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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 257 KB, 1080x608, Liquor store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14812512 No.14812512 [Reply] [Original]

Liquor store worker here. Why the fuck do people go buy liquor on a goddamn Monday? What is wrong with you?

>> No.14812523

Our religion doesn't forbid us from drinking, there's no reason to be salty

>> No.14812525

>he doesn't know about time zones

It's always Saturday somewhere!

>> No.14812528

You know what the fuck is wrong with me.

>> No.14812531
File: 110 KB, 732x976, EiPCDb5WoAAiDpZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I buy it on Monday because go fuck yourself, without my money you wouldn't have a job, now go grab my bottles of hendricks gin and four lokos, you fucking liquor monkey

>> No.14812534

Why the fuck do people work at liquor stores? What is wrong with you?

>> No.14812560

Actually we make our money from wholesale. If we cut off all over the counter sales we'd see maybe a 10% dip in profit.
Because it's an easy night job for extra cash since your real job is over by 2 in the afternoon. Only downside is it brings you into contact with lots of dumbasses who need alcohol but aren't smart enough to communicate what kind they actually want.

>> No.14812564

>why do addicts buy the heorin I sale daily

really hard to figure this one out for ya huh?

>> No.14812583

What’s your best selling product?

>> No.14812592

Maybe I work on saturday and sunday and tuesday is my day off faggot. Not everybody has a cushy job like you.

>> No.14812599

buying liquor =/= drinking liquor
It might just be a convenient time to stop by the store

>> No.14812600

Tito's by a giant landslide. Smirnoff, Hennessy, and Crown flavors are up there too.

>> No.14812602

Imagine being a bottom-feeding peon working one of the shittiest jobs there is and feeling like you have room to judge others.

>> No.14812610

It's because of that I have room to judge. I see what these faggots act like when they shut their brains off, because they unironically forget I'm a human and can deny them sale if they act like monkeys.

>> No.14812614

Are you personally in the habit of drinking liquor immediately after buying it, OP?

>> No.14812620

Maybe mondays are the worst days of the week?

>> No.14812623

Sure thing, chimpo. Shouldn't you be buying chips and frozen meals with your EBT card instead of being a crybaby faggot?

>> No.14812625

I'm not, but these people are. I know it for a fact because half of them will be back before the end of the night, blatantly boozed up and trying to get more.

>> No.14812640

how can I get Japanese strong cola, or lemon his and yebisu beer

>> No.14812652

Monday Night Football is a perfectly valid reason for me to drink 12 beers on a Monday so go fuck yourself

>> No.14812662

You know what's a little awkward? Being in the lot waiting when the opening employee shows up. And when you start to explain that you're only there because you run errands early, you can see in the guy's eyes that he doesn't believe you but also doesn't care because it happens often.

>> No.14812675

By convincing a rep from one of our distributors that it's worth selling and will be popular. They're terrified of taking a risk.
Only way you'd actually make him mad in that scenario is if the first thing you say is "Get any Blanton's in today?"

>> No.14812677

am hardcore alcoholic but once I was running morning errands and accidentally got to the liquor store door exactly as they were opening it for the people already waiting outside. I was just pleased I didn't have to wind up waiting

>> No.14812679

true suggestion, on youre end have you had any of the three and think itd be easy to convince them?

>> No.14812685

not everybody operates on a M-F 9-5 schedule.

>> No.14812689

Or hanging around in the 24 hour supermarket at 5:50ish in the morning anxiously pacing around pretending to look at food labels, waiting for them to move the carts blocking the liquor aisle out of the way cos they can't legally sell you nothin til 6am.

>> No.14812690

What's the weirdest sale you ever made?

>> No.14812705

this. i work in entertainment and casinos. any shift that isn't on the weekend means im not making enough money.

>> No.14812708

It's not the 1950s anymore, where every worker has a typical Saturday/Sunday weekend.

>> No.14812717

Jesus fucking Christ, shut the fuck up you worthless, insecure fucking loser.

>> No.14812748

I once sold our entire stock of Casamigos Reposado to Dave Chappelle. He was stocking up the week before lockdown.
I mean it was mostly a joke answer. What I meant is that if you want a liquor store to carry shit, tell them you want it so that they have ammo to tell their reps that there are people interested and actively searching for that product.

>> No.14812755
File: 67 KB, 720x540, Alcohol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why the fuck do people go buy liquor on a goddamn Monday?
Because I wish to purchase liquor?

Are you upset you have to do your job on Mondays? I'm confused as to the point of this question.

And it's always 1700 somewhere. I don't care if someone is buying alcohol to drink on an off schedule, try to outdrink Sanguine and Bacchus, or just make a couple of authentic rum cakes. None of my concern unless I'm invited.

>> No.14812771

this idea that you can drink as much as you like as long as it's at the weekend/in the evening has never made sense to me. you do know "acceptable" times to consume alcohol are a spook, right? and actually, "day drinking" is better because your body genuinely handles it in a much nicer way . you get a much shorter, cleaner and clearer buzz without going sloppy or getting a headache. in the evening/weekend/after a long day in the wage cage when you're tired is the absolute worst circumstances to consume alcohol.

>> No.14812779

oh cool you live in his ohio town, whats he like as a normal person?

>> No.14812791

liquor store is next to walmart and I'm buying groceries so I might as well swing by so I can put a bottle in the liquor cabinet.

>> No.14812796

Liquorstorefag here, most people who come in on Mondays pay with cash compared to 95% of business being on cards during the weekend, I'm guessing because the kind of people who are responsible enough to handle credit cards and online checking contain their drinking for the weekend or are hiding their alcoholism from their spouse.

>> No.14812819

I work weird schedules so weekdays are usually my days off. Getting fucked up with my gf on Mondays isn't an unusual occurrence for me m8

>> No.14812820

where I live the alcohol laws are so retarded. we have an ABC board. beer sales must end at 1am at stores. bars can sell alcohol until 3am. many bars will sell you cases of beer to go so you can just go to a bar if the store won't sell it to you. with COVID now the bars have to close at 10pm so you have no means of buying anything after 1am anymore, however I know one gas station that will sell me beer after hours because they're indians and don't give a shit. fuck shitty alcohol laws

>> No.14812847

you're so full of shit

>> No.14812995

Honestly you wouldn't recognize him. He dresses super casual when he's out buying shit, and his voice is a little deeper than on camera.
Not at all. When you live around Yellow Springs you see him a lot just putzing around.
It's not so much that as I wonder how you can find the time to drink on weekdays. There's nothing I hate more than working with a hangover so I just avoid drinking on work nights. And I don't know a lot of jobs that have you working the weekend but free Monday evening so it baffles me how we get so many folks.
As above. I just can't figure out why there's so many. It's Mondays in particular too, they're only behind Friday and Saturday as the busiest. No other weekday comes close.

>> No.14813007

>As above. I just can't figure out why there's so many. It's Mondays in particular too, they're only behind Friday and Saturday as the busiest. No other weekday comes close.
'cuz people binge on the weekends, taper on mondays, dry out/claim they're going sober during the week, then repeat come friday. Do you even /alck/?

>> No.14813120
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are you a mooslim or something? people have their reasons sorry it doesnt align with your life. faggot

>> No.14813246

weekend's over, I'm out of booze
plus several of the liquor stores near me have microbrew sales on Monday.

>> No.14813322 [DELETED] 

>Why do drug addicts buy drugs on a Monday
OP is a fucking faggot
Saged and reported

>> No.14813324

that's one of my days off, anon

>> No.14813435

I work week-long stints, 12 hours a day, Tuesday-Monday, every other week. I go and buy something Monday evening to celebrate getting through another week.

>> No.14813448

i always like to assume that they're just getting off the night shift 11pm-7am or something and getting a few drinks before bed, rather than first thing in the morning.

of course i know more than a couple guys who like to chug 2-3 tall boys at 8am in the parking lot outside before going to work too.

>> No.14813463

Because I like to have a drink after dinner and I ran out on a Sunday.

Fucking obviously.

>> No.14813471

If I work weekends I have Tuesday and Wednesday off, so my Monday night is "saturday"
Some people want to drink a few when they watch Monday Night football
Pick it up monday so I can chill it for when I want to drink it

Usually if I am not buying on a thursday it's simply because I don't really enjoy going to bars, so having a drink or two after work is far cheaper than Happy Hour paying 4-5 bucks for a weak ass well drink.

>> No.14813480

why do you work in a liquor store you failure to society?
get some self respect and better yourself, stop dealing in poisons.

>> No.14813495

I guess i should just shoot you in the face and take what i want

>> No.14813533

>And also get me 3 handles of Jack

>> No.14813542

Because I'm an alcoholic that drinks a case of beer a day lol

>> No.14813553

I buy it on whatever day I feel like buying it. I have a massive amount of alcohol in the house and when several things are low I go in and replenish, usually grab something new also. You know, exactly the same way I operate with food, toiletries, household items in general.
Do people actually formulate their entire schedules based on what idiot strangers think? "Oh wow, look at him, buying alcohol at any time other than Friday evening! I bet he even drinks alone! I'm so much more well adjusted by getting blackout shitfaced every weekend because that's the socially acceptable time and other people are there to see it so it's fine."

>> No.14813601

>work weekends
>only days off are tuesdays and thursdays because Front End Supervisor at supermarket and tuesdays and thursdays are Senior Citizen discount days, I absolutely REFUSE to work those days
>really should get another job but this pays like 22.50/hr and economy is kinda in the shitter here
>state doesn't allow work to sell anything over wine in supermarkets have to go to ABC/Liquor store
>this dumbass cashier looks at me like I am some alcoholic for not buying booze on the "correct" day

Don't give a fuck OP I basically can't unwind as hard as my friends do on the weekends, let me have my booze and watch my anime in peace. What would it be better if I went out drinking at a bar, or spend a huge bar tab for thirsty thursday instead?

>> No.14813609

I work weekends asshole monday's my day off

>> No.14813627

If their hands aren't shaking then just relax.

>> No.14813654
File: 138 KB, 1920x1675, 1568170238914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people going to bars each night of the week spending 4-5x the cost of a okay bottle, many often driving home
No mention of a problem
>some dude buying a bottle to take home and drink for the night

Really anon, who the fuck cares. When do you drink?

>> No.14813706

This is the most disgusting beast paw of a hand I've seen in a long time

>> No.14813713

This gives me too much gas and bloat.

>> No.14813741

I actually don't care so much about bars because it's a social activity. It makes sense, albeit not financially. And I go drinking on Saturday nights, the night before my day off.

>> No.14813761

Just ran out Sunday, what's it to you

Also this >>14812528

>> No.14813774

jeez its almost like you work in an industry that relies on addicts for 80% of its sales and a huge amount of people going to the liquor store could care less what day it is because they dont want to get sick.

>> No.14813785

My days off are Tuesday and Wednesday

>> No.14813790

So maybe the people who don't work Tuesday and aren't feeling like doing the Monday night bar scene because it's absolute dog shit generally filled with actual alcoholics or boomers watching DA FOOTBALL GAME, just want to have a few drinks at home?

>> No.14813803

take it up with your boss wagie cuck

>> No.14813833

>picked up some liquor tonight so with will be chilled and cold to watch the debate tomorrow night

Seriously can't wait to hop on discord voice chat and watch the shitfest that is the presidential debate while drinking.

>> No.14813859

You would have a point if the people coming into my store aren't those very same actual alcoholics and boomers.

>> No.14813882

Meh, I have work tomorrow but I just downloaded the Yakuza Remastered collection. Now, Im a totla fag for this, but when I play the Yakuza games I like drinking the liquor you can buy in game so I went out and got Sake to enjoy while I stream it. I had Glenfiddich 21 for Yakuza Kiwami 2 and Im going to be a massive Sakefag for Yakuza 3.

>> No.14813893


>> No.14813897

Why don't you just STFU, do your job and get me what I've politely asked for? If it's a self service store, then STFU, stand in the corner out of my way, let me get what I've come for, take my money and be on my way.

It's not that fucking difficult now is it?

>Attitudes like this is why I support mandatory 2 year army conscription.

>> No.14813903
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>politely asked for
Fucking KEK

>> No.14813917

Well I AM polite when I walk into a shop. It takes a fair bit to get me to be impolite in public, because I see this as a personal failing.

>> No.14813931

Honestly that looks like rebranded dollar store mouthwash.

>> No.14813936

Then you're a very rare minority. Most people literally shut their brains off the instant they step through my door. If you just sat there for about 30 minutes and watched how people behave in a liquor store you'd want to tear your own eyes out in disgust.

>> No.14813939
File: 267 KB, 442x493, 1555090268785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me an alcoholic but I seriously only drink once or twice a week on the night before my days off. If you think for a second I would rather drink at the bar on a monday vs drink at home, you're beyond hope of understanding not everyone works 9-5 M-F.

Mondays absolutely suck for people who have to work weekends because everyone is out of sync with you, then explaining yet again to Bob and Karen the Boomer crew that no you're off tomorrow just like every single week. It's annoying as hell because everyone coming in to work is obviously hung over or some shit and shit on you all day about stuff.

>> No.14813990

are you holding it with your fucking foot?

>> No.14814004

why don't you ever have what I fucking want you piece of shit? I look through your store every fucking Friday for Redd's Cherry Ale and you never fucking have it. Fuck you. Give me a bottle of Kraken and kiss my hairy asshole.

>> No.14814013

probly not too many other homosexuals in your area

>> No.14814020

yeah just OP and myself I guess.

>> No.14814024

We don't have it because no one fucking buys it, go to the Meijer up the road.

>> No.14814027

Because we're alcoholics, if you want more information than that try asking in a less shitty way, we've all got a story. Glad to be 5 weeks sober, never touching the shit again, I'm better off without it.

>> No.14814041

Because I polished off my last bottle on Sunday in anticipation of goddamn Monday and I need more now because it’s goddamn Monday.

>> No.14814044

Keep at it bro

>> No.14814071

My days off are Tuesday and Wednesday. I gotta get my shit on my "Friday"

>> No.14814122

Pour, bitch

>> No.14814141
File: 232 KB, 1300x1064, 468475423523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just here to ask you if you have a public restroom. I need to wash my face and hair in the sink, and I have food poisoning from eating expire bread out of a garbage can behind Kroger, so I need to take a massive diarrhea shit all over your toilet and not clean it up. Also I'm going to wander around the store aimlessly with a big ass backpack on and make you wonder if I'm stealing shit, when in reality I just don't have any fucking money and I'm wondering if maybe you have any hard liquor for a really cheap price, and also to steal shit.

>> No.14814180

Well that just sucks. I have zero patience for rudeness, on either side of the counter.

>> No.14814211

i work 7 days a week. also i work overnight. also i'm an alcoholic

>> No.14814270
File: 388 KB, 850x850, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the worst thing about the coof is that the state liquor stores close at 7 and I can't go on the 9:45pm liquor runs anymore
I don't even think about buying liquor until 7.

>> No.14814277

>7PM close
This is legit why I buy more liquor to have around, there is nothing more bullshit than running out of something at 845 and LOL NOPE CLOSED.

>> No.14814283

imagine NEEDING liquor at any given time lmao

>> No.14814290

I went 6 months without liquor, I had cheap wine one time, drank way too much and literally vomited and slept for a whole day, then I just walked to the store and bought a natty daddy which is enough for a good time when I had to.
The natty was so bad it made me wish for the shitty vodka I buy, but I can't even drink 2 shots of the stuff before wanting to vomit.

>> No.14814292 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 540x557, 1588684616963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll occasionally buy my 12 year old sister vodka cruisers on a Monday so she'll give me a lap dance. She's already an alcoholic, and incredibly beautiful. Little angel.

Inb4 pedo, relax, she's my half sister and I'm 38. All the clothes stay on.

>> No.14814307

Yeah sometimes playing some good vidya and want to keep going since I don't work till 1130 the next day and get lol noped by a 375ml I got

>> No.14814359

It's always Glasgow somewhere

>> No.14814398

whenever the old lady opens her mouth is when alcohol is needed

>> No.14814405

I don't drink liquor the day I buy it because I'm not an alcoholic. I keep a few types of alcohol in the house at all times for cooking, and only really drink for pleasure maybe every other month or so.

>> No.14814439

I'm not an alcoholic so I honestly can't really relate with any of you but all I can say is remember to moderate. I get that this is your go-to way to relax and forget about your problems but you can't rely on ignoring your problems all your life, they're not going away until you either die or face them.

>> No.14814452

>salary pay
>work about 55-65 hours a week given some of our time tracking shit
>2 days "off" per week
>night before I make sure to get some drinking in

If I drank more than the 2 times per week I get to actually unwind and play some proper vidya I'd agree with you.

>> No.14814519

Are you a Seattle bro or is this a generic pic? Elysian Space Dust is good stuff. I go to the liquor store every few days regardless of what day it is because I'd rather get drunk and shitpost every night until my liver quits than just blow my brains out.

>> No.14814570
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Or having a neurological condition that causes your hands and arms to shake uncontrollably and knowing that the cashier thinks you're an alchie as you struggle to insert your card.

>> No.14814588


>> No.14814591
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>> No.14814621

I worked in a liquor store for a couple years. I stopped giving a shit why they came in. Mondays weren't really busy for me though.

>> No.14814638

Because the presidential debate in on Tuesday and I need to be ready with a fresh handle

>> No.14814863

why does it matter, how is a monday different from a thursday
enjoy your designated 2 days to drink ya fucking communist

>> No.14814917

What in the fuck is that? Is that your hand looks like it's puffed up from a spider bite , tiny midget obese hands ,, im going to guess male 5'2" 390lbs ... really try to lose some weight fat boy

>> No.14814961

You got any Blanton's? Any Crown Peach?

>> No.14814964
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>> No.14814999
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Based, I'm partly into 0, I want some Suntory

>> No.14815028
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Close, I'm 5 foot 7 450ib

>> No.14815032
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The responses... Let him go

>> No.14815049

>credit cards
r u ‘avin a giggle m8?

>> No.14815050

I went to costco and bought a handle of vodka and some frozen pizzas

>> No.14815090

Because I can?

>> No.14815183

Fuck off with that national service shit Mayor Pete.

>> No.14815191

sheeeeeiiii if I could my friends half as bad as alc treats me when I got enough I wouldn't need to drink any at all

>> No.14816321

Maybe your mom would nag you less if you moved out of her basement, faggot.

>> No.14816958

>this is the guy calling you a soyboy and spamming wojaks

>> No.14816970

Ran out of scotch saturday, was in church all sunday, need scotch to pair with cigar.

>> No.14817729
File: 1.24 MB, 4032x1816, 20200929_142408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously why is everyone making fun of my hand

>> No.14817759

When I worked in a liquor store the alcoholics were our best customers. Always knew what they wanted, usually a pint right behind the counter. I'd have it rung up and bagged as soon as I saw their car pull up, most of the time they'd have exact change. Didn't want to stick around and chat, didn't complain, didn't ask stupid questions, just in and out within a minute.

>> No.14817782

>Those concave knuckles

>> No.14817784

>Didn't want to stick around and chat, didn't complain, didn't ask stupid questions, just in and out within a minute.
i am glad store employees can appreciate this Haha

>> No.14817785
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do you actually give a shit? why? im a college student that works throughout the weekend so i only really have monday thru thursday to decide if i wanna get smashed or not. "friday night partying" doesnt exist for me

>> No.14817802

do you use that pinky nail as a weapon? what the fuck?

>> No.14817822

Looks like a latex glove overfilled with pudding.

>> No.14817825


Is this that ogre who lives in the Polish family's basement?

>> No.14817829

We can't here. Once phase 4 (where shit's basically just back to normal) hits, then liquor stores will be open 7 days a week again. I usually restock on a Tuesday or Wednesday these days, but it might move to Monday when that becomes possible again - more stock and shorter lines.

>> No.14817841
File: 1.53 MB, 1200x5615, Basement+ogre_65d97b_6472262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14817857

You need to make use of that coke nail

>> No.14817858

He's Chinese, they use em to scrape out their ears.

>> No.14817867

>being this fat
>doing coke
ah yes the chris farley method

>> No.14817872


Look, have you ever tried eating sewer rats without first slicing their throats with your pinky claw and guzzling their hot sticky blood?

>> No.14817877

>Liquor store worker here. Why the fuck do people go buy liquor on a goddamn Monday? What is wrong with you?
Uhhh, what does it matter to you what day people go shopping? Do you have some strange rules for yourself that you think all people should abide by? My sister is a hospital physician and has a Monday-Tuesday days off. If you have a social life, Mondays might be the only nights to yourself that you aren't otherwise occupied. Do you personally only shop when you need that item immediately? I know I don't.

>Why the fuck do people work at liquor stores? What is wrong with you?
This is actual a known issue. Convenience store, gas station, liquor store. These are places your parents who love you would never ever want you to work at, because risks to your life are statisically more probable. You'll turn alchie, or you'll get robbed at gunpoint or beaten up.

>Only downside is it brings you into contact with lots of dumbasses who need alcohol but aren't smart enough to communicate what kind they actually want.
Be nice. You have a judgemental shit attitude for their business model. Customers are your bosses too.

>> No.14817885

>I once sold our entire stock of Casamigos Reposado to Dave Chappelle. He was stocking up the week before lockdown.
Good taste fellow reposado drinker. It'd be my end of the world drink, as well.

>> No.14817895

>or are hiding their alcoholism from their spouse.
They're the smartest. You shouldn't put alcohol on your credit cards for privacy and legal reasons.

>> No.14817917

>Why on Monday
I work Thurs-Sun, I'm probably picking up wine for dinner or ciders and whiskey for game night.

>> No.14817944


>> No.14817971
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Off topic but I'm making fridge magnets. Post you favorite looking liquor bottle, I need inspiration.

Bro, I go on Monday because I drink every day and need to reup for the week. Crafting magnets is helping me mitigate it, don't want to get so drunk I cut my hand.

>> No.14817974

Tonight is the debate I have to stock up on zimas and s0ilent so I can watch my boy Biden end racism once and for all

>> No.14817981

Damn that's shitty mate. In the UK we have 24 hour petrol stations every couple of miles and they nearly all sell booze.

>> No.14817984
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>> No.14818004

I started drinking less due to the shame of going in person to the 2 local liquor stores by me until drizzly came to my town now I have access to 10 stores I can keep rotating on a weekly basis

>> No.14818046

I do my shopping over lunch break at work. If I'm busy late in the week and Monday is free, Monday liquor shopping it is. This is true for any shopping that week. My liquor store gets a big shipment on Wednesday so I usually go then.

>> No.14818055

>My liquor store gets a big shipment on Wednesday so I usually go then.
Why do you even bother? I just preorder everything I need so I don't have to worry about this shit.

>> No.14818059
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I'll try to out do him, ill inject a 8 ball and live.

>> No.14818082

is that a giant baby's hand?

>> No.14818145
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>"why don't you take any time off?"
I claim it is because I am essential and that my job requires me to be here. What I really want to say is that it is because you won't give me a fucking moments peace! I could have worked from home because 'rona but her fucking dumbass drove me back into the office with her bullshit.

>> No.14818154
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because i can't stand this fucking existence anymore

>> No.14818160

I can't preorder stuff that is rare and comes in randomly. Or so they claim. A few local breweries have small batches and release new stuff frequently. Rare bourbons are even more tricky because we might get something in every 3 months.

>> No.14818162

I would kill myself if I didn't have Final Fantasy XIV

>> No.14818170

i sunk 6000 hours into that lifesink and i can't go back without ruining my entire life.

>> No.14818180

I don't mean to sound queer or nothin', but I'd kind of like to do some bumps and martinis with you.

>> No.14818205

I work Fridays and Saturdays. Monday is basically my Saturday. Also, fuck you.

>> No.14818207

People with the shittiest jobs don't have normal work weeks.

>> No.14818235
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Full queer and as long as the martinis are spiked with formaldehyde and the coke is pure im up for it

>> No.14818266

The martinis will be to-spec with quality gin, vermouth and bitters. Trace amounts of aldehydes only. The coke will make your gums numb just looking at it... and thick facial hair or none.

These are my terms.

>> No.14818278

So is Tuesday. And Wednesday.

>> No.14818316
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Good stuff, thanks anon.

>> No.14818375

Are you assuming his religion based on his place of employment? Well, carry on, because there's a 99% chance you're correct.

>> No.14818395

I'm sorry to hear that. If it helps, Back to the Future II was great.

>> No.14818399

You refused the six pack bottles because you've somehow convinced yourself that the cans and bottles taste different. Not my fault my distributor is out of cans. Same with all the Mike's hard. No I don't have it. No it's not because I'm trying to punish you personally. You can't find it fresh anywhere around here. Now excuse me I have 100 other customers waiting their turn to shit down my throat.

>> No.14818411

Nothing more sad and white trash than this. Hold yourself to higher standards before you become too normalized to this kind of behavior and make a mistake you can't take back.

>> No.14818427

I just pretend that everyone with shakey hands has a neurological condition. Some of them obviously do, some of them I'm better off pretending. It helps me be nice and helps reset my mood, which can get pretty bad on register. So in a way, you leave me better off by visiting my store and register.

>> No.14818432

What about that Busch Apple? Buffalo Trace? Weller's? What good are you then?

>> No.14818433

gl anon

>> No.14818462

Not him but canned and bottled drinks absolutely taste differently this is a known fact

>> No.14818485

No one sells Busch Apple, Buffalo Trace is allocated so get here in the fucking morning instead of asking me at 7 o'clock at night, and yeah we got some Weller's in the back you want green or red.

>> No.14818689

It's a known tale that people keep telling each other. Just like if you let cold beer warm up to room temperature it'll ruin the taste. Try a blind taste test like I did in college. 15 people, 8 different beers in bottles and cans with a bottling date within a month. Results were basically the same as random chance. It's all mental.

>> No.14818699

40oz to freedom

>> No.14818710

because it's Monday and I want liquor, you fucking pont. why does this thread have 200 replies?

>> No.14818722

Are you a fucking ogre?

>> No.14818725

Fun factoid: humans literally evolved to consume ethanol

>> No.14818729

Because I usually work Wednesday through Sunday and don't have time to go to the store other days of the week? If you don't like it then get a different job faggot

>> No.14818788

Other fun fact: we're not the only species to do so.

>> No.14818829

You gotta love seeing a herd of drunk elephants flatten some nigger village in Africa.

>> No.14818831


I drink alot anon. If I'm out, I go to the liquor store. Doesn't matter what day.

>> No.14818832

If I wanted to see that, I'd go to the club.

>> No.14819069

Me too really. I've had issues with booze but I seem to be an odd one. I'd just spend the day tipsey rather than drinking a handle at night

>> No.14819104

If you work at a retail store, you should know most people don't work monday-friday 9-5 any more. I buy liquor on a monday because I work 7-3 and can pick it up on the way home instead of having to leave early and risk being late if I get caught in traffic and because I have Tuesday off.

>> No.14819110

Good to see basement Shrek finally got a manicure.

>> No.14819116

Looks like your hand had a baby with a foot

>> No.14819123

pretty much this, monday morning is my "friday night" so if I ever want something special then that is when I am going to do it, though I live in a state where you can buy liquor in a grocery store so I just go to the local kroger because there's a larger selection for cheaper

>> No.14819163

Good luck anon

>> No.14819187

Youre welcome.

>> No.14819189

This still cracks me up no matter how many times I seen it.

>> No.14819224

cuz Texas makes it so you can't buy liquor on Sundays so I do my weekly shopping on Mondays
sometimes do a cheeky insurance purchase on Saturday if the stock looks low
I buy for two so it's not a precise science

>> No.14819460

At least here, culturally you're expected to drink at least every day, even it's it's a little.

>> No.14819468

Not everyone has the same days off. I work in a hotel so Monday and Tuesday mornings are when I can get drunk.

>> No.14819480

Liquor store and bar staff are usually high functioning alcoholics

>> No.14819483
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How does one get into making fridge magnets? Sounds like a neat hobby.

>> No.14819580
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I pull the images into photoshop, print, laminate ($25 for the machine and envelopes), stick them on these magnet sheets and then cut them out. It's fun, takes my mind off things. Watch a lot of Corner Gas while I make them lately.

>> No.14819909

Monday morning is the best time to shop. The level of customer service and lack of a crowd make it the way to go.
Also only absolute alcoholics buy their booze then go home and drink it right away. I'm currently getting 3 bottles delivered two weeks in advance of when I'd need them, and prior to corona that'd be 1-3 months prior because it doesn't go bad so you can chase sales.

>> No.14819912

I buy things when I want them.

>> No.14819915

You the same guy that bought the mad max dvd and tunneled his way out of the basement with a spoon?

>> No.14819926

So true. I miss having both knock off drinks and knock on drinks.

>> No.14820002

>Customers are your bosses too
Incorrect. The customer will abide by store rules and be civil. They will complete their purchase without pissing me or anyone else off. If they fail to comply with these unspoken terms of agreement they can fuck off and I'll give them a lifetime ban for good measure.

>> No.14820013

Comfy washington state liquor store. Fuck you and your taxes I shouldn't have had to wait for Costco to put money in the fight for getting booze at the pharmacy or grocery store. Fuck off

>> No.14820048

this guy gets it

>> No.14820215

>tell boss you want mondays off
Boom problem solved nerd.

>> No.14820255
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>> No.14820261

anon tell us more

>> No.14820264

sell, not sale.

4chan has standards faggot

>> No.14820276

Dude, it hurts on Mondays, too. Just let me wash it all away.

>> No.14820279

it's obvious you're a worker and not the owner. as a business owner, you don't give a shit what day of the week they're buying your products.

>> No.14820285

What does that have to do with anything? Or are you just larping as sherlock Holmes?

>> No.14820321

Because Soberiaty ain't my way of life.

>> No.14820369

Ran out on Sunday, duh

>> No.14820381

is that you no bully anon?

>> No.14820410

Awful lotta defensive people here, this wino central or what?

>> No.14820500

cursed image

>> No.14820552

I think OP's tone triggered people.

>> No.14821693

Good for you?

>> No.14821706

cash is quicker, brainlet

>> No.14821707
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>> No.14821752
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>Work in liquor store
>Cash-only because owner is old fogey that doesn't trust credit
>Literally have a sign up in front of each register in giant, bold print that says "CASH ONLY (ATM thataway if you need it ->)
>A solid one out of every three people STILL tries to pay with card, often literally looking around the sign to speak to us
OP's right, people are fucking braindead in liquor stores.

>> No.14821987

Your fault for cash only. How fuckin stupid is that.

>> No.14822511

Stay busy and strong anon

>> No.14822581

It's based, fuck (((banks))).

>> No.14822590

I know, what a bunch of fucking retards. Useless, worthless pieces of literal shit.
I make 7 figures sitting on my ass posting on 4chan all day because I'm not a failure.

>> No.14823647

>Every time a card is swiped, the store is charged a fee
>This fee typically eats up the entirety of your profit margin for items such as liquor, where profit margins are typically on 3-5%
>To make it up, a processing fee would need to be charged for every card swipe
>Except the fees vary from card to card, and could spark legal headaches if you overcharged on a fee.
For a small business, cash only makes sense.

>> No.14823815

when's the last time you bought something? Card takes about four seconds to process, with cash you have to sort through bills, pull them out, and then wait while the cashier counts, enters it, and gives you back change, probably 10-20 seconds. The only people who still use cash are alcoholics, paranoid schizos, or boomers who are too stupid to pay bills online.

>> No.14823840

>A lot of restaurants close on a Monday
>small dick energy, low skill cap, shelf-filler chimp comes onto a board infested with line grinders to complain about liquor sales on a Monday

>> No.14823857

Dave Chapelle, the black Muslim comedian?
Or is it some other Dave Chapelle?

>> No.14823890

As "Muslim" as a guy who drinks tequila like it's water, spends his average afternoon in the presence of no less than a thousand stoners and is surely not immune to their charms, and was not wholly opposed to sleeping with a trans woman can be I suppose.

>> No.14823915
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>it's another fat boomer in his F-150 here to buy a 30 pack of bud
>it's another blabbermouth karen in her white crossover here to buy three bottles of chardonnay and tell you all about her kids
>it's another tech company accountant looking around for Blanton's
>it's another bored couple who spend forty minutes picking out a bottle of wine
>it's another junkie in his shitbox sedan trying to slip a pint bottle into his waistband when no one's looking

>> No.14824002

>be alchoholic me
>mid binge wake up groggy out of booze
>check clock: 7:30
>walk to corner store to try to buy a couple of 40s
>store won’t sell to me. Guy says it’s the rules
>I question this. He said it was always the rules and there were signs everywhere. (I’ve been going to the same stor everyday for 10 years
>clerk informs me it’s 7:30 Am, not Pm
>embarrassingly get coffee and swear off booze for a while
New alcoholic low. But funny story.

>> No.14824518

Reminder that if a liquor store worker sees you not wearing a mask and doesn't ask you to go get one, they're being nice and doing you a favor. If you repay that favor by being a cunt to them, you probably shouldn't return to that store or they'll find a way to fuck with you next time you show up.

>> No.14824665

alcohol is boomer shit

>> No.14824694
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because thats my other day off and liquor stores are closed sunday?

>> No.14824714

>who spend forty minutes picking out a bottle of wine
And?? Do you hold the guys dick while they peruse? Get over yourself trash.

>> No.14824734
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>mfw I steal rubbing alcohol from the dollar store every morning, dont buy anything. All the employees just let me do it.
>mfw steal vanilla exctract from the grocery store
heh do you really think I give a shit about some random liquor store zombie's opinion

>> No.14824749

sounds like you need a different job

>> No.14824767

People who work in restaurants work on weekends and typically have Sunday and Monday off. Go to a bar on a Monday night and its usually full of cooks and servers.

>> No.14824935

How can you tell? Do they wear their fucking chef hats to the bar?

>> No.14824943

Well I can tell because I'm a chef and I know all the other cooks and servers around me.

>> No.14824960

My nearest liquor store charges a 50 cent surcharge for CC swipes. Not a big deal but it pisses me off to the point I try to pay in cash (and I hate cash)

>> No.14824969

>Not stealing mouthwash

>> No.14825030

What's wrong with drinking liquor? Anyway I sometimes go in to get some whiskey on monday since I usually have a bit of it during the weekend, but I don't drink it on monday. Just stocking up.

>> No.14825316

You never quite get the smell of fryer grease and grill smoke out of your hair or clothes.

>> No.14825449

Because who gives a fuck what day it is? You do realize not everyone works your M to F slave schedule, right?

>> No.14825499

Owner's fault for tax dodging.

>> No.14825593

You have no power to enforce this. You are a small man with a complex, no one cares about you set of "rules"

>> No.14825599

No one escapes the bank. Just pay and save yourself the trouble. The jews wont the media war

>> No.14825621


>> No.14826506

You sound angry/bitter about something beyond your customers. Have you thought about quitting and letting somebody more engaged and enthusiastic have your job?

>> No.14827128

who the fuck is enthusiastic about selling liquor

>> No.14827813

someone that appreciates having a job

>> No.14827863

Shut up Mike Rowe.

>> No.14828486
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shut up pinko

>> No.14830101
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>> No.14830349

Sometimes I have tuesday off asshole so let me get my damn german wheat beer in PEACE. Thanks for being open btw

>> No.14830447

Go back to theater class mike, you've never done real work in your life.

>> No.14830691

I too enjoy a large cup of gin and a rewatch of Fury Road, fellow ogre

>> No.14830696

They pay my wages!!!!!!
I hate them so much!!!!!!

Fuck off wagie.....

>> No.14831394

>yakuza 3
you better be drinking some awamori or at least orion beer

>> No.14831469

I'll tell ya what I am, I am thirsty so go get me the cheapest swill this shithole has wagie

>> No.14831783
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somebody's gotta restock those frozen tendies in the store for you

>> No.14832491

>And this smug smile says "It ain't gonna be me"

>> No.14832501

Almost all of your average liquor store's revenue comes from wholesale. They unironically could cut off all the alkies permanently and not see a significant loss.

>> No.14832575

>If we cut off all over the counter sales we'd see maybe a 10% dip in profit.
If it's so inconsequential then why does your boss even bother? Dumb counter jockey, you don't know shit about the financials.

>> No.14832672
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>ctrl + s
>no result

>> No.14832681

If the golem bearing it wasn't so fat I'd think that it was a coke nail.

>> No.14832877
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I am a good boy and only drink pic related on the weekend

>> No.14833114

imagine being such a pathetic no-life that you have nothing better to do than putz around a liquor store and judge each bottle by it's label because you can't be bothered to read reviews or get a recommendation like a normal human being.

>> No.14833186

Imagine being so pathetic that you get butthurt that a customer is taking too long to shop when you don't have to interact with them in any capacity.

>> No.14833215

Because fuck you that's why

>> No.14833218

My crippling alcoholism

>> No.14833342

Rename this the cuck pledge you fucking hack

>> No.14833358

You should pledge to commit to actions, not to retain beliefs. Beliefs should be open to change with the acquisition of new knowledge and experience.

>> No.14833362

Sometimes I ran out of liquor sunday night, retard.

>> No.14833371

Muh nigga

>> No.14833595

that's pretty cool, anon

>> No.14833601
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you mean people don't buy liquor every day? WHAT? why even have a job then?

>> No.14833638

For the longest time, my town didn't sell booze on Sunday. My roommate worked in a liquor store where he could basically steal all the booze he wanted, so he found out what booze all of our pot dealers like, he'd steal it on Saturday night, then they'd come over to trade pot for booze every Sunday. We smoked all week for a year and never payed for a gram of it. Plus all the top-shelf beer in the fridge we could drink. Good times, man!

>> No.14833642

Because my weekend is Tuesday and friday.

>> No.14833723
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>tfw tech company accountant
>tfw I almost exclusively buy Everclear by the 1.75L bottle because it has the highest ethanol per dollar ratio and I'm not drinking it for the taste

>> No.14833730

Hand sanitizer has a much higher ethanol to dollar ratio. Just don't get the stuff made in China. Thank me later.

>> No.14833745

I used to do a liquor store stock up twice a month where I'd buy 4 bottles of the cheapest shittiest vodka.

>> No.14833751

I work Thursday through Sunday at night in a hospital lab, so when I get off work early Monday morning, it makes sense for me to just eat breakfast and then go to the liquor store when it opens. My county has a limited number of stores open on Sundays and alcohol can't be sold before 0700 at 24 hour places, and store hours are further limited due to the pandemic.

>> No.14833762

Why would you want to go to the store every day? Just buy bigger bottles, you'll save money on volume and gas money.

>> No.14833785

And yet, it is your job to serve them. You are cattle.

>> No.14833792

Buy more = drink more. There will never be anything left in the morning.

>> No.14833828

This. The only thing stopping me from drinking enough to die is that I didn't buy enough to die. Moderation is more a budgetary and logistical exercise since I don't give a fuck about myself aside from concern for secondary effects of my passing. Suicide on the installment plan, just like dear old dad.

>> No.14834909
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and yet I'm better than all of them because I'm not an alcoholic degenerate who has to pretend that cashiers are my friend and care about what I have to say

>> No.14834924

its worse than you think. you are these peoples servant LMAO. you may not be one of them, but you are indentured to them, by your own choice, and any amount of your cuck logic is just cope

>> No.14834940

they're a slave to the bottle, which I sell them, they are below me, they're free to leave any time and yet they don't.

>> No.14834941

>implying I buy small bottles

>> No.14835598

They are free to leave, you are held captive by your employer. Small wonder you are such a bitter cunt

>> No.14835613
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Do the people who buy 4 litre boxed wine get judged by the staff after they leave?

>> No.14835630

People usually go in and buy the hard stuff, and I don't think anyone cares about it. I used to have a customer come in every morning to buy two 750ml bottles of smirmoff and a couple of minis. Every morning. After a while no one gives a shit because we buy our stuff at the end of our shifts too.

>> No.14835631


>> No.14835632

I don't judge you for buying the 4 liter box wine, I judge you for not spending the extra two dollars on a palatable one

>> No.14835752

fat boy lol

>> No.14835778

>not stealing and chugging laxatives

>> No.14835811

I barely work 5 months a year, the other 7 months I barely know what day it is.

>> No.14835825


>> No.14836203

In my case, I'm just trying to kill myself somewhat less slowly each day.

>> No.14836534

You're not supposed to drink anti-freeze

>> No.14836820

knowing that I have to work another 4 days is a valid reason for me to drink 12 beers

>> No.14836832

Us alcoholics often take a break on Sunday. Monday I feel refreshed and ready to hit the drinking week full on.

>> No.14837101

work in kitchen, work weekends and get monday tuesday off

>> No.14837299

Why doesn't the US of A sell it in normal stores? Thought it's da land of da free?

>> No.14837739

as far as i know they sell alcohol at their gas stations and grocery stores

>> No.14837757

It varies by state. In Ohio you can only get low proof shit like beer and wine in random stores. To sell hard liquor you need a license and in effect become a state agency subject to their rules.

>> No.14837765

No but we laugh at you if you're dumb enough to buy Hennessy/Patron/Dusse, or similar dogshit products only famous because they're shilled in music

>> No.14837794

As someone mentioned, it's a state level thing. Beyond that, in places where alcohol is reasonably available you still have liquor stores for the same reason you still have butcher shops while grocery stores exist: better selection, better staff expertise.

>> No.14838004
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>go to the same liquor store every single day, sometimes multiple times
>bunch of really nice dudes run it and talk to me
>one get's a little too chummy one day and strait up asks me why I love so much booze in a teasing brother sort of way in front of the whole store full of customers
>make a fake laugh and tell him to please not keep track of my purchases
>shuts up and hands me my bottom shelf pint of vodka for the day

liquor store people are like doctors or priests there should be an understood level of confidentiality

>> No.14839693
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Why do people buy these things? They aren't cost effective, a single shot won't do shit, and if you're that hard up you don't give a fuck about taste.

>> No.14839701

aye liquor store employee gang, fuck whoever decided to make shots of paul masson a widely available product

>> No.14839725


I work in the industry (not behind the counter). You see more revenue wholesale, sure, but you sure as fuck make better margins retail you idiot.

>> No.14839766

smuggling into events/taking on planes since you can put them in a ziplock bag

>> No.14839811

That can't be right. There are too many sold.
And why not just buy a pint and mix it or hide it? Can't be right.
That addiction show is where it first showed up on my radar. Bitches buying a dozen and going out to the parking lot to drown herself. I would too if I were that bad at math.

>> No.14839879

Curious about the brand but not willing to buy a whole bottle.

>> No.14840219

it's classic addict thing to do is buy tiny amounts in a futile attempt to self regulate