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14747750 No.14747750[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How can you tell if your coworker is vegan?

>> No.14747795

Don't worry, he'll tell.

>> No.14747803
File: 130 KB, 1200x1200, E034FF2B-A961-44B3-9627-0830597E9559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply ask. If they say no, it’s because they are ashamed of their inferior choice and you can be certain that they are vegan.

>> No.14747809

They'll let you know within the first 10 seconds of meeting them

>> No.14747812


>> No.14747816

How many fucking v*gan threads do you need, faggot?

>> No.14747821

By his higher levels of testosterone and higher IQ.

>> No.14747827
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>> No.14747829
File: 2.49 MB, 800x800, FPBP.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had a female coworker who is vegan
>She would boast about how better her food is than whatever you were eating if you went to the breakroom when she was there
Fuck you Jessica. Your vegan cookies tasted like garbage.

>> No.14747841

>someone unironically made this poster

>> No.14747902
File: 29 KB, 480x360, how_it_really_be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a carnie falseflag thread though. OP was likely triggered by the altruism of veganism and decided a 30 year old joke was the best way to get back at them.

>> No.14747918

carnists are the most disgusting creatures on the planet

>> No.14747927


You mean controlling others out of a malthusian hatred of humanity?

>> No.14747936

You never need to worry if someone you know is an atheist or a vegan or a homosexual.

They make these things the center piece of their personality, and announce it right away.

>> No.14747961

>that pic
really does explain the retardation of vegans since they don't understand basic biology. how's that herbivore digestive tract that you don't have working out for you?

>> No.14747976
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>triggered by the altruism of veganism
My sides!

>> No.14747989

Oh the irony. All nutrients come from plants. You must be retarded if you don't understand that.

>> No.14747999

nutrients that you can't digest because your stomach isn't evolved to, you fucking idiot. we eat animals because they digest it efficiently and turn it into matter that we can more easily digest and even herbivores turn carnivore after giving birth to cure their anemia so even your precious little bambi will chomp on thumper after shitting out her baby

>> No.14748006

>All nutrients come from plants
Where do plants get their nutrients from? I'm pretty sure they get theirs from animal feces and sunlight so if you want to be purely reductionist why don't you cut out the middle man and eat shit while sunbathing?

>> No.14748059

Humans are omnivores. An omnivore can eat carnivorous or herbivorous. Humans can subsist on only plants. Name a single nutrient you can't get from plants.

>> No.14748066

>false equivalency fallacy
I accept your ideological white flag, anon. Thanks for showing us you're low IQ, like most carnitards.

>> No.14748067

>implying anyone talks to you

>> No.14748078


>> No.14748081

>humans have 4 stomachs like cows
Okay, retard

>> No.14748101
File: 112 KB, 720x720, 2ZE8PKn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Humans can subsist on only plants
But why should they when they clearly prefer animal fat and protein ?

>> No.14748147

B12 comes from the soil, not animals. Alsp watercress naturally produces B12.
Nice try though.

>> No.14748158

you are saying eating meat is not a source of B12?

>> No.14748172

They'll spend half their shift in the shitter.

>> No.14748258

You don't metabolize plant-derived b12, just piss it all out. Nice try with your false nutrition.

>> No.14748320

My last real job was a warehouse manager. No vegan could work there. You actually used muscles and put effort into your workday.

>> No.14748428

Could it be that the vegans all went to college instead of working in a warehouse?

>> No.14748434

. . .I made six figures and had benefits.

>> No.14748444

Pursuing their Liberal Arts degree in ideology pushed by Neo-Marxists. Sounds about right.

>> No.14748460

kek what a retarded comeback. it's very indicative of your smug metropolitan urbanite mindset, I bet you claim to have the working class's best interests at heart while mocking them from your gated community and living off of the sweat from their brow. killing every single person like you would make the world a paradise.

>> No.14748473

There's no such a thing as "plant-derived b12". That's why all b12 supplements are synthetic.

Vegan lies.

>> No.14748480

true, but you know what I meant. b12 supplements don't work, you need to consume animals to get it

>> No.14748501

You sound like a communist