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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 577 KB, 1200x630, Why-You-Should-Never-Put-Eggshells-Back-In-The-Carton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14776273 No.14776273 [Reply] [Original]

You don't put cracked egg shells back in the carton do you /ck/ ?

>> No.14776277

i will never understand why someone would do this instead of just throwing them away

>> No.14776278

Of course not, I put them in the compost turner.

>> No.14776281

I do it if I'm using the whole carton but I then throw the carton away. One of my roommates started doing it a while back and I told them not to put old egg shells back in the fridge please and they quit

>> No.14776282

>throwing them away
why aren't you throwing them in your compost pile?

>> No.14776285

the landfill needs compost too

>> No.14776303

no. no, it does not.

>> No.14776322

No. I crush them, so they don't become little boats, and throw them out the window, directly into the sea. Crabs love eggshells. it helps them after molting. (I live in a house that floats in the sea, house on a big raft.)

>> No.14776342

Based houseboat anon. I certainly hope you only do that with biotic trash, though.

>> No.14776350


>> No.14776357

Absolutely. Nothing ever goes into the sea, that the sea cannot handle properly.

>> No.14776362
File: 662 KB, 605x272, nice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's good to hear anon, very nice.

>> No.14776367
File: 249 KB, 800x527, CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did not take this pic. And I prefer to reserve a little privacy. However, my house is somewhere in this photo. I'm on the west coast of Canada.

>> No.14776370
File: 581 KB, 1920x1440, quail-pharaoh-male-left-female-right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I crush them and feed them to my quail

>> No.14776372

>open the fridge
>grab an egg off the carton
>egg was stuck in he carton
>fridge omelete

>> No.14776374

That's very cool. Birds need them.

>> No.14776385

Ever be sparrin’ with the gulls?

>> No.14776387
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>compost pile

>> No.14776388

Kinda fucked up that birds eat their own menstruation, isn't it?

>> No.14776389

where do u poo?

>> No.14776394
File: 230 KB, 1224x765, CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another view, again not my photograph. It's in there, though.

>> No.14776395

humans eat their boogers, so

>> No.14776402

I have two choices. I can use my own toilet in the house, which is hooked via pumps and lines to the municipal sewer, or if it's cold and lines are frozen, which happens rarely, I can walk up to the head of the dock and use the marina facilities.

>> No.14776410

That's very aesthetic. I wish I lived a life as cozy as that.
In theory, is it possible for you to to tow your house somewhere else if you ever wanted to move?

>> No.14776411

Would you get fined a million dollars if you pood in the water?

>> No.14776415

I feed them occasionally. Not too often. I also feed the otters, (river otters in the estuary) and there's one seal that likes to come visit. He likes herrings, which I get from the bait shop.

>> No.14776418

No. I crush them, so they don't become little boats, and throw them out the window, directly into the sea. Crabs love eggpoops.

>> No.14776421

Not a million, but there are fines for dumping waste into the water, sure.

>> No.14776429

Yes, it's absolutely possible. We have people coming and going all the time. However, My wife and I like it here, been here about 12 years now.

>> No.14776433

No, I feed them to my Bone Pixies, often mistake for Tooth Fairies. If you don't give them enough natural calcium they will eat you bones to feed themselves. People often wonder why I keep such dangerous creatures in the house, but they give a good amount of Pixies dust is know for it magical power and they are far more horrify then any guard dog.

>> No.14776436

Crabs like birds, use the calcium in the shells. When they molt, they need calcium to help form new exoskeletons. Often they eat their old one, egg shells help too. .

>> No.14776440
File: 509 KB, 2048x2048, cold weather mask kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy for you, anon.

>> No.14776442

I'm glad about that. I hope you are happy too.

>> No.14776450
File: 62 KB, 800x449, doodie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would they even find out tho? Do your neighbors report doodies to the Authorities? I'm sure every once in a while is no big deal.

>> No.14776463

Well the house has to be hooked up properly in order to be here. No hookup, no living in it allowed. However there are some people who live on boats here and I guess they might occasionally put some stuff out of their holding tanks into the water... I doubt it though, since we have a proper pump-out station.

The people who live here aren't the sort who abuse the water. it's our home. You don't go outside and shit on your lawn, or on the patio of your apartment... and we don't do it in the water.

>> No.14776471

Do the otters poop in the water or do they have a little pumping station somewhere?

>> No.14776472

nice selfie

>> No.14776479
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>> No.14776486
File: 327 KB, 2048x1365, CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha. ha. You should see it when the sea lions come ... A few weeks from now they'll be here to feed on spawning salmon in the river here. And they dump all over the place.

>> No.14776490

Bad luck to kill a seabird.

>> No.14776493

Are you allowed to catch the salmon? If so, how do you wash the huge sea lion doodies off them?

>> No.14776497

>having a garden is for onion boys

Sure sure, tendietard, keep consuming that mcdonalds.

>> No.14776523

>david chang photography
Yikes. He should stick to ramen and American-Korean fusion shit.

>> No.14776530

Don't reply to soyjakposters. Starve them out. They subsist off of the tiny dopamine hit they get from each (You).

>> No.14776534

It's not my photograph. It was taken where I live, however a year or so ago, last time the sea lions were here.

I'm not posting my own pics, because as I said, I want to retain a little of my privacy.

>> No.14776535

>j-just ig-g-gnore them-m-m

Sure worked for politics, didn't it.

>> No.14776542


>> No.14776555 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 570x537, 1600634094154.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14776558

This is /ck/ man youre not gonna get doxxed.
Anyway, looks cozy

>> No.14776568

>le soy le soy! doing things I dislike is soy!

Go build a garden, tendieboy, it'll get you out of the basement, and boy do you need that vitamin D.

>> No.14776567

Yes we can catch salmon at certain times of the year. It's a relaxing thing to do... I go out in my rowboat, sometimes I use an electric trolling motor, it's a small boat. I catch a fish, go home, One fish is good for a few dinners, so I butcher the fish, make portions, pack them and freeze. The leftover carcass is for soup stock and after that, into the sea it all goes.

>> No.14776577

Well you never know do you. I don't want 50 pizzas tomorrow!

>> No.14776582

What are your favorite ways to cook salmon? What do you use your fish stock for?

>> No.14776596

Well, I like old fashioned pan fried. But poaching in the stock is nice too. Every now and then I make seafood soup, and some of the fish gets in there too. Depending on the size and type of salmon, (There are 4 kinds on this coast) I do the smoked salmon thing. But if it's a sockeye salmon, it gets stuffed and baked, or like this:

>> No.14776628

I blend the entire egg + shell up when making eggs. It adds calcium.

>> No.14776642

The military method!!

>> No.14776652

free calcium, don't knock it

>> No.14776672

That sounds nice.

>> No.14776693

stop talking about idyllic houseboat lifestyle, I want to bitch about my old shitass roommate who did this, the only person I've ever known to do so. Guests commented on it, it was embarrassing. Good riddance.

>> No.14776699

I put them back in until I am finished cooking, then throw them out.

>> No.14776700

I rinse them and then microwave for in 30 seconds and powder them with mortar and pestle for doggo’s and mine calcium supplement.

>> No.14776707

Based . I’d like to live on a boat

>> No.14776711


Well I would bloody well hate that sort of thing too. It's like putting paper towel back on the roll just because you wiped something off the counter, but it was dry, or leaving orange peels in the sink. People who do that sort of thing deserve to be given a bloody good talking to.

It's gross.

>> No.14776713

Do bugs get into your house?

>> No.14776728

or using the dishtowel as a handtowel, never changing the dishtowel, and leaving it in a wet balled-up clump on the counter to fester, using it for days-into-weeks in a row without changing it. We had a dish strainer for fuck's sake and he would REFUSE to use it.

listen I'm just really happy to be on my own, with only my own shit to be responsible for.

>> No.14776730

I'm jealous anon, that looks extremely comfy. Thanks for teaching me something new about crabs.

>> No.14776743

(We aren't supposed to be talking about this) but, if you want to do that, start thinking about getting it done for yourself. It's not as hard as you think, and it's a very low footprint if you do it right.

>> No.14776747

No. An otter once did for about 30 seconds, and I chased him out. Left the door open.

>> No.14776751

That's revolting. Some people have no standards. I knew one guy, a while back who had the disgusting habit of wiping his mouth by lifting the collar of his t-shirt to his mouth and using the inside of the shirt. That, is shit tier behavior!

>> No.14776756

You are most welcome. And don't be jealous. Find your own comfort. It's out there.

>> No.14776768

egg shells in the green bin then give the cartons to the food bank

>> No.14776776

lel, that's so awesome

>> No.14776782

Based Keeper of the Light.

>> No.14776785

Think of them as foxes or badgers that swim. They are uppity, fierce and can bite like anything. I was glad when he left. (They aren't friendly like the tamed ones on youtube)

>> No.14776788

my mom always did this growing up, so i do it, too. it doesn't make them go bad extra fast or anything, so i don't really see the problem.

>> No.14776790

My roommates do it for some reason I asked them why and they just shrugged and looked at me like i was the strange one, but since I have my own egg cartons I only see it if they pull them out while I'm in the kitchen. I do get a small amount of satisfaction from crushing the empty shells in my hand before I throw them away.

>> No.14776797

Based and comfypilled.
What are some of your favorite things to do, living on top of the coast? What do you do in winter?

>> No.14776835

I shovel snow off the roof so the house doesn't sink... Rowing is nice, I find it relaxing. Fishing is only certain times of the year, but crabbing is year round. You can cycle here a bit, and since we get a lot more rain than snow, it's pretty much year round too, if you are prepared to dress accordingly. I spend a fair bit of time away from here while working, so the time I spend at home, I generally spend AT HOME. It's a nice, relaxed community, about 150 people live on the water here in various ways. Houses like mine, or on boats either in the marina or anchored out.

>> No.14776846

didn't ask
Don't care

>> No.14776892

fake but comfy

>> No.14777769

Reading your story made me happy. Thanks and have a good life houseboat anon.

>> No.14777792

i live in an apartment
do you think the fuckers around me give a shit about the environment
most of them are chinks

>> No.14777811

I prefer to show my eggs the demise they will meet soon.
I like to leave them in overnight so they can think long and hard about the girl they are going to be force fed to.

>> No.14777816

go on...

>> No.14777830

I don't, But once i opened my egg carton and find empty shells instead of my eggs and a window open with flies swarming the trash. i live alone

>> No.14778111

The greenbin committee agreed to accept paper-fibre-based egg trays... so yeah. Why dick around getting the shells to the organic waste bin, when I can just dump the whole tray in?

>> No.14778264 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 631x684, soy_dance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14778895

Weird picture. Is that you at the school dance?

>> No.14779373 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 406x431, 1599011228389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Weird picture. Is that you at the school dance?

>> No.14779396
File: 104 KB, 500x336, school dance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weird picture. Is that you at the school dance?

>> No.14780193

I don't have those here

>> No.14780195

>Garbage island
>exxon valdez

>> No.14780514

I think he meant that he doesn't put bad stuff in the water. He's not responsible for oil tankers and islands of trash.

>> No.14780552

my husband does this. i don't even know why he does it. I asked him not to, he said that is what his mom used to do. I even offered to cook every single egg he could ever want from here on out. Still does it.

>> No.14780560

There was a time when refrigerators had little egg cups built into the door so you could properly store your eggs.

>> No.14780569

I grind them up and put them in with the food. Adds some awesome textures

>> No.14780571

i roast them, grind them up and add them to my vermicompost bin

>> No.14780574

idyllic and crab friendly, you are now my favorite /ck poster. any good content that isn't otherwise attributed to someone that identifies themselves otherwise I am going to assume is from you. I admire your houseboat lifestyle.

>> No.14780683

When I'm feeling lazy yeah