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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14792684 No.14792684 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right?

>> No.14792695

Yes because people are stupid and lazy and would rather pay more money over time for fast/frozen/junk food rather than cook a proper meal.

>> No.14792696

Fat 'people' aren't humans

Genuinely don't consider their opinions or thoughts on anything. Usually very good at toning them out

>> No.14792698
File: 158 KB, 1242x1132, 7342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. Healthy food is only off-limits to the poorest of the poor. I genuinely believe blacks and hispanics are prone to obesity because they’re statistically low IQ

>> No.14792700

For the vast majority of people, being obese is because they never learned restraint. Very few people are actually obese for reasons outside of their own control.

>> No.14792701

In some poorer neighborhoods there is definitely a lack of choice; but for people living in places like the suburbs, he's absolutely right

>> No.14792711

Isn't this the same guy who claimed people should just buy non-GMO food from his store instead of getting health insurance?

>> No.14792713

What if they bought 'cheap but unhealthy' food but ate less if it

>> No.14792714

The amount of mental gymnastics that fat people do in order to justify their decaying health and poor life choices is astounding. He will of course get absolutely roasted over this shit, but he's not wrong, cheap, healthy alternatives exist, people just prefer convenience. And even if you can claim to live in a "food desert" where things like fresh or frozen vegetables aren't readily available, that does not apply to the rest of the country where obesity runs rampant.

>> No.14792715

It’s both to varying degrees but /ck/ won’t admit it

>> No.14792722

>not prone to obesity

I live in Alabama and this is false. Everyone here is fat regardless of race

>> No.14792734
File: 32 KB, 480x439, 7342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most whites in your shithole state are low IQ. You chose to focus on the racial aspect of my reply because you’ve genuinely consumed too much Jew media

>> No.14792742

you don't even need to shop at whole foods
stop eating fast food multiple times a week

>> No.14792814

This. Socioeconomic reasons are a factor because nobody who is working long hours to keep a roof over their head wants to go home and spend a combined hour of cooking and cleaning. That and junk food is crazy cheap.

>> No.14792817

Ok racist

>> No.14792830

based and truthpilled
tranny cope

>> No.14792836

Rice beans and veggies are cheaper than fast food.

>> No.14792850

Shut up retard you can’t get the taste of a Big Mac from rice and beans you vegan freak

>> No.14792873

Nobody wants to eat that though

>> No.14792897

>If you're poor then just get more money lmao t. Richfags
Nah fuck him. Smells of richfag cope and damage control.

>> No.14792919

Even the dems propose solutions like raising taxes on or restricting access to junk food. How is that not an admission that fatties can't be trusted to make their own choices?

>> No.14792930

That doesn't do anything but make people mad, while they continue to buy the same shit. It's the same reason food stamps/EBT don't work in america, poor fucks just sell their food stamps to buy whatever they need as opposed to working within the restrictions to feed their kids properly. Not like those restrictions are even tight anyway, soda and candy are on the EBT okay list.

>> No.14792956

fuck that. healthy food is absolutely affordable if you're poor.

>> No.14792970

People could eat literally anything they wanted if they weren't conditioned to eat 1000 calorie meals 3 times a day.

I don't know how people can even stay fat when fasting is such an easy way to reach your target weight.

>> No.14792976

Quality food in America costs more. Even fresh fruits and veggies will run the bill up faster than name brand junk. God forbid you want the luxury of bread that isn't a mad science experiment. Richfags really don't know or care how bad the system they run is.

>> No.14793003

lol rich people make bad choices with money and fuck over everyone and the dumb people make dumb choices fucking themselves.

Its a never ending cycle of people fucking each other over.

>> No.14793007
File: 155 KB, 781x394, capitalism is based.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't need healthy food to not be fat you just need less junk food. Anyone who blames socio ecomonic reasons is 100% coping. If you can afford 5000 calories of junk you can afford 2000-2500. Like most problems reddit blames on a lack of welfare the real solution is not being a retard and having self control.

>> No.14793010


Fatass detected

>> No.14793014

Why can't people just EAT LESS?
It doesn't matter how cheap or expensive their food is, if you're getting FAT it means you DON'T NEED THE CALORIES.

>> No.14793015

Who is "he" and why should I care?
How much do you assholes get paid to post these "who is he" threads everyday?

>> No.14793017

Nope. Fuck millionaires who exploit the lack of food standards in my country and make the problem even worse by turning basic standards into a luxury market.

>> No.14793019

>implying racism is bad

>> No.14793022

>Its the millionaires fault my weight starts with 3
Class warfare really is just a vehicle for stupid people to cope with their mistakes.

>> No.14793026

>richfag cope
lol haven't heard that one before

>> No.14793028

What do you mean "exploit?" Most people that have made some money in life have worked for it, just because you socialist scumbags cant means that you're just lazy fucks.

>> No.14793031

Go protest and be twats.

>> No.14793033


>be poor
>be stupid
>make bad decisions
>cant figure out how to feed one’s self

Lmao, poor people are only poor because theyre dumb. Fat people tend to be poor because theyre stupid. Thats why wealthy people are generally in better shape, theyre more intelligent.

>> No.14793048

You're low IQ for thinking that healthy food is somehow unobtainable for the poorest people in America. People don't get fat here because apples aren't carried anywhere.

Being lazy isn't a socioeconomic factor. It's entirely motivation and education. Do you think middle class and up work less hours than the lower class? Many low class people can't find 40 hours or choose not to. Junk food is cheap per calorie, sure, but it isn't necessarily any cheaper than lower calorie options like fruit. Apples and bananas are cheap. Peanut butter is cheap relative to calorie intake. Canned fish is cheap for a protein source, as are eggs. Why aren't you honest and say people enjoy junk food and are willing to waste their money on it? A bag of chips and a coke isn't somehow pennies.

Flour and yeast is cheap AF. Bread is a luxury food item anyway, ironically enough. There are cheaper foods for the calories with more nutritional value. If you, like the large majority of Americans, aren't worried about getting enough calories, then bread is similarly not worth it as you'll eat a bunch, feel hungry, and get fat.

>> No.14793057

poor, stupid and expecting money from a government is no way to go through life but that's the "democrat way"

>> No.14793058

>Being lazy isn't a socioeconomic factor.
Being tired is. I don't think you've ever seriously worked a day in your life.

>> No.14793065

Being "too tired to cook" is a motivational factor. Once again, do you think the middle or high class don't also work long hours?

>> No.14793066

Aside from the coke-snorting workaholics, no, they don't.

>> No.14793072

that's what the wife is for, to cook you dinner and pack your lunch for the next day

>> No.14793073

Of course he's right. But nu-liberalism dominates public discourse and promote a message that nothing is ever your fault. Take no responsibility goy and just blame whitey and the patriarchy.

>> No.14793083


If you worked as hard as wealthy people, you wouldnt be here complaining about being a poorfag. Its pretty straightforward.

Toiling away at a menial job for your entire life instead of using it as a means to end to live more comfortably is 100% on you.

>> No.14793084

That's pretty rare, catching a woman that can actually cook. Thats extremely rare indeed.

>> No.14793086

It's statistical fact that the upper class clock in more hours on average than other groups. Do you think CEOs just smoke cigars and whack off on a golf course all day? You can make a case that the "harder jobs" are lower wage, but that isn't necessarily true and is avoiding the fact that tons of low income shit jobs are service industry ones, especially if we're talking about women in the workforce. Simply put, you're just fucking wrong.

>> No.14793090

Stop eating fast food*

>> No.14793094

Sometimes I wonder if this insane mindset is exclusively American, or if the entire world is crazy. No, you don't win capitalism by working harder.

>> No.14793107

Its nothing to do with Americans, its to do with socialist scum.

>> No.14793114


>get education
>plan for the future
>make responsible decisions
>working not only hard but intelligently

not everybody is equal in terms of capability thus poorfags like you exist and complain that the system isn't fair because you're bad at it.

>> No.14793117

well yea fuck fatties

>> No.14793126

If you are fat all you have to do is eat less. Healthy food just means it will lead to less underlying health issues from consumption. Of which obesity is one. It’s literally cheaper to just eat less of whatever you have been eating.

But it doesn’t matter to these people. When they say “healthy food is expensive” what they mean is they can’t get the same volume both in size and calories. They can get 3000 calories and a mountain of shit food they don’t need and will make them even fatter for $10. They want as many calories and as much shit as they can get for as cheap as they can get it regardless of whether or not their bodies need it. You can get healthy food and make it and it will be far cheaper. Or you could just eat the same shit you were but less of it.

But fatties are dishonest gluttons. Somehow healthy fast and only fast food being more expensive than shit food means they HAVE to binge eat as much as they can afford every day.

>> No.14793141

>access to
everytime i read this i already know its some cope trying to explain away the stupidity of non-whites or women

>> No.14793151

Ignoring it won't make it go away.
Non-whites have a harder time getting access to healthy foods.

>> No.14793158
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>> No.14793162

no they dont
>goes outside
>sees huge colorful signs he recognizes from tv
>goes to buy sum chikem
>says they dont have acces to salad because they didnt see a huge colorful sign advertising a saladbar

they dont know how to cook

>> No.14793165

Define healthy food and tell me that it isn't at walmart.

>> No.14793181

25/55hrs literally just not working at all
sounds too generous desu

>> No.14793207

Yes obese people and stupidity are often a package deal. Not always, but usually.

>> No.14793246

Depending on where you live, eating healthy can be quite expensive.
I live in Europe, and here decently healthy food is widely available, cause you get good vegetables for cheap. Also, junk food is surprisingly expensive here. So at least regarding europeans, he is right.

>> No.14793252

Fuck this dude.
im a poorfag and the only thing i could afford to buy at his stores were some pumkin seeds, carrots pasta, and sauce.
Now im malnourished since im on tthe beginning of week 2 till my paycheck.

>> No.14793261

Yes. For example, there is one very easy choice almost every person in the western world can make that would reduce their risk of getting fat, don't drink soda.

Another thing is artificial sweeteners. Zero cal sweeteners still make your body thinks it took in sugars and will release insulin into the bloodstream. But there is no sugar so your body "adapts" to insulin spikes by not reacting to insulin they way it normally is supposed to. That is, it learns to ignore insulin. This is what type 2 diabetes is.

>> No.14793272



this checks out

>> No.14793278
File: 158 KB, 723x666, 1593643216132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no i think he's wrong

>> No.14793291

He's never been to a poor area supermarket, the veggies glow in the dark and it's nothing but fatty/sugary food

>> No.14793304

my "poor people" supermarkets are all hispanic and they have cheap veggies and fruits, it's all imperfect produce that would have been rejected from the white people supermarkets like ralphs or albertsons for being less than picture perfect.

>> No.14793307
File: 225 KB, 600x600, 1600918588186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. In Australia the average McDonalds meal is 13 dollars. For 13 dollars I can get 1kg of red onions, 1kg of brown onions, 1kg of carrots, 800g of chickpeas, 280g of spinach and 500g of penne pasta. With a little more you could add meat.

>> No.14793309

I think the african immigrant parts of my town. Which are very poor. Eat the most healthy, its more about western culture and being too lazy to cook. Wish my mum was arab, fucking hated her cooking

>> No.14793312


>frozen vegetables

Its not hard, dumbass

>> No.14793395

>I could get 1 MacDonalds meal for ~12 Euro
>I also could get a weeks supply of rice, spring onions, soy sauce and maybe even chicken breasts for roughly the same price

That is usually what it boils down to for me.

>> No.14793402

vegetables are the cheapest shit available though

>> No.14793434
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yeah i'd say so. it's very easy managing what you eat but still being able to treat yourself with something shitty once in a while. Once i started getting fat I did intermittent fasting and regular cardio until my bmi wasn't in the overweight category anymore. I guarantee if i told obese people the same thing they'd have no fucking clue what I was talking about, like it was another language

>> No.14793452

>1kg of red onions, 1kg of brown onions, 1kg of carrots, 800g of chickpeas, 280g of spinach and 500g of penne pasta.

is this even as much calories as a mcdonalds meal?

and what the fuck are you going to make with that anyway? onion salad? plain pasta with carrots ?

>> No.14793464

Are you retarded? That's 13 dollars total. I intentionally did not go over 13 dollars.

>> No.14793476

There has never been any valid argument as to why they simple don't eat less. We are talking about obesity not Atherosclerosis. The vaguely defined healthy food costs more? Okay so why are you eating at an extreme calorie surplus which costs even more than eating what you need to survive? There is no connection between the cost of healthy food and obesity because obesity is caused by eating more than you are burning and they will always gorge themselves.

>> No.14793477

This is cope. Vitamins and leavening agents in your white bread aren't making you fat. The entire whole foods culture is one big crutch to justify one's own lack of self control. People have literally lost weight eating nothing but little debbies and oreos but actually calorie counting. Its replacement with ketofaggotry and gluten-free dieting is just another in a long line of selling crutches to fatasses. You don't have a leaky gut, you have discipline issues.

>> No.14793526

wtf is "g" and "kg"

>> No.14793634

Fatty cope: The thread

>> No.14793639

>mostly due to ignorance
Marcus Aurelius would approve.

>> No.14793690

Price isn't the only factor retard. Time is too. Poor people just don't generally have the free time to cook.

>> No.14793698

>the hard working poopoid meme
shut up, nobody buys that

>> No.14793703

People with functionally brain lobes do. Also i said hours not that they necessarily worked during those hours.

>> No.14793705

>9 US dollars and he can't even add meat
Everyone sit and laugh at Australian food prices

>> No.14793713

He didn't get roasted. Nobody cared. 7 comments

>> No.14793718

Hey that's not fair. Everyone in Alabama is a retard, so it throws off the statistics.

>> No.14793721

Hard working, maybe not. Being employed where you can't afford to live, living far from there and working awfully early/late timetables, probably.

>> No.14793763

I think so.
The average medieval peasant had a healthier diet than most Americans because they are largely ignorant as to what a healthy diet entails.
These are the people who will say they gotta have their protein and order a gorillion calorie meal at McDonalds.

>> No.14793765

>Poor people don't have time.
This is false. I'm unironically what you guys would call a "poorfag", and pretty much the only luxury I have is time. It's these lower-middle-class wagie/office grunt types who think they're poor who perpetuate this meme. "But I don't have time!!!! I spent all day doing needless busywork for Mr Goldstein, I'm TIRED!!!!! I need something EASY to feed my kids!!!!" Well you've just got the wrong idea about life. Live simply and treat work as a means to an end, because that's all it is. Don't make the mistake of being a temporarily embarrassed millionaire, at the end of the day most of us are essentially the modern equivalent of feudal peasants. UBI (once the ruling classes realise it's actually cheaper for them, and will "boost" their so-called "economy" like no one's ever seen) and automation will bring about the end of workism and negate the need to "justify your existence" anyway.

>> No.14793769

"it's LiTeRaLlY iMpOsSiBlE to cook rice, beans and frozen vegetables"

>> No.14793772

>wtf is "g" and "kg"
superior units that even NASA is using now.

>> No.14793774
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>american foodlot "meat"

>> No.14793868

>For 13 dollars I can get 1kg of red onions, 1kg of brown onions, 1kg of carrots, 800g of chickpeas, 280g of spinach and 500g of penne pasta.
WHAT THE FUCK in Canada you can only get like half that


AND you have weather that lets you grow things outside

>> No.14793874

You forgot to do the currency conversion, retard. You can get all that for the same price in Canada, as long as you don't live in one of the tumour provinces where you can't grow food.

>> No.14793891


>> No.14793904
File: 109 KB, 828x814, arec3gcxqs651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John Mackey is a disgusting creature who should be under a restraining order by the shareholders to keep his fucking mouth shut for the sake of "shareholder value". The way he runs his mouth off like it doesn't affect anyone you'd think he was running a shitty dive bar in the bad part of town talking to the New York Post but it turns out he's the CEO of a huge company.

>> No.14793907

>is 800g of chickpeas and 500 g of pasta even as much calories as a mcdonalds meal

>> No.14793914

Yeah because I know when I work 40 hours a week at minimum wage and then another 10 off the clock or risk losing my job to some illegal just so I can afford rent on my apartment I know that it is ignorance that drives my hand to buy cheap carb filled processed garbage and not the fact that fresh produce costs almost 10 times as much by weight and that meat may as well be unicorn or panda tears it is because I am stupid. Thank you John Mackey for infoming me that I am too stupid to get into college and that I am undeserving of food fit for humans.

Thank you soulless shabbos slaves, you are truly my greatest ally.

>> No.14793916

it is not necessarily expensive to eat healthy but (as all things in life) it depends. how much are you willing to shop around, how much time do you have to cook proper meals etc. (((organic))) food is very expensive though and although we do not have "whole foods" here in krautistan we have organic stores who charge you triple for shit. so yes it can be very expensive to eat right...

>> No.14793923

>is this even as much calories as a mcdonalds meal
>how do you even cook food anyway? chop it and toss it together raw? WHAT IS COOKING!? IT'S ONLY FOOD IS THERE'S A DISGUSTING PATTY INVOLVED.

oh my fucking god

>> No.14793927

fucking goddam stupid americans

>> No.14793930


>> No.14793947

>Using the ((()))
Wew, that's ballsy, I hope you're using a VPN my friend.

>> No.14793960

Don't you learn to cook and eat healthy in school in America or is that communism?

>> No.14793963


>> No.14793968


>> No.14794139

>cheap carb filled processed garbage

>> No.14794162

I hope they don't because I like to get BK a couple times a month

>> No.14794407
File: 25 KB, 640x371, 1581437121246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely 100% correct.

>> No.14794458


>> No.14794465

yeah but they taste like fucking shit.
Man, you people are living in a fucking bubble. i bet you've never literally just made rice beans and veggies in your whole life, just because.
you know why not? it tastes like fucking shit. that's why.
also spices really aren't that cheap, and hard to master, something poor people do not have the time for.

>> No.14794486

why didn't you buy rice / potatoes / pasta in bulk?
why did you buy pumpkin seeds, a not very nutritional thing, in the first place?
why didn't you make the sauce yourself?
carrots are cheap as fuck. don't tell me you don't have $1 for a pound of carrots. bullshit. a pack of ciggies is $4-6, enough to buy carrots that'll last you a week if you eat them literally all day every single day.
you're just trying to cope with your poor choices.
get yourself a spice rack, it'll make the shitty meals much more bearable.

>> No.14794489


>> No.14794493

>they taste like fucking shit.
I can fucking smell your morbid obesity from there

>> No.14794495

I'm not fat I am stupid. I am just saying that non-poisonous food is way more expensive than what the proles are allowed to eat.

>> No.14794499

goddamn, americans really are a retarded breed
fucking kill yourself, fag

>> No.14794507

But that's not true.

>> No.14794508

I've rarely made rice with beans because my family dislikes beans, but rice with veggies is common, same with beans and gravy
it's you who's in a bubble mait

>> No.14794509

i'm 1.83 m at 73 kg.
I cook nearly every day. i'm saying rice, beans, and veggies makes a fucking terrible combination if you don't have or know how to use spices (aka poor people)
just yesterday i made fried rice with carrots, ginger, bell peppers, peanuts, and Tofu. was good.

>> No.14794516

More or less.

>> No.14794521
File: 145 KB, 850x567, PASTA-E-LENTICCHIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my diet is mostly rice, beans,eggs and canned mackerels but i am the kind of guy that people genuinely think take steroids, if you aren't retard you can eat extremely "healthy" and spend really little money

>> No.14794535

ITT: American neets on autismbucks, enjoying a higher econmic standard of living than the average European wagecuck, complaining about how they don't have enough money to eat healthy, while living in the country with the absolute cheapest food in the world.

>> No.14794540

I don't know how it is on the other side of the big lake but here in Europe healthy ingredients are both cheap and widely available.

>> No.14794557

even in america, the problem is that some idiots thinks that eating cheap means eating istant noodles, which are not even actually cheap

>> No.14794580

>trumplethinskin isn't human
Good to know.

>> No.14794591

Why not cook larger meals when you've the energy/time then, and this is the tricky part, keep leftovers to eat for when you lack the energy/time?
Nuts-o idea, I know, but it's just crazy enough to work.

>> No.14794689

Yeah, it's Americans. No were else in the world do you find this "If the game is broken, then it's the player's fault for not being good enough" mentality. It's absolutely insane, and why America will forever be a shithole LARPing as a First World Nation.

>> No.14794704
File: 88 KB, 948x649, mcd breakfast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They would still suffer malnutrition, but wouldn't suffer from obesity, which is the most detrimental condition based on overall impact.

Yes, but people are bumbling retards who can't manage this, for some reason. Eggs are good, too.

If you are picky, maybe. Premium yogurt and organic raspberries could end up being a $5 breakfast. Premium yogurt and frozen raspberries would be around $2. You could also have in season fruits. Some vegetables and three eggs could easily be a $2 breakfast, or a $1 breakfast, depending on how you shop and where you live. For an extra $0.30 you can make 16 oz Folger's with 4 oz milk. You could add a whole wheat slice of toast for $0.25, to make this more comparable to pic related.
Now that said, I choose to spend my money on buying a lot of premium ingredients and cooking mostly from scratch. It's cheaper than fast food, and about the same cost as buying a lot of convenience foods at the grocery store. It's more expensive than beans and rice.

I do miss Wild Oats, the superior natural grocery store. Whole Foods also killed a lot of smaller, local natural food stores with lower prices, at least where I live.

The rise of the dual-income household as the norm does seem partially responsible for this problem.

Anyone can make a sandwich, and most women could learn to cook, even the ones who are kind of simple. It's a matter of following recipes. Most mistakes to learn from are still perfectly edible.

Impulse control is a major factor here.

Shop somewhere good instead.

Just don't eat organic.

When I was in middle school I got the last home ec class before they converted it to a computer lab. We learned to make doughnuts from Pillsbury biscuits, grilled cheese, cheese omelettes, french toast and imitation maple syrup (from sugar, water, and flavoring), and broiled grapefruit.

>> No.14794731
File: 822 KB, 1140x618, taco seasoning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy a spice mix, then. You can get a whole pack of premium taco seasoning for less than $7. Start with sauteing onion and garlic, add some canned tomatoes, and you're basically there.

>if you don't have or know how to use spices (aka poor people)
So you agree with OP pic, then. Even poor immigrants can figure this out. For people without passed-down knowledge, there is google.

>> No.14794755

>*I* had to navigate around the putrid dumpster fire in the middle of the road, so should everyone else!

>> No.14794763
File: 99 KB, 600x485, Couscous Squash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Poor people just don't generally have the free time to cook.
Bullshit. Couscous takes only a few minutes to cook. Soaked grains take 15-20 mins to cook. Fish/seafood takes only a few minutes to poach, sautee, or cook. Cut up meat takes only a couple minutes to sautee. You can literally make a balanced meal in less than half an hour.

>> No.14794794

Couscous and unbattered/unfried white fish both pretty nasty tbqhwyf

>> No.14794809

I like both, but to each their own.
What do you like, then?

>> No.14794813

Also slow cookers and batch cooking are a thing.

>> No.14794826

They taste like shit because you can't fucking cook. If anything, some of the best budget recipes ever come from poorer people because they have to make do with less. absolute smoothbrain post

>> No.14794836

Duude just eat healthy.

Problem solved.

>> No.14794849

If not healthy, then just less.

>> No.14794906

in the US every ethic group states their own food stores to supply cheap food to their communities, please don't lump in all non whites with north american pavement apes

>> No.14794913

go to a food bank ya dummy

>> No.14794914

Of course. Anyone who is not a retarded amerifat feminist knows that “too poor to eat healthy“ is just an excuse for the disgusting eating habits of the lower class.

>> No.14794929

lol you just dissed trump without realizing it

>> No.14794939

So just get a quarter pounder without fries or a drink. Wow so hard. Literally just eat less food, even if its shit food you're eating.

>> No.14794949

Too many judging pretendtous faggots in this thread pretending they are physical perfection.

>> No.14794995
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He's somewhat correct about obesity, but I fucking hate whole foods. I went in there once to buy some gimmicky shit food a million years ago. I remember looking in peoples carts and seeing thousands of dollars worth of overpriced food. It made me sick. Of all people he should know how easy it is to manipulate the masses into ripping themselves off.
The truth is most people with any land can get higher quality shit than whole foods with some time and effort. You can't get fresher produce than what you can grow in your backyard. Not to mention you can grow things that simply cannot be sold in the supermarket due to their perishability. You can pay 10 dollars for a handful of organic heirloom tomatoes, or you can pay 1 dollar for enough heirloom tomato seeds to last you BARE minimum 5 years (easily a lifetime if you know how to breed tomatoes), and it will be organic if you are poor and don't wanna buy pesticide.

We have more lawn acres than we have irrigated corn, wheat, and fruit orchards. Think about that. People in general are fucking morons. Sometimes want this industrial complex to collapse so these incompetents die with it.

>> No.14795011

You have completely mistaken the capabilities and priorities of most people. Even those who have the knowledge, land, resources and time to cultivate productive vegetable gardens would often rather pay for mid-high quality produce than grow their own, and there's nothing wrong with that at all, professor Kaczynski.

>> No.14795018

“Miscellaneous” aka “exercising and running errands” should not count.

>> No.14795030

Couscous just needs some butter and slivered almonds on it and it's good to go flavorwise. Fish can be seasoned without frying it and add barely anytime to the process

>> No.14795066
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>> No.14795073


>> No.14795079

Lol jelly

>> No.14795099

I wouldn't say ignorance.
Laziness more than anything.
It's just easier to buy a pizza from tesco for 1.40 than make your own.
Easier to pay someone to deliver a mcd's or KFC than go yourself.

Obviously the ingredients are there. people are just lazy to make the food themselves, lazy to actually work out and not get fat.

>> No.14795107
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Like I said, I hope that this system collapses someday and these money and material obsessed cocksuckers die with it.

Kaczynski was pretty rational in his views of modern industrial society, but his terrorist activism was his downfall.

Society will only collapse on it's own. It will probably take us all with it, but on the off chance that it doesn't destroy the entire planet and just the most industrial parts of the world, I want to be prepared.

>> No.14795109

Obesity is about eating too. it always has been and it always will be.


>> No.14795116


>> No.14795163

What kind of poor person knows how to sautee shit?

>> No.14795167

As if people were more health conscious 30 years ago. People are fat because the food makes them fat. Yes, you can choose to be healthier and shit, but blaming the obesity epidemic on the individual is gaslighting.

>> No.14795171


>> No.14795177

Someone once made the very rational point that if Teddy didn't start bombing places as a logical conclusion to his beliefs.

He did it because otherwise nobody would see his writings and we wouldn't be talking about him and the things he wrote decades later if he didn't.

>> No.14795185


They are also likely teenagers or in their 20s.

>> No.14795194

You can be fat and point out people are also fat and the reasons why. Its objective information and only an insecure fatty would act like its a personal assault because people are pointing out the objective truth.

>> No.14795212

But at the end of the day it is still the individual's choice what they do to their body.

>> No.14795214

Nope, massive disinformation ad-campaigns and low prices has turned fastfood to regular food.

Not even regular food when premade aka microdinners is healthy.

I think we have to get down to the basics again, also heavy taxes on unhealthy foods and the reverse on healthy foods.

>> No.14795215

>Individual responsibility is gas lighting
My fucking sides. Eat another pie fat ass.

>> No.14795288

yeah, but junk food itself doesn't make you fat; you stil lhave to eat too much in order to get fat

>> No.14795391

Couscous is literally pasta, anon.

>> No.14795439


>> No.14795444

I come from a poor minority family with a mom who had to support a family not just with food but paying the bills. She's managed to feed our family well and good because she had the knowlegde to make food out of anything simple. So I agree it's about ignorance. Not everyone knows how to cook. The ignorance leads to bad choices and a cycle of bad habits for future generations. Cheap healthy food would only be a bandaid and not fix the underlying cause.

>> No.14795465

yes he is
people just like fat and sugar so they buy it. these retards could of just made kimchi in their house and be thin like the koreans but instead they purchase mcdonalds and bagel bites

>> No.14795500
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>I live in a food desert bro
>cooking is hard if you're poor
>muh genes

Meanwhile pic related is eaten in a 3rd world country by surrounded by an actual fuckin desert.

Amerliards are literally too retarded to feed themselves so they have to invent coping mechanisms for their retardation

>> No.14795521

Reposting this from /pol/. To reiterate, I hate poor people sometimes.

Jesus christ, buy some fucking staples. Its not that fucking hard. You can eat on a 50lb $20 bag of white rice for over a month. No its not everything you need but you won't die. Less than 2 hours of minimum wage work. Diversify as you can afford. Pinto beans are 50lbs $30 and make a complete protein including the rice. Multi vit and you're not going to have any major deficiencies. So to summarize:

$20 rice
$30 beans
$10 multi vit

$60 for over 2 months of complete nutrients. 6 hours of minimum wage. Shit, you'll probably have money left over for onions sauce/hot sauce/whatever seasoning. Then buy flour/yeast and make bread when you can. Jesus fucking christ poor people piss me off sometimes.

>> No.14795522

its a combo of both. realistically healthy food isnt exceptionally expensive or hard to find but when you can spend 3 minutes in line and get a 2k calorie burger for 99 cents or spend an hour and a half shopping for then cooking a healthy meal its no surprise most people are going to pick the former purely out of time constraints

>> No.14795528
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>/ck/ will defend this

>> No.14795531

do you have nay proof to back this up? i know you dont but i want to see if you will admit it

>> No.14795535

Make your own bread you dumb nigger.
>Poorfag logic
Of course you want more, but you do what you should and not what you want. Thats the difference between the rich and poor.

>> No.14795544

Go fuck yourself. I bulk cook on the weekends because my weekdays are hell. I'd tell poor people to use their brain but thats obviously not possible.

>> No.14795548

I applied for food stamps, as a single adult, and was given like $250/month. I'm sure a family would get much more.

>> No.14795553

Refer to
You could eat really god dammed well for 120.

>> No.14795595

Was shopping yesterday and a beggar asked if i could donate some food to her, i said ok (haven't donated anything in a year or more).

So i said go in and dump whatever you want in my wagon and i will give it to et the exit.

So as me and my wife shops she dumps stuff into the front compartment of the wagon.

Afterwards i did some calculating, she bought premade stuff that costed around half our shopping of 1000€.

Did some more calculating and what she bought would get her and her family fed for 2 days, what i and my wife bought gets us around for a week and half or more closer to two weeks.

I guess they don't have any cooking abilities and don't eat to often since what they picked was very high calorie premad food and candy.

Actually i feel a little bad in my heart that nice people have to live such hard lives.

>> No.14795606

Yes but the biggest reason is as always economical seeing as healthy stuff is expensive as hell and bad stuff is the only thing that is remotely cheap

>> No.14795622

Jesus christ you're a cuck. You'd rather feel bad for someone than actually help them. Teach a man to fish you faggot.

>> No.14795635

>Beggar asked me for food once
>I told them I'd call the cops if they didn't leave
I think I handled it better.

>> No.14795682

You expect anon to teach this homeless person to cook?

>> No.14795688

Just quit it with this lie. I can eat 12 eggs and the rest of my calories from carbs for a day for about 50 bucks a month. If that. Probably more protein than poor people get usually get as well.

>> No.14795690
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Yes if ur poor u literally have to buy 5,000 calories worth of junk food

>> No.14795709

A dirty secret regarding benefits is that how much you get, and often times approval or rejection all together, is often a completely arbitrary amount based on the whims of whoever is processing your case.

>> No.14795710

kys burger

>> No.14795726

Tell them to stop buying retarded shit. Peanut butter. Over night oats. Invest in a camp cooker and fuel if truly homeless.

>> No.14795738

True. I applied, was rejected, then 3 months later they called and said that I was actually supposed to qualify.
By that time I didn't need it so when they sent out the card I just put it in a drawer.
Had I been in dire need I guess I would have starved for 3 months (???)
Weird process.

>> No.14795740


>> No.14795752
File: 46 KB, 763x613, 666 tbsp of corn syrup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only people saying they don't have access are the ones who are ignorant
cant argue with the caloric efficiency of corn syrup though
this one container is 3 weeks of food

>> No.14795772

> Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
> Supplemental

>> No.14795781

Both are factors, but I believe that stress, lack of time, and lack of mental stimulation are bigger ones. People eat shitty junk food because it makes them feel good, and little else in their life does.
Relationships between family, friends, and lovers have eroded for years. Work sucks and is unfulfilling. People turn to vices like recreational drugs, extensive internet use, and sugar because they produce a kick of the Good Brain Chemicals that they're missing. Also, all of these vices are addictive.
So, do people make shitty food choices because they're uninformed? Sure. But it's common knowledge that smoking is shit for you, and people still do it.

>> No.14795822

This should be the new meme diet trend.
1 month of eating nothing but corn syrup.
>survived for 1 month on $2 of food

>> No.14795837

you'd be surprised how little you have to eat when everything is so vitamin enriched and calorie dense.
You won't even get scurvy even if you decided to eat nothing but microwave 40 cent chimichangas twice a day for a 600 calorie fast.

>> No.14795843

I don't know where you live but here food is really expensive and if you're economy isn't the best then you can just more or less forget about meat and while eggs are comparably cheap you couldn't possibly eat 12 eggs a day for a month with just $50 but if you double it to close to $100 then you could eat 12 eggs a day not a very varied diet but eggs are good.

Personally I supplement my lack of meatprotein with wheyprotein and of course eggs, not ideal or good in the long run but couldn't possibly afford eating meat every day as it stands right now so a few times a month is all there is money for at the moment.

But yes a lot of retards waste money on other stuff or processed food that aren't really cheap it's just unhealthy but it doesn't apply for everyone and getting to eat meat or at least dinner every day is pretty damn sweet but something you can only dream of if you're unemployed of course depending on what country you live in.

>> No.14795849

Fat redd/int/ors STILL mad and about to stay mad for another 4 years

>> No.14795887

What country?

>> No.14795925

Chicken from a megafarm costs less than a dollar per pound, same with frozen vegetables. I frequently eat chicken thighs cooked over frozen vegetables in my $20 toaster oven from the thrift store.

>> No.14795970

Based. Gonna make it brah.

>> No.14795984

Trump is fat. You said fat people aren't humans. Therefore you admitted trump isn't human. Caught you slipping. Can't erase that shit

>> No.14795991


i give a pass to old people. once you pass 70 who gives a fuck

>> No.14796015

Damage control

>> No.14796026


i'm a different poster.

rarely do you see people who are old and fat, so im okay with tthat. i would gas regular fat people if given the option.

>> No.14796041

>i'm a different poster.
Then mind your fucking business. First day here? Shut up.

>> No.14796071

processed food is loaded with fat. fat is addictive and makes people eat more. fat makes people obese.
starches are cheap.
if people just eat starches, they will not gain any weight.
It is impossible to gain weight eating plain potatoes.

>> No.14796076

Just stop eating if you want to lose weight lol

>> No.14796109


Lol make me

>> No.14796121

Food deserts are what you get when supermarket can't absorb the loss prevention. Supermarkets are a high trust institution.

>> No.14796171

Food deserts literally only exist in rural areas. It's a myth.

>> No.14796190

here's another (you) for your (you)s harvest

>> No.14796360

Well its both. Like if a crack dealer keeps selling to a crack head they're both responsible.

>> No.14796597

shouldn't have sold his company to amazon then

>> No.14796683


>processed food is loaded with fat. fat is addictive and makes people eat more. fat makes people obese.

That would be sugar, not fat.

>> No.14796719

Damage control

>> No.14796777
File: 943 KB, 500x280, Roger-Sterling-Unapologetic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 20 hours
> Miscellaneous

>> No.14796793

any fatty saying that food is too expensive needs to hit up food banks and get on EBT/SNAP, then with the money they save they can afford to buy healthy food (but they won't.)

>> No.14796800

the only ignorance this turd knows is the ignorance of white yuppies who buy activated almonds and cucumber water. kill yourself, please

>> No.14796816
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And in the 2016 presidential campaign, when Trump said we’ve spent the last 25 years building up the Chinese middle-class at the expense of the American middle-class, the Dems and Mainstream Media called him a racist and xenophobe…

(Yes, I know NAFTA is shipping jobs to Mexico not China but the point still stands)

>> No.14796904

sugar doesn't matter. flour is pure sugar. what is your point? the bodu burns sugar very easily. it doesn't burn fat easily. it stores most of it.

>> No.14797030

Ur not replying to me. Not sure how my post >>14792696 became political but didn't rly care to interact

All fatties are extremely pathetic with no exceptions

>> No.14797054

Wish I could see all of you and your pudgy faces. 4chan would be hilarious if you could see all the fatties screeching behind their screen and normal people mocking them

>> No.14797211
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they're both wrong. Obesity has nothing to do with calories or sugar or food deserts.

Obesity has to do with estrogen and intergenerational stress. Obesity is an adaptive mechanism to shield the body from other ill effects. Thin people are almost equally sick, it's just that their bodies take a different avenue towards illness.

t. 5'11" 180 lbs

>> No.14797223

Just to be clear, obesity is unhealthy, but obesity in itself isn't the root cause of anything.

Just like people who drink fine wines are rich, drinking wine isn't going to make you rich.

>> No.14797246

>obesity has nothing to do with calories

>> No.14797254

>it's the thin people who are unhealthy

>> No.14797284
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yes you retarded fucking double-digit-IQ europoid
why do overweight people have lower all-cause mortality?

and why do overweight and obese people have better thymal function and immunity?

Why do people suddenly lose weight after getting gut microbiome transplants?

>> No.14797292

>why do overweight people have lower all-cause mortality?
Care to cite this statistic?

>> No.14797293

why is it, that if you put a Punjabi and a Greek on an all-milk diet, the latter person will go into ketosis and absorb 50% less calories?

lactose intolerance is RACIST FEMINIST MARXISM, calories in calories out, drinking gasoline solves world hunger

>> No.14797304

holy moly what is wrong with fat 'people's' brains lmao

>> No.14797305

as everyone should know by now, she doesn't have the slightest idea about shopping on a budget, and its not the entire budget, if you spent just the $29 on meats for a week and used your income for everything else you could have food eating for that week easily, but generally poor people are poor because of bad or non-existent budgeting.

>> No.14797329

I live in a village of fewer than 500 people, I can drive 15~ minutes to get to supermarkets, I generally don't believe food deserts exist.

>> No.14797331

keep coping, I have a mesomorph body type. I literally can't get fat if I try.

>> No.14797341

>I literally can't get fat if I try.
I should assume that this is hyperbole but I can never quite grasp the limits of how dumb people can be.

>> No.14797348

It's almost like he's been baiting from the start

>> No.14797363

He's completely correct.

Subtle. Nice. I like it.

>> No.14797652

yeah, "poor", unemployed people in the projects don't have time for anything. They're so BUSY they don't even have time to get ID's right?

>> No.14797664

I believe being comfortable has something to do with it too when I was on my own I was at a comfortable 190 then I moved in to take care of my maw maw I gained like 30 lbs

>> No.14797776

Stores that by design get looted are going to get suitable merch aka vending machine tier.

>> No.14797846

There are certainly rural parts of America where you have to drive like an hour to even get gas. However, as you can imagine, they don't have large population sizes and those people are usually in the agricultural business.

>> No.14797880

>There are certainly rural parts of America where you have to drive like an hour to even get gas
like 0.05% of Americans live in such places

>> No.14797896

everything bad that happened to anyone is because of structural biases against the identity groups that person belongs to. This is what the alt-left actually believes

>> No.14797915

That's what I said. The whole point is that actual "food deserts" in populated areas are a myth.

>> No.14797927

Canning and refrigeration largely solve that problem. Bring a cooler or two, fill up the freezer meat meat and veg, bulk buy vegetables that are canned, or keep relatively well (eg carrots, onions). It's more effort than for someone living in a medium city like me, but it's certainly doable.

>> No.14798003

love this, either as bait or as pure incompetence, both are really entertaining

>> No.14798109

You don't need to eat meat every day, most of our ancestors didn't survive off of meat daily. And if you're desperately poor you can buy a bag of chicken legs/thighs for £3 containing at least 10 pieces. If you eat 1 per evening meal you're spending almost nothing. If you fry rice, beans and veggies in the same pan you cook the chicken in your enhance the flavour and get your meal.

There's no whey protein is cheaper than frozen chicken is. It's impossible.

>> No.14798126

>You don't need to eat meat every day,
you don't need any one thing every day, humans are extremely robust and can survive off a wide variety of things and can go a relatively long time without all sorts of essential nutrients

>> No.14798140


Never thought about chicken legs to be honest, usually just go for the breasts and vegetables is pretty expensive unless you go to Norway where it's tax exempt I just don't see how the heck one is supposed to get enough protein to sustain oneself on a tight budget, been loosing muscle mass like crazy, been trying to keep it down to one decent meal every or every other day perhaps some real cheap breakfast if possible but eating at least three meals a day just isn't close to feasible, good tips though

>> No.14798170

Yes. It's insane anyone would argue otherwise.

>> No.14798221

Food isn't even fucking relevant.

Take away soda and you take away the majority of obesity.

>> No.14798240

>personal appointments and exercise
They have to count that to working hours just to "prove" to themselves they work long hours.

Just own up to the fact you're a fucking parasite man.

>> No.14798348

When you live in a country where half the population is obese either it's a systemic problem or your countrymen are really dumb

>> No.14798357

faggot you can buy a dinner at mcburger for a fraction of the price of a proper dinner

>> No.14798366

They'll make up all sorts of bullshit and then get their secret handshake buddy Murdoch to print an article about it just to preserve their secret club

>> No.14798400

>t. people who never cook

>> No.14798411


>> No.14798437

gonna go with the latter
t. American

>> No.14798596

max is $195 a person lying faggot

>> No.14798717

Staying in top mental and physical health is work, because a CEO's performance, and thus the company's performance, depends on it.

>> No.14798727

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.14798731

Go back to r/eddit

>> No.14798755
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>> No.14798783


>all people who work their asses off are CEO's

somebody who makes 500k-1million a year ABSOLUTELY never stop working. travelling, phone calls, always answering emails, it never ever stops.

>> No.14799108

American food prices are extremely cheap in general compared to the rest of the western world. Yet Americans claim they can't afford to buy real food.

>> No.14799184

In my europoor country tobacco taxes are used to fund the healthcare system, I would like to see the same with highly processed food, like a candy/snack tax or something.

>> No.14799195
File: 1.43 MB, 1296x1936, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most bad dietary decisions are not made due to ignorance. Mostly due to being a lazy slob with no discipline.

>> No.14799211

No, but you would still starve to death. Around 1500 kcal is the absolute minimum to stay kind of alive.

>> No.14799265

Fixing it is communism so nothing will happen about it.

>> No.14799268

I had a period where I watched all videos on food deserts I could fibd and read articles about it, and the big lipped criminal elephant in the room they tried to dance around was, as you say, that places with 'food deserts' simply had too much crime to run a traditional supermarket in.

>> No.14799281


How do you propose we fix it? You geniuses always want the government to fix it, but how do you propose they do it?

>> No.14799387

Google obesity percentage by race in America you stupid faggot

>> No.14799434

Tax on shit food. Get rid of all the crap food in schools. Education.

>> No.14799440

You can have all the access and knowledge in the world, and still want to stuff your face with junk food for the sole fact that it is delicious. Modern food is hyperpalatable and a lot of money is spent on making it as delicious and addictive as humanly possible, convenience is just the icing on the cake. I don't believe the majority of people are willing to sacrifice the short term gratification of junk food in favour of long term improvements to their health and appearance, once they've grown up on it and become accustomed to it.

>> No.14799676

Laziness isn't the same as ignorance though. Fat people KNOW they're eating unhealthy food. They're just not disciplined enough to put in the time and effort to cook for real.

>> No.14799728

lazy is a disposition that over time promotes an individuals ignorance

>> No.14799799

>id tell them to use their brains
>my weeks are hell
Maybe you should use your brain?

>> No.14799823

The most irresistible bait of them all. Well done (like my steaks).

>> No.14799942
File: 1020 KB, 1200x1200, 0004125094152_1_A1C1_1200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can get three of these cans for one dollar

>> No.14800134

It's not about what neighborhood you live in, it's about just being poor.

>> No.14800307

Heat something in oil low and slow is not hard.

>> No.14800344

>not accounting for fiber

>> No.14800374

Yeah, you are right, all fishing below the bridges towards the sea and down to the sea and the sea itself is free where i live, i will teach them how to fish next time and get them some fishing equipment.

>> No.14800378

I hate to leave people in need and she was in need, her whole body said she needed food, skinny as crazy.

>> No.14800425

If you eat to satiety, which most people do, then eating unhealthy foods will certainly make you fatter because they are less satiating than real food.

>> No.14800559
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That's a great idea. Get it going.

>you couldn't possibly eat 12 eggs a day
I'd probably get full first, but is that not the point?
Anyways, you underestimate how low US food prices are. Some of this depends on access, since walking with a gallon of milk and a five pound bag of potatoes is a bit much but even then, US food prices are very low.

>> No.14800603

Beans. Cheap. Oats. Cheap.

They're difficult because I homeschool my kids as well as run a business. Being successful takes a lot of work sometimes.

Not sure if you're shitposting
>give a man to fish and he'll eat for a day
>teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime

Meaning you should teach the poor about nutrition and the optimal means of achieving that nutrition with the resources they have.

>> No.14800626

if he says anything else it makes his business look bad. obviously, whether it's true or not, he's inclined to not shoulder the blame of people getting fat and obese.
also the already mediocre produce at wholefoods got notably worse after amazon took over.

>> No.14800627

This is exactly the case. In the Canadian city of Regina Saskatchewan, They closed a Superstore (Canadian Walmart style chain of stores) near the downtown. It was located a few blocks from the north central "shit" part of the city. But not closed because of black people. It was the indians who were doing the raiding, and it was fairly well organized. So now, you have to go all the way out to the edge of the city to shop at anything other than a convenience store, or ethnic market.

There's always one group of people who ruins it for everyone else.

>> No.14800648

>Fat people KNOW they're eating unhealthy food.
Not all the time.

>> No.14800691


>> No.14801134

Yeah, fat retards. Stop buying overpriced trash from wholefood. Your local supermart is just fine. Fastfood is just fine with excercise.
Frozen food is just fine unless you froze it for 6 mths or fruits/veggies that lose vitamins when frozen.
Stop eating 16 000 calories a day with no excercise, muricunts!

Stop making rich shills like John Money richers.

>> No.14801139

Bae vietcongs.

>> No.14801311

Shit, I used to read his law blog.

>> No.14801325

yes. at the end of the day it is calories in calories out. eating food that is nutritious is good for you but if you're not changing the amount of calories you take in, you're still going to be fat.

>> No.14801364

beans and rice are far cheaper than any processed shit you can buy.

>> No.14801405

If you avoid the question, you can give any answer!

>> No.14801491

Seriously dude, canned and frozen veggies are pretty damn cheap. Although I've been to poor smaller towns and areas where it's just a bunch of prepackaged shit and you have to really know what your'e doing to make a decent healthy meal, which at the end of a long ass workday doesn't sound feasible considering my backwater or urban idea of healthy is judt a fucking piece of celery.

>> No.14801506

Processed foods weren't the norm in the middle ages so they were forced to eat healthy and ration their food as well. Given a choice and equipped with little knowledge on the matter most people would consume the better tasting calorie dense foods en masse than eat less tasteful foods.

>> No.14801525

I meant on that budget but now seeing your food prices that just ain't fair you spoiled bastards =)

That's almost free

>> No.14801530

Try being born, living in, and trying to get out of central kansas.

>> No.14801567

Fruit is unironically too expensive in America

>> No.14801831

Vegetables are usually nice and cheap. If you buy larger bits of meat that take time to cook its usually quite cheap. Unless if its lamb, which has astronomical prices.

>> No.14801851

in Japan eating fruit daily is prohibitively expensive, most American fruit is pretty cheap

>> No.14801900

Fruit is expensive if you insist on organic locally grown everything and ignore the seasons.

>> No.14801942

if you're truly poor, you end up getting into a 3-choose-2 scenario with affordability, macros, and convenience.

>> No.14802798

In season fruit is $1.00-2.00 per pound.

>> No.14802846

I've seen enough to agree with him. There is something to be said for lack of access to healthy food but most fatties are fatties because they're dumb and/or lack discipline.

>> No.14803567
File: 182 KB, 656x734, Fat Negresses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how they are still operating as if this was 1950s racial homogenous society where people were shunned out of obesity. The cities weren't packed with people like they are now living like rats, trying to get to the stop sign as fast as possible, so that they can get to work 5 minutes late, instead of 6.

>> No.14803597

>Mad Men
What a fucking Chad Larp fest. Fuck that faggot show.

>> No.14803604
File: 40 KB, 455x368, 1573856964072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is bait but honestly if you're that poor you only really should be eating things like oatmeal, rice, pasta, chicken, etc. Americans have entitlement so fucking ingrained in their systems that they believe convenient luxury foods should be the norm. Makes me sick to see so much gluttony and greed in my country.

>> No.14803617

T. Spic

>> No.14803963

>if you're that poor you only really should be eating things like oatmeal, rice, pasta, chicken, etc.
This is literally all you need. Add some eggs, sardines, canned beans, canned or frozen veggies, and some cheap fresh veg like carrots, potatoes, and cabbage, and you can eat healthier than 80% of Americans for 1/10th the price. And as far as gadgets go, you need a pot, a pan, and maybe a $20 rice cooker if you're feeling bougie.
t. Lived on the above when poor in uni

>> No.14805010

Seven (7) limes.