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File: 84 KB, 500x500, The-Beyond-Burger-2ks-227-g-Beyond-Meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14773357 No.14773357 [Reply] [Original]

So this was on sale in my local Tesco along with a catchy slogan "the planet will be able to tell the difference, you won't" (translation) so I though "what the hell, let's try to be woke too." WORST. FUCKING. THING. I'VE. EVER EATEN!!! Fuck, it was so revolting. I never throw out food because I hate wasting things but I had to throw this shit into garbage after just two bites. How can anyone say it tastes just like meat? To me it tastes like how plastic smells when it's burning.

Anyone else tried this thing? Thoughts?

>> No.14773372

Another larper triggered by a plant burger. Why does it make incels seethe?

>> No.14773396

weak bait, you pre sapiens hominid

>> No.14773401

>wow this fake meat tastes like shit

>> No.14773422

It doesn't taste that bad if you're accustomed to reconstituted pink slime.
If you're used to eating fresh cuts of meat that are recognizably part of an animal, you'll find it to be a limp, gay imitation of the lowest form of meat.
Why do incels seethe at people who don't like fake meat?

>> No.14773472
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I had a vegetarian niece come over for a bbq. I was a bit peeved she brought this shit because I actually made a ton of vegetarian food options with her in mind (an entrée, baked goods, and dessert with of course fresh salad from my garden as an option, all made from scratch with the highest quality ingredients I can get). In their defense I never told them this. She ate half of one and left the other one at the house.

It smelled like shit cat food and I felt guilty composting it because I'm worried it will damage whatever microbes are in my compost bin.

I fucking hate processed food in general, I lump the beyond burger in the same category as processed diet food. It is deceitful garbage. You are no more ethical eating crop agricultural holocaust goo as you are animal holocaust CAFO goo.

I will cater to any vegan/vegetarian guest. Bean burgers, meatless/vegan chili, baked goods, curry, homemade plant milks, (learning how to make tofu), smoothie bowls or whatever the fuck. I would give them the best vegan/vegetarian shit but desu all the animal abstinence people I know HATE eating plants and try desperately to make them taste like animals and animal fat. This generally results in disappointment because PLANTS ARE NOT ANIMALS NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU TRY.

Fuck processed food. Fuck all of you who eat JUST egg and contribute to MORE plastic in landfills causing MORE animals to choke to death. FUCK YOU.

>> No.14773493
File: 207 KB, 1200x1042, apu vibin'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's based as fuck, ecofascist anon. I'm proud of you.

>> No.14774048

I think they taste pretty good, but they smell like shit while they cook

>> No.14774054

>the planet

This marketing is such a complete and total fucking lie. This garbage is just as harmful to produce as any normal beef.

>> No.14774097

>all the animal abstinence people I know HATE eating plants

You need better company. I could live off of eggplant and garden tomatoes.

>> No.14774111

It literally says "søy free"

>> No.14774877

I've had quite a few veggie meat replicas and they were definitely as good as/slightly better than bad meat. Like obviously I'd never personally choose them, but they would be indistinguishable if you put them in a school dinner, y'know?

As it is, I've been thinking about going veggie for a long time, and I think I would never bother replicating meat. I'd just make vegetarian meals.

>> No.14774914

i've eaten them a couple of times. they're more dry than legit hamburgers but honestly not bad. Industrial belgian hamburgers you get at a 'frituur' are worse

>> No.14774923

it's nice thinking you can make vegetarian meals all the time, but truth is, sometimes you'll want a burger and now you can have a slightly crappier but still vegetarian burger. i can see the appeal for these kinds of products

>> No.14774935

I haven't wanted a burger in years, anon.

>> No.14774943

But I do understand your point. I know plenty of vegetarians don't wanna just cut meat flavours out.

>> No.14774954

okay maybe you can live like that. I've had 90% of my meals the last 5 years completely vegan. I eat fish and shellfish sometimes at restaurants, but occasionally i like having some fucking fast food and i'll have a beyond burger or something along the lines. They even have decent vegan tendies these days

>> No.14774971

I do get the "I just want some fucking fried chicken" thing, I just haven't had the urge for burgers. I'm gonna be real though, those cauliflower fake fried chicken wings...they do it for me. I don't give a shit how hipster they are, they'd definitely satisfy my fastfood guzzling urges.
Other than that I don't really get cravings for meat. It's mostly cheese for me.

>> No.14774987

>I'd never bother replicating meat
You ever tried getting 50g of protein a day on fuckin' nuts and beans?

Vegetarians can at least fill themselves with eggs, but vegans need these processed products for any kind of sensible nutrition.

>> No.14774997

>tfw you caved after 2 years of veganism because of your crushing desire to eat raw beef and raw fish

>> No.14775017

good for you man, i cant live completely vegan, but i try to at least eat 90% of my meals completely healthy and vegan

>> No.14775477

... But you don't.

>> No.14775680

>not raising your own chickens

>> No.14775787 [DELETED] 

>fake meat
>sensible nutrition
Pick one.

>> No.14775795

>fake meat
>sensible nutrition
Pick one.

>> No.14775868

Yeah, no

>> No.14776128

So long as you put plenty of cheese,bacon and mayo on your burger it tastes ok.

>> No.14776149

>Hurr i carr about animals so i pay for them to be killed because hurr plastic bad
Anon, you sound like you have an issue with your meat habit

>> No.14776151


>> No.14776158

I geniunely like fake meats. I think they really have nailed it. Beyond burgers are so freaking good.

>> No.14776283
File: 60 KB, 916x687, 20200914_135342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I raise my own animals and kill and process them myself (pic related). Sorry you are so afraid of death that you are unwilling to accept it as a part of life.
And plastic IS bad. I wish it could be illegal. I would happily give up this cancer ass website and vidya (even though I already gave up the latter a while ago) for less microplastics in our water and soil. At least animals bio degrade.

>> No.14776296

Rearing your own animals is infinitely healthier for the ecosystem than buying overprocessed bulk crop terra-rape pseudo-clearcutting horseshit fake meat you stupid fucking veganigger

>> No.14776309

>I hate plastic soooo much guys
>has a plastic cutting board
>soap in a plastic container
>wires with plastic on them

>> No.14776311


>> No.14776331

>single-use, nonrecyclable plastics = lifelong plastics & recyclables
Not even him and I still want you to kill yourself, zero-effort nigger.

>> No.14776720

For me it was eggs, mmmmm eggs.

>> No.14776725

I like you duck anon. I wish we were friends, I would like your bean burgers!

>> No.14776979

Choking to death is just a part of life. Plastic is natural.

>> No.14776986

How the hell rearing animals is better for the environment when the main cause for deforestation and species extinction is animal agriculture?

>> No.14778242

Is it though? If you can graze cattle and goats in woods (which is recommended by homesteaders as the trees protect the animals from heat and the elements) then why would you cut down the trees?

Now to grow crops, you gotta kill all competition. Which means any tree, weed, fungi, microbe and pest. What do you think all that sprayed pesticide does for animals? For every pest insect, there is estimated to be 10,000 beneficial insects.

Obviously our modern CAFO system is shit. But changing our animal agricultural system from intensive monoculture to extensive polyculture could actually reverse some of the damage we have done via conventional ag.

>> No.14778265
File: 262 KB, 1000x559, plasticshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plastic cutting board isn't mine. It came with the house.
I am currently in the works of making my own soaps. Including dish soap and laundry detergent, in the meantime I have to use this shit. I will be reusing this bottle, but I do wish it came in a better container. We reuse all the plastic containers we buy, but I fucking hate them all. They are fucking useless and toxic in the long run. I fucking hate how we have been programmed to be plastic consuming slaves.

Not sure where the wires with plastic on them is coming from? Are you talking about the binoculars strap in the background? That's fabric. And it came with the house.

Again, if plastic was illegal, then I could buy shit with different packaging, or even reuse the containers for different purposes.