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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14750902 No.14750902 [Reply] [Original]

What do you have for breakfast?

>> No.14750903

I dont eat breakfast

>> No.14750909

>water sandwich
Do br*ts really?

>> No.14750929
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Brits definitely do really

>> No.14750946

Only thing I can stomach in the morning is a coffee/tea and maybe a banana or some fruit. My old job we lived at the worksite and we'd get three square meals a day. Shit was cash. Some mornings I'd get up around 4:30am to eat bakey and eggs, fresh pineapple/melon, big glass of water and a cup of coffee, beans, sausage, hashbrowns. I miss that shit. We'd have steak once a week, too. The cooks were excellent.

>> No.14750964

Usually just a granola bar.

>> No.14750976


>> No.14751012

yogurt and a shot of espresso

>> No.14751163

Nothing, I never want to eat until 2-3 hours after I get up and by then I might as well wait for lunch.

>> No.14751166

Brits really do be on that shit cuz

>> No.14751380

nobody who works eats a normal lunch

>> No.14751383


>> No.14751429

I'm at home all day and as long as my work is done it doesn't really matter when it's done, so whatever I want, I guess. Today I had a shitty top round steak with a cold beet-apple cider vinegar salad. It was alright

>> No.14751817

Why is there GREEN on that fry up?

>> No.14751823

>Oat porridge
>Boiled eggs
>Toast with orange marmalade
>Leftover cold pizza
>Piece of bread

It really depends on the day.

>> No.14751831

Had to fill the plate up
They already had so much bread.

>> No.14751845

I have a caff sandwich for brekkie

>> No.14751852

I cycle between egg, cheese, and pepper sandwiches, French toast, and oatmeal. Usually have either tea or coffee and fruit juice with it (for that I cycle through orange, apple, and grape).

>> No.14751888
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During the week I get up around 4 am so I have A somewhat sizable breakfast, I always have a cup of water then coffee first. I eat around 6 am right before I leave. Breakfast usually always includes eggs. Like a egg and potato burrito, scrambled eggs with a meat, etc. this morning I had avocado toast ( pic related) because I needed to use up the rest of the avocado. I’ll usually drink a light beer with it. That will hold me till around noon. Then I eat a good lunch and that’s it. I don’t eat a meal again until breakfast the next day. I do drink beer though so I’m not really fasting. On the weekends I TRY to sleep in and usually eat a ravioli cup or A tortilla with some melted cheese and glass of milk.

>> No.14751894

I don't eat breakfast lunch or dinner I eat once every couple of days.

>> No.14751904

I can't imagine the smell of the vinegary shits you would've taken afterwards

>> No.14752070

Is 1650 already?

>> No.14752080
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Why are you guys like this?

>> No.14752104

>yes this article implies that this is regularly consumed, why?
only one ive seen or had consumed was technically a crisp butty, but it also had corned beef on it so
im still weak to this meme ive just got to get over it

>> No.14752115

1. Not bad, depends on the chip
2. Poors
3. Literally for 3 year olds
4. What the fug :DDDD

>> No.14752152

New Zealand tends to not get much attention, but they are pretty much all the worst qualities of the English, with none of the redeeming qualities that US, CAN, AUS, and SA developed.

>> No.14752161

I have a protein bar and an apple because I need to go to work. How do people find time to cook anything in the morning?

>> No.14752170

Fairy bread was fucking amazing as a kid. When I went to birthday parties I would piss myself when it got brought out and it always went quick.

Have had it in years. Wonder how I'd find it now.

>> No.14752174

I mostly make porridge before I go to work (I get up around 5.15 - 5.30) because it's probably the most filling breakfast.

>> No.14752201

I get up early so I don’t have to rush. I hate being rushed so so much. I Really need some time to wake up and just ease into my day because it’s so chaotic. So I go to bed early and get up early.

>> No.14752277

Top right is similar to what a greek will do.to your burger an fries lol

>> No.14752306

Haven't eaten breakfast in over a month now can't remember what the last time I had a real breakfast either Oh, it was a muffin and cereal. my usual go to is yogurt, eggs, since I first started dieting over half a year ago, my go to used to be Ceral or all the classic carbi breakfast foods lol

>> No.14752350
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git sum in ya

>> No.14752382
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facking brits

>> No.14752394


>> No.14752405

>tfw your parents take your genius sister out to dinner while you sit at home eating water bread

>> No.14752412

brits were a mistake

>> No.14752863

Fast and easy

>> No.14752881

ave a noice gelatin sammich

>> No.14752894

Sounds pretty sad. Anything you want to say anon?

>> No.14752899

Do better in school you retard. Apply yourself!

>> No.14752903

i have a yogurt and drink coffee until i shake.
ham and cheese croissant or bagel with lox if i wanna treat myself.
eat brunch on weekends because fuck you

>> No.14752930

That I would eat

>> No.14752932
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Breakfast in Southern Italy looks more like this desu

>> No.14752937
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god bless saudi calabria

>> No.14752988
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>> No.14753031
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Corned beef hash

>> No.14753043

I always drink big glass of water after waking up then I eat either:
Oatmeal with peanut butter and jam.
Plain yoghurt with peanut butter and muesli.
Scrambled eggs with wooshta sauce.
Cup of tea and glass of orange juice as drinks.

>> No.14753048

Coffee and snus

>> No.14753069

Booze and eggs.

>> No.14753083

You an alcoholic?

>> No.14753133

Shredded wheat with some oatmilk, and trailmix on top. I have a pro biotic like Yakult to drink with it too.

>> No.14753140

its so weird because using the elements of that dish you would be able to make it delicious and pleasing visually yet someone just decided to shit the bed for no reason and make the dish look awful

>> No.14753145

wait hang on mr trips why the hell do you get up two hours before eating your first meal

>> No.14753150

Essentially, yes. Trying not to be anymore. The mornings are hard for me because I really crave them. A beer or 2 in the am takes the edge off. It’s sounds dumb as fuck but I’m not fully awake until Ive had my beer. I dont even remember how it started. But, I got into a very bad habit of drinking like 5 or 6 before 7am. So anyway, I’m really trying to break that habit. I still drink in the evening but overall I’m really trying to just reign in the amount I’m drinking over the course of the day. I dont get drunk or have hangovers or anything but I absolutely continue to drink way to much. So I do try to eat As clean as I can and dont eat in the evenings hoping that I can maybe offset some damage and weight gain.

>> No.14753159

I just go to bed early and wake up naturally around that time. I don’t want to be rushed and I can get some things done around the house before I have to leave. I have time to make myself a breakfast and pack a lunch, shower, etc. I’ll sleep till about 6 on the weekends though.

>> No.14753171
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>> No.14753175

based chilaques

>> No.14753184

A BLT and an Apple with several glasses of water.

>> No.14753331

That's fake as shit,at breakfast we have just a cup of coffee and a cig

>> No.14753503

>reign in the amount
Damn anon, how much do you drink now?

>> No.14753648

10-12 drinks or beers a day now. Bad days I sometimes drink more. . But I’ve cut back a lot and I’ve completely gotten off hard liquor. I don’t slam them back ( anymore) I drink over the course of the day. Mornings are hardest. I’d like to comfortably get to 6 or below before thanksgiving.

>> No.14753701

are all southern italians obese?

>> No.14753779
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>> No.14753936


Only fags don't like this.

>> No.14753955

unironically yes, especially the childrens

>> No.14753977

just a bit of coffee or tea, my stomach cant handle anything for the first hours after I wake up

>> No.14753991

Two low carb wraps. One with onion/chive cream cheese, one with natty peanut butter.

>> No.14754011

You should try plain yogurt with organic honey (not the supermarket shit)
It will absolutely delight you

>> No.14754012

Me too homie

>> No.14754022

That looks good.
I miss eating blueberry pancakes with syrup.

>> No.14754023

What the hell how do you not get a hangover feom 10-12 drinks?

>> No.14754038

You’re doing good if you’re lessening the amount, eventually quitting cold turkey is the only way you’re ever gonna really stop, but you could be physically addicted.
Do you have the shakes when you don’t drink? If you do, you can only taper (extremely hard for most people) or go to a hospital for a detox.
Also, one thing that really is kinda shit but definitely helps it to replace drinking with food. Obviously if you binge eat and over eat you’ll get fat without exercise, but food is a great way to take your mind of alcohol. Also, marijuana helps a lot of people, but it only works for a couple months before you fall back into the old addiction. You have to supplement your good life behaviors with weed to kill the cravings, and then when the cravings are weak you can drop the weed too.

>> No.14754041
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I'm fine laddy

>> No.14754043

There's no way porridge is the most filling breakfast. I'm always starving after porridge as compared to eggs.

>> No.14754045

I drank two 40’s and a 4loko last night and I’m not hung over
It’s a trick to being an alcoholic called “don’t get too dehydrated, don’t eat too much sugar, and don’t mix hard liquor with caffeinated sugar water like some kind of retard”.

>> No.14754058

me either

>> No.14754108

I usually get a breakfast deluxe from McDonald's

>> No.14754115


>> No.14754117

Ground beef with onion, garlic and soy sauce.

>> No.14754119

I do get the shakes which is why it’s been so hard and why I have a beer or 2 in the morning but I’m doing good. It’s getting a little easier each day. I do watch what I eat. I eat a good breakfast, basic lunch, nothing to eat again until breakfast next day. But I do drink at night. I try to eat clean. Don’t care for weed, makes me paranoid and I dont want to be on pills. So, I’m just tapering slowly. I don’t think I’ll ever stop completely but I would like to drink much less which is my goal.

>> No.14754127

>5 or 6 beers before 7am
>not an alcoholic

lmao, that's more beers than I drink in a whole year

>> No.14754140

Guess I'm a fag then. Wouldn't eat that if I was on the brink of starvation.

>> No.14754141

I used to drink that, not anymore. I only have 1 or 2 in the AM. But I still drink when I get home. Yes, I am an alcoholic but I don’t drink hard liquor anymore. Just beer atm. Tapering

>> No.14754153

I'm not him, but I constantly drink like this and don't get hangovers unless I slam a bunch of hard alcohol alongside it. Like the other guy said, stay hydrated, don't eat a bunch of sugar, the end. I drink like 2 liters of water a night.

Not like I recommend this though.

>> No.14754197

Had me a can o deenz and a double shot of espresso.

Dinner's a big thing of veggie curry with rice. My body wants carbs and vitamins.

>> No.14754198

Also, drinking 2 beers in the am is nothing for me. The 5-6 I used to drink was not a big deal to me either. I am very functional. Again, I spread my drinking out over the course of a day. Go to work and show up on time, do my job, pay my bills, etc. Always have, always will. But it’s beginning to affect my body negatively which is really what pushed me to start tapering. I will always be an alcoholic, I’m just trying to break some bad habits and regain control.

>> No.14754222

Do you have to pick through the bones and is it a clean tasting fish? And any links to a good recipe? Not really something I encounter were I'm from

>> No.14754251

I get up at 6 and I am out the door at 6:30. Why the fuck get up two hours early? Even your explanation doesn’t make sense. Are you 60?

>> No.14754412

No I’m not 60, not even close to that age but I guess because that’s just what I do and what works for me. I go to bed early and I get up early. I enjoy time to myself in the morning and like taking my time. When I’m working, I only had to work till noon today, rare,.. Usually in bed and asleep no later than 9 on a week night. Usually by 830 tho. I’m up a little bit later on the weekend. Sometimes.

>> No.14754511

chilaquiles with the eggs estralladas is better

>> No.14754582

Honestly are you fat? How the fuck are you not fat eating 2 meals and drinking 12 beers a day?

>> No.14754675

Are you a dog?

>> No.14754683

I think I made something like this in Runescape

>> No.14754719
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What do you even mean? No, I’m not “fat.” I eat clean and I eat a reasonable portion. I posted pic of breakfast. I had avocado toast in am—an egg, 1/2 an avocado, a piece of bread, a piece of bacon broken up. For lunch (noon) pic related, I had lemon chicken..1 breast tenderloin pounded out thin with some gravy and some buttered rice, and brussel sprouts. That’s it. That’s what I ate today. Ive had around 12 beers at this point. Anyway, I dont eat a meal again until breakfast tm. Goodnight, I have work tm.

>> No.14754913

I like fried eggs, maple sausage, and diced potatoes fried up in butter

>> No.14754915

Thinkin bout chicken fried steak tomorrow

>> No.14755221

i saw your post on /f*t/, doing a great job, dude

>> No.14755772
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I appreciate it, anon.

>> No.14756341

That pasta looks like garbage

>> No.14756356

Usually either toast and egg or a fried egg sandwich.

>> No.14756361

I love how a small regional Cornish dish that was seen as an oddity even in the UK is now held up as what British cuisine as a whole is. No, wait, that other one.

Also is it just me, or has anti-British shitposting escalated lately?

>> No.14756362

Why would you eat all that fried and heavy shit for breakfast? When I wake up I want something refreshing and light.

>> No.14756364

The SNP want to ban smoking, edit out that pipe.

>> No.14756390

Why do people make fun of this? I have a fish allergy, but I'd eat the little fish pie if I could. Don't people here eat sardines and shit?

>> No.14756833

My new routine:

2 eggs fried or scrambled
2 toast with butter and Vegemite
A bowl of muesli with low fat milk
A cup of tea with low fat milk
A green smoothie

>> No.14756859

then why are you posting in the breakfast thread???? retards

>> No.14756876

my breakfast: black espresso with no sugar

Stay fat bitches.

>> No.14756913

A couple of swigs of whisky. Stops the sweating and makes me able to stand up for long enough to go and get more.

>> No.14757045

>I love how everyone knows we're inbred neanderthal retards who eat fish-head pie because we still haven't realised the war ended 75 yrs ago.
Good for you m8

>> No.14757066

Most mornings it's multigrain toast, but on weekends I like to take the time to make scrambled eggs, or eggs and bacon if I'm cooking for the gf as well. Always with a coffee too

If I'm particularly lazy or rushed I'll get a sausage roll and energy drink on the road, but I try and avoid that as I was stacking on the weight at one point

>> No.14757069

2 eggs over easy on toasted bread with cream cheese, marble cheese and lettuce
Or oats with brown sugar
3 eggs scrambled with mozzarella and some Costco economy bacon

>> No.14757076

>Stargazy pie is a pastry-based fish pie which, by tradition, is filled with whole pilchards. Critically, the pilchards must retain their heads, which then poke through the pastry top, appearing to gaze at the stars. The position of the fish allows the oil that is released during cooking to drain into the pie, adding a fuller flavour and ensuring the pie is moist.

>> No.14757121
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Why didn't the English cook in a civilized way?

Roast a herring for fragrance
Lay it out.
Pour a rich, aromatic sauce over it.
Decorate it up nicely.
Baked to a crisp

>> No.14757127

>still haven't realised the war ended 75 yrs ago
We do realise, it's just that the (((economy))) hasn't really "recovered" since (outside of london anyway), so the masses live in a sort of "poverty, but you have a smartphone and more than one pair of trousers". It's fairly miserable honestly. Not to mention the "people" in charge are some of the most out of touch ubercapitalist toffs on the planet, who basically run the country as a giant money laundering machine.

>> No.14757136


I might put crisps on a sandwich of other things to give it more texture but I've never know anyone have a sandwich of just crisps. As for the others they are totally new me.

>> No.14757363

Depression food in 20th century
For poor kids
Not real

>> No.14757364


>> No.14757410

People who skip breakfast are likelier to be obese.

>> No.14757929

There's plenty of cultures who don't eat much for breakfast that are doing better than Americans when it comes to obesity.

>> No.14757959

God DAMN, I want to try stargazy pie. Kicking myself that I didn't know about it when I was in Mousehole back in '05. If I ever go back to Bongland to visit family I'm definitely heading to Cornwall and eating this delicious looking shit.

>> No.14758040

Whatever the fuck i like

>> No.14758292

Nothing I eat once 5-6 hours after getting up and then again another 6 hours after that

>> No.14758339

I haven't found a study that isn't backed by someone that sells breakfast food that says this, can you slide me some sources on that claim?

>> No.14758375
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>eating breakfast

>> No.14758447

based. Now add a fresh organic apple and then fuck my ass

>> No.14758466


>> No.14758815

Imagine still eating breakfast and not taking the fasting pill in 2020. Rip, fat ass.

>> No.14758822
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>> No.14758827

Oatmeal and tangerines

>> No.14758856

I had 2 bacon strips, some bread I made, raspberries, blackberries, and kombucha with decaffeinated cold brew and added turmeric.

>> No.14758859

I didnt eat today until 3pm

>> No.14759331

I’d eat that and I’m American

>> No.14759338

Thin people don't need to cut meals out entirely out of their diet to keep thin. We understand the concepts of portion control and caloric intake, fattie.

>> No.14759605
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>> No.14759606
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usually cereal or some manner of breakfast burrito.

>> No.14759707

You really expect me to click some fucking link?

>> No.14759754
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Italian here.

If I eat breakfast at home I usually go for toasted bread with Nutella style cream or peach marmalade and butter + cappuccino.

If I eat it at a bar I always take a freshly baked cornetto filled with creme patisserie or pistachio cream and the usual cappuccino.

>> No.14759898

Some nuts mostly

>> No.14759961

I think it really started with the Princess Principle.
Can confirm, at least cuisine-wise. I'm Bong and Kiwi and Kiwi food is basically just everybody else's misinformed stereotypes about Bong food but it's real.

>> No.14759969
File: 12 KB, 1328x98, toast sandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised there're still fags on /ck/ who don't know why the toast sandwich was invented. It's deliberately bland food for ill people back when Victorians thought ill people couldn't handle anything other than bland food.

>> No.14760166

Need to make one in American where the breakfast and lunch are huge

>> No.14760195
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>> No.14760203
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I'll usually either just have a coffee, or i'll have coffee with yogurt, honey, and a little granola

>> No.14760812

Why are you on this board?

>> No.14761593

12 cans of beer contain about 1800 calories. That's why he's asking if you're fat.

>> No.14761966

Garnish. Restaurants always feel the need to do so.

>> No.14762029

cooking lvl?

>> No.14762033

you'd eat anything you could get your hands on

>> No.14762041
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>> No.14762165

Coffee followed by bacon and eggs.

>> No.14762365

Water and sometimes an apple and kefir, the idea of eating early in the morning makes me sick. It's as if my stomach doesn't turn on until I've been up and moving for a few hours

>> No.14762789


>> No.14762844


>> No.14762920

amerifat here
I want to make some fairy bread now
looks ez

>> No.14762929

Black coffee

>> No.14762941

Based and hashpilled

>> No.14762943

>breakfast is baby portioned/a single pastry
based twink thread

>> No.14762951

A bottle of water

>> No.14762956

Usually nothing you fat bitch. I drink water or tea from the fridge. Yeah I'm an American. Suck my dick.

>> No.14762963

On my days off I don't eat breakfast, rather a small lunch and decent dinner, but on days I work I eat a big breakfast and no other meals. Usually some eggs, bacon, hash browns, and the occasional waffle.

>> No.14763973
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>admiral pie

>> No.14763981

Jeff pls go

>> No.14764160


>> No.14764186

how can he do better if he's a retard

>> No.14764318

It's either obese or borderline anorexic here due to a lot of people that are into cycling and walking.

>> No.14764450


>> No.14764459
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I eat pieces of shit for breakfast.

>> No.14765313

A nice slice of black rye bread with some cream cheese mixed with fresh dill as a spread. Thinly sliced cucumbers on top. Cuppa too.

>> No.14765381

It’s increased in line with the general ‘all white people are responsible for colonialism and only white colonialism was bad’ narrative. Like the stupid nigger meme posted in 14752080.

>> No.14765391

Because ZERO is an a perfectly good answer. Now fuck off and go heat your hot pocket.

>> No.14765490 [DELETED] 

Obese retard.

>> No.14765525

Because fatties, who don't understand portion control or CICO, think not eating breakfast is what thin people do and therefore they believe telling people they don't eat breakfast will make people think they are thin.

>> No.14765578

>don't eat breakfast

>> No.14765656

intermittent fasting is based
breakfast is only a cup of coffee with no sugar
spend 16 hours without food per day, it's got a lot of benefits

>> No.14765927

Eat lumber jack diet and work like one too or don't and weigh 600lbs or eat a more reasonable meal in the mornings.

>> No.14765940
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How about 48 +12 hours of fasting for a month plus only eat one meal 2-3x a week only protein water and pills on all the other days been doing it for 3 weeks now.

>> No.14767115

Griefing the lesser races just for the sake of it. Based bongs doing their best to make this world the hellscape it should be.

>> No.14767347

the classic french breakfast

>> No.14767401

>saudi calabria
oi, fuck off cunt. the villages are nice.

>> No.14767414

fucking try hard
Just lost 10 lbs in a month and a half, just eating 1900 calories a day and surfing. You people make life so damn hard when weight loss can be so easy.
>inb4 10 lbs of waterweight
It's amazing how you faggots love to devalue everyone else's effort in some childish attempt to justify your own.
Seriously you fasters are mentally ill. Just don't think about it so much.

>> No.14768453

Anorexics get super obsessed with food and other peoples' diets when they aren't eating.

>> No.14768831

Britbong here, I've only had this once, normally we don't have whole fish in a pie. Although fish pie is a common dish, fish are cheap here for obvious reasons.

>> No.14769627

I don't see what's wrong with this. If you're posting rat kebabs and claiming that it's your typical Chinese food then you should have no problem when someone takes a fish head pie and claim that it's your typical British dish.

>> No.14769722
File: 113 KB, 866x1300, -redhead-beautiful-girl-in-green-dress-gaze-starve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I was never devaluing anyones effort apparently thats gow you see it ok than.
Been doing it its hard and I'd rather simply eat healthy and not starve I'm doing it as support for someone who thinks it will help I thinj they are crazy to do it to themselves its normally reserved for people who are obese they are not being slightly overweight can be helped with exercise but they want ti do more than that its not my thing and is really turning me off from dieting at all. I hate feeling deprived and starved.

>> No.14769730

>>Staring as people eat normal food can't eat shit and hating everyone for it.

>> No.14770559

why would you photoshop the face of an 8 year old onto an adult body

>> No.14770637

You really shouldn’t encourage shit flinging at all, look how bad /ck/ has gotten. 60% bait threads

>> No.14770843

Oh hell yeah man this shit looks dope you're just like me man

>> No.14770853

>Do br*ts really?
Its hyperbole for humorous effect, anon.

>> No.14770877
File: 211 KB, 1266x1900, blush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i eat one meal a day,
lamb chops, butter and goat milk kefir

>> No.14771116
File: 53 KB, 344x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mo one Photoshop anything some people look like that I've seen 10 year old with the faces of an adult its errie as fuck, rhis is nothing new anon if it makes you feel wrong you can repent of being a sick pedo if not go to a therapist or get castrated

>> No.14771121

Are you in Bulgaria , Serbia or greece?

>> No.14771123

Based, I'd eat

>> No.14771133

>Guess I'm a fag then
Yep, that's right.

>> No.14771612

I don't eat "breakfast"
I drink straight tea in the morning
Don't eat until at least 12 most of the time

>> No.14771906
File: 75 KB, 334x500, url(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffee, often with a splash of milk
Rye or sourdough bread with quark and jam, usually raspberry or strawberry
On weekends cold cuts and cheeses, bread rolls and pretzel, a hard boiled egg

>> No.14771915

Usually coffee and water

>> No.14771920

Based prostitute

>> No.14771995

I ate salmon, scrambled eggs and hash browns yesterday.

>> No.14772013

yeah I use those to boost into the fishing guild

>> No.14772285
File: 32 KB, 680x450, ZL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14772362
File: 50 KB, 605x450, zm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nom nom

>> No.14772627

>killed millions
hello historical revisionism.

>> No.14772635

i'm having a bit of strip danish and an espresso from my homemade espresso machine. it's good although i've spent too long shitposting and now the latter is lukewarm
sometimes i make more elaborate breakfasts, for a while i had eggs benedict every morning, with a small breakfast sausage and a frozen hash brown, but i got sick of it after a few weeks and now i just have something simple like oatmeal or a pastry

>> No.14773063

Get a load of this prissy bitch who lacks the emotional maturity to accept that he kills to live so he gets grossed out when food has a face.

It's fun and whimsical, you invalid.