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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14794253 No.14794253 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/
I am painfully addicted to soda and it fucks up my teeth.
What is a good alternative drink that I can get addicted to instead?
Thank you /ck/

>> No.14794258

Cucumber water.

>> No.14794271


>> No.14794275

my supermarket doesnt sell cucumber water

>> No.14794278

You make it yourself, mouth breather.

>> No.14794280


>> No.14794286

Just slap some cucumber in some water then, bish bash bosh.

>> No.14794353
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Don't sip. If you ever drink sugar, finish it in under 15 minutes.
Add lemon juice to your water. This will help you associate the citric acid from soda with water.
Drink plenty of water in the morning. You probably associate feeling thirsty with drinking soda.
After you brush in the morning, don't eat or drink for a few hours. That clean feeling can work as a craving suppressant. If you occasionally need caffeine: black coffee (this is also an appetite suppressant).
Floss thoroughly, and scrape your tongue.
Use high fluoride mouthwash. Spit after 1 minute, and rinse after 30 minutes.

Fluoride works by replacing the chlorine in your teeth with fluorine. Both are halogens, but fluorine makes stronger bonds.

>> No.14794377

Based anon actually giving me good advice

Thanks bro, saved and ill give it a try

>> No.14794422


>> No.14794437

Tea with sweetener
(homemade ice tea - just cool down 2-3L of tea with however much sweetener you like.)
It's really that simple. go for fruity teas, they usually taste best for an ice tea. try not go for Aromatized tea, but it's still fine if all you're looking for is an alternative.

>> No.14794441

Tea. Enjoy tasting the variety

>> No.14794442

not quite right, anon.
Fluoride converts Hydroxyapatite into Fluorapatite.

>> No.14794452

sparkling water with a splash of your favorite fruit juice is a good sub. I just drink unflavored sparkling water now when i crave something bubbly

>> No.14794453

Are iced fruit teas better or bags of fruit tea to make hot?

>> No.14794454
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zero calroies
tastes good
has some vitamins in it

>> No.14794456

sparkling water

>> No.14794467

is diet soda any worse/better for your teeth than regular

>> No.14794485

iced tea is good even when unsweetened, all you need is a pitcher and teabags, don't even need to heat the water
you dont need to take the bags out after brewing, they can stay in and be re-used a few times, just add more water and keep in the fridge, if they start to get weak you can either swap them out or just add more teabags
its also a good way to make use of old tea, so if your grocer has a 50% off shelf and you see tea on it you can save a couple bucks
only real downside is basically an overnight process, so if you do drink a lot of it you'll probably want to get two pitchers going at a time

>> No.14794490

Have you tried alcohol? It'll even kill the bacteria in your mouth for you.

>> No.14794496

make the tea fresh and hot with bags or loose, whatever you feel like spending your money on. some teashops will give you small bags for trying different teas.
EIther way: boil like 3L of water, add 3-8 teabags, let it steep for 3-8 minutes, then literally just let it cool down and put that shit in your fridge. if you want sweetener, add it before it's cold, else it won't dissolve.
for extra freshness, add lemon or lime juice.

>> No.14794503

thank you anons.

Ill try all of these and see what best helps. <3

>> No.14794513

still contains the phosphoric acid, so just as bad.

>> No.14794520

aw nuts

is it too late for me

>> No.14794619

Just stop drinking it you brain dead amerishart. "Addicted"... pull yourself together for gods sake, it's not like it's alcohol or heroin or anything with legitimate withdrawal symptoms (in which case I might have some sympathy for you). It's literally sugar water - don't drink it, simple as. Water is what you should be drinking as a default if you're thirsty, no exceptions. If you can't manage that then maybe you deserve to be fat and have fucked up teeth.

>> No.14794624

>cope and seethe

>> No.14794632

Yes, actually.

>> No.14794661


>> No.14794663

im not american

>> No.14794671

>it's not like it's alcohol or heroin
sugar is actually far more addictive alcohol and some opiates

>> No.14794686
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use a straw and bypass your teeth and go straight for the tongue and down your throat

>> No.14794753

Basically this, great advice. Also mouthwashing immediately afterwards is a 10/10 move.

>> No.14794775


>> No.14795313


>> No.14795318

Do you take that advice to heart regarding "other" activities? ;)

>> No.14795331
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>> No.14795389

Orange Juice

>> No.14795960

sparkling water does a surprisingly good job at emulating the 'punch'soda has, without any of the downsides. This doesn't sound important at first but have you ever tried drinking a flat soda? Tastes like complete shit. Once you get used to drinking sparkling water you never go back.

>> No.14796012

Fluoride is a meme

>> No.14796677
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>> No.14798243

>fat cope

>> No.14798689

lemon juice is quite acidic and even if diluted makes my teeth a little more sensitive, wouldn't sparkling water be a better option?

>> No.14799325

carbonic acid is probably equally as acidic as lemon juice in water, I'd go with that other anon he seems to know what he's talking about.

>> No.14799386

Carbonated water maybe with some lemon juice.

>> No.14799425

Also make sure to swallow as much fluoride as possible to maximize the benefits you mouth breathing troglodyte

>> No.14799448

Diet Pepsi

>> No.14799452

sparkling water with a slice of lemon

>> No.14800021


>> No.14800026

Buy a soda-stream and make sparkling instead :D

>> No.14800110

being happy

>> No.14800135
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hey anon, ik this may be a bit of a shill post but i got this water bottle that basically has a filter for putting water flavoring in and a dial to change between regular and flavored water. most of the flavors have no sugar or calories for that matter and it taste pretty good!

ever since i got it, i havent even thought about needing soda ever since.

>> No.14800147
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Ice cold water with ice cubes. It's so fucking good and refreshing. Throw in come lime or lemon if you want.

>> No.14800187
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I used to drink 32 oz drinks from circle k almost everyday. I didn't like having that much soda so I started buying ice in bags from sonic (they have ice makers that make biscuit ice) and I made unsweetened earl gray iced tea in a pitcher and kept them on hand when I wanted a soda. I have an insulated cup (ozark trail insulated tumblers are $8 at walmart and stay cold just as long as yeti ramblers) that I put lots of ice in and pour my tea into that I can sip on during the day. It helped. now I just make ice in the ice maker. Having an iced drink readily available really helped break my soda addiction. I will sometimes use sparkling water instead of tea or just plain water and I am just as refreshed. I am happier now.

>> No.14800669

Just have a glass of water next to you when you drink soda. After you take a sip of soda, wash it down with water.