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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14805581 No.14805581 [Reply] [Original]

>the recipe doesn't matter, just improvise! authenticity is a scam!
>*spergs about the "correct" way to heat up cow meat*
Why do flyovers do this?

>> No.14805588

Don't blame us for your shitty dinner.

>> No.14805595

Pan. Searing hot. Butter. Two minutes one side, flip, baste, two minues on the other. Perfect rare steak.

And its because theyre flyovers. That have nothing else to do but talk about their cheese or some shit.

>> No.14805604


It looks like youve overcooked it

>> No.14805607

>holds two correct opinions
Yeah, idk why flyovers would do that.

>> No.14805621

>cow meat
If only there was a word for that.

>> No.14805625

You should only improvise if you’re smart, and based on that mutilated hunk of flesh you clearly don’t know what you’re doing.

>> No.14805648

What's wrong with this steak besides the fact that its lacking color on the sides and wasn't heated evenly?

>> No.14805659

moo protein?

>> No.14805687

>Why do flyovers do this?
They don't have tastebuds that properly work.

That's what happens when you live in one of those towns where everyone knows everyone and their business your whole life, you end up eating the same shit all the time too.

>> No.14805692

Flyover tastebuds essentially detect ketchup, HFCs and burnt.

>> No.14805717

You don't put butter in a searing hot pan you mong.

>> No.14805728


Id bet that it was overcooked which is indicative of that big ol juice puddle

>> No.14805735

"Good cooking" and "authenticity" are entirely unrelated. Is that so complicated?

>> No.14805743

What do flyovers even eat?

>> No.14805763
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Mostly Cargill feed corn, ADM soy extracts, and animal biomass that requires a DNA test to identify because it's had all the flavor blasted out of it by advanced technology developed to shield flyovers from having to experience flavor, which is a kind of white genocide according to Fox News. Despite their faux-agrarian identity that they love to bleat about, they look for stickers like pic related on their food because otherwise it is literally impossible to tell whether the stuff in the box came from an animal or another GMO monocrop

>> No.14805773

Probably not

>> No.14805777

show the cross section so we can judge it properly without retards surmising pls

>> No.14805810

>show the cross section so we can judge it properly without retards surmising pls
This. If it's juicy in the middle, and the doneness you like the most, you made it well. If it's less or more done than you like, or you lost the juiciness, you fail or your sourced meat fails. I have no issues with well done steaks, but I prefer medium well. I don't like fat on the sides that don't have at least some browning, however. It only takes a moment to sear the sides a bit, or you have a very hot grill that reaches the sides.

Either way, I don't agree with you. The perfect authenticity relates to mastered named dishes, like Steak Oscar or Steak Diane, or even chicken fried steak with sawmill gravy, as these guys have traditional recipes and/or techniques. Grilling a steak varies in a major way, nor is cooking steaks ever referred to "heating them up" or just "cow meat." You're overcompensating for a lifetime of knowing you are dumb to speak in these terms, I think.

>> No.14805844

what a fuckin horrible existence.

>> No.14805880


>> No.14805896

Following recipies is larping.

>> No.14805917

>flyovers have nothing else to do but cook beef coasties would spend 50-90 dollars on in ways that range from high class to trailer trash.

"flyover country" is the bread basket. it isn't the middle of nowhere on a board about food and cooking. it would make a lot more sense to take your coastie superiority to literally any other board.

>> No.14805921

Garlic IN.

>> No.14805928

love it when amerisharts sperg out about which administrative square of their country they live in

>> No.14805929

Lmao the west coast has a shitload of agriculture.

>> No.14805988

I like when yuropeens think they live in countries. That said, states like rhode island and delaware don't deserve to exist and certainly don't deserve 2 senatorial votes.

>> No.14806010
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"Flyover" is the surest way to detect a coastal cunt who's trying real hard to validate his overtaxed existence.

LA native here, eat a dick buddy.

>> No.14806030

One of our medium sized states is the size of your entire nations. Need I say more?

>> No.14806035

Oh hush

>> No.14806038

Washington state and New Hampshire both have 0 income tax. There are coastal states besides Cali and New York. Judging all the coast by Cali is like judging the entire south by Mississippi.

>> No.14806040

Wonder bread basket maybe

>> No.14806043

SO i actually have experience with this. Me and my mother in law both experiment with food. HOWEVER, i learned that my families dont like my experimental or fusion foods no matter how well i can cook it. The same goes for her. My MIL will cook expiremental food and it wont get eaten much. Shes an above average cook but her expiremental food is mediocre. And her chicken breast is always dry.

I learned that sticking to the classics and perfecting certain recipes is better for family dinners or other stuff. But until you get expiremental food right its better off at home. My fiance will eat my fusion food sometimes. i usually can tell if she will like it before i serve it to her.

>> No.14806054
File: 173 KB, 677x928, IQbySTATE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This...Thanks for your honesty.
Also...It's been proven over and over the "Flyovers" have a higher IQ than self aggrandizing coasties on average. Rural and country doesn't mean stupid by any stretch of the imagination.

>> No.14806209
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Washington state still enjoys a higher cost of living then any "flyover" state. While Oregon is right behind Cali for cost of living.

To find a costal state that can compete with "Flyovers" you gotta go down Florida way. Ironically enough.

You manage to be that expensive despite having enormously poor weather.

One of my great regrets is my industry of choice is more or less locked to the tech strongholds, because I'd love nothing more then to ditch this hellhole for an interior state were people might actually know their neighbors.

>> No.14806234
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of course not, "Flyover" is a term designed to divide the population and convince the people living in cramped metro arrangements that they've made the "enlightened" choice.

Better call the countries interior a bunch of hillbillies.

THAT RANT finished however...
Let people cook the way they want ah? You don't want them bitching about how you cook? consider not bitching about their own thoughts on food.

>> No.14806300

You realize other people might like living in cities, right?

>> No.14806306

What is the image supposed to convey?

>> No.14806312

it's not about which "square" it's about which cultural environment
people in the northeast are civilized, people in the midwest are not.

>> No.14806323

Imagine being such a pathetic blotch on the face of the nation, and yet still maintaining the misplaced confidence to make hilariously inaccurate posts such as these. You people probably have accomplished nothing in life.

>> No.14806536

Coastal traveler confused because they have no idea what farmland looks like. its an alien concept to them.

Odd, considering most of our nations food and industry are from those flyover states you so easily dismiss.

Keep that chip on your shoulder lad, Mindsets like yours are the very reason you had to deal with Trump since 2016.

>> No.14806544

Must be exhausting to have this much self pity.

He's referring to the drainage patterns on the bottom left.

>> No.14806581

Must be liberating to have this much smug arrogance. Go find the tweet and read him being savaged by people for his ignorance.

Maybe you'll find out you got something in common.

>> No.14806625

No. Everyone who doesn't think exactly like me is brainwashed by whichever political group is opposite of mine.

>> No.14806705
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>> No.14806724

>they have nothing to do but talk about their cheese or some shit
The only thing coastie urbanites have to do is pontificate about their vapid, self-destructive lifestyles and sniff their own farts while eradicating the environment and culture with animalistic consumerism. Don't you have $500 to pay for someone to lazily throw frozen custard onto a table and then call it art or pay $100 for the poverty food of a foreign nation because some college student figure out he can rip you off it he sells it from a truck? All while your dumbass films it, watching with all the vacant wonderment of a brain-addled child?
The only thing in a coastie's head is apparently an unending obsession with flyovers. Now tell me I used too many words to be hip, you braindead jackass.

>> No.14806727

Jesus are you okay? Lmao who hurt you sweetie?

>> No.14806739

I'm completely fine because I don't live in a soulless urban shithole. Are you implying the only time you can come up with more than a handful of buzzwords to ejaculate into the social sphere like so much of an animal is if you're emotionally agitated? I'm as cool as a cucumber, you projecting simpleton.

>> No.14806743

Hahahaha someone needs a hug

>> No.14806746

Hahahaha someone needs a cope

Did I reduce myself to a low enough level for you to get it?

>> No.14806757

I looked, it was just a bunch of self pitying flyovers screeching about "corn fields are why she lost"

>> No.14806765

Look honey, im sorry the snobby coasties were mean to you but not everyone can be happy sitting on a log and staring at a pond for 15 hrs. You are valid and loved, dont be upset.

>> No.14806774

Ironically, the last 4 years of American culture have been liberals screeching that people who live in cornfields had the right to vote.

I'm sorry your brain is so addled by consumerism the only time you can be entertained is if you're constantly assaulted by lights, sounds, and hedonism. If my head were as empty as yours, I imagine I might also be scared to be left alone with my thoughts - it might just be the loneliest human experience imaginable.

>> No.14806782

Look honey, not everyone can make it in the city, i understand introverts have a hard time. Im glad you’re happy where you are!

>> No.14806800

Ironically, I've not only made it in the city, I made it well enough I could afford to move out of it to be away from how terrible it is. And you're still projecting - I live my life surrounded by people I love. I'm the furthest thing from an introvert. The only people I can't stand to be around are urbane assholes who think being an extrovert means being a senseless animal.
You might be able to understand this if you had a higher than room temperature IQ. I'm sure you're happy where you are - ignorance is, after all, bliss - and the greatest ignorance imaginable is found within the common urban American.

>> No.14806813

Anyway, I don't have 5 minutes at a time to wait around for you to scrounge up 10 or so words.

>> No.14806815


>two unhappy fags bickering about who is more unhappy.

>> No.14806827

My dude moving out of the city is accessible as fuck, vice versa, not so much. Im unironically happy for you though!

>> No.14806829

Newsflash bud, you all live in the exact same culture. Orange man vs Senile rapist, that's about the gist of it. Doesn't matter whether you live in Florida or Alaska, your lives revolve around whatever the ZOG-machine bombards you with on TV and facegram. The last couple of weeks all you've been able to talk about is some chimp dipping his McDonalds® french fries in McNugget™ BBQ sauce.