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File: 31 KB, 600x336, bakedbeans-600x336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14785271 No.14785271 [Reply] [Original]

What's with the UK and baked beans?

Is it the same syrupy maple stuff we get in the USA?

>> No.14785279

This is why I've never even thought of trying to make English Breakfast. Why would I want that gross slop in the morning?

>> No.14785287

yeah. they’ll tell you it’s not but it is. they also won’t directly address the fact their beloved breakfast staple comes from the US

>> No.14785291

No. They are navy beans, very soft, flavourless, a perfect vehicle for sauce.
You've never even tried them. They aren't sloppy

>> No.14785292

You can get regular baked beans in tomato sauce in the US and many other countries around the world.

>> No.14785296

I have eaten cowboy beans and yes, they are

>> No.14785298

I love maple syrup beans desu I’m a Canuck and fast metabolism so I can eat very poorly

>> No.14785309

Interestingly enough, Heinz doesn't actually market a version of their baked beans without brown sugar or molasses in the US where most of their factories are located, but they do make it for export markets such as Canada, Australia, the UK, etc.
You can find usually find other brands of plain baked beans in tomato sauce, depending on the part of the US you're in. Most common in New England.

>> No.14785326

Not surprising, given american palettes.

>> No.14785333

In Canada we have both British-style beans for the Canadian market, but you can also get the UK import version at most stores. I keep meaning to try both side-by-side

>> No.14785336


It's just haricots in tomato sauce. Calm down, yank. This from the country that has spray-on-cheese.

>> No.14785339

The beans are still sweetened in other markets, they just typically use sugar or corn syrup. The "famous" British beans are sweetened with stevia.

No-name brand's is my go-to.

>> No.14785345
File: 150 KB, 800x795, 64564587-6F45-4C69-A4F0-5D3D142F2BBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can’t legally call them beans
do englistanis really??

>> No.14785352

Go back to Redd/int/, iToddler.

>> No.14785361



>> No.14785960

ausfag here
the trick with canned beans and canned spaghetti is not to microwave that shit.
put it in a pan on low heat after you've browned some bacon/salami and some diced onion.
when it's almost ready add a few drops of your favourite hot sauce and stir it through.

not the sort of thing i want for breakfast or lunch all the time but I usually do the beans, bacon and cheese on toast when I have a big day of physical activity ahead of me, like going /out/, going skiing or going to a festival. the beans gives you energy and keeps you feeling full all day.

>> No.14787520

idk but its vile

flavourless beans in what is essentially watered down ketchup. my partner loves them but i have literally never been able to cope with them.

>> No.14788699

Syrupy? Yes. Maple-y? No.
Think of it as ketchup syrup.

>> No.14788720

I love me some beans, but can can a Brit explain to me the phenomenon of beans on toast?
I can't imagine a way just slapping beans in tomato sauce on toast would not result in a soaked slop that's falling apart in a minute. Is there a step I'm not aware of? Genuinely interested.

>> No.14788726

No. British beans are nowhere near as sweet. I tried some Bush’s beans a few months ago and they were sickly sweet. Horrible.

>> No.14788742

Yes. Toast the bread lightly and fan it to drive out moisture. Re-toast to preferred done-ness and allow to cool. Butter well, and you have dry, crunchy toast with a protective oily layer to reduce moisture bleed through.

>> No.14789200

Makes sense, I guess. Thank you and God save the beans.

>> No.14789231

This isn't coming from a Brit, just a guy that lived there for ~1 year: on their own, beans are meh indeed, but in the full english it's suprisingly satysfing and hearthy food. Don't know why, but that's the way they are.
t. former Polish emigrant

>> No.14789699

The toasting means the bread is a better vehicle for the delicious saucy beans. Think of it as some sort of forcefield.

It's a delicious, cheap and easy lunch.

>> No.14789706

This is incorrect. What beans do you eat?

>> No.14789711
File: 43 KB, 500x500, TJ0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the best beans, no question.

>> No.14789730

It wakes them up after a night of being drunk and fighting.

>> No.14789734

Uhh, ingredientz for beanz are beans, tomatoes, sugar, vinegar.

Describing it as a ketchup sauce is not inaccurate.

>> No.14790203

I was trying to explain it in terminology most people non-Brits would understand. The sauce is thick, sticky, syrupy and, as >>14789734 says, has tomatoes and vinegar, the primary ingredients in ketchup. I think my description fairly apt.
As for the "brand," I don't buy it often enough to have any preferences in that regard. Whatever's on offer whenever I get pangs for it.

>> No.14790441

I'm Mexican and beans run in my blood but I've never had these, what do they taste like? I don't like the look of then very much but they might be good

>> No.14790487

Yes, if you've only tried heinz, it would be surprising if you took a dim view.

But even so, they're a base ingredient. They're not going to rock your world by themselves. Add some hotsauce or balsamic vinegar, and eat them with more than just toast.

Calling it a syrup is confusing. The sauce is sweet, but it's not especially viscous. Especially compared to american beans, which literally do come in syrup.

>> No.14790917

Depends. Some are, Heinz for instance are disgusting.
My preference goes towards Bachelor's. They're quite delicious without being too sugary. Beans are just the best.

>> No.14790962

nobody eats bush's. They're for children.

>> No.14791135

if you live in a major city you can get them from World Market, or you can order them from amazon. UK baked beans are not like the baked beans in the US. The sauce is similar to the sauce in spaghetti as but not as sweet and better tasting.

>> No.14791137

*spaghetti O's (not regular spaghetti)

>> No.14791139

luv to 'av some chikky wyngz wiv me beanz

>> No.14791141

I imagine that these taste just like the cans of pork and beans you get in the states. Am I right?

>> No.14791142

perfect description - its literally beans in the sweet watery bland tomato sauce from Spaghetti Os

>> No.14791152

Step aside or chef boy ar dee will smack you on the head!

>> No.14791171

Sure better than you foreiners that have nothing better to do than blame the US for your problems.
The only thing you can do is imagine and seethe like the wimp that you are.

>> No.14791179

no the pork and beans are a little different they are sweeter.

>> No.14791184

You're not even honest enough to state where you're from yet you'll blame the US for your crap existance and problems. That's some honesty you twat.

>> No.14791211
File: 148 KB, 1500x1500, 81Tk1Bhfq3L._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like the sauce for Heinz hoops is starkly different, but I haven't had them in years.

>> No.14791235
File: 71 KB, 850x425, beanee_weenees-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go for some beanee weenees they don't have the crazy high sugar content of most American stuff.

>> No.14791249

I've never once seen that shit at Tesco.

>> No.14791308
File: 49 KB, 410x395, 1597513536051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baked beans are fucking gross. pinto beans refried master race.

>> No.14791323

the campbell's spaghetti o's

>> No.14791325

you ever put a bit of worcestershire sauce on your beans?

>> No.14791329

Wisconsin hands typed this post

>> No.14791943

no, not at all.

>> No.14792051

I see them all over in stores in the NE/NY in USA, that said we don't have Tescos here.

>> No.14793680

Can confirm, absolutely Halal.

>> No.14793716
File: 570 KB, 2400x2400, thinkin_bout_thos_beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best beans coming through
I have these with dinner like every other day they are an orgasm in a can and pair well with basically any meat

>> No.14793875

Don't tell me that. I hate ketchup. Just bought a can I was ready to try this weekend, too. Guess I'll get rid of it.

>> No.14794107

Why don't you make your own?

>> No.14794702

nice try there's a picture of them in the op

>> No.14794791

Try it and decide for yourself. If it's not to your taste, just rinse the beans of the sauce and use them in something tf else.