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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 358 KB, 750x343, retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14778373 No.14778373 [Reply] [Original]

You go to a fine dining establishment. They ask you what size drink you want. You say "regular". The huff and puff, "we only have small, medium, and large sir".

Well, retards, "small" is called that, because it is SMALLER than the norm, and "large" is called that, because it is LARGER than the norm, so if someone says "regular", which any ape would understand as a synonym for "medium", or "normal", or "the norm", which one do you think they fucking want? I know fast food businesses aren't exactly working with the best materials, but you can't find anyone smart enough to translate "regular" into "medium"?

>> No.14778431
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I had this encounter at a small family owned burger joint. I ended up sexually assaulting the owner's daughter in the parking lot.

Was convicted, sent to prison, and served my time. If some rude, obnoxious BITCH does it to me again, I'll burn myself alive in their toilets with gasoline.

>> No.14778452

No one in this day and age says regular when asked for a specific size gramps.

>> No.14778460
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>> No.14778469

its always shocked me how the people who eat this trash think of themselves as so high and above the people that work there. and punctuation goes inside the quotation "marks!"

>> No.14778471

Whenever I go to Starbucks (yeah, fuck you I like their pumpkin spice lattes) I always order "large" and never have they been like "nrghghghg its a VENTI sir."

>> No.14778496

Punctuation doesn't go into the quotation marks if you aren't quoting it, go back to Africa ESL trash.

>> No.14778500

What is the point of threads like this?

>> No.14778502
File: 312 KB, 972x1166, BASED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexually assaulting the owner's daughter
uncontrollably based

>> No.14778504

At the end of a sentence punctuation always goes inside the quotation marks dum dum.

>> No.14778519

No, "dum dum", they don't. I'm going to go out of my way to use "quotation marks", with punctuation, and I'm going to keep putting the punctuation outside of the "quotes", and there is literally nothing you can do about it besides suck dick, bitch, and nothing.

John: "you're a faggot!" is fine.
John said "you're a faggot", then called you an African is also fine. See if you can get a refund from your school district, which has left you unable to comprehend anything other than memes and other faggy shit.

>> No.14778525

If you aren't one of the people that work there, you are absolutely above the people who do. The only ones who can't grasp this are the perpetually unemployed, or the sad saps that have ended up at an Arby's cash register, after being told how special they were growing up, and so they still need to find some way to believe in that, in spite of all the contrary evidence that their life has given them.

If you aren't a student, or a bored retiree, and you're working at an Arby's, or a McDonalds, or whatever, you need to just shut the fuck up, eyes ahead, get through the day, and try to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it.

>> No.14778553

To vent, or to seek attention, or to discover if other anons have faced similar trials in their lives. What is the point of any thread, really? Especially on a 4channel cooking board. How many different ways are there for you people to screech about whether a grilled cheese was sufficiently melted?

>> No.14778575

>In the United States, the rule of thumb is that commas and periods always go inside the quotation marks, and colons and semicolons (dashes as well) go outside.
stupid is as stupid does

>> No.14778592

>Place a question mark or exclamation point within closing quotation marks if the punctuation applies to the quotation itself. Place the punctuation outside the closing quotation marks if the punctuation applies to the whole sentence.
Indeed it does, Jamal. This is why you'll always be making fries, ringing up orders (probably incorrectly), and then crying that nobody is better than you. They are, Jamal, they are. That's just the way it "is", and you can keep sucking dick if you don't like it.

>> No.14778596

Your argument relies on the assumption that "small" and "large" are smaller and larger than the norm, respectively. However, there is no norm, so your argument it based on a false assumption. No one size is considered the default. In fact, if anything, the small size is the default since that is the one whose price is represented in the menu in most establishments.

>> No.14778612

Cope harder, whitey

>> No.14778627

"Small" and "large" have no definition unless they are smaller and larger than something. It isn't a false assumption, it's the way words work, and it's something that 99% of the population inherently understands. Smaller than what? Larger than what? The middle? The norm? The regular?

It is so obvious, and so widely understood, that I have - for three decades - been able to request "regular" and receive whatever that is, whether it is called "regular" or "medium" or whatever else, without further elaboration, so consistently, that the few times it doesn't happen stand out in memory.

>> No.14778628
File: 1.78 MB, 350x263, rent free.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's still going

>> No.14778633

Go steal some more jordans and abandon your children.

>> No.14778641

at least he's had sex

>> No.14778656

Molesting your children before you "go to the store for some menthols", never to return, doesn't count.

>> No.14778666

idk bros, but regular means small drink
then they may ask if you want to upgrade to a medium or large
same with fries, regular fries is small size order
what backwards ass fast food joint makes medium sizes their regular?

>> No.14778673

>what backwards ass fast food joint makes medium sizes their regular?
All of them, for decades, including Arby's if you don't get an especially retarded employee.

>> No.14778687


>> No.14778690

you would know

>> No.14778726

Do you think you're at a gas station, retard?
Say "medium" like any normal person would.

>> No.14778731
File: 24 KB, 409x372, 67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's forget this dumb shit and talk about Arby's. I hope they bring Smoke Mountain back again.

>> No.14778732

"Regular" is perfectly normal, and is universally understood by anyone with an IQ of 85 or higher. If you can't hear "regular" in the context of a drink size, understand that you have small/medium/large, and translate that into the correct selection, you're an idiot, and you're working right where you belong.

>> No.14778737

cheese isn't even melted

>> No.14778739

What if they think you're trying to imply that you're a regular at the restaurant and that they should already know what size drink you want? Could be a simple misunderstanding that could've been avoided by just saying medium

>> No.14778743

If they think that, in the context of asking someone for a drink size and getting "regular" in response, then they should be gassed with the rest of the invalids. What a stupid fucking proposition.

>> No.14778748

They'd probably say the same thing about OP lol

>> No.14778753

Every single ff menu there is lists drink sizes as "small, medium, large" etc.
Referring to a size as "regular" is in fact highly irregular.

>> No.14778763

Yeah, flat earthers think round earthers are dumb, retards think other retards are right, and regular people are wrong, what else is new?

No, it isn't. Go outside.

>> No.14778772

fast food anon here.
"regular" means medium with spit in it.
that is all.

>> No.14778784

when are you buying a house? never?


>> No.14778795

>restaurant only has small and large size
>retard.exe has stoppped working

>> No.14778798

That's what I'm saying, what you're saying about people that work in fine dining establishments (or arbys? I don't know at this point) being stupid for not recognising "regular" as "medium", they'd call you stupid for not using "medium" instead of "regular".

>> No.14778812

>restaurant has a size between small and large
>your point is invalidated

>> No.14778840

>restaurant has a "medium" size
>boomer: "thinking about thos regulars"

>> No.14778848

>employee too stupid to understand common use synonyms
>"why am i stuck making fries tho"

>> No.14778865

you have to be 18 to post here kiddo, and it doesn't look like you've finished high school english

>> No.14778874

this is why I still visit this board

>> No.14778885

Regular and medium are not synonyms anywhere besides the decrepit mind of retards and boomers with dementia.
"Regular" assumes the "normal" size to be "medium", which is in fact not the case.
Customers normally order the "large" size, while "small" and "medium" are comparatively rare.

>> No.14778887

You're "wrong", and all you can do about it is nothing, and bitch. Tough "shit", faggot.

>> No.14778896

>"Regular" assumes the "normal" size to be "medium", which is in fact not the case.
It is. Your entire argument falls apart here. Smaller than what, larger than what, there is a norm, a regular, and 99% of every idiot working fast food understands what it is without further elaboration. It's just a notable few dumbasses that can't get it.

>> No.14778908

Cheddar doesn’t melt. It just sweats.

>> No.14778924
File: 59 KB, 512x368, wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14778944

>Smaller than what
The medium and/or large
>larger than what
The medium and/or large
>there is a norm, a regular,
No, "normal" is typical or most common.
"Regular" is what you get from metamucil, gramps.

>> No.14778949

>Larger than the medium and/or small

>> No.14778958

If you have three sizes, one is smaller, one is larger, the one that is left is neither smaller nor larger, and is therefore regular. This is why I have, for more than three decades, gone to uncountable restaurants, asked for a "regular" and gotten it without issue. It isn't hard to figure out, which is why even fast food workers have a 99% success rate doing it. Unfortunately, the concept is too difficult for you. You should try applying for disability or something. "Too stupid to work", something like that.

>> No.14778997

disabled people are nor-

>> No.14779005

They're called disabled, because they deviate from the norm. Just like a small, or a large, is noted as such because they deviate from the norm.

>> No.14779011

That's a cheese sauce, like the kind they put on an arby's beef n' cheddar.

>> No.14779023

it's obviously a cheddar melt

>> No.14779063
File: 37 KB, 200x200, 1598675972502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14779223

>working fast food after high school
>having cognitive skills above 3rd graders

those two things dont go together. you could just order medium like any normal person

>> No.14779238

normal people say regular

>> No.14779244


Did you ask her which hole she wanted it in? (Small, medium, or large.)

>> No.14779277

how autistic do you have to be to think "regular" is a word that refers to the size of something? Not sure if really low IQ or a pretty good troll.

what size shoe do you wear? regular. what size tires do you need? regular. any normal person would think whoever said that is an absolute moron.

>> No.14779282

We aren't talking about shoes, or tires. Context matters, when you aren't a sub-saharan burn out. Have fun making french fries until the machines come, retard.

>> No.14779283

this OP. Regular isnt a size, literally by definition of the word.

>> No.14779304

OP is stupid i would have trolled him too.

>> No.14779305

there is a regular size, without small or large modifier, and regular refers to it

>> No.14779309

That's why you make minimum wage.

>> No.14779310

Based autist BTFOing the normalfaggot retards.

>> No.14779319

stunning and brave.

>> No.14779334
File: 50 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.1702859722_l87l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhh, i'm thinking it's based! now check em

>> No.14779368

>At the end of a sentence punctuation always goes inside the quotation marks dum dum.
It absolutely does not.

>> No.14779391

>regular is a synonym for medium or norm
Actual troglodyte.

>> No.14779411

No, I don't want fries with that.

>> No.14779414

>not sexually assaulting her in front of the clientele as soon as she opens her stupid whore mouth
imagine being this much of a simp

>> No.14779422


That really escalated quickly. I mean, that got out of hand fast.

>> No.14779490

Or you could just not be a fucking retard and actually order shit as it's listed on the menu.
If you ask for a regular size anything, chances are I'm ringing you up the smallest cup I can or making it as large as possible to jack up your ticket price.

>> No.14779502

Because Large is an actual size that corresponds to Venti. I guarantee if you pull a retard stunt like OP and ask for a regular you'll be asked if you want a small, medium or large.

>> No.14779512

this, Jesus died for this sandwich

>> No.14779548


>> No.14779565

I go there all the time, ask for regular all the time, and get a medium all the time, because even the kind of idiot that works in food service isn't so stupid that they can't figure out what regular is. Normally.

>> No.14779594


>> No.14780377

ITT: retarded food service wagies

>> No.14780392

They do that because dumb people keep insisting on a medium and not a small. It isn't hard to figure out.

>> No.14780409

This isn't your blog and never will be

>> No.14780413

Something I noticed a lot of US food workers (UK guy who studied abroad last year), if you don't say very specific words they get super confused

>> No.14780415

Accordung to you

>> No.14780425

>god specifically designed women to be fucked
>he went to prison for doing gods work
Fuck this gay earth

>> No.14780432

If you talk like a moron and not specific then of course they wouldn't understand your limey ass

>> No.14780442

>isn't your blog
>top upvoated comment ITT is a man describing how he sexually assaulted someone and went to prison for it
4chan is basically a blog site nowadays. You'd have to have the complete cognitive dissonance of someone who's been shackled to this shithole since 2005 to think anything else.

>> No.14780454

yes, Americans do think anything that isn't purely instructions are moronic. Ironic!

>> No.14780487

this is absolutely an RGC tier post

>> No.14780553
File: 9 KB, 231x218, 1584020960158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Regular" is vague and retarded.
>advertise combo meal for 5.99 (small fried & drink)
>order combo
>wagie: "what size?"
>retard: "regular"
>get charged 7.99 for medium instead of small
>retard: "yo wtf man, regular means the small combo for 5.99!"
>order burger that is available in single, double, and triple stack
>wagie: "what size burger?"
>retard: "regular"
>get regular single stack burger
>retard: "yo, wtf man, regular means one in the middle - I want the one in between single and triple stack!"

>> No.14780572

Not that you burgers would understand, but the universally accepted standard for sizing goes:


>> No.14780595

I worked at Taco Bell as a teenager and when people said "regular" I just gave them a medium. Never had any complaints about it.

>> No.14780608

That's because they're all stoned or high on something else.

>> No.14780754

I just posted another blog post, and all you can do about it is suck my asshole. Tough break, faggot.

>> No.14780764

You have no understanding of context. Which fast food chain have you worked at well into your 40s? I know that's your life.