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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 146 KB, 900x675, 2c096d98-c633-4b1f-904a-64c0365007d9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14802491 No.14802491 [Reply] [Original]

mmm diahreea and dirty towel bread so exotic!

>> No.14802497

Is this going to be a daily thing now?

>> No.14802498

Yeah, that's a pass from me m8. I'd rather spend money on something I probably won't regret ingesting from start to finish.

>> No.14802507

i like teff bread but idk where to find teff flour

>> No.14802513 [DELETED] 

at least we've moved past "hurr durr ethiopian food" picture of 1) nothing or 2) mud cakes
anyway imagine not liking curries and sourbread

>> No.14802514

Looks just like american fast food to me.

>> No.14802515

it's good
all there is to it

>> No.14802521

>>14802491 (OP)
at least we've moved past "hurr durr ethiopian food" picture of 1) nothing or 2) mud cakes
anyway imagine not liking curries and sourdough bread
i've only ever seen it in kind of nice grocery stores in the specialty flour spot, bob's red mill brand

>> No.14802525

it seems like

>> No.14802533

never tried it but it cant be too bad. njera sounds alright imo

>> No.14802548

seething ruralets hate otherness and anything that isn't what their mama served them when they were eight years old

>> No.14802590

Had it once, it was very good.
Interesting to eat with your hands, the girls at the table next to us had a mini freak out when they realised that's what everyone was doing.

>> No.14802616

Huh? You said the same schizo shit every other thread.

>> No.14803167
File: 25 KB, 600x600, enattej7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's Tej

>> No.14803458

people who refuse to eat curry or things like ethiopian food because it "looks yucky" are still children, no matter how old their birth certificate says they are.

>> No.14803482

Nah. Appearance and familiarity has a lot to do with how food is enjoyed. I'll make you some nice pickled herrings, or boiled tripe. Pigs knuckles and sauerkraut is good too, with plenty of coarse ground mustard.

There was a thread on here the other day, featuring a video of Pakistani Highland people eating fast food burgers for the first time. Quite a few of them disliked what they had been offered to eat. But give them some sheep's stomach contents soup, a traditional dish up there, and they'd be happy.

So no, you are quite wrong. Food that looks good and is familiar is often more readily enjoyed than food that looks like shit on a plate and is unknown.

>> No.14803491

it's the first time i've posted so i don't know what you're referring to

>> No.14803496

you're dumb, stupid, a country bumpkin, and a goddamn liar to top it off i hope your king in the white house dies

>> No.14803532

the difference is that fast food burgers are actual fucking shit and i'm sure their traditional foods are good
fucking moron, don't try to make false equivalences and act like you're some kind of culinary expert
appearence only comes into play when your perspective on food is that it shouldn't "look yucky."

>> No.14803547

Unironically tastes pretty good, presentation doesn't matter that much when you're not in the spectrum

>> No.14803847

> Willfully doesn't see my point.
> Name calling.
>Mocking tone.
>Angry that someone might know something they do not, or a bit more about something than they do.

You opinions cease to matter. Begone, angry internet person.

>> No.14803855

My local grocery store has it in bulk, weirdly enough.

>> No.14803859

your an idiot

>> No.14803863

it literally all looks like sloppa

>> No.14803889

Looks just like obsession to me.

>> No.14803908

Reposting hate threads for ethiopian food because it lives rent free in your head is literal schizo shit

>> No.14804187

That looks good ngl

>> No.14804239

Is it safe to assume the white stuff is some sort of curdled ungulate jizz?

>> No.14804241

it looks like it's already been digested

>> No.14804260

Even Indians developed a Thali canteen plate and little SS dishes.
IMHO African food is awful, it's just a shitty version of Indian

>> No.14804371

Hah, forgot about that stuff. Not too bad, really. Also I think the hate is from two things, if you copy how they eat, it’s retarded. Just get a few extra spoons for serving purposes and make little tacos with whatever you find tasty. The do not give a shit at all because they know you’ll tip unlike the table of actual Ethiopians. Second Ethiopians are some stern looking motherfuckers that look like they want to genocide the earth two minutes from now, but they’re actually fairly nice when you talk to them and ask them questions and shit. Personally I like making little stew tacos topped with the creamy shit and the green sloppa. If people don’t like how I eat the food I’m paying for they can fuck themselves.

>> No.14804821

never had teff but most flatbread is pretty good
It just depends on who your parents are. I've never lived outside my flyover state, and neither has one of my roommates. They won't try anything more exotic than garlic and onion powder in terms of spice because his mother has also never lived outside the state. My mother went to college on the west coast and I'm at decently willing to try new shit.

>> No.14804833

Or they're not retarded and decide eating diarrhea food and shitting out orange water that you need paper towels to wipe up isn't worth it.

>> No.14804935
File: 8 KB, 241x209, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And it's delicious

>> No.14804944

I feel like this means Ethiopia is the next "it" country that everybody will fawn over and try to convince me to eat stuff from there.

>> No.14805008

throw this in the outside trash

>> No.14805063

this stuff is so based. delicious.
the food sucks. had some veggie type curries that were OK, but at that point id just rather have Indian food.
what if i told you i think Ethiopian food is crap, and im not from an area thats near anything rural?

>> No.14805064
File: 41 KB, 500x347, goredgored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vegans act like ethiopian food is their food but bitches don't know about gored gored

>> No.14805364
File: 207 KB, 1280x800, 1280px-Injera_Texture[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

injera is like a really spongy, springy, soft sourdough pancake. i fucking love sourdough so i am nuts about this stuff, it's so good.
fucking delicious
i've been shilling this shit for years, ever since i tried it, and i don't know how i feel about that. if it helps supports the restaurants then i guess i won't complain.
it literally all looks like chili/curry/stew, one of the most basic foods ever. it just isn't in a bowl.

>> No.14805370

I'm sorry that you're a lily white faggot, OP, at least it means more bread dipping for ne

>> No.14805373

But the appearance isn’t bad. Looks the same as chili, sour cream, spinach, mustard, gravy, beans, cottage cheese, and so in.

>> No.14805557

Ethiopia is one of the only subsaharan countries with a unique food culture and this faggot doesn't like it