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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 384x384, 69F086EA-C01F-4BC7-948E-E46DDC20806D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14774710 No.14774710 [Reply] [Original]

Holy shit, my asshole.
I can eat this shit fine but when it’s on it’s way out, fuck me.
Why do we do this bro’s, just to suffer?

>> No.14774729

Nobody cares.

>> No.14774738

Spotted the spicelet, lmao. You don’t even dare try to eat it, do you reditfag?

>> No.14774795

salty spicelet false flag spotted

>> No.14774796

I find thst adding an egg, seared meat and like a diced green onion helps it come out easier. But yeah, I feel you, I had some last night and driving to work this morning was a fucking battle of wills between my car seat and my need to shit all over everything.

>> No.14774809

Fucking children's food, grow up.

>> No.14774816

grow up

>> No.14774884
File: 29 KB, 552x555, EDDD228A-E151-4FD6-AD22-148CDAED467A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so figuratively butthurt that you can’t eat so you food, lmao.
I bet you’re not only a spicelet but a manlet too. I can’t stand manlets, your subhumanness irritates me.
What’s your go to curry, korma with honey drizzled all over it? Lmao.

>> No.14774910

>If I false flag as a strawman with a superiority complex about spicy food, people might hate spicy food as much as I do, as I am a butthurt spicelet

>> No.14774955

These things are really lame and need some flavor. Heat isn't any enough, any little kid can deal with that but it needs a lot more to make them worthwhile.

>> No.14774962
File: 258 KB, 1500x1227, Goya-Ham_Pork-Flavor_Packets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Add a goya ham flavor packet to perk up any of those boring noodle packets.

>> No.14774977

just do what I did and get your asshole surgically removed
No nerve endings no pain

>> No.14775002

That's harsh.

>> No.14775064

>not putting habanero powder or sauce on almost everything you eat for years so you get so used to the anal burn that you don't even notice it anymore even though it's there literally every shit for years
Get on my level fags.

>> No.14775074

how will I enjoy gay sex?

>> No.14775397

i had the hotter one last night and now have the shits

>> No.14775421

Man, Korean instant noodles taste like spicy water, flavorless garbage

>> No.14775430

Instead of eating stuff like this i lube up my asshole with hot sause as a reminder not to

>> No.14775546

>calls other spicelets
>complains about spicy foods too spicy

>> No.14777551

Faggit shut your fucking mouth. You don’t even dare try anything more than Tabasco. SO SHUT THE FUCK UP CUNT DO YOU WANT TO DIE??

>> No.14777566

Is your body like retarded or something? Spicy food doesn't burn your asshole on the way out. Stop with this annoying fucking meme.

>> No.14777575

Faggot you wouldn’t fucking know would you you’ve never had spicier than Tabasco. Shut the fuck up. Eat some real spicy food then maybe your opinion will be worth something.
But you won’t, because you’re a little fucking pussy. Little faggot NEVER post again your opinion is WORTHLESS

>> No.14777647

Has anyone noticed that different kinds of spice or even different peppers make different kinds of burn coming out? I made a curry last week that didn't seem super spicy but sure hurt on the way out. Alternately my carolina reapers are ripening now so I've been having those periodically and my ass doesn't seem to notice but they make my pee burn like crazy.

>> No.14777662

I don't get this meme. Spicy food literally does not cause this problem, its caused by eating too much sugar, fat and fermentable carbohydrates.
Sounds like the old "Chinese restaurant syndrom" hoax.

>> No.14777718

Yeah maybe I had 3 liters of beer and a pint of ice cream too so what you gonna cry about it little faggot?

>> No.14777723

Can't disagree

>> No.14777799

After 20 years of being obsessed with spicy food, it doesn't affect my stomach or shits at all anymore.
Haven't had a spicy poo in as long as I can remember.

>> No.14777801

My whole face goes numb but my asshole stays nice and soft

>> No.14777979

Pussy. My asshole was soft once. Now it’s like sandpaper. Molten poo stained sandpaper.
But given another chance, I’d do it all again.

>> No.14777991

How do you guys pepp these bad bois up to turn it into a real meal with some veggies complementing the aroma of this component of a dish. If your gf can't stomach the heat, you can add some coconut milk to mellow out the heat and tastes equally good.

>> No.14779463

An egg and a sausage is all you need. I tried with onion once but those shits slipped out my chopsticks and splashed the fuckin red chilli oil all over my bedsheets. Was tasty though. Maybe if you eat at the table with a fork it wouldn’t be so bad.

>> No.14779723
File: 7 KB, 217x208, 1380869646806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff tastes like shit. People who eat overspiced garbage are the same faggots who eat:
>overly salty garbage
>supersweet garbage
>super sour garbage
No-balance tastelets

>> No.14780561

Dried roasted seaweed is a great addition to it. Tuna's good in it and cheap.
Yeah egg is good in it.

>> No.14780579
File: 713 KB, 810x1080, wincoonions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These motherfuckers (not my pic) are the shit on top of these noodles. Significantly better than French's.

>> No.14780603
File: 44 KB, 850x567, 1575192411092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a photo of your arsehole. Spread your arse cheeks apart with your hands.

A close up, then perhaps one with the balls dangling proud and low and the penis, hanging down like a sloth off jungle vines.

>> No.14780667

I'm so manly I put giant dildos covered with hot sauce up my asshole then fill an enema full of liquefied ghost peppers and shove that up there too bag and all
Get on my level you bunch of pussies. You call that shit spicy? I literally use it as my contact solution.
I literally once widened my asshole to 15 feet and had someone drag me through a pepper patch catching every piece of organic material in my rectum you bunch of faggots

>> No.14780677

I bought some of those at my local insect supermarket. They are tasty but the heat makes it hard to truly enjoy them. Go with the ones that are slightly less spicy next time.

>> No.14780678

always varkin'

>> No.14780688
File: 51 KB, 847x565, 1597551466763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ate this yesterday for lunch and have been fine all day. maybe you're just bitch made?

>> No.14780740

I'm usually good with spicy food but the ice ramen from this brand was actually the spiciest thing i've ever eaten, and i live in a south american country. It actually actively caused pain in my stomach. I don't think it's suitable for human consumption

>> No.14780816

Not raised in a culture of self-loathing and guilt-tripping unlike most first worlders

>> No.14781413

Please write your comment in such a way that it actually makes sense.

>> No.14781446

I saw nikocado eat this by adding a stick of butter and a bunch of cheese. I just used cheese and it was still spicy as hell and I couldn’t even eat more than 2 bites because the cheddar cheese made it taste nasty as hell

>> No.14781916

Fucking retard.

>> No.14783008

Why are these shilled so much?
They don't even taste all that good.

>> No.14783028
File: 50 KB, 590x350, based harry eats curry every day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are banging noodles, you need to follow the instructions to the letter though and remove most of the liquid and kind of fry them off at the end as it makes them a lot more palatable.
Still even as a person who loves spicy food, those noodles are about the top of what id consider enjoyable.

>> No.14783294

This shit is actually worse then when I over do it with susie's sauce or scorpion pepper. Its cause its mostly pepper extract. That brand is overrated desu. It's all one note, anal destroying, pepper extract.