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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 234 KB, 670x659, Screenshot_2020-09-27 General Mills Improves Cocoa Puffs, Golden Grahams, and More By Going Back to Retro '80s Versions.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14806263 No.14806263 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14806279
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>> No.14806286

the return of soul

>> No.14806299


>> No.14806302
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>> No.14806315

Finally, we did it lads!

>> No.14806405
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>> No.14806415

oh that is kind of neat, I don't think I realized they were changed in the first place since I haven't eaten those cereals since the 80s, and then not that often bc they weren't allowed in the house. It will be pretty fun to try them again.

>> No.14806416
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>> No.14806487
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>they weren't allowed in the house
imagine being cucked from childhood

>> No.14806497
File: 154 KB, 248x203, 1597976616020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, if we had really wanted it that badly she would have gotten it for us as a special treat. My mom loved us and didn't want us to get fat or have cavities. She made us breakfast so we didn't have to rely on cereal. feels good to have had that sort of upbringing.

>> No.14806538

Cool. Are there any other instances of companies reversing years of penny-pinching and swapping out what made the product popular for cheaper crap or chemicals?

>> No.14806562

>trix shapes are actually back
>can finally try the original Calvin and Hobbes chocolate-frosted sugar bombs
I never cared about Golden Grahams and the shit part about Cookie Crisp is the fact that it's made from rice and not wheat, not the lack of "cookie flavor," but those first two are victory enough in my book

>> No.14806572

I’m actually completely and totally surprised they actually did this but I’m completely and totally ready to buy more cereal now

>> No.14806728
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>> No.14806862

Fruity Pebbles should get the return to form treatment too, that shit tastes like cardboard now.

>> No.14806869

>don’t enjoy any modern amenities!!!
Fuck off faggot, we are talking about a breakfast cereal not the iPhone 12.8X 2: electric boogaloo

>> No.14806872

>Being an adult
>Eating cereal
Literally the most pathetic thing in the world

>> No.14806878


>> No.14806900
File: 9 KB, 454x520, d31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are talking about a breakfast cereal not the iPhone 12.8X 2: electric boogaloo

>> No.14806901

looks like (You) just turned 18 Champ. Once you get older, you'll realize that real adults (like me) do what we want without caring what others think. Anyway, im gonna go have a bowl of golden grahams. stay mad

>> No.14806904


>> No.14806912
File: 193 KB, 800x371, D357F018-307C-4DC2-8558-BF837E20BACF.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it would be less sad if you weren’t posting the same two pictures literally every day

>> No.14806924

What would be less sad? Your pathetic life?

>> No.14806939

No, the guy who browses this board every single day looking for an opportunity to post the same two images. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if you were getting paid to do this. Be happy you weren’t assigned to /x/, the glowies over there go schiz after a while.
Seriously though, what the fuck is wrong with you? I only browse this board like an hour a day at most and I always see you trying to make people angry with your shit-tier b8. Who hurt you? Are you even okay right now? Do you need help? Are you traumatized because your father likes tight boy anus or does a glowie have a gun to your head?

>> No.14807018

Oh, you're just retarded. Okay. My bad.

>> No.14807023

So it’s the incestuous anal?

>> No.14807046

>Goes on about glowies
>Is a /x/fag
Take your meds

>> No.14807054

Oh yeah also I forgot to add Soijack poster

>> No.14807110


>> No.14807122

>Thinks there is only one person posting soijaks
>Calls it shit-tier bait, gets completely baited in, fucking hook line and sinker
>glownigger schizo shill talk on /ck/
The absolute state of (You)

>> No.14807262
File: 376 KB, 900x702, 37C5E9A0-91A9-448D-BC15-8309BD5A67F6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the (you)’s fags

>> No.14807315

No problem, sport. Every schizo loves their (You)'s. It's like giving a golden star sticker to a kindergartner. Here's another one, big guy!

>> No.14807341

the retro cookie crisp taste like styrofoam
i have an unopened box of the retro golden grahams that i haven't touched yet, if the thread's still up by the time i do i'll report back.

>> No.14807424

>even cereal are getting reboots

>> No.14808338

>we added too much filler and customers stopped buying

>> No.14808372

this, all i read with the headline is they'd put $0.03 more product into it, fuck that make your own

>> No.14808386

Life is better anyway.

>> No.14808415
File: 132 KB, 1125x1500, Cookie-Crisp-Cereal-Box-with-free-mask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the return of soul
Not until they bring back the old mascots

>> No.14809907

put yer balls to the wall anon so we can smash em with a hammer

>> No.14809994

>eating children's cereal
You don't do this r-right?

>> No.14810017

>Not until they bring back the old mascots

Yeah, it's too bad that the Cookie Crisp mascot got cancelled for being insensitive to cookie-gypsies.

>> No.14810326

Neat, now only if this ends up being a start to a resurgence of other products reverting to recipes from the 80s/90s.

>> No.14810375

did a bit of engineering work for kellog some time ago and jesus christ are consumers fickle stupid idiots
>old way of making air puffed cereal is inefficient, prone to churning out misshapen chunks, a huge time and money sink whenever it breaks
>team designs a new mechanical extruder that is a tenth of the price and almost halves production time
>as an added bonus every single air puffed piece of shit comes out absolutely perfect, almost no errors in the production
>recipe is exactly the same so obviously this is a slam dunk
>project falls through because ayy lmao consumers don't like the 'mouthfeel' of the new cereal because people like eating irregular shaped things more than machine precision crafted things
even after trying to introduce some variation into the cereal people still hated it because IT DOESN'T FEEL LIKE THE THING I ATE AS A KID SO IT'S BAD. I can't imagine being in the sales business when you have to deal with mouthbreathing retards for whom the slightest change in their routine is a catastrophic nightmare.

>> No.14810392

You're a faggot

>> No.14810403

all of these cereals are illegal in Canada. Lets laugh at them.

>> No.14810409

No you are the faggot but with an added spoonful of autism texture issues.

>> No.14810803

Society has such lack of culture people mistake corporate wheat products changing logo as some sort of return to tradition

>> No.14810865

As someone who is in engineering for a large company that produces a consumer good. Yes, I can easily understand idiots not enjoying an improved version of the original product because it is "different".
People, overall, are retarded.

>> No.14810971

update, the golden grahams don't taste any fucking different.