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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14780056 No.14780056 [Reply] [Original]

>dining out with an all-adult party
>one guy orders a coke

>> No.14780064

Maybe theyre an alcoholic and not trying to be a spoilsport and make others feel guilty

>> No.14780070


>> No.14780074

Drink water with a slice of lemon, like a grown-up

>> No.14780103

I get it, you're mad cause he didn't order a mead of restoration +2

>> No.14780146

He ordered a crummy coke? He should have ordered a pail of water.

>> No.14780259

Sorry, I meant a pepsi.

>> No.14780265

>Asshole from Montreal detected.

>> No.14780271

Did you fuck him in his tight ass you phoneposting retard?

>> No.14780273

I want some choccy milky too.

>> No.14780277

>thinks hes an adult

>> No.14780283
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>> No.14780286

Sorry, I meant tea.

>> No.14780306

Haha just kidding, grab me one of those microbrews broskie.

>> No.14780369
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what a loser when I go to parties I order the BACON and the BIER and porno mags

>> No.14780412

I always the hOT JUiCE

>> No.14780466

I love water.

>> No.14780548

Make him the dd

>> No.14780895

>dining out
I love when the spoiled white antifa faggots and their hobos and junkies and niggers harass restaurant goers

>> No.14780921

Based zoomer

>> No.14780941

>dining out with an all-adult party
adults don't say shit like this, lmao

>> No.14780982
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>at work party
>ask bartender for a gin and tonic
>bartender asks which Lady the drink is for

>> No.14781197

Recovering alcoholic here. I don't go to all-adult parties focused on drinking because non-drinkers are spoil sports by default.

>> No.14781757

Based barkeep

>> No.14781767
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>dining out with family
>one guy is on coke
>it's me
>I'm on coke

>> No.14781777

Hahahaha get fucked anon

>> No.14781782

nah, my ex was sober and they never ever drank, but they never made it a thing either. confirmed for me us alkies are just copelets who dont know how to function in those settings without "social lubricant"

>> No.14781793
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>Work "friend" is recently introduced to coke
>Keeps asking if we I wanna hang out and do coke with him
>Keeps offering me a free line when we're in a group
>He still hasn't realised I am always on coke when we associate

>> No.14781838

I hate the sour taste of coke in the back of my throat and nose. The hangovers are the absolute worst too.

>> No.14781840
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>tfw designated driver

>> No.14782015

I'll order whatever the fuck I feel like ordering
There is no other way to live
I will order a glass of fucking milk if I feel like it

>> No.14782027

He has a drinking problem and is trying to quit but he doesn't know what to get when he's trying to avoid looking at the drinks list. He thinks ordering water would be weird so he just goes with that he assumes would be the normal alternative. Honestly we're all proud of him and none of us are drinking tonight because we support him overcoming this problem on his own without intervention.

>> No.14782032
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>mfw I always order a glass of apple juice over ice when I eat out

>> No.14782057


>be me, an alcoholic
>go to a gathering with some adults
>decide to not drink
>a few non alcoholics try to keep up with me
>they either end up in the hospital or me carrying them out

This is why I tend to not drink with other people. My tolerance is so low that the amount of booze required to make me feel good would basically kill most normal people.

>> No.14782063

In a rubber horse bucket with dry ice instead or regular ice.

>> No.14782069

Yes! This! with rum and creme de cacao!!

>> No.14782073
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Well, did she enjoy her drink?

>> No.14782082

A buddy of mine was a bar manager and got super pissed at me because I would chat up women and they would try to keep up with me boozing and end up becoming drunk messes that he would have to deal with

>> No.14782091

I used to work in a nightclub. I was part meeter and greeter, part "everybody's friend" and part toss em out if they get rowdy guy.

At least 5 times a night, people would want to buy me drinks. I always drank "whiskey on the rocks". There were three actual bars in the club, and behind each was a bottle of "My brand". Inside the bottle, was ordinary plain iced tea, no sweetener of any kind. The bar staff knew which bottle to use whenever I "drank" and I was never really all that often without a glass in my hand, or sitting on a coaster near me.

>> No.14782109


>so low

Oops, I meant high.

>> No.14782200


>> No.14782259

I used to work at a riding school. I was part tour guide part day care worker.

At the beginning of the day we'd feed the horses these big purple tablets to make them keep calm if a kid was kicking them or screaming during a ride. I used give one a lick before I gave it to a horse. It made the day fly by in the blink of an eye, one moment I'd be begining work, next second I realised I as already on the bus home, one stop away from my street. Anyone I stopped after waking up in hospital losing a week, apparently I walked behind a horse and got kicked in the side of the head.

>> No.14782613


Sounds like highschool kids to me, you sure they're old enough to order that drink?

>> No.14782625
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No. One coke, please.

>> No.14782866

>come to america
>go to a bar with american friends i met on the internet
>everyone orders a beer
>order a bottle of vodka
>they look at me weird
Was it wrong? They all talked about getting drunk

>> No.14782875

I'm 27 and I've never had more than a sip of any alcoholic beverage. When I eat out, I only drink the following:
>Root Beer
>Dr. Pepper
Only women care about trivialities like what other people eat and drink. Stop being a woman, you fag.

>> No.14782878

Ill order a fucking juicebox if I feel like it, son. If the drink order of someone else upsets you I think you might just be a bit mentally ill.

>> No.14782882

this story made me happy

>> No.14782937

I do this if I'm somewhere that'll sell me a whole bottle but I typically split it.
Bars where I live now won't do it.
Depends where you are I guess.

>> No.14782950
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One virgin Shirley Temple with the extra swirly straw, please

>> No.14782955

>order unsweetened ice tea
>mix like 50 packs of sugar into it

>> No.14783295

You seriously occupy brain space with this shit?

>> No.14783363
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if i want choccy milk with my steak thats my god given right

>> No.14783416

>he doesn't order a pina colada with his lasagna

>> No.14783449

ackshyually your reply is more of a waste of energy than the OP

>> No.14783450

you collossal faggot

>> No.14783456

If I ever end up having to attend anything like that I'm ordering whatever the fuck I want, which probably includes coke because I don't want to get stuck sitting around for 4 hours before I can drive home without getting arrested for drink driving.

>> No.14783510

Ramsay ordered a lot mora than just one coke.

>> No.14785313

>one guy orders a coke

How rude. You don't order drinks, you politely ask for them to be brought.

>> No.14785331

ITT: children seething
enjoy your macaroni & cheese and funfetti cupcake

>> No.14785332

I unironically get water wherever I go. I've been called cheap and poor because of it (gentle ribbing from friends) but I just really enjoy water with my meals.

>> No.14785340

>dining out
You don't drink Coke with decent food.

>> No.14785644

>Gives even a second of thought concerned about what others drink
Ask me how I know your a faggot

>> No.14785665

the idea of drinking something that lowers the sense of taste whilst you enjoy high-end food is a lot dumber

>> No.14785673

Getting unreasonably upset over the preferences of other people is a sign of emotional immaturity and autism.

>> No.14785689

>swirly straw
i know you're memeing but that sounds really cool

>> No.14785726
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I was trying to think of the most childish thing I could think of because OP is a huge twat

>> No.14785811

thats retarded and obvious cuckoldry

order a scotch, water, and rocks and sip it slow enough that it turns see through and theres a third of the liquid left in the glass then order another one

like roger sterling said

>> No.14787014

you also said "to not drink" when the context implies that you DID drink. That's two simple "swap" mistakes typical of someone with about 8-10 beer in them kek

>> No.14787046
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For me, it has to be the light-up novelty cartoon print cup with built-in crazy straw.

>> No.14787053

>that guy who won't even have a single beer or glass of wine "because he's driving"
Yeah, so is everybody else, one drink is perfectly wine.

>> No.14787079
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>one drink is perfectly wine.

>> No.14787951

/co/ck/ crossposting, nice

>> No.14787960

>not getting wasted whenever possible and then puking in the parking lot before driving home

>> No.14787969

You seem insecure.

>> No.14787979

Read between the lines. They probably don't want to drink with you.

>> No.14787994

based fuck op

>> No.14788012
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> Not ordering a lime seltzer
> even caring what people think to begin with

Love yourself and order what makes you happy, just don't be cringe about it and everyone will respect you more for it

>> No.14788041

very few people respect those who refuse to drink alcohol. And rightly so.
it shows you cant be trusted.

>> No.14788061


>> No.14788087

What would you like from the kid's menu?

>> No.14788097

*pulls out a piece of paper labeled Good Boy Points*
As many tendies as im entitled to!

>> No.14788134

Sorry, we only have nuggets.

>> No.14788142

That's it. Mommy, we are leaving.

>> No.14788181

please son, i havent eaten for days.

>> No.14788584
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>dining by myself
>order a beer
>waiter asks if everything is ok

>> No.14788627

shut up Stannis

>> No.14788659

Fuck you, you drink whatever you want and I will drink whatever I want.

>waiter asks if everything is ok
>OP starts spilling out his problems
>Waiter: "woah, woah buddy, I just meant if everything is okay with your meal."

>> No.14788692


>> No.14788846

No thanks mate I'm straight

>> No.14789021

Order whatever the fuck drink you want. Who actually cares what someone else drinks

>> No.14789048

What the fuck is wrong with you people

>> No.14789056

Just don't crash

>> No.14789085

>go out... everyone orders beer some or orange juice or coke...
>i order vodka
>get stupid looks from everyone

>> No.14789099

Mashallah he's keeping himself away from the kuffar's haram elixer.

>> No.14789109 [DELETED] 
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greetings fellow Kings.

>> No.14789113 [DELETED] 
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greetings fellow Kings

>> No.14789137

I cannot believe how many children browse /ck/
just get a plain water

>> No.14789143

stop drinking womens drinks and theyll stop thinking youre a fucking child

>> No.14789206

Too much sugar
>iced tea
Typically bland lipton
poison for the depressed

>> No.14789211

This is so deeply autistic. Milky and wa wa are the only acceptable drinks. Unbelievable

>> No.14789352

>he thinks they wash those lemons in the kitchen

>> No.14789409

>Shirley Temple
Highly based
I remember having a two week holiday at an all exclusive resort in Mexico when I must have been 8 or so
I drank so many of these but haven't had one since

>> No.14789422

>muh coffee addiction!!1
lmao, nice soccer-mom-tier meme, you toddler-palated fag

>> No.14789480

>dining out with all-adult party
>one guy gets blackout drunk

>> No.14789651

lol what a fucking idiot

>> No.14789652

guess he struck a nerve huh

>> No.14789683
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>get invited out drinking by coworkers
>decline knowing I'd get hammered

>> No.14789687

>Drink water with a slice of lemon
>slice of lemon
>like a grown-up

>> No.14789689

Fuck, why you gotta be like that?

>> No.14789708
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>dining with an all-adult party
>one person orders an appetizer

>> No.14789722

I only drink on weekends and if I'm going out to eat (I don't do so often), I'd rather have something more exciting than water

>> No.14789747


>> No.14790102

Coke drinker detected

>> No.14791160
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>> No.14791240

>order glass of milk
>drink it while ogling pregnant sister in law's breasts

>> No.14791646

fucking juice? that shit that your nan drinks?

>> No.14792148

literally me. i've made an ass of myself too many times. fucking $2 margarita bowls filled with dark lager.

>> No.14792158

I'm sorry, I'm not an alcoholic

>> No.14792250

Dumbass boomer lol

>> No.14792416

yea just follow the imaginary tv guy

>> No.14792430

>dining out with an all-adult party
>one guy start doing coke

>> No.14792694

If you go out with friends and they shame you for what you order then they aren't your friends.

>> No.14793701


>> No.14793732

It's usually wogs who can't drink

>> No.14793736

brown hands banged these ones out

>> No.14793739

bongs on suicide watch

>> No.14793745

why post something like this when you're clearly underaged
only other underaged posters will fall for this

>> No.14793759

>easily ensure complete mixing of the mocktail by blowing bubbles

>> No.14793766

This works if it's a man or a woman.

>> No.14794063


>> No.14794806

>the mommy and daddy drive me everywhere so I never worry about DUI

>> No.14794820
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>dining out with an all-adult party
>one guy won't fuck my wife

>> No.14794848
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should have said ''your mum''