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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 114 KB, 1280x720, ham and cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14749083 No.14749083 [Reply] [Original]

how do i make ham and cheese taste good?
I got some very bland deli ham and a block of american cheese slices from the foodbank.
theyre both very bland and the texture upsets me. i tried heating the meat in a pan to see if it would taste better and it didnt.

what can i do to this to make it taste better? spice up the ham somehow? turn that cheese into nachocheese sauce? any veggie combos that would compliment this shit meat?

I like cheesesteaks? what about a cheese ham? how could i make this good :(
i dont have any bread :0

>> No.14749132

Salt and Pickles or any tart condiment. Mayo is good too.

>> No.14749144

c h u t n e y

>> No.14749153


>> No.14749189

if you have eggs you can make omelettes frittatas or quiche
try frying the ham with a few drops of soy sauce
do you have any seasonings of any kind

>> No.14749222

get some bread dude

>> No.14749561

croque madame method it, cover that shit in bechamel and broil the son of a gun

>> No.14749565

get a job and buy some proper food

>> No.14749588

Either sauce it up or toast it. Also remember to buy better quality ham and cheese as it makes a huge difference in the quality of your food. Even if it costs a bit more it's worth it, cheap ham is absolute garbage.

>> No.14749625

Ham is offensive to Jewish people. Why post this? Are you uncircumcised?


>> No.14750483

i got bread

>> No.14750554

Salad dressing

>> No.14750578

2 parts mayo for one part hoisin sauce. Trust me

>> No.14750585

You make [just about anything] taste good by using GOOD ingredients. You can't magically make bad-tasting ingredients taste good. Well, you can drown everything in ketchup if you particularly like the taste of ketchup. But then you're just eating ketchup. Might as well just eat it out of the bottle.

>> No.14750615

Get raped twice and kill yourself, you retarded fucking tranny faggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.

>> No.14750625

>how do i make ham and cheese taste good?
Butter, mustard and mayo. Real mayo, not what Burgers call mayo. And real mustard, not fluo yellow mustard.

>> No.14750627

Chop the ham into 1/2 inch dice. Fry it in a tiny bit of olive oil until it crisps up on the edges like bacon. Drain and set aside. Beat one egg . Sprinkle fried ham pieces into a (small) 1-egg frying pan, add beaten egg. When egg is no longer liquid on bottom, sprinkle omelette with small pieces of nasty American cheese. When cheese is melted a bit, fold omelette in half and flip it. Keep flipping until the inside is cooked. Bon appetit!

T. Former food shelf custie

>> No.14750652

Put mustard on the cheese. If you had bread you could make a grilled cheese. You could try the ham and add it to fried rice you make with,:

Powdered ginger
Garlic powder
Sesame oil
Soy sauce

+scrambled egg chopped up with your metal spatula as you cook it
+Microwaved frozen peas/ or canned peas that you saute in sesame oil and add a small amount of soy sauce to.

>> No.14750656


>> No.14750671
File: 19 KB, 500x281, de161d9c-282a-41f4-ba99-17520f038e05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy some Bisquick and make Bisquick impossible quiche. It's pretty good. I used to eat it a lot when I was poor.


>> No.14750703

Spice up any mustard (Heiz w. Tabasco, Pepper and stuff) for more flavor.

Make pickled onions to top with.

>> No.14750795
File: 40 KB, 303x566, 1578191418811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

miracle whip

>> No.14750802

>from the foodbank
Eat it for nourishment and let the prospect of being able to afford good food motivate you to work harder.

>> No.14750943

Faggot he said he poor. Pay attention

>> No.14751172

>the prospect of being able to afford good food motivate you to work harder.
the prospect of free food motivates me to work less.
im kinda just eating this as a challenge not to waste food.

pre-covid when i could pick the food, i would skip out on most of the processed stuff

>> No.14751177

can i make spicy nacho cheese sauce with the american sliced cheese? it seems very velveeta-like. i have can of diced tomatos and peppers that i very 'not-watery'

i imagine that could taste good with some ham/bean chilli

>> No.14751822


>> No.14751829

mayo and lettuce help imo

>> No.14751850

ham cheese pickle cream cheese roll ups anon

goes like this:

ham on bottom
cheese on top
cream cheese on top on top
pickle baby on top on top on top
put a spike of paprika on top for something indeed
enjoy my friend for many hours to come.

>> No.14751880

Ham and cheese is a meme combination. The most bland out of all the possible choices

>> No.14752662

can i fry the meat in any spices to make it taste good?

>> No.14753099

I have never heard of anyone frying processed ham.

>> No.14753299

chipotle pepper, onion, ham & cheese papusas

maybe skip the cheese?

>> No.14753334


Ham and cheese is such a simple sandwich and tastes so good.

>> No.14753497

Add Doritos for good crunch

>> No.14753673

English mustard

>> No.14753681

buy better ham and better cheese

>> No.14753901

>buy better ham and better cheese
i have better pork and better cheese, i just dont want to let this food go to waste.

>> No.14754048

Add mayo.

>> No.14754061
File: 2.45 MB, 4032x3024, FC058DA5-51B9-425F-9673-58ACD7FE45BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14754102

>I have never heard of anyone frying processed ham.
i added a spikes no-salt seasoning (assuming the processed ham is already full of salt)
and then i added some brownsugr-based spice-mix as well

bell pepper, onion, mushrooms, and garlic sauteed in bacon grease... then i added pickled banana pepper at the end
would pickled veg help 'deglaze' that sugarry seasoning stuff off the pan?

cum horse shit baloney

>> No.14754109

Spam? Fried spam sandwich is good drunk food

>> No.14754113

i have two more breads left

after this, i may try ham-bean chilli with spicey nacho cheese dip

>> No.14754134

Dangerously based. All kikes get the rope.

>> No.14754226
File: 25 KB, 360x450, Lahey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

food is only as good as it's ingredients. buy shit ingredients and you'll make a shit sandwich

>> No.14755276


>> No.14755312

>from the foodbank

Beggars and choosers etc

>> No.14755320

Do you have eggs? Scramble the eggs in a bowl, add half a slice of cheese and ham each tearing small pieces off so it's not whole. Cook in pan, shuffling the mix with spatula occasionally until cooked into scrambled eggs. Add pepper if desired. It's godly

>> No.14755370

Food banks are for people who need it, not lazy kikes like you. I sincerely hope you die in a fire.

>> No.14756487

>Food banks are for people who need it, not lazy kikes like you. I sincerely hope you die in a fire.
this foodbank in particular is mostly just past-sell-by stuff from the local markets, day old bread and 12hour old deli items. stuff that would otherwise be thrown in the trashcan. stuff i would normally be dumpsterdiving outside of my liberal city. the pork is excess subsidized product that trump claimed "was not intented for the foodbanks" and the government cheese was just standard government cheese. ill take my subsidizes.

and i do volunteer work into my community. i just avoid kikes middle-manning the process with their jewdollars, go fuck yourself.

>> No.14756499

>c h u t n e y
ham-cheese chutney?
wtf is chutney?

>> No.14756506

no one cares, drink bleach you pathetic faggot

>> No.14756508

>Food banks are for people who need it
who the fuck needs processed ham and fake cheese, anyways?

>> No.14756670

Yeah a nice wholegrain or dijon'll do the trick

>> No.14756823

Chutneys and pickles are spreads of various pickled vegetables and fruits that are largely intended to be spread on sandwiches and such.

>> No.14756830

The answer to "This food is horribly bland, how can I make it palatable?" is Tapatio hot sauce.

>> No.14756925

melt the cheese but keep the ham cold

>> No.14756944

cut the ham thin and fry it in oil, maybe the cheese too
crack eggs into the pan if you have them and try an omelette / scrambled thing