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File: 165 KB, 1563x1250, A5A325FA-0073-4C9C-888A-47EB5532A810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14739318 No.14739318 [Reply] [Original]

Where were you when you heard the good news??!

>> No.14739325

for the patricians among you:

>> No.14739335

>Niagara wine

>> No.14739341
File: 64 KB, 268x200, 122.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$30 bottle
>Taco Bell
>Niagra Valley
fukkin lol

>> No.14739350

can't be any worse than c*lifornia though
I'd give it a shot

>> No.14739357

Eh, CA wine is better than a lot of other places, maybe stop buying $5 bottle of it you poorfag.

>> No.14739364

>better than a lot of other places
really high bar to set for yourself there
>maybe stop buying $5 bottle of it you poorfag.
too bad the $30 bottles from c*lifornia taste like $5 bottles from other places, hmm, almost like c*lifornia wine is for morons and idiots

>> No.14739369

I've had $5 bottles better than $50 bottles of European wine. Checkmate faggot.

>> No.14739374

you drink what you like, I'll drink what I like. I don't like mega purple and cheap vanilla extract, some do

>> No.14739415

you like wine so bad it requires government intervention to protect it? France got shit for not levying the proper tax on wine, and tariffs the hell out of wine from anywhere else, because they suck so bad and can't compete with the US and Australia

>> No.14739427

I like wine that tastes good. your obsession with france is pathetic. feel free to spam your judgment of paris wikipedia, you're like al bundy raving about your high school victory 40 years ago

>> No.14739458

The same thing could be said about Italy too, but I just don't know enough about their policies because literally the only people outside of the EU that buy Italian wine are boomers at restaurants. Spain/Portugal is the only place in Europe that makes decent wine anymore. But go ahead and pat yourself on the back for having "artisinal" products that were good half a century ago while the rest of the world passed you by. FFS even South America is making better meat, cheese and wine than most of Europe now.

>> No.14739465

that's nice but we were talking about c*lifornia vs ontario, you were the only one who brought up europe

>> No.14739468

you forgot Opti-Red and Enological Tannins, that give Caymus and Stag’s Leap that 90+point review

>> No.14739475

because they don't matter fuck all. I'm sorry are you actually buying $30 Canadian wine? If so, you're an even bigger retard than I thought.

>> No.14739482

You faggots are getting autistic about shit, but nobody has acknowledged the clever pun behind "Jalapeño Noir" yet and it's really pissing me off.

>> No.14739489

yum! drinking c*lifornia wine is kinda like fucking a washed up old crack whore wearing about a pound of makeup and a wig. no part of you will be convinced that it's not depressing and gross but I guess if you get used to it, it probably seems kinda normal
I haven't tasted it yet, I'll reserve judgment until then. I think people who buy c*lifornia wine at any price are retards, so there ya go

>> No.14739490

It's not just $30 Canadian wine. It's Taco Bell branded $30 Canadian wine from Canada's most inferior wine region.

>> No.14739495

Piss off bitch

>> No.14739503

Where does Canada grow good wine? I've never come across it. I knew Niagara wine had to be garbage, because there are Western NY wines and they all fucking suck too.

>> No.14739544
File: 261 KB, 702x376, 453453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Taco Bell moving into the fine dining market
We really are heading for the Demolition Man future, aren't we?

>> No.14739584

t. Pretentious retard who goes to liquor stores mindlessly perusing the shelves looking for "high quality" shit from some blog he read it off of because he wants to feel elite

You don't buy what you like and you never have, you're just a simple-minded follower who buys what other people tell him to.

>> No.14739632
File: 341 KB, 2048x1364, douche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instead of being mad, you could just make better wine. but it's not in your culture.

>> No.14739650

You sound like a consoomer faggot with no original opinion just like the fags that think the best whiskey in the world is Jim Murray's jizz.

>> No.14739657

sure I guess. I haven't had the best luck with whisky starting with "jim" but maybe this one's good.

>> No.14739658


>> No.14739661

4got to delete name>>14739658

>> No.14739793

A seasonal worker I roomed with really liked the Pelee island wine (I drink their Pinot) really southern Ontario (windsor-essex) has a lot of wineries, which would kinda include Pelee island.

>> No.14740416

bumping for god-tier Taco Bell wine

>> No.14741226

Hehe sounds like peepee

>> No.14741483

I'll give you my peepee :^)