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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 75 KB, 700x522, 15234788749353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14795010 No.14795010 [Reply] [Original]

In Sweden we have a strange tendency to put bananas in savory dishes, a remnant from the mid 1900s where fresh exotic fruits were just becoming affordable to working class people.

This horrendous casserole which is served over rice is called "Flygande Jacob" or "Flying Jacob" and consists of:
>Chili sauce

>> No.14795014

I almost heaved looking at that.

>> No.14795016
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Another example is the infamous banana and curry spice pizza which is also often topped with peanuts

>> No.14795025


AHH I tried that shit years ago when I was in Sweden (without peanuts) and it was an abomination.

>> No.14795038

bananas are great on their own. who starts fucking around with it?

>> No.14795105
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For me, it's the McChicken. The worst fast food sandwich. I always have to ask for extra McChicken sauce packets and the staff is so unfriendly and never willing to oblige.

One time I asked for McChicken sauce packets and they gave me none. I said, "Wow, not even one!” and the rude unfriendly McDonald's worker laughed and said, "I'm going to call you not even one!”.

Now the staff mocks me with "hey it's not even one!” and NEVER gives me an extra packet. It's such a depressing and douchey atmosphere at my local McDonald's restaurant, I try not to go more than 3 times a week for lunch and a large iced coffee with milk instead of cream, 1-2 times for breakfast on the weekend, and maybe once for dinner when I'm in a rush and am unable to get a great meal that is affordable, fast, and can match my daily nutritional needs.

I won’t even dip my fries in McChicken sauce, it's disgusting! What a terrible restaurant.

>> No.14795133

How dare you insult the McChicken? There is a special place in hell for folks like you.

>> No.14795152
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>> No.14795159
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Do Swedes really?

>> No.14795173
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>> No.14795182

This is basically the elvis sandwich as a casserole

>> No.14795183

This doesn't even sound that bad but the chili sauce would completely fucking ruin the flavor profile I imagine. Swap that with like molasses or something.

>> No.14795189

I don't eat peanuts and bacon for religious reasons, but a pb and nanner sandwich looks like it'll be heaven...

...and require a nice glass of milk from having it stick to the roof of your mouth

>> No.14795190

"chili sauce" is sweet in Sweden. it actually works decently with the cream. biggest fuckup is the bananas.

>> No.14795243

meh. France has a lot of poverty food that became glamourized during and after the war.
Stuff like ortolan is extremely over rated and still exist because of that embarassing meme ritual around it. duck press is also really gimmicky and stupid too imo.

>> No.14795253

For Canada, it's raisin butter tarts

>> No.14795262

why does god hate nuts?

>> No.14795359
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Can't beat OPs abomination, but similar casserole travesty I grew up on is tuna noodle casserole. Canned tuna, cheese and cream sauce mixed with noodles and frozen veggies. Maybe it's not bad once in awhile but my family would make this at least once a month because it's so cheap and easy. Ruined tuna for me, I still can't stand it.

>> No.14795363

>in Sweden
didn't have to read any more

>> No.14795367

I think you beat OP by a mile

>> No.14795458

put it in the oven ffs

>> No.14795474

>I don't eat peanuts
>for religious reasons
Nigga wut?

>> No.14795519

I fucking love tuna noodle casserole even though I was fed it so often as a kid.

>> No.14795532
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Fuck you OP och andra bögar, vi äter skit här

>> No.14795537
File: 30 KB, 479x335, 73eafa8a-a1f6-4517-91ef-b6c9a7ecbc8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well blood pudding is rather horrible, here comes blood pudding with carrot salad and lingonberries :D

>> No.14795541

I love blood pudding with egg, bacon, and lingonberry jam. Yummy.

>> No.14795550

blood pudding is great

>> No.14795552

how the fuck does once a month qualify as often? you had to have 29 other dinner meals that month, on top of 60 other meals in a 3 meal day. "1 in 90 is too much for my taste buds, mommy".

>> No.14795559

Who in the hell though that was a good idea
That looks great man

>> No.14795571
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In America they call this potato salad

>> No.14795582

Dont question it, thst wasn't even the point of my post. Also kidney stones.

>> No.14795620


>> No.14795625

Shut it jævel, Flygande Jacob is fucking deliscous

>> No.14795656

Describe it to me

>> No.14795664

People that use hot banana at all should be sterilized.

But that doesn't look too bad just remove the banana and maybe switch the peanuts for cashews or remove them too then add some sauce bernaise.

I still to this day don't get ppl that eat this on pizza sure it is better than pineapple but still really bad as it is hot banana but switch the banana for chicken, the peanuts for pigfilé and add some bernaise and you have a great pizza.

>> No.14795666

Worse than pineapple pizza by orders of magnitude

>> No.14795680

What the heck are you on about blood pudding is great in fact I might have to cook some right now but those on your picture doesn't look very good because of the lack of lingonberryjam and orangejuice

>> No.14795686

>just put some bearnaise on it bro
whatever you say lardass

>> No.14795702

>casserole with chicken and bernaise is somehow bad or doesn't blend well flavorwise

Don't tell me kebabsauce is somehow better than bernaise on pizza, fucking exercise more if all it takes is a wee bit of sauce to make you fat you midget

>> No.14795704

I'd try this but with plantains

>> No.14795725

casserole already comes with creamy sauce fatty

>> No.14795759

So what bernaise tastes great and if that little extra butter is all it takes to make you fat then you have bigger problems to worry about

>> No.14795808

>blodpudding med apelsinjuice
gör svenskar verkligen?

I have never eaten blodpudding (blod is haram, not to mention it's grisblod), but it looks like it'd be something you'd take with milk? Juice seems too acidic.

>> No.14795809

which cultivar of banana was this recipe first invented with?

>> No.14795885

Normal cavendish bananas

>> No.14796182

Same here, as called tuna ala king.

>> No.14796257
File: 44 KB, 680x982, tatortot casserole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't consider it abominable but hotdish, we have always called it tatertot casserole though, cook ground beef, add cream of mushroom soup, add greenbeans, put in casserole dish, top with tatertots, add velveeta or other cheese that easily melts, put in over at 350 with lid or foil on, once fully heated take the lid or foil off and let brown, looking at images ours seems at least somewhat different.

>> No.14796264
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>> No.14796282

that looks like volcano cake, I love that stuff.

>> No.14796289

>chunked and not shredded potatos
into the fucking trash it goes.

>> No.14796297

Milk doesn't pair well with the bloodpudding and from what I was told from a young age the orangejuice or likely the Vitamin C helps the body to absorb all the iron in the pudding seeing as it has very large amounts of it and tastewise it works really well as the lingonberryjam is both sweet and bitter but if there is any merit to the whole iron thing or not isn't anything I bothered to research I just kept with the tradition also because milk doesn't taste that well with this food and I drink milk with freakin' everything

>> No.14796303
File: 27 KB, 371x278, a1e65565e09d7755944c110f7a2d431c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germany has some nice things:
Tote Oma - Dead Grandma

Basically fried blood sausage with potatoes. Looks like someone with diarrhea shit on the plate.

>> No.14796343


not at all as tasty as volcano cakes

>> No.14796364

huh, that seems like an odd dish.

>> No.14796417
File: 68 KB, 750x500, hallon-grädde-kladdkaka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course you can count on the Finnish to fuck up "Kladdkaka" what the heck are you doing eating the batter 'cause you can't wait for it to be finished

>> No.14796876

what the fuck has gone wrong with scandis
jante law, open elections, now this

>> No.14796884

Hang on that’s the problem with this? Not the mayonnaise or the fact that it’s cold?

>> No.14796898

tasteled identified

>> No.14796909
File: 161 KB, 1280x960, meatballscreamsaucelingonberryjam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jante is a fucking cancer but other than that why would we stop winning all of a sudden

>> No.14796910

It's fucking delicious and you know it. And that has nothing to do with the copious amount of cream and sugar it gets covered in.

As if Finns tried to recreate such weak dishes. In Sweden, even the rye bread is soft and that's not the only thing.

>> No.14796924

In Finland, it's kanaviilokki. Chicken breast in a slimy, curry powder flavoured sauce that usually manages to sit around for at least an hour. Served with wet rice.

>> No.14797055

It's bread not crisp bread retard it's supposed to be at least a bit soft, big mouth for a ppl that needed help from the swedes from the russians

>> No.14797069

I have always made my potato salad with shredded potato, chunked potato just isn't as good imo.

>> No.14797169
File: 39 KB, 500x467, C5DFA36A-2585-4D9B-ABE7-6282C7AD8C43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have such tastes to show you

>> No.14797178

sweet, weeping jesus

>> No.14797184

Stop going? /ck/ was never right

>> No.14797195

that's Olivier Salad, and it's a russian dish.

>> No.14797204

They call it potato salad in the US, no idea why

>> No.14797232
File: 46 KB, 768x414, arroz-atum-ovos-768x414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The laziest casserole you'll ever see: "Arroz de atum e ovo" , literally tuna and egg rice in portuguese.

Scrambled eggs and raw canned tuna between two layers of rice. It goes in the oven to crisp up the top a bit.

But honestly it isn't too bad, if the rice is moist and a bit clumpy, and the eggs aren't cooked to death.

>> No.14797242

If that's the worst Portugal can come up with, your food must be awesome, because that sounds pretty comfy.

>> No.14797257

Gross but I’ve seen worse itt

>> No.14797297

That tuna noodle looks gross. We make it with celery, cheese, egg, mayo, onion and peas. It's great.

>> No.14797310

Doesn't at all sound bad, would prefer a sauce with it but other than that don't really see an issue

>> No.14797342

Honestly, I like the look of it.

>> No.14797424


>> No.14797477
File: 251 KB, 679x653, notsure3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a historical/cultural reason for that? Like they had never seen bananas and peanuts before and when they were introduced they put them on everything?

>> No.14797495

Probably just taking the piss, like the Brits and their French fry sandwiches

>> No.14797594

Do you think Sweden is some third world country that got everything late or what, I don't know some people have weird tastebuds and don't get sick to the stomache just thinking about the texture of a hot banana guess pretty much every pizzeria has it on menu but don't know that many ppl that eats it

>> No.14797634

Because it's a salad, primarily composed of potatoes, you mong.

>> No.14797668

soooo do you guys not eat bananas?

>> No.14797680

i never had it until i started cooking for my spouse
his senpai would use cream of mushroom soup as a base and top it with crushed potato chips
it's horrendous, but ok in small portions
i unironically want to make a tater tot casserole one day but i'll probably make it from scratch
flyover food is the absolute worst

>> No.14797685

>The story goes that in the summer of 1976, air-freight worker Ove Jacobsson was woefully unprepared for a neighborhood dinner party. He rummaged through his kitchen, threw what he found in the oven, and created the first Flying Jacob. The dish was a hit among his neighbors, including Anders Tunberg, then an editor of Allt om Mat, or “All About Food.” Tunberg gave the dish its nickname, Flygande Jakob, an allusion to Jacobsson’s occupation and last name, but also a reference to a Swedish long-distance runner from the 1940s. (Other accounts credit Jacobsson with coining the name.) With Tunberg’s encouragement, Jacobsson submitted the recipe to his magazine.

>In their September, 1976 issue, the magazine pitched the salty-sweet, creamy-crunchy hodgepodge as the perfect party casserole, one that’s “easy to make and tastes great.” It was an overnight sensation, a simple solution to working families’ weeknight hunger, comprised of affordable ingredients.

>The Flying Jacob’s flight path is a bit easier to understand in context. The 20th century in Sweden was a period of rapid modernization, creating a suburban middle class that enjoyed new luxuries: refrigerators, televisions, two-car garages, and exotic, foreign foods.

>“As part of embracing this improvement in living standards, people abandoned traditional Swedish cuisine in favor of new and exotic ingredients and dishes,” remembers Swedish-born engineer Jonas Aman, “even if it meant making up completely ridiculous dishes!” The Flying Jacob emerged alongside other culinary oddballs such as kassler hawaii (a canned pineapple, curry, and cheese casserole) and After Eight Pears (baked preserved pears covered with mint chocolate).

>> No.14797686
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This is palt. You will consume the palt.

>> No.14797691

>Tote Oma - Dead Grandma

>> No.14797692

>This newfound accessibility of foreign foods only highlighted a pre-existing Swedish propensity for mixing sweet and savory flavors. Sweden’s longtime national dish, meatballs, is often served with sweetened lingonberry jam, and as Dr. Richard Tellström, Professor of Food and Meal Sciences at the University of Stockholm, points out, “You can serve sweet jam [with] fried herring as well.” Similarly, a traditional Swedish Christmas lutefisk platter pairs lye-fermented cod with cranberries. It’s a testament to the uniqueness of Swedish taste that American author Garrison Keillor claimed, “Most lutefisk is not edible by normal people. It is reminiscent of the afterbirth of a dog.” Another sweet and savory recipe for a Swedish fish fillet called Spättabörsar med banan includes almond shavings, tomatoes, and sweet bananas.

>“Swedes don’t compartmentalize foods too much,” says food writer John Duxbury, and especially not when it comes to bananas, a key ingredient in the Flying Jacob. Bananas accompany many of the country’s savory dishes. The similar flaskfile med banan is a casserole of pork, bananas, peppers, cream, and curry.

>This Swedish culinary proclivity for bananas seems to have been encouraged almost as national policy. The fruit was one of the earliest tropical varieties to hit Swedish soil. The first shipment, in 1906, of two trucks carrying 200 bunches of bananas sold out in days. In 1914, a steamer carrying 10,000 kilograms of the fruit sold out in just a week. “It became a symbol of both the modern and international society,” says Dr. Tellström.

>> No.14797698

>Following a wartime drought in imports, a boon of “heavy [banana] propaganda,” writes Swedish economic historian Rosalia Guerrero Cantarell, brought the fruit roaring back. Newspaper articles touted the fruit’s nutritional benefits for children and the elderly; banana-recipe contests offered handsome rewards. A book published by banana ad-man Axel Blomgren titled The Wonderful World of Bananas argued, for the sake of the country, that Swedes should consume more bananas to lower their price. Magazines and cookbooks published by advertisers flooded readers with opinion articles, banana anecdotes, and recipes, including a banana, celery, lemon, and white pepper salad recommended to accompany grilled meats. In 1916 an argument sheltering bananas from all import customs received broad support in Parliament; from 1916 to 1933, the fruit was customs free. As of 2010, Cantarell notes, banana consumption in Sweden handily topped national averages across both the E.U. and the U.S.

>This embrace of new arrivals over traditional Swedish fare intensified in the 1960s. After abstaining from the World Wars and the Cold War, Dr. Tellström says, “We had a longing for international cultural context.” The international student protests of 1968, then, gave the neutral country an opportunity to participate in a global cultural shift. Food writers and journalists of the day encouraged Swedes to ditch pretension and arrange informal, communal dinners in their newly outfitted suburbs. The Flying Jacob was an easy casserole to make for these gatherings. “It was easier to serve brand new dishes which had no older customs attached to it,” adds Dr. Tellström. And what had fewer customs attached to it than Ove Jacobsson’s banana-chicken casserole?

>> No.14797700

Just looks like dumplings

>> No.14797702
File: 37 KB, 464x498, 1904b0eb320c188082bf4024e3bead36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Kroppkaka, I refuse to give pite the honor of the palt but yes everyone should eat the Kroppkaka and why wouldn't they it's delicious

>> No.14797703

seems pretty boring, but i would unironically eat this

>> No.14797706

i would consume the palt, I am a sucker for dumplings.

>> No.14797717

No, kroppkaka is with boiled potato, palt is with raw.

>> No.14797729

Mondongo. That shit makes me want to puke

>> No.14797741

False you use about half the amount of boiled potato and double the raw for example half a kilo of boiled with one kilo of raw

>> No.14797807

Potato salad is the tits.

>> No.14797821


>> No.14797830

no one likes potato salads with vinegar dressing

>> No.14797837
File: 209 KB, 1500x1125, erdäpfelsalat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the only potato salad I like.

>> No.14797842

Fried bananas are great.

>> No.14797872
File: 33 KB, 790x460, potatissallad2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with Germanstyle potatosalad but personally I prefer the Nordic creamy style it goes way better with grilled meat and sauces

I get that some people like hot banana but I just can't stand the soggy texture

>> No.14797883

I love German potato salad

>> No.14797890

I feel it. I like fried bananas because they counteract the sogginess with breading.

>> No.14797900
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In Wales we have nettle beer and faggot balls
Both nice tho desu

>> No.14797901

Yeah fried is better but it still doesn't feel right, banana should be cold

>> No.14797909
File: 9 KB, 259x195, nettlesoup2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nettle beer? Sounds pretty awesome dude, nettle soup is great in springtime

>> No.14797914

>banana and curry spice pizza topped with peanuts
This one with pineapple is the best thing ever.

>> No.14797916

lol I didn't know Mdongo was a food

>> No.14797936

Basiert und rotgepillt

>> No.14797943

Sweden was a mistake

>> No.14797955

Seriously, I have no idea what came over my father, but when I brought my wife and two sons over he decided to make us something new and different.
It was this.
All I know is that there is a man named Jacob I need to kill

>> No.14798881

>All I know is that there is a man named Jacob I need to kill
audible kek

>> No.14798924


>> No.14798935

Is Sweden even real?

>> No.14798936

So I wasn't alone, rofl

Sorry I just can't get behind hot banana, I want to be able to I guess for this reason but no I just can't

>> No.14798994

>Canned tuna, cheese and cream sauce mixed with noodles and frozen veggies.
Sounds fine, mild cheese like Gouda or Emmentaler should go well with tuna.

>> No.14799077
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>> No.14799107

Thanks to /ck/ I had crack at this. Used onion instead beans, and stock instead of mushroom soup. Pretty damn good.

>> No.14799144
File: 100 KB, 858x536, surstromming_2537569k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweden has alot to answer for.

>> No.14799181

You're supposed to eat it not sniff it you mong, it's pretty good and just once a year plus you have spiced liquor shots with it so I don't see what you're complaining about

>> No.14799186

Taste is literally 80% smell.

>> No.14799256

Your post might as well be referring to eating shit.
>bro come on don't smell it and you'll be drunk come on it's only once a year

>> No.14799272
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>> No.14799274
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>> No.14799300

That doesn’t look so bad, just pickled fish right?

>> No.14799306

haha, it is pickled fish in jelly my dude

>> No.14799316

I could eat that

>> No.14799319

That's great, your parents probably just couldn't make it correctly.

>> No.14799335

use plantains instead of banana and it works

>> No.14799341
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I raise you my local maggot cheese.
It's basically a meme at this point and it tastes like the worst pecorino cheese you've ever had.

>> No.14799539

Sardinia, right? And isn’t it illegal in most of the EU?

>> No.14799545
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In surströmming's defense, you're supposed to eat it as more of a condiment rather than it being the focus of the dishes you use it in. The most common is putting a quite small amount on a large cracker bread with potatoes, red onions, sour cream, chives and dill, which is a actually pretty tasty.
The meme about surströmming originated from all the retard youtubers practically deepthroating entire filés straight from the can which no one does here

>> No.14799553

Tater salad is based.. people just fuck it up. Like trying to make it sweet and throwing cranberries into it.

>> No.14799575

Fucking neighbor ate it in his apartment.

>> No.14799593

It’s supposed to be vinegar and mustard based and served warm

>> No.14799600

That looks so good

>> No.14799603

mayo and sourcream based and cold.

>> No.14799615
File: 35 KB, 480x720, 1598910708494.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you are one of those disgusting sub humans who eats plankpizza and båtpizza you bearnaise rapist

>> No.14799616

I usually eat it cold but I agree with said ingredients.

>> No.14799619
File: 65 KB, 512x369, C621FA1E-7EE5-451F-9E4A-1986101FA35B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knock knock
Open up, food Gestapo

>> No.14799622

pizza place bearnaisse is awful though.

>> No.14799627

enjoy youre mustardly shits

>> No.14799893

i married a dude from the midwest and he introduced me to hotdish
it's fucking excellent

>> No.14799901

French fry sandwiches are good though
Sure, nothing but carbs, but at least it tastes nice

>> No.14799911

I'd love to try that one day, fermented cookie dough sounds interesting

>> No.14799915

Mmmm Casu Marzu

>> No.14799929


>> No.14799936

man I never got the point of savory jelly
I don't think we Poles have any other culinary abominations though
duck blood soup sounds odd I guess, but I've never actually had it, might be ok

>> No.14799940

Canadian too. Ain't I a stinker?

>> No.14799943

Aspic is more of an old timey thing before they invented sweet jello. It was difficult to get gelatin at home without it being savory. I don't like it much either, but I get it. Gotta eat what you have.

>> No.14799956

savory jelly is bad, and whats worse the whole house will stink of that shit, and it will take up place in the fridge and stink it up as well.

>> No.14799985

I'd eat that.

>> No.14799990
File: 191 KB, 960x640, N_db79e8mC2IeG7kntvk2W1Fcfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kagemand - Cake man
It's made with Danish pastry dough or brunsviger and lots of candy on top plus usually a marzipan sheet with some message. If you're wondering, the flags symbolize birthday or celebration to us, and we also put them on our Christmas trees. This abomination is supposed to look like the birthday child and is served at nearly every children's birthday across the country. The first cut is traditionally made across the neck while all the kids pretend to scream and yell ouch.

>> No.14799992
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>> No.14799998

gay pasta

>> No.14800019
File: 71 KB, 736x552, 9263ffafbc4adf2a0bf99c05a509217c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it count if it looks disgusting but you still love it? Marros are made of sheep organs but I can't get enough of them

>> No.14800023
File: 51 KB, 512x384, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does european cooking always looks so fucking bland? In my country I hate this dish but shit has more flavor than potatoes and cream.

>> No.14800027

What the hell is that???

>> No.14800030
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first cut is traditionally made across the neck

>> No.14800033

it's pretty cold here a lot of the time so meat doesn't spoil as fast and so we didn't have to use strong spices to mask its flavor

>> No.14800043
File: 131 KB, 1279x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha worlds stinkiest fish, look it up on youtube, i have laughed so much i think i broke a rib or two :D

>> No.14800047

potato salad is great, sorry bud
no offense to germans but hot potato salad is fucking gross

>> No.14800066
File: 109 KB, 1500x1125, 20180702-peruvian-causa-vicky-wasik-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro that dish is Peruvian, you all have a million potato recipes. Including this fucking thing, which is just potatoes, mayo, and tuna.

>> No.14800105

Its colombian, I guess peruvians make it too tho

>> No.14800258

It doesn't smell much at all while sitting on a platter on a long table outside and what can doesn't smell more right when you open it which is why you open it outside or inside under running water it's fermented fish so yes of course some kind of smell is hard to avoid but it isn't at all as bad as ppl make it out to be.

You are supposed to mix it with heavily spiced liquor such as Akvavit that's just more or less how you eat it but if you want to go some sober route because you get easily drunk then sure but don't come complaining when not following tradition.


Plank- and båtpizza O.o now this is new and exciting I have to do some research, it has bernaise you say, no?

Depends on the place sure it isn't the best but at most places it is more than just ok but some do pretty much just taste like butter but it is still safer than going with kebabsauce at a new place because those can seriously be pretty great or so bad it will fuck your pizza up and I ain't taking chances when it comes to food, guess I must be a fatass at heart.

>> No.14800320
File: 182 KB, 475x633, batpizza2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plankpizza wasn't anything too crazy it's just made on a plank with mashed potatoes but that båtpizza does look amazing it's like a viking boat or half baked calzone so you have room for more filling and more importantly sauce plus there's a pizzeria quite close to me that apparently has it so guess what I am eating today sucker

>> No.14800354
File: 63 KB, 540x720, 1600771073413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's actually decent comfort food. Still looks like search results for scat on motherless.

>> No.14800491

I have a few canuck friends, not all of you guys are bad.

>> No.14800512

Looks like something a poor mother would feed to her kids

>> No.14801321

I'd try it but I'm from MN so we're really only once removed from you guys.

>> No.14801342

MN or one of the dakotas?

>> No.14801345

Ohio, but my father spent a lot of time in Iowa, and my mother is from Indiana.