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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14791099 No.14791099 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: stuff you want to try but can't get in your country

>> No.14791109
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>> No.14791132
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Devon lad here, you're really not missing much mate. It has the same effect as a double Red Bull and vodka and only has a reputation because of chavs in Glasgow chugging it like the elixier of life.

>> No.14791157

Unless you live somewhere with restrictions on caffeinated alcohol, you can usually put in a request with any major liquor distributor to import the stuff. Expect to pay an arm and both legs for what's basically just red bull and hooch wine, though.

>> No.14792649
File: 72 KB, 640x427, haggis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does it taste like? I'd presume like a really savory and spicy turkey stuffing

>> No.14792659

You can get Haggis online

>> No.14792666

You know you can make it with a recipe if you want it’s not difficult

>> No.14792669

Illegal in the US. Lung is a forbidden meat.

>> No.14792845

>not difficult

Red wine based aperitif, 15% v/v.
Sodium glycerophosphate, an emulsifier.
Dipotassium phosphate, a protein stabiliser
Disodium phosphate, a stabiliser and emulsifier.
Caffeine, 0.0375%w/v

>> No.14792852
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ortolan is kino

>> No.14793277

He's talking about Haggis you retard

>> No.14793283
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I spent a Summer in Sicily and have been to Japan multiple times, but I keep forgetting to try horse meat. Whale is another one.

>> No.14793296

Enjoy consuming bird shit

>> No.14793297
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witchetty grubs

>> No.14793299

Oh, like you've never had shrimp.

>> No.14793305

only a picky eater homosexual will eat cock but not a witchetty grub

>> No.14793306

everything in america

>> No.14793317

It's called deveining. Sorry you apparently consume shellfish with the shit still inside.

>> No.14793318

Oh bullshit, it's not that it's "illegal" its that the stuff hasn't been checked out and nobody wants weird desieses from it.

>> No.14793327

Haggis has been illegal to import since 1971.

>> No.14793328

Oh yeah because the USA is the source of all of your pathetic problems. Cry to your mom more.

>> No.14793330

That's because it's nasty shit and nobody wants to sort through it.

>> No.14793338

>didn't read the OP

>> No.14793339

Still illegal. Expressly banned. Not in compliance with the law.

>> No.14793521
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They are probably soggy and gross and I dont even really like ice cream all that much any more but I have to try these and I always forget when I cross the border. Theres no good reason for them to be unavailable in Canada.

>> No.14793523

Nobodys disputing that you moron.
>its illegal
>yes it is
Are you autistic?

>> No.14793527

They're chewy but I kinda like it, oddly enough.

>> No.14793532

every single American food item I've tried has been a massive disappointment

>> No.14793554

Lung as offal is banned in USA. Fucking read more and take it in.

>> No.14793712
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>American """"freedom""""

>> No.14793753

We have these in Germany and they were always my favourite. Dunno about other places but the ones I remember had a nice crunch to them.

>> No.14793782

It’s good
I had horse sashimi with wasabi that they ground up at the table

>> No.14794273
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Tonic is fucking lethal. Way too many bad times on it

>> No.14794341

Try a butcher. Every country in Europe Will have Horsens meat

>> No.14794350

We have em in Denmark too. Hows the weather germanon

>> No.14794542

Its not much that its banned especially if you make it yourself, the so called ban is more from sales and regulation. Kind of like savages bringing in guinnea pigs from south of the border for food, cuy.

>> No.14794546
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Maybe have a dessert of horse bits ice cream?

>> No.14794738

Ausfag. For my birthday once my Dad got me some Hostess mini donuts and they were really great, cant find them anywhere else

>> No.14794911
File: 13 KB, 272x272, FourLoko-can-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it live up to it's hype? I've heard stories about downing one or two of these and blacking out on some xanax and alcohol shit

>> No.14794937
File: 29 KB, 450x450, four-loko-fruit-punch_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've heard stories of people blacking out on this shit like they took benzos and booze together. I wonder if its as dangerous as they say it is?

>> No.14794948

Why are you samefagging?

>> No.14794952

Never had them when they still had the caffeine in them, but as a somewhat heavy drinker, 2 gets me closed to tight, but certainly not blackout.

>> No.14794954

I posted >>14794911
The one under me must have just been hivemind. It happens

>> No.14794962

Salty coins

>> No.14794964

Because hes a pageet ad monkey. Soon as ai can solve the captcha he will be replaced with a bot.

>> No.14794973


>> No.14795039


>> No.14795050

Buckfast is fucking rancid but God DAMN is it fucking rocket fuel.
Used to get blasted on that shit like 15 years ago.

>> No.14795068

Oatmeal stout of any brand
>just order it online
No frig off. I don't want to pay extra fees for something that I should be able to get from the closest government controlled liquor store

>> No.14795089


>> No.14796794
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>> No.14796921

If a bottle of Buckfast only has the effect of a double vodka for you, you may have a problem.

>> No.14796949
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Just wanna see how close to meat it really is.

>> No.14796961

The only fresh thing we get where I live is lake fish and corn. Though I'm talking state, not country, my state is big. I'm just glad we can now get fairly fresh fish in, shipped daily so only one day old.

>> No.14796976

It's one of the best fake meats I've had.
The closest to real fake meat I've had though is fake chicken nuggets. I don't know why those are so good because it's the only kind of fake chicken that I've ever seen.

>> No.14796996

Fake chicken is pretty good, but seems like it's much easier to do than beef.
The McDonald's here had fake chicken for a while (not vegan, made from milk proteins or something), that was so close you had to taste the real chicken side by side to be able to tell the difference, and even then it was negligible.
Sadly, they took it of the menu in favor of some god-awful vegetable burger.

>> No.14797033

It's shit

>> No.14797048

It tastes right but your soul knows the difference. you know somehow that what you just ate had no real animus

>> No.14798412

Its only worth it to drink it as a sidewalk slammer

>> No.14798475
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A good woman
>t. American

>> No.14798630

These were only worth it if you were 16 - 20 in 2010/2011. We lived like kings on these things. Had a buddy attempt to jump over our bonfire and landed right in the middle.

good times.

>> No.14799135

Irishfag here

It's fun when you're 20 but I really wouldn't bother unless you're planning on getting hammered and doing some dumb shit

>> No.14799431

4loko is cheap and there are enough flavors that you can probably find something that you feel is tolerable. that's the only reason why anyone drinks it, especially teenagers.

if those people are blacking out it's because of a combination of things and not just the drink.

>> No.14799438

They're not soggy unless you let them melt. They're breddy gud honestly

>> No.14799441

>Theres no good reason for them to be unavailable in Canada.
because God hates Canada

>> No.14799458

Yeah, tastes strongly of herbs and spices. Nearest thing I can compare it to is black pudding except milder.