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14754622 No.14754622[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why won't bigoted bakers make gay wedding cakes? Gay people are people too, not wild animals that Christians have to fear.

>> No.14754628

Why won't you stop being a fag?

>> No.14754629
File: 85 KB, 800x1200, DeliciousGayCake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we let them get away with dehumanizing gay people and treating us like animals, not other people worthy of respect and dignity. Stop letting them get away with it, and they will stop pretending they care.

>> No.14754630

You don't have a right to my labor, cocksmoker. I have freedom of association under the 1st Amendment regardless of what some antichrist kike activist judge says.

>> No.14754631

Gays aren't people

>> No.14754639

Forgiving and loving someone does not mean rationalizing and ignoring their sins. Homosexuality should not be celebrated, but homosexuals should not be hated. Their sins must be condemned and they should repent and rejoin their brothers and sisters in Christ.

>> No.14754641

Being gay is not a choice. We are born gay and cannot change. Being gay is not contagious or infectious.

We do if you open a business to the public with a physical storefront.

1st amendment mentions nothing about an inherent right to discriminate on the basis of innate traits.

gays are people

>> No.14754644

Because Christians consider marriage to be a religious act and participating in a gay marriage ceremony though baking a cake is legitimizing it.

>> No.14754651

>Being gay is not a choice.
Living a homosexual life is, though.

>> No.14754656

>Being gay is not a choice. We are born gay and cannot change
You can't help being gay but you can help acting gay and living as a gay man. Everybody has their own personal problems to overcome, but you are expected to overcome them.

>> No.14754660

Why do biggoted faggots feel the need to press thier faggotry on others? Faggots are not mormans. Next time you want to support the faggot cause ask yourself, should i kms? The answer is yes.

>> No.14754665

Gays are not people

>> No.14754667

You realize civil marriage exists? Christians don't have a monopoly on religion.

Again we are talking about a business open to the public, not a religious establishment. The owners personal beliefs frankly don't matter and don't license him to discriminate in an unlawful manner.

>and participating in a gay marriage ceremony

have you ever been to a birthday party and thought, surely the baker endorses the birthday boy/girl?

no it isn't

not without sacrificing our mental health

being gay is not a problem and repressing is not a solution

>> No.14754668

We don't fear them, we hate them.

>> No.14754677

You fear what would happen if we were in power and you were punished for discriminating against us. The baker effectively got a slap on the wrist in Colorado. I think his entire business should have been shut down by the state.

>> No.14754682
File: 67 KB, 500x700, lanar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weddings are a total scam and fellow gaychads shouldn't fall for it

>> No.14754687


>> No.14754689

Wedding cake's are typically more artistically composed than birthday cakes so that's a shit comparison. I imagine a Jehova's Witness with a cake shop might not make birthday cakes and that would be fine. And whether you feel making a cake is participating isn't relevant from the baker's perspective. If they feel that way and don't want to participate in certain ones, I see no issue with that. You would probably bake a wedding cake for a 50 year old man marrying a 6 year old if it was legal.

>> No.14754702

>not without sacrificing our mental health
It'd be better for you in the long run. It's like a junkie feeling anxiety over the idea of rehab. It's simply necessary and worth investing in therapy for.
>being gay is not a problem and repressing is not a solution
Repression is a great solution. Being gay is a problem, as your destiny is to die of AIDS with a weak sphincter instead of raising a loving family. It isn't a healthy or fulfilling lifestyle.

>> No.14754705

>repressing is not a solution
Yes, it is. Sacrifice your own short-lived happiness for the greater good. This is understood by everyone in society except gays and hedonists (but I restate myself)

>> No.14754708

That cake looks fucking awful. Don't do a rainbow cake if you can't do a rainbow cake.

>> No.14754713
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Found the accurate post!
Men got around the system of doing women shit in relationships by being with other men, but then they just end up doing chick stuff anyway even though they're both men. We failed our gay bros by letting cancerous women shit infect their culture

>> No.14754714
File: 14 KB, 220x229, crying laughing deepfry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his entire business should've been shut down by the state
>for not making some fag his oh so provocative fag cake that he could've gotten at any of the shitlib bakeries in town
And you have the fucking audacity to wonder why normal, mentally healthy people hate you.

>> No.14754715


>> No.14754721

Wow I hate faggots now

>> No.14754722

T. Muhammad

>> No.14754734

I dont know. All shitposting aside I dont care what sexuality people are, but I also support capitalism and think bakers, and any business should be able to refuse service to people based on sexuality (and gender and race and all that shit). If choosing to not make wedding cakes for gays puts you out of business thats capitalism, and if it increases your business thats capitalism as well.

My reasons are more for keeping blacks away from the rest of us than they are some /pol/ level of muh freedoms though.

>> No.14754756

>dress like a woman
>pose like a woman
>act and think like a woman
>keep all of your male features
I'll never understand this.

>> No.14754772

Repulsive "people"

>> No.14754790

Weddings confer tax benefits and make it easier to make decisions for your partner if they become medically or otherwise impaired.

Nobody goes to a wedding and sees the cake and thinks "surely the baker endorses this union!".

>> No.14754798
File: 74 KB, 502x429, 1568642022627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14754801


Weddings dont do that, a marriage does. You dont need to bring a cake to the courthouse to get your certificate signed, but I get what you mean.

>> No.14754814

Ok but to the person who said, its just a Christian religious ceremony, it isn't always that it is done for tax and other social benefits. Plenty of straight people have civil marriages not religious ceremonies and he still bakes THEM cakes.

>> No.14754815

what's a gay wedding cake? does it have different ingredients than a regular wedding cake?No, because gay people are also humans, you see thats the problem with you faggots, you are always discriminating yourselves, claiming for equality while segregating yourselves from normal people honestly kill yourself

>> No.14754817

Only issue is marriage, as long as it's legal for m/m f/f couples to hitch for the same tax benefits I don't have a problem with it.

>> No.14754824

If your company gets handouts from the government you should count as a governmental establishment and have to follow the guidelines of government stances.

What I'm saying is if you want to be anti gay marriage you best be paying taxes to exercise your free speech.

>> No.14754827

It doesn't have different ingredients.He refused service on the basis of their sexual orientation. If one of them were a woman, he wouldn't have refused service, so it is also sex discrimination.

>> No.14754829

>We do if you open a business to the public with a physical storefront.
>1st amendment mentions nothing about an inherent right to discriminate on the basis of innate traits.
Ok then give me my Twitter account back. I can't help that I'm a snide racist, it's just how I am. You can't deny me.

>> No.14754834

>as long as it's legal for m/m f/f couples to hitch for the same tax benefits
Why would they get tax benefits? The reason we gave tax benefits to real marriage is to encourage it, as it creates a new generation of American tax payers. What does the country get out of gay marriage?

>> No.14754839

that baker sounds pretty based to me

>> No.14754850

>We do if you open a business to the public with a physical storefront.
Incorrect. I reserve the right to refuse service, fascist scum.
>1st amendment mentions nothing about an inherent right to discriminate on the basis of innate traits.
Made-up word salad. I do not have an obligation to serve you, nigger. You have the right to find another bakery or learn how to bake your own cake, you worthless cum guzzler. My labor is my private property, and property rights are the foundation of the Bill of Rights. Now go cry to your Jew nation wrecker in congress, you subhuman vermin.

>> No.14754866

>What does the country get out of gay marriage?

stable tax base

gay married men with kids make an AVERAGE of about 250k per year

>> No.14754881


That much? Tbh it wouldnt surprise me, theyre all architects or interior designers or fancy dog breeders. When I go clothes shopping I always let the most obviously gay dude help me choose what to buy, those people really are fashionable.

>> No.14754883

>gay married men with kids

>> No.14754884

so a rich country but full of degenerate faggots, how progressive, why do americans place such high value on money? is this the true power of the latest bread and circus technology?

>> No.14754887

Service discrimination is allowed, price discrimination is not.

>> No.14754898

Literally service discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation was and is illegal in the state of Colorado where Masterpiece Cakeshop is located. As a business you are obliged to follow all relevant laws because you benefit from the state. The state provides piping so you can have water, sewage, roads to your business, etc.

He isn't an island.

>> No.14754917

i bet you're completely fine with mosques and muslim worship centers having separate shittier looking entrances for women

>> No.14754927


Isnt it on a Federal level, not just state? Even backwards shitholes like Alabama still have to abide by discrimination laws.

>> No.14754958

And if they weren't married, they wouldn't make that much? (which would be taxed more if they weren't married anyway)

>> No.14754960

No, I believe sex segregated facilities (including bathrooms, changing areas, domestic violence shelters, etc) should be abolished wholesale.

So according to a recent Supreme Court decision, yes now it is federal. But that isn't a federal law, the civil rights act makes no explicit mention of sexual orientation, but it does mention sex, and if one of the members of the couple who entered the bakery were female, he wouldn't have refused service, so it is sex discrimination as well.

>> No.14754965

They would have to pay more in taxes if they were not legally married and it would be more difficult to deal with things like custody of their kids for both the state and the gay couples themselves.

Not sure if that answers your question.

>> No.14754983


>> No.14755035

>their kids

>> No.14755040

Yes, a lot of gay people have kids from prior heterosexual relationships, adoption, or surrogacy . About 20% have kids.

>> No.14755074

None of those are children of the gay couple. At most they're the child of one of them, otherwise neither of them. Custody should be obvious then, and gays shouldn't be adopting kids either.

>> No.14755141

>be me, enjoying my own freedom
>working in a bakery
>some faggot comes in
>smears shit on the wall
>calls me daddy
>touches another customers ass
>I tell him to leave
>he tells me he needs a gay wedding cake
>I tell him to get out
>he says he needs a gay wedding cake
>I tell him to leave or I’m calling the police
>2 weeks later I get served
>go to court
>judge strips me of my freedom to do what I like when I like and says that as an owner of my own property I MUST do whatever this faggot says or it’s a hate crime
>I try to explain the faggot was acting like a total faggot
>slams the gavel and tells me not to say any more hateful lies
>have to go back to work and bake this faggots faggy cake
I would piss in it

>> No.14755154

>The state provides piping so you can have water, sewage, roads to your business, etc.
And the owner pays the taxes for all those services, you fucking fruit. Something the fag walking into the store does not.

>> No.14755165

>So according to a recent Supreme Court decision, yes now it is federal. But that isn't a federal law, the civil rights act makes no explicit mention of sexual orientation, but it does mention sex, and if one of the members of the couple who entered the bakery were female, he wouldn't have refused service, so it is sex discrimination as well.
The supreme court is half Catholics and half kike, neither of whom are Americans. And as an Anglo Saxon Protestant progeny of the architects of the Bill of Rights I have no obligation to follow unconstitutional laws. Your rights end where my Smith & Wesson begins, interloper.

>> No.14755174


Gays are Not people and have No rights

>> No.14755178


Let's just murder the homosexuals then.

>> No.14755179


>> No.14755186

>Being gay is not a choice. We are born gay and cannot change. Being gay is not contagious or infectious.
Why does everyone just let them get away with this claim? Why does nobody demand actual evidence for this?

>> No.14755209

I never met an outwardly agrrssive gay person before, this has changed my whole view of gays and i now believe gays are violent angry people who have no right to exsist in this peaceful world

>> No.14755214

Because fuck this gay earth

>> No.14755222

Why do you assume that they're "bigoted?" If any other company can do easy "we deny service" then why can't they? I'm just saying they have has much right to deny service for any reason as you have to go to another place. I'm just saying the buisness owners have the right to say no if they want to. You can simply go to another place, this isn't some big deal.

>> No.14755233

... I'm not any side here but when it comes down to "we can deny service for any reason" why can't you just go someone where else instead of making it some federal bullshit?

>> No.14755241

It's up to you to prove it isn't. You can't use your special magic jew book either.

>> No.14755243

It's like assholes are making federal test cases instead of going somewhere else, look on the other side, something these types are incapable of doing.

>> No.14755246

>not American
Imagine getting mad at Rome as your cities are half sold wholesale to China and half devoured by niggers. Choose your priorities better, you defrosted 19th-century Klansman.

>> No.14755249

Fuck off, what does this have to do with jews?
Some of you people are just plain morons.

>> No.14755255

That's a crazy stretch and you should get some pills of reality.

>> No.14755267

Only morons would blaim their own problems on jews instead of themselves, that's the reality that dumbasses don't want to deal with.

>> No.14755270

>He hates jews so much he became a faggot to spite them

>> No.14755278

Since you're the accusitor, it's up to you to prove it.

>> No.14755291

Why do you think that you're so special that jews are against you? Do you really think that you're so special? I'm not even jewish and know that you're that you're full of shit. We have differences, especially the Liberity, that was a different matter that still needs explaining, publically.

>> No.14755295

I will not defend Isreal on the attack on the USS Liberty.