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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14781504 No.14781504 [Reply] [Original]

This is supposed to be a Kobe beef, But wait, an estimate tells me it's75 % all fat.
So you're paying a fortune for fat down your throat?

>> No.14781510
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>> No.14781511
File: 145 KB, 585x396, nice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this just in
butter costs more than hot dogs

>> No.14781517

And how much fat do you think there is in a hot dog?

Nice bait thread. it contributes nothing to /ck, but hey, you be you anon. You be you.

>> No.14781547

Wow , I can can be me.. Thanks no one

>> No.14781781

Why is this in green text?

>> No.14781791

are kobe like hotdogs? ok.
Same thing, genius?

>> No.14781794

Who are you quoting?

>> No.14781896

it makes the meat tender when you render out all the fat.

>> No.14781902

With regard to fat content... yes.

>> No.14781906
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seriously, best meat is either texan or argentinean, only soyboys and numales like that kobe piece of shit

>> No.14781969

Unless you don't give a shit about your money wagyu, kobe, and similar are more of a try, don't buy.
It's fine but it's not worth the price.

>> No.14781973

haha 2012 /jp/ memes

>> No.14782003

Fat is good for you boomer. I know the sugar companies lied and told you fat made you fat and was bad for your heart. But it was sugar that did that.

>> No.14782197

Isn’t Kobe beef only expensive because of organized supply constraints? What’s so special about the actual beef besides it being hard to find? Some Texas should steal some of those cow eggs and sperm and fuck the entire market up

>> No.14782206

Kobe beef is a system. You couldn't just transplant the cows to Texas and expect the same results they get in Japan. First off, it's way hotter in Texas than in Kobe Japan. That stresses the cattle. Second, they eat fresh grass in Japan and get spring water. Now I know you could supply the Texas cattle with trucked in fresh grass, but it still wouldn't be the same.

>> No.14782207

Currently the worst thread on the board

>> No.14782241

>grass doesn't grow in texas

>> No.14783212

The effects are entirely replicable infact there are plenty of replica and fake kobe beef supplies out there.
It's all about diet.
There were lots of myths about kobe such as the cows drinking beer with their meals, being pampered and living a life of luxury.
Most of them are not true.
What is true is that they are overfed high quality food. Which is why there is so much fat in them. The fat is literally ingrained in the meat rather than with American cattle where it is just an extra mass on the outside.

>> No.14783218

Its a different type of grass that probably wouldn't grow that well in the Texas climate

>> No.14783219

>eating food

>> No.14783223

imagine the marbling in humans who only drink beer and eat top shelf stuff without exercising at all.

>> No.14783279

Wagyu is genetically predisposed to high concentrations of intramuscular fats.

Has nothing to do with the diet

>> No.14783297

the retard is just making a preemptive strike because he knew he was stirring shit with his tongue

>> No.14785123
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Can you breed a human to have a similar marbling?

>> No.14785157

We do

>> No.14785193

Most accurate comment on the thread. I've had it a couple times. It's good but not worth the outrageous price.

>> No.14785420

most if not all the fat renders out when you cook it
you end up with a smaller and very tender piece of meat

>> No.14785448
File: 405 KB, 1536x2048, EOt-4fSWoAAyrf4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. pic related

>> No.14785851

Where is the Ketchup?

>> No.14785855

I don't eat ethnic food with my boiled steak

>> No.14785943
File: 163 KB, 800x1600, Japanese Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens if we keep feeding Japanese girls American food...

>> No.14785953
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No you don't.

>t. has cooked wagyu

Wagyu is very fatty, even when properly cooked, and the fat is very visible.

However, it's texture and flavor are nothing like angus or similar beef fat.

>> No.14785963

jesus christ i asked for a steak not a live wood fucking cheeseboard

>> No.14786018

Picture hurts my throat

>> No.14786074

It's a lineage. The best out of Japan wagyu suppliers are those with the purest blood (Australian high 90s%, USA low 80s%). And those lineages depend on how many live cows those countries have been allowed to buy.

>> No.14786125
File: 68 KB, 500x500, 1583476032891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice b8 pic

>> No.14786700

is dat some bottom round?

>> No.14786721

congrats you fell for the hype, it's a fucking cow anon

>> No.14786891

What is the Texas climate? You realize Texas is almost twice as large as the entirety of Japan. Ive been in El Paso, where you can see Mexico, when there was a blizzard

>> No.14787178


>> No.14787727
File: 56 KB, 595x578, wagyu cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who doesnt like japanese wagyu a5
op is retarded and is bitching because he's too poor to get some

>> No.14788902

Soyboys don't eat meat

>> No.14788911
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No, this is kobe beef

>> No.14788942
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Animal fats make you big brained high IQ and helps you develop an "in for the kill" mentality.

If you incorporated a serving of this meat into a healthy diet once a day, you'd probably think much more clearly and have higher cognitive levels.

>> No.14790851

Her swiss cheese ears ruin it.

>> No.14791183

The same people that criticize this shit will happily shove gas station hotdogs made from lips and assholes down their throats and not realize the irony.

>> No.14791226

Someone with a degree in science explain to me why I can't just cook a cheap steak in copious butter and get the same effect

>> No.14791239

because the fats are different.

Its why A5 Wagyu fats melt in your hand but a standard angus steak's fat wont, it takes a higher temp.

>> No.14791644

This is true, but also because the cheap steak's meat will taste and feel like cheap steak.

>> No.14791672

If you only had cheap fat in your mouth, How would you ever know?

>> No.14791696

>cheap fat
The meat.

>> No.14791702

You're supposed to cook it well done so you don't poison yourself, jackass.

>> No.14791707

Posting that statement alongside a soyjak doesn't make it not true, cooklet.

>> No.14793178

Waste of Wagyu.

>> No.14794089
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