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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 241 KB, 595x593, Pizza-Slice-Topped-With-Pizza-Slices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14783822 No.14783822 [Reply] [Original]

Patrician pizza toppings only. And yes... we really do.

>> No.14783827
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>Chicken bone pizza
Do Americans really?

>> No.14783830
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>be american
>be incredibly based

>> No.14783837

awwwww lil baby pizzas <3

>> No.14783839
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so whats with the finger?

>> No.14783847

Americans love to be fingered. Let it be cuh

>> No.14783848

it looks soggy

>> No.14783852
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>> No.14783855

yo dog i put a pizza on your pizza so you can eat pizza while you eat pizza hahah epic win i love america

>> No.14783858


>> No.14783859


>> No.14783862

No wonder Europe is being erased.

>> No.14783866
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forgot pic

>> No.14783876
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the japs are stealing our inventions

>> No.14783884
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>> No.14783888
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Time for round two. Atomic bugaloo

>> No.14783932
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If you pay extra you can get it de-boned

>> No.14783936

You can make literally any topping work.

>> No.14783968
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Not pineapple.

>> No.14783979
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>> No.14783983
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>> No.14783987
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>> No.14784413

Anchovie, pineapple, jalapenos, pepproni.

>> No.14784418

Do Americans really?

>> No.14784421

Same thing i thought when looking at the thumbnail hahaha

>> No.14784422

Cheese, tomato and sweetcorn. That's it.

>> No.14784425
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>americans have to specify they want boneless pizza

>> No.14784428

I bet OBAMA was responsible for this

>> No.14784452

Anchovies, jalapenos, and garlic.

>> No.14784657

Potatoes and prosciutto. Preferably a potato like a golden potato.

>> No.14784661

peanut butter and pepperoni. Dont knock it till you try it.

>> No.14784668

That pizza looks disgusting

>> No.14784675

Prosciutto, hands down best topping

>> No.14784748

holy based he got doubles :)

>> No.14784779
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>> No.14784781

gorgonzola and stracchino
rucola, parmigiano and speck or prosciutto crudo
there are many others but i like these the most

>> No.14785740

I really, really like this image.

>> No.14785777
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>> No.14785812
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spaghetti is the one true pizza topping

>> No.14785844

>Not using the pizza bones to make pizza stock for your pizza stew.

Do europoors even cook?

>> No.14785893


>> No.14785970
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I live in a place with a ton of indian expats so we have a bunch of these Indian pizza joints. They have chicken tikka pizza, chicken korma pizza, lamb vindaloo pizza, tandoori pizza, samosa pizzas, etc etc
Pic related

>> No.14785986

name a few of the resturants.

where are you? freemont?
I used to move furniture for indians of craigslist and most the times they suck, but one group of youngsters invited to have a couple slices of indian pizza before i left. im guessing they were americanized students

i would always quote indians high so they could talk down the price to where i wanted it, and i would include tip in that price since i knew they wouldnt tip and also ask me to do extra stuff

>> No.14786001

they will get too strong after the next nuking, just look what they accomplished in 70 years

>> No.14786002

I’ve been to one in Fremont but I’m actually in San Jose, where there are also lots of desi pizza joints.
> but one group of youngsters invited to have a couple slices of indian pizza before i left
Based, what kind of toppings did it have?

And yes, indian expats are stingy with money and don’t tip/ask extra from service. There’s a reason we climb corporate positions so fast in the S&P500. We are a stingy group of people

>> No.14786047

>pizza with another pizza on it
Are you, by chance, Kate Schechter posting from 1980s London?
She enjoyed the notion that New York was home, and that she missed it, but in fact the only thing she really missed was pizza. And not just any old pizza, but the sort of pizza they brought to your door if you phoned them up and asked them to. That was the only real pizza. Pizza that you had to go out and sit at a table staring at red paper napkins for wasn’t real pizza however much extra pepperoni and anchovy they put on it.

London was the place she liked living in most, apart, of course, from the pizza problem, which drove her crazy. Why would no one deliver pizza? Why did no one understand that it was fundamental to the whole nature of pizza that it arrived at your front door in a hot cardboard box? That you slithered it out of greaseproof paper and ate it in folded slices in front of the TV? What was the fundamental flaw in the stupid, stuck-up, sluggardly English that they couldn’t grasp this simple principle? For some odd reason it was the one frustration she could never learn simply to live with and accept, and about once a month or so she would get very depressed, phone a pizza restaurant, order the biggest, most lavish pizza she could describe — pizza with an extra pizza on it, essentially — and then, sweetly, ask them to deliver it.

“To what?”

“Deliver. Let me give you the address - “

“I don’t understand. Aren’t you going to come and pick itup?”

“No. Aren’t you going to deliver? My address - ”

“Er, we don’t do that, miss.”

“Don’t do what?”

“Er, deliver. . .”

“You don’t deliver? Am I hearing you correctly… ?”

The exchange would quickly degenerate into an ugly slanging match which would leave her feeling drained and shaky, but much, much better the following morning. In all other respects she was one of the most sweet-natured people you could hope to meet.

>> No.14786056

I live in northern nevada and we just got a couple of these. I like Indian food and of course I like pizza, should I go?

>> No.14786139
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checked and based

>> No.14786168
File: 905 KB, 568x1191, 4EA41F2A-A961-4EBB-BBE9-143B90BE6FAB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heavenly trips
>’chovi and ‘roni

>> No.14786552
File: 182 KB, 680x680, classy pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chicken strips
>Itallian sausage
>bana peppers
>pickeled radishes
>multiple different kinds of cheese

>> No.14786558

too salty, pick one.

>> No.14786600
File: 591 KB, 1320x742, 1551395529951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

green olives> bacon> pepperoni and jalapenos> feta and spinach

>> No.14786629

Why the fuck Would they have Indian pizza joints in northern Nevada? Strange but either 100% go there. Have a couple beers and enjoy the delicious cultural monstrosity created by indians: Indian pizza

>> No.14786755
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Pizza de Coxinha

>> No.14786771
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Does this count?

>> No.14786776
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Stroganoff pizza

>> No.14786780
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>> No.14786787
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Hot dog pizza

>> No.14786790
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Chicken heart pizza

>> No.14786800
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>> No.14786804
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>> No.14786814
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Banana and cinnamon

>> No.14786823
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Coconut and chocolate

>> No.14786825

I really really like beans on my pizza

>> No.14786828

Fuck off dumbass

>> No.14786835
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>> No.14786849
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>> No.14786863

what are you trying to prove

>> No.14786888
File: 3.48 MB, 750x1334, 853F0C5F-3BD4-4F97-9820-E533743623F5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got back from Vacation in Wisconsin. Went to this local restaurant that had a pizza with spinach, broccoli, grilled chicken, and wisconsin cheese curds on a garlic cottage cheese sauce and garlic crust. One of the best fucking things I’ve ever eaten

>> No.14786894

Cream cheese* and bacon as well fuck sorry I’m drunk

>> No.14786896

God I hate the USA

>> No.14786901



This is though.

>> No.14786906

that actually sounds fucking dope

>> No.14786910


>> No.14786919

The place is called Wild Tomato in Sister Bay up there. If you look up their menu, it’s called the Green and Gold pizza which you can do with red sauce or the white garlic cream cheese for $1 extra, which was a no brainer

>> No.14786929

we don't think about you at all

>> No.14787065

>he's never had bone-in pizza

>> No.14787545

>Based, what kind of toppings did it have?
cilantro and stuff? tasted like mexican food but different.

>> No.14787678

don't use salt packed anchovies or properly rinse and remove the salt like you are supposed to.

>> No.14787704
File: 449 KB, 508x675, newpizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the specialty menu of an incredibly popular (and delicious) pizza place that opened up in my town of 3000 people. The pickle "pizza" is out of this world.

>> No.14787809
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>glutton free

>> No.14787827
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>>glutton free
Which toppings do they omit?

>> No.14788236

best pizza i ever fucking had was at a NY style, by-the-slice joint that opened up in london like, a year ago. it was just like, a white pizza w/ a bunch of different cheeses, chorizo and rocket

but they had this epic fucking like, diluted truffle oil which was KILLER. you could actually use more than a drop without it overpowering everything

would go back to londonistan just for that pizza.

>> No.14788423
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>> No.14788504


>> No.14788539

Blue cheese and walnuts
Arugula and jamón crudo (don't know and don't care how you call that in english)
I like anchovies but it has to be from a good pizza place

>> No.14788581

okay give it to me for real. why is it bad to put olives on pizza?

>> No.14788594

Olives on pizza is based and a patrician move, but it have to be fresh not baked too, anyone who disagree is a tastelet manchild

>> No.14788674

>red onion
>green peppers
>black olives
unironically based combo

>> No.14789036

This fucking thread.

>> No.14789385

These look like they could be good.

>> No.14790271

>And yes, indian expats are stingy with money and don’t tip/ask extra from service. There’s a reason we climb corporate positions so fast in the S&P500. We are a stingy group of people
you refere to them as them. then once proud of being a stingy jew, you refer to them as we

i beileve the whole world is stingy self centered fucks, except for liberal white being tricked into communism?

fucking /pol/ brainwashing me

>> No.14792328

Imagine describing a pizza with no pictures. You think I'm going to use my imagination for you fuckheads? Human shit pizza, you're welcome.

>> No.14793110

Based Schizo

>> No.14793197

I love pepperoni pizza, and I love anchovies pizza. But I never considered combining it. I will try that.

>> No.14793943

I usually get salami, chicken, onion, garlic and jalapenos on my pizza.

>> No.14794186
File: 271 KB, 334x403, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quesidilla pizza

>> No.14794208

That’s not a pizza, that’s a casserole

>> No.14794556

that could be good

>> No.14794610

Ngl that looks pretty good

>> No.14794789

are you really the retard going around leaving vocaroos describing the picture?

>> No.14794840

Sierpiński pizza is god tier

>> No.14795094
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>> No.14795124

>not putting even littler slices on the topping

>> No.14795304

holy shit I though those were mini pancakes and mini bacon bits in a regular sized slice.... then i saw the hands.....

>> No.14795402


>> No.14795471

I kinda like the weird canned sqidgy button mushrooms

>> No.14795516
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Pepperoni and green peppers, mushrooms, olive, chives

>> No.14795562


>> No.14795579

Must be hard being so fucking autistic, but sorry buddy I don't have to search an image just because your brain is too slow to make a representation of a food

>> No.14795659
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>Must be hard being so fucking autistic
you couldn't even imagine

>> No.14796593
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Seriously can someone explain to me why it seems like Americans don't have sauce on their pizza I mean wth I can't think of a single time I've seen pictures here with kebabsauce or bernaise on the pizza (pic semirelated) yet irl I can't think of that many times where I've ever seen ppl eat pizzas without sauce and what's up with the minislices it doesn't give it any support or structural integrity just cut it into four slices and fold it

Also what's up with so little amount of toppings mostly it seems like it's just cheese and then one type of meat like pepperoni or ham why not add more stuff

>> No.14796606

Chicago deep dish has plenty of sauce!

>> No.14796629

But wasn't that deep dish thing more like a big ass pie made in a cast iron pan O.o

>> No.14796658

It's got about a gallon of sauce per pizza.
How can saucelets even compete?

>> No.14796659

Pizza is for fucking children. If you are over 18 and still eat pizza you have the literal mindset of a fucking child.

>> No.14796860

That much O.o well I guess now I have to try it sometime, some anon showed it some other time and it looks really good but by now I guess I'm getting fat if I ever get my shit together and travel around the US 'cause pretty much everything I want to do has to do with weird shit to eat

>> No.14796869

the sauce goes under the cheese and it's tomato sauce not what ever the fuck " kebabsauce or bernaise" sauce

>> No.14796882

>something that most people universally seems to like should for some arbitrary reason not be >eaten after the age of 18

Caring about wth other people think especially when it comes to what you decide to put in your mouth to sustain yourself and this after legally becoming an adult, you're probably one of those shilling shitty Italian pizza that taste like two months old sour creme fraiche to seem "cultured" but you just come off as a pretentious dick with shitty tastebuds

>> No.14796895

But the tomato sauce is so little and gets pretty dry when the pizza is done, you don't get the contrast from the cold bernaise sauce or cold spicy kebabsauce not to mention the flavor, you can't count the tomato sauce as a "sauce"

>> No.14796942

>sauce is so little and gets pretty dry
i have never once experienced this, if anything it's usually to saucy and when you take the first bite all the cheese slides off and slaps you in the face giving you 3rd degree burns

>> No.14796952

Would try this actually. I feel like pepperoni, jalapeno, and pineapple is already good, anchovy might just make it better.

>> No.14796960


>> No.14796974

That's just an example of poorly made pizza probably a mix of too much sauce and too little time in the oven look at >>14796593 for a pretty decent example of how it should look like when it's done right

>> No.14797059

Cannibalism is an American tradition, you Europeans just wouldn’t get it

>> No.14797066
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>> No.14797078

Why is it so thick and where is the ham and sauce, what's up with the minislices cut it in four pieces and fold 'em and you won't risk of loosing anything such weird people

>> No.14797135
File: 20 KB, 443x332, 7AC26E2B-FBC9-4068-AD40-C965D1366AC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14797263
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unevenly cut slices are a time honored American tradition, albeit unintentional it worked out well because sometimes you want a big slice or you want to go back for another slice but you don't want a whole one so you grab a skinny slice (keep in mind they are giant 18" inch pizzas). Also it's not that thick, proper crust puffs up around the edge unlike that flatbread thing you call pizza

>> No.14797325

Mexico represent

Chorizo, onion, jalapeños and sweet peppers.


Olives, onion, turkey ham and peppers.

Soy sauce or worcertershire sauce for extra umami.

>> No.14797343

I have to give it to you that one looks more like a proper pizza but whats with the just cheese and peperonitoppings it seems a bit spartan especially for the US where everything seems to be super sized with everything on top, does not compute

>> No.14797355

Makes me think of an old meme, forgot how it went. Yo I put an x on your x, so I can y while you z?

>> No.14797367

Oh here it is. >>14797355

>> No.14797413

Are your eyes fucking broken?

>> No.14797417

true they were way to stingy on the toppings, need to add some jalapenos and bacon. That being said if you ever made your own pizza you'd know you can cover every inch of the pizza with pepperoni but they shrink up and it comes out looking like that pic.

>> No.14797844

Yup peperoni does end up like that nothing wrong with that I just think there should be more stuff on it and then finish it up with a nice sauce, at least two or better yet three different types of meat should be a minimum

>> No.14797874

>the big guy pie

>> No.14797878

are those dates?

>> No.14797987


>> No.14798001

My favourite toppings
>cold smoked reindeer, if not available, beef
>blue cheese

>> No.14798638

>foreskin pizza

>> No.14799497
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pepperoni and green peps is the best combo prove me wrong

>> No.14799632

Tuna, onion, green peppers, mozzarella, tomato sauce (passats if possible), oregano, Basil. All minced small

>> No.14799668

Pepp, olives, mushrooms, and jalapenos.

>> No.14799743

Why put car parts on your pizza?

>> No.14799794
File: 370 KB, 720x480, pizza occhio di bue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14801126


>> No.14801372

pick one

>> No.14802074

>implying they're mutually exclusive