastes when co.pared to american game meat like deer. Outside of that if I just wanted to be a decadent cunt I'd say either coconut crab, hippo, or some kind of big cat.

>> No.14820219

i think pigeon would be a really interesting exotic meat to try

>> No.14820224

>not the heckin dolphinerinos
>the water is literally red from blood you monster

>> No.14821226

I got to eat kangoroo and crocodile at some chinese place once it was alright but nothing special and the kangoroo meat needs to be eaten immediatly because for some reason it gets really chewy after a minute

But now when i think about it i wonder what a penguin tastes like.
Also cabybara but they are too pure and chill so i couldnt bring it over my heart

>> No.14823108

An Asian girls asshole

>> No.14823116

I had manta ray tacos in mexico, would eat again.

>> No.14823142
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This motherfucker

>> No.14823167

Can good nutrition even fix Fetal Alcohol Syndrome?

>> No.14823194
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gif related

>> No.14823268

very stringy tasteless meat.

>> No.14823334

I'd be happy with some fugu.

>> No.14823355


Do you know whats happening when somebody gets the bends? Its completey different

>> No.14823426

Pretty sure their bodies are meant to keep that high pressure, even if you take your time they will just turn into jelly. Like Liquid CO2, no matter how slowly you lower the pressure, it just can't exist at 1Atm

>> No.14823448

as bad as that is to do to chickens due to cannibalism being a learned behavior that you have to cull the flock to get rid of, I always enjoy watching my chickens eat meat. Give them a bit of pork and they'll shake it violently and run around and play with it like that got a kill. Chickens are surprisingly cute animals

>> No.14823571

Her family is from northern sweden so they have saami admixture, basically Native Americans

>> No.14823573
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>> No.14823581
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>> No.14823601

This is an insult to natives. I'd scalp that disgusting little bitch before having to look at her hideous fucking face.

>> No.14823634

Yawn, natives are basically proto whitoids, got fucked because they hated each other then cucked themselves by alcoholism, like white rurals and opioids today

>> No.14823672

I'd assume feeding fired chicken nuggets to chickens wouldn't teach them cannibalism, since the meat of a raw chicken is completely different in taste and texture.