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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 25 KB, 550x367, anna-s-taqueria.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14746828 No.14746828 [Reply] [Original]

What oil do I need to use to get a sexy fry on my quesadillas and other tortilla things like pic related? The taqueria I used to go to squirted the oil out of a squeeze bottle. I've tried using butter at home the normal way, but it's not anywhere near as good.

>> No.14746842

You need tortillas made with lard and a high heat oil, like avocado, canola, or grapeseed. I think avocado is the best tasting and most apropos for Mexican food.

>> No.14746934

>tortillas made with lard
What if I'm a vegetarian? Rather not buy lard, and I've had crispy tortillas from a vegetarian taco place before

>> No.14746939

Most mexican home cooks just use mazola lol

>> No.14746979

I don't really care about home cooks or authenticity, I want to replicate the greasy burrito shop experience.

>> No.14747099

>What if I'm a vegetarian?
Kill yourself?
The good Mexican places sloppa the grease they collect when frying their pork when making Carnitas and shit and ladle or squirt it onto the griddle.

>> No.14747103

Actual grease from a real Mexicans back.

>> No.14747108

You need country crock Or parkay.. to brown the bitches. Yes you can use butter or lard or oil... but when browning it’s all about the margarine.

>> No.14747110

why are you eating one of the LEAST vegetarian friendly ethnic food type

>> No.14747125

Just like güeli uses to make

>> No.14747204

Because it's good? The mushroom chimichangas from my local place are the best thing I've ever eaten. Flour tortillas, mixed fried vegetables and mushrooms, deep fried and covered in a white cheese sauce and served with rice, beans, and a salad.
Really? Margarine? Neat, I hadn't thought of that.

>> No.14747249

I'd try out pork lard

>> No.14747259

it's about oil depth, temperature, and pan size

>> No.14747363

There was no depth to the oil in their griddle, they just used like a puddle of it.

>> No.14747367

i use coconut oil for quesadillas and it gets a fucking sicknasty fry
but i also like the coconut oil taste so your mileage may vary

>> No.14747391

>What if I'm a vegetarian?
Then you can just die of vitamin deficiency related conditions, you myopic trend hopping midwit.

>> No.14747453

i actually have a meat intolerance and i have to eat vegetarian for medical reasons you fucking dumpling

>> No.14747470

>medical reasons
do you get to collect neetbux for having a mangina too?

>> No.14747514

no its just the vegetarian thing

>> No.14747518

OP here, grateful for the assist but I actually just don't eat meat because I'm not a fucking barbarian and killing animals for snacks is ludicrously retarded. But all that's neither here nor there.

>> No.14747536

animals arent humans you dipshit, we've been hunting and eating animals since before we evolved into homo sapiens

>> No.14747544
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>What if I'm a vegetarian?

>> No.14747545

Yeah, and we used to shit in the woods and wipe our asses with our hands. It's not OK to be a fucking trog when you have every opportunity not to be, and that includes killing feeling creatures for snacks

>> No.14747558

>Yeah, and we used to shit in the woods and wipe our asses with our hands.
Absolute malarkey. Stop believing what idiots tell you, idiot.
>It's not OK to be a fucking trog when you have every opportunity not to be, and that includes killing feeling creatures for snacks
Animals exist to serve man. Cattle were made for the sole purpose of being healthy and delicious snacks. Go be an absolute globohomo on your containment board. >>>/lgbt/

>> No.14747565

If you eat out at restaurants then you most likely are eating food that comes into direct contact with meat on the grill.

>> No.14747568

>i actually have a meat intolerance
No such thing. It's called your parents failed and created a limp wristed picky eater. Sad.

>> No.14747594

>meat intolerance
How does this even happen? Imagine living in a tribe back in the day and dying of starvation and never reproducing because your genetics failed you.

>> No.14747815

imagine being diabetic, or having cerebal palsy, or any number of diseases. natural selection no longer exerts pressure on human development.

>> No.14747864

So? The point is to avoid killing animals, not to avoid incidentally ingesting meat protein.
Are you a real person? What are you like? Do you have a beer belly/drive a semi?

>> No.14747883

>feeling creatures
Animals have been killing animals for 3.8 billion years, the "suffering" they've endured will never end and you're an egoist for thinking that you not eating delicious meat will have any effect on animals at any real level

>> No.14747901

>Are you a real person? What are you like? Do you have a beer belly/drive a semi?

>I hate racism and I am also a bigot

You are a joke, you have no self awareness. Animals are only here to serve mankind. That's specifically why they were created. All the animals on the planet combined aren't even worth the life of the lowest nigger crack hooker in Oakland. Their only measurable worth is in what they can do for us. You are a genetic dead end, the evidence of a society on a suicide course brainwashed to think an animal is more important than a human being. You're a sad creature, and your parents failed to raise a balanced and responsible adult. You are filled with hate, fear, and self loathing. Get your shit together.

>> No.14747903

male ducks forcibly inseminate females because it's a stable strategy. as a cognizant human, you can choose not to rape.
just because people litter, doesn't mean that you ought to just do the same because it's a drop in the bucket.
morality is subjective, this is a retarded hill to die on. how old are you?

>> No.14747933

All women like rape as long as the rapists is called Chad.
>morality is subjective
No it isn't. There is truth and there is the lie. There is indeed absolute right and wrong. You are a self righteous jagov that likes to bask in the light of your own swollen ego. You are in fact a fallen creature full of all manner of hypocrisy, and you don't seem to have the introspective human ability to see yourself for what you are. To see yourself as others see you. That is in fact a key attribute of what makes people human. But in the last days we are told the world will be full of people like you calling evil good and good evil.

>> No.14747945

take your medicine, my man.

>> No.14747948

If its mexican food, the answer is always lard.

>> No.14747973

When did I say anything about any of the stuff you're talking about? Why are you trollishly speaking past me? What do you get out of this?
Lmao, newfag thinks he's talking to the same person in every post. Go back to, I don't know, whatever Vietnam veteran forum you normally frequent.

>> No.14747978

What about vegetable shortening? Could I do something with that?

>> No.14747981

>What about vegetable shortening? Could I do something with that?
Lube your boipucci in preparation for that BBC you take every night.

>> No.14747991


The only fats you need are Lard, butter, olive oil. Anything else is a meme

>> No.14748001

Mexicans use peanut oil.

>> No.14748002
File: 83 KB, 750x751, C5F5309E-8915-4390-9D55-46C9A95E5863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14748009

Go back to your church faggot. You're as annoying as a fucking vegetarian.

>> No.14748013

You know what, the idea that this might actually be a real human being makes me want to break this down.
>You are a joke, you have no self awareness
Pretty meaningless in and of itself. Self awareness being the quality that separates man from animal in outmoded models psychological understanding, I guess.
>Animals are only here to serve mankind. That's is specifically why they were created.
Biblical I guess, but he doesn't even reference chapter and verse, so this is probably something he's just osmosified rather than is legitimately educated on.
>All the animals on the planet combined aren't even worth the life of the lowest nigger crack hooker in Oakland.
Outdated cultural reference to Oakland and crack rather than fent makes me think the racism might not be wholly ironic. Also, this is where he transitions from "you're not talking about killing animals" to "you're talking killing people" without explanation, classic sneaky carnist tactic.
>their only measurable worth is in what they can do for us.
Again, Biblical, but no chapter or verse or recourse to logic or rationale of any kind. Pure declarative statements.

>> No.14748020

>You are a genetic dead end, evidence of a society on a suicide course
Some Podcaster he's listened to read a book written by someone who read a little Nietzsche in college. They didn't understand him. Also, notice the connection of meat eating to virility. Is carnism founded on fear of impotence?
>to think an animal is more important than a human being
Again, shifting the conversation to pretend were comparing animal and human lives, instead of animal lives to human appetites. Classic tricky carnist tactic.
>You're a sad creature, and your parents failed to raise a balanced and responsible adult.
Pure baseless insult stuff, no real point to it.
>You're filled with hate, fear, and self loathing.
Again, nothing real here. Last desperate gasps of a collapsing culture of slave morality attempting to embody a strength entirely foreign to it.
>Get your shit together.
A last olive branch, a little MGTOW to make the pill easier to swallow. "There is hope left for you, my lost child!". Sanctimonious twat.

>> No.14748023

>all women like rape as long as the rapist is called Chad
Oh, it's just a troll. Too far, you gave up the game.

>> No.14748060
File: 25 KB, 320x240, 1598966582787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pseudointellectual drivel.

>> No.14748354

If you're a vegetarian you should be dropped into a meat grinder and made into cat food. At least then you'll have some purpose in life, faggot.

>> No.14748415

Fat is flavor.

>> No.14748459

Stop being one you fucking idiot

>> No.14748463

No it's actually pretty genius and why we developed into the creatures we are today

>> No.14749044

>killing animals for snacks is ludicrously retarded.
so all animals are retards and we should euthanize them. Its the only humane thing to do

>> No.14749091
File: 22 KB, 398x500, 14173744324972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Based veggie anon

Pay no mind to the rest of these manbabies.

>> No.14749109

most mexican food places you butter, clarified butter, or something butter flavoured.

many places cook them on a flat grill.