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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14803791 No.14803791 [Reply] [Original]

just tried flamin hot cheetos for the first time.. they are way to fking hot for me but still im somehow addicted.. >w<

>> No.14803796

Takis are better btw

>> No.14803800

what's wrong with that faggot's tongue

>> No.14803807

Why do black chicks love these so much?

Disagree. The lime can be overpowering.

>> No.14803808

You ever cut a cake with floss? Now imagine that but with pubes.

>> No.14803830

Ok whitey mcmayo maybe lime overwhelms your autistic eurocentric baby palate but the adults in the room still overwhelmingly agree that takis are the best hot chip so

>> No.14803866

I prefer Paqui's ghost pepper chips if I'm buying hot chips.

And the lime is just too strong for a flavor that I don't particularly like.

>> No.14803868

Have you ever been laid with a vagina?

>> No.14803888

cut it out with the homophobic remarks or fucking leave.

>> No.14803942

hey watch your FUCKING language ok

>> No.14803945

go suck some more cocks

>> No.14803949

Shut up fag

>> No.14804025

salt and vinegar chips

>> No.14804040
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>> No.14804134

takis suck

>> No.14804143
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only in california short latinas will suck you for these

>> No.14804564

He has some weird tongue disease apparently, makes eating spicy and acidic foods really bad

>> No.14804620

Kill yourself buttmunching faggot

>> No.14805384

>theyre way too fkn hot

LOL bro. Low T. flamin hot cheetos are as hot as a fucking avalanche.

>> No.14805504

What a little bitch. Try the exxxtra hot ones next

>> No.14805514
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The implication that there is any other spicy snack worth eating besides Paqui haunted ghost pepper chips is laughable.

>> No.14805538

>i eat ghost pepper chips bbbut hot cheetohs are too spicy for me
What a baby

>> No.14805541

>yet you think hot cheetohs are spicy which makes you laughable. I dont believe you actually eat spicy chips as evidenced by you stating that hotcheetohs are too spicy. Do your parents know you are online right now?

>> No.14807014

Did a white person look at you the wrong way today? Imagine getting this mad over some lime, what would your parents think?

>> No.14807120

No the exxtra hot flaming Cheetos are the best. With some lime even better.

>> No.14807361

because they have what melanated kweens crave

>> No.14807370

it tastes like artificial sloppa and is the only food that makes my poop red and my asshole burn

>> No.14807396

I tried those, they're essentially flavorless. You're a tastlet.

Xtra hot flaming cheetos are better than takis but takis are better than normal hot cheetos.

>> No.14807405

Takis are a race test. I failed.

>> No.14807409


>> No.14807413

Your entire existence including the language you speak is eurocentric.

>> No.14807419
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