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14766832 No.14766832 [Reply] [Original]

If Carbs are bad why are Italian, French, Japanese and Korean people the thinnest people in the world?

Their diet consist of lots of bread, pasta and rice and they are mostly slim

>> No.14766835

Are these threads actually made by sugar industry shills?
They should be executed for the immeasurable damage done to human health globally.

>> No.14766842
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>> No.14766856

Most people have a poor understanding of nutrition. Overweight people who want to get healthier will drink less soda, eat less chips, cookies, candy, etc. basically processed junk food that's high in calories and refined carbs and lose weight. But trying to discuss all the reasons processed food is less healthy and why there's a difference between refined flour and whole wheat or refined sugar and fruit is more complicated than just saying "carbs bad". That's why they end up thinking fruit is unhealthy too just because it also has sugar. But I would imagine after a while they get tired of having to avoid carbs so strictly once they get closer to their ideal weight and will then try to learn about which carbs you should actually avoid.

>> No.14766857

>3800 kcal/day
how the fuck

>> No.14766873

Average American is getting around 500 calories per day just from sugar. A lot of processed food is also high in fat but low in fiber and protein so it's not really satiating which makes people keep eating past their calorie needs.

>> No.14766907

>If Carbs are bad
They are not


>> No.14766918

Because they don't eat too much of it. Pasta is a staple of Italian food, but it's just one part of a balanced diet. Europeans generally have very balanced diets and are good at eating in moderation. Americans on the other hand will eat a full bowl of pasta with lots and lots of sauce, which is more than what you should eat.

>> No.14767014

2500 cal is below average...?

>> No.14767024

An American eats more rice in a side dish than a Jap does in a day.

>> No.14767057

>le bad carbs
eating spaghett wont make you fat. Overly Sugary and processed shit on the other hand..

>> No.14767069

because they are malnourished

>> No.14767074

Diet doesn't seem to make much difference at all as long as you stay thin and avoid shit like refined sugar.

>> No.14767141

Added sugar in processed food is what's really bad. Eating vegetables, fruit and high-quality bread will not make you fucking fat.

>> No.14767146


Because their water is dirty and contains parasites.

>> No.14767163

For sure the thinnest people in the world are from Congo, Sudan and Zimbabwe, so why would you take that away from them? So racist

>> No.14767172

Literally shame culture. Korea has anti fat poles in front of escalators in subways to make fatties feel bad and use the stairs.

>> No.14767179
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I'm still on the hfcs bandwagon, before that shit was in everything kids looked like this, even in old movies like The Karate Kid literally everyone was thin as fuck.

>> No.14767182

italian pasta sauce is also usually pasta water and a little fat. mainly oil or rendered from meat, whereas american pasta sauce is thickened with pure cream, cheese and a fuckload of butter. do you really think the pasta is the big problem here?

>> No.14767188

Because they eat less and are more active.

>> No.14767199

A pint of Coke has so much calories that it could feed an African family of 5 for a day and thats just the regular sized, some fast foods sell literal half a gallon sized drinks for one person

>> No.14767225

To be honest, everything in american food is a problem.
Italians eat good amount of cheese too, but they've got better quality and they do it in moderation.

>> No.14767245

Carbs are good for the body. It's the High Fructose Corn Syrup, and hormone fed meat, that's bad.

>> No.14767253

Calories in
Calories out

>> No.14767255

yeah just consume 2500 kcalories of cola and cheeseburgers and you'll be just fine dude trust me haha just eat less its that easy lmao thermodynamics

>> No.14767273
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>If Carbs are bad

>X is bad!!!

The whole blame a single macronutrient for the cause of obesity is stupid propagated nonsense from idiots who want a simple answer to a simple problem.

You're fat.
You very likely do not do enough excercise.
You very likely have a sendentary lifestyle.
You very likely do not track your calories accurately enough and eat too much full stop.

Eat in moderation. Age old wisdom which still holds back then, today, and will do even into the future.

I hate fat people who look for excuses.

>> No.14767279


portion sizes are a good chunk of it as others said, as well as the quality of what they eat - japs and koreans aren't eating panda express fried rice, shit's steamed.

the OTHER thing is unplanned exercise/generally healthier lifestyles. when you're not driving from your couch to your office chair to the drive thru to the grocery store where you walk for 30 minutes to your bed, you get a hell of a lot more exercise in. walking for 30+mins to get somewhere is more normal in these places. i lost weight just by living 40mins from my grocery store and walking there and back, with literally 0 other change.

>> No.14767284

Japan has the highest life expectancy, fatass.

>> No.14767289

>it's the evil sugar industry's fault I'm a lardass

>> No.14767293

Honestly, it is. They exploit weak-willed people and obesity epidemic is mostly due to fast-food and sugar industry.

>> No.14767297

>my weak will is everyone else’s fault

>> No.14767305

Added sugar consumption has been on the decline for decades though.
Also the obesity epidemic is due to fat fucks eating with no restraint. Thin people eat fast food and sugar too, we just understand moderation.

>> No.14767315

I'm not fat, if that's what you're trying to meme here. If you think that obesity is not a huge problem for United States as a whole, you are delusional.

>> No.14767322

based retard poster, good on you

>> No.14767326

Makes me curious if all that stuff about artificial sweeteners not directly causing weight gain but causing it by still messing with the signals your brain gets from what you're consuming and how it affects your tastebuds to keep consuming things that are extremely sweet. I've noticed that even after a filling meal, starting to eat dessert seems to make me feel less hungry pretty quickly and want to stuff myself with desserts even if I actually felt full and satisfied before.

>> No.14767328

damn your dense
The fault of obesity is on people having weak wills. Not “exploitation”.

>> No.14767367

I just hope you'll get out of your libertarian phase soon enough.

>> No.14767370

Most of these effects come from soft drinks and beer. Soft drinks because you take sugar in whenever you hydrate, Beer because of estrogens.

>> No.14767403

hey, if you want to blame it on everything else it’s not my problem

>> No.14767494

While this is a pretty elementary theory, I think a lot of it is also due to marketing campaigns by food companies, as in putting toys in cereal boxes/fast food marketed towards children (which I think is banned now) to entice children to beg their parents for food and using cartoon characters on products to catch children’s attention in stores. Parents will put said shit food in their cart/go through a drive-through to shut their children up.

On top of that, large chain stores Iike Walmart also use deceptive tactics to get people to play into people’s senses to get them to feel more hungry (rotisserie chicken is cheap as shit and near the door so you pick it up as soon as you get there and the smell makes you hungry when you shop).

Even in the fucking Walmart app they try and give freebies to get you off of eating healthy.

On top of that, the sheer amount of fucking food ads on television alone makes it worth dropping. Not to mention the billboards everywhere you drive. They’re eyesores and should be banned.

With all of that, it’s no surprise why people get duped into purchasing shitty food. It’s not like I am totally against marketing, but their campaigns are so deceptive and intrusive these days that most people have no idea how powerful of an impact it has on their subconscious.

I know this because I was one of these people.

>> No.14767510

that's a lot of words for "people lack willpower" anon.

>> No.14767523

It's portion sizes. No one puts obscene about of rice or pasta in their mouth. It's just one of the ingredients, often served with vegetables and, eaten slower and enjoyed. You don't roll around stuffed after eating. The problem is not carb or fat, but stuffing yourself with huge amounts of food and filling yourself up with sugary drinks between meals. There is no miracle diet or exercise, just moderation.

>> No.14767532

>If Carbs are bad
They are not. I thought we passed this American meme mentality already.

>> No.14767539

Also pasta portioning is completely different in Italy. It's meant to be a small preliminary course in a full meal, not a meal in and of itself.

>> No.14767549

I explained it that way not because I think the food industry is out to get me, but because they’re doing it in America (especially bad here) every minute of every day, and over 40% of this country is obese. Obesity and the prevalence of advertising is not a coincidence.

I know it sounds pretty pathetic, but I basically had to go off the grid to lose weight/exercise/start eating healthy.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve lost a lot of weight since I stopped working, but I find that whenever I go back into town the sheer amount of advertisements on billboards is enough to ramp up cravings for shitty food. Im definitely getting better, but I can’t even watch television anymore without getting cravings. Haven’t caved to fast food in a while but it still makes me hungry when I don’t want to be and it makes it harder to resist checking my fridge for something to eat.

If I actually do crack, at least I fill myself up with something healthy from my fridge (since I’ve learned to not keep shit food in my fridge as I’ll eat it, something the Walmart pickup is trying to fuck with..cheeto mac n cheese was another thing they gave me as a freebie but I threw it out before I got home). However, if I’m trying to eat OMAD it’s keeping me from sticking to my diet.

I just wish advertisers would fuck off.

>> No.14767556

Post timestamped physique, extremely-online faggot.

>> No.14767582

Americans eat carbs (and vegetable oils) that were engineered to be slammed straight into your fat cells without fulfilling your hunger.

>> No.14767596

i get what you're saying but at some point you've gotta take responsibility for your actions. im seeing a lot of blame and diversion to other things but ads aren't putting the food in your mouth. it's always easy to not check your fridge for food anon. nothing's keeping you from sticking to your diet except your own actions. being this susceptible to advertising is the definition of lacking willpower.
yeah nah probably not eh

>> No.14767622

>being this susceptible to advertising is the definition of lacking willpower.
You’re probably right on my lack of willpower, but I do think I’m getting better.

However, like I said before, America is fucking obese which I believe directly correlates with advertising shitty foods. If you watch football games today, you’ll notice in the beginning you’ll see ads for cars/insurance/credit cards, but towards the end of the first games (2-3 central my time), you’ll start to see ads for pizza/chicken/burgers. I would assume this because advertisers know most people are eating their game day snacks when their team starts mid-day, and a couple of hours after eating those same people are beginning to looking forward to eating again, and what better way to entice them by advertising fast food so they don’t have to cook again for dinner?

Idk that’s my theory

>> No.14767627

The French would eat fatty food and be healthy! The red wine study results were total bs!

>> No.14767631

Raw meat is the natural human diet. I hate you faggots!

>> No.14767675

how do you think people get fat?

>> No.14767684

I live in a third world country and i COULD get fat on cheap rice if i wanted... i don't. Stop blaming obesity on your being poor, it's because you are a fucking lazy piece of shit.
None of the homeless people that i see are obese.

>> No.14767733

France got a boost from imported "French" skinnies. Why you leave out Norway?
HFCS is in almost everything yet it's still not that hard to avoid unless you're stupid. It just costs more.
Not entirely most of the moderate fat asses I know got that way from drinking their calories. Starbucks 2X a day some bullshit hot chocolate nonsense with a blended garbage drink later in the day. Just the two drinks alone are over 2200 calories. Couple sodas thrown in there maybe a gaterade because the morning coffee dehydrated them bam over 3000. You point this out to them and they get mad. Bitch I know trying to lose weight kept a calorie book never wrote down what she was drinking.

All in all 40% of Americans are fat because their IQ is south of 85 and they can't control their impulse in a society that food is extra cheap.

>> No.14768088

What’s going on in Austria?

>> No.14768119

>Because their water is dirty and contains parasites.
Imagine thinking this about countries like France, Italy and South Korea where the water quality is objectively far higher than in the US.

>> No.14768394

they should be shamed, it's a repulsive lifestyle and often an inconvenience for others

>> No.14768721

If we're talking purely about weight and being thin, then yes, a diet of 1800calories of coke and cheeseburgers can make you lose weight.
Whether it's actually healthy is a different discussion

>> No.14768937

>be me
>be Turkish-American
>be fat as hell
It was over before it began

>> No.14768944

It all depends on portion size aka calories, you absolute moron. Let me guess, you're American

>> No.14768961

Not exactly. HFCS is basically immediately turned into fat unless you burn it right away, as far as I understand:


>> No.14768976

their diet is 100% schnitzel