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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14739177 No.14739177[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What to eat so I can avoid those?

>> No.14739183

no more peanuts

>> No.14739187

Drink plenty of water.

>> No.14739191

What is?

>> No.14739200

Kidney stones, looks like.

>> No.14739201

Kidney of some chinese guy who ate nothing but gypsum tofu.

>> No.14739210

Kidney full of stones

>> No.14739212

remove carbs

>> No.14739216

tomato with corn stuffing

>> No.14739217

how is this guy living without his kidney??

>> No.14739231

Got a free transplant from a uyghur dissident.

>> No.14739243

Based. So altruistic he decided to give his life for that man.

>> No.14739257

It wasn't a voluntary transplant.

>> No.14739293

You have been brainwashed by Western propaganda. The CCP would never do that to the Uyghurs, they are just sent to rehabilitation camps to prevent extremist acts from happening inside China.

>> No.14739345

so are kidney stones actual stones or are they like tonsil stones in that they are just clumps of putrid shit

>> No.14739351
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very based anon

>> No.14739352

Its calcium

>> No.14739358

calcium stones?

>> No.14739371
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>> No.14739377

so kidney bones

>> No.14739382

so avoid soy?

>> No.14739390

Drink a lot of water, exercise, dont consume a metric fuckton of salt and sugar. Thats pretty much it.

>> No.14739417

They can be all kinds of things

>> No.14739422

acidic liquids

>> No.14739428

drink water and don't hold in your piss.

>> No.14739456

Tofu in particular is often made with gypsum (calcium sulfate) which can lead to kidney stones if consumed excessively.

>> No.14739551

i think we can all just come together and agree we hate the chinese

fuck you chinky dinks

>> No.14739585

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.14739590

What do kidney stones taste like?

>> No.14739594

heyy... didnt i see you type this out last time too..?

>> No.14739604

unfathomably based

>> No.14739609

Stop drinking so much soda and drink lots of water.

>> No.14739613

>Tofu in particular is often made with gypsum
only in china maybe
but you're also talking about a country that puts sawdust and gypsum into fucking everything.

>> No.14739618
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As a nifty point of trivia, this marks the 100th time that copypasta has been posted on /ck/ since it was first posted in August of last year.

>> No.14739639

You say that, but gypsum (calcium sulfate) is used in tofu making around the world including North America and Europe. It's also know as the EU-approved "firming agent E516".

>> No.14739794
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>> No.14739804

Kidney teefs

>> No.14739808

I noticed you didn't list pork buns and you know what they say: a man who not eat pork bun is never a whole man.

>> No.14739853


You’re full of shit. And anyone who doesn’t think America is doing the exact same thing right now is too.

>> No.14739908

Confucius also say: man who stick finger in virgin get caught redhanded.

>> No.14739935

>only in china maybe
yuro here. we also in the south-east have a gypsum problem, they speak weird and larp as vampires.

>> No.14739957

You can live with just 1 kidney Anon.

>> No.14739977

Yo dont talk shit about chicken feet that shit is the bomb and I'm fucking white

>> No.14740052

Do you keep track of how many times every pasta is posted?

>> No.14740106

More like what shouldn't you eat.

>> No.14740127

Warosu archive is a thing yaknow

>> No.14740160

T. Cletus from Tuscaloosa

>> No.14740165

Whole milk

>> No.14740689
File: 85 KB, 640x441, lemonade-640-dm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What to eat so I can avoid those?
Drink lemonade.

>> No.14740702

if you only eat a certain type of food for a long time chances are you will get fucked up
so just diversify

>> No.14740823


>> No.14740906

Americans are doomed. There's no way to avoid this.

>> No.14740994

America does the opposite; they indoctrinate their native people into accepting foreign extremism in their borders

>> No.14741017

How the hell do you eat chicken feet?

>> No.14741066

Don't eat too many foods high in oxalic acid and drink plenty of water.

>> No.14741067

Yeah there is. The average westerner just doesn't have the willpower to avoid it.

>> No.14741150

Soy, wheat, nuts, potatoes, all of your risk foods are plant-based.

>> No.14741167


>> No.14741177

this is what Helvetica scenario does to your insides

>> No.14741197

This is a lie. Most foods can cause kidney stones. Stones are caused by oxolate, as discussed, phosphorous, and also from uric acid created by metabolizing protein. People who don't suffer from reoccuring stones don't need to change their diet. Just drink plenty of water, and your urine will always be diluted enough to prevent the formation of stones.

>> No.14742890

Gallstones, actually.
Those aren't kidney stones.

>> No.14742901
File: 478 KB, 700x1342, Gallstones Infographic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gallstones neither form nor deposit in your kidneys.

>> No.14743515

Water. Everything else is bullshit.


>> No.14743523

actually you can live without any

>> No.14743541

PKD patient here. If you work for Providence I want to beat you over the head with a fucking wrench. Otherwise yeah increased water intake helps if you can keep it up, but eating nothing but gypsum-coagulated tofu like the patient in OP's image leads to an absurd calcium intake that's really hard to compensate for without causing electrolyte imbalances.

>> No.14743545

This, there's conflicting information out there that oxalate stones are both improved and exacerbated by certain foods but little evidence. Unless you're on specific medication or have a predisposition.

That is a kidney anon.

>> No.14743564

fucking hate you for posting that picture christ that's vile

>> No.14743672

Going vegan, my father literally eats every part of a cow and got kidney stones.

>inb4 huge texts of paragraphs that veganism bad

>> No.14743689

Not saying "veganism bad", but the OP picture was the result of eating nothing but gypsum-coagulated tofu and a low water intake. You might get less calcium with a "vegan diet", you might get more. Really, it's a big world and there's a hell of a lot of different kinds of food out there so just watch what you eat and never hesitate to speak to a doctor or nutritionist if you're not feeling proper.

>> No.14743733

Like chicken

>> No.14743748

oh god

now i wish i could open up my kidney to make sure i dont have those. im gonna order an xacto knife.

>> No.14743749

>Hong Kong
There’s your problem. Hong Kong is what happens when you take rednecks, give them all MBAs and then settle them all in california

>> No.14743777

i dont understand your analogy anymore....

>> No.14744466


>> No.14744497

>responding seriously to pasta

>> No.14744520

typical /pol/ redneck racist bullshit. don't try to understand bigotry, it's like trying to understand willful stupidity.

>> No.14746016

Stop eating spinach

>> No.14746020


>> No.14746032

i remember hearing somewhere that intense rollercoasters and rides that subject your body to high levels of g force can help dislodge kidney stones

>> No.14746067
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So I've drank a shitload of soda pop throughout my childhood and into my twenties. Strictly no soda anymore though. How fucked am I down the road?

>> No.14746073

They’re much more like actual rocks than tonsil stones, they have jagged edges that shred your ureter when you pass them

>> No.14746098
File: 66 KB, 500x533, 15C17036-87FB-4F3E-81B3-E58CB6E9D786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too late they have already formed and are now ticking along until you least expect it

>> No.14746442

heyyyy ive seen this shit before

>> No.14746458

you fucking retard open an anatomy book

>> No.14746491

what's the relationship with coffee here
what are we talking about

>> No.14746509

Stop posting this cursed shit on my ck ffs

>> No.14746517

just drink water lol

you should be drinking like a half gallon daily anyway

>> No.14746585

Incredibly based
fuck gypscum

>> No.14746593
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>> No.14746594

soda actually helps dissolve kidney stones

>> No.14746625

t. Chang living in Sydney

>> No.14746665

really? I thought a positive effect with citric acid and citrate salts was proven

>> No.14746687

I thought this was the disease where your body starts growing teeth in random places and can't stop

>> No.14746705

it kind of is, to be honest. they just arent attached to anything

>> No.14746729

The soda thing is an American folklore tales parents use to make their kids drink less shit.

>> No.14746731

prove it

>> No.14746735

Plenty of kidney failure patients have lived 20-30 years on dialysis with no effective kidney function. It's rare to remove kidneys after they fail, though.

>> No.14746740

It goes both ways. Caffeine has a diuretic which aids kidney function and can reduce the chances of getting kidney stones, but only if you drink enough fluids. Otherwise, it'll leave you dehydrated and increase the chance of getting kidney stones.

>> No.14746753

After a long slow cook (usually with lots of spice), the cartilege turns to gelatin.
Then most people open their mouths and take little bites.

>> No.14746794

consume in moderation, always eat dairy with plant foods

>> No.14746800

>Most foods can cause kidney stones
No it's mostly plant foods that contain oxalates.

>> No.14746810

Caffeine is only a mild diuretic and not enough to offset the hydration gained through coffee or tea (both of which are 99% water). Alcoholic beverages are far more dangerous in terms of kidney stones.

>> No.14746920

yeah it's all calcium ennit

>> No.14746927

there's no chemical cause for the stones, it's all about the flow of your piss. If you go piss often enough there's no risks of stones.

>> No.14746950

Chinese food was invented by Chinese who moved to America and got to see what real food looks like.

>> No.14747062

Living in Hong Kong now and you can literally get sweet and sour pork or beef and broccoli in cha chaan tengs.

The real shit they don't export is random dishes like beef brisket curry or portuguese chicken, that shit is addictive

>> No.14747277

>you should be drinking like a half gallon daily anyway
According to whom?

>> No.14747280

You're an idiot. Most likely an amerishart.

>> No.14747307
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>> No.14747323
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Man that brings me back, that was one of the first songs I downloaded from Napster, maybe actually the first one.

>> No.14747334

How does that bring you back? Kom susser tod is one of the most overused cliches of recent years.

>> No.14747343

>Chinese food was invented by Chinese who moved to America and saw that Americans have an insatiable desire for sugar so made diabetes-inducing syrups and laugh audibly in the kitchen at the fat people who order "Chinese" "food"

>> No.14747399

I wouldn't know that, because even though I sometimes watch new anime I have zero connection to the "community".

>> No.14747433

Takes guts to post that!

>> No.14747437

Takes guts to post that!

>> No.14747456
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I am not talking about the pedophile community over on /a/. It is an extremely commonly made reference all over the internet.

>> No.14747480
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Then it seems like I'm doing a good job avoiding shitty places on the interweb. Besides /ck/ of course.

>> No.14747492
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>> No.14747535
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At the time moot was leaving I used to spend more time on /q/ as that was the place to be for more direct information. I don't remember the video embed at all. Maybe I was just too drunk at the time.

>> No.14747566 [DELETED] 

Hello PKD bro. Look into Niacinamide 2000mg a day before bed. I've been doing it for years, lost a ton of cystic mass

>> No.14747804

>using the word bigotry unironically

>> No.14748017

no oxalate rich foods

>> No.14748025

how do you think carbs cause kidney stones dumbass

>> No.14748043
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I had a kidney stone recently. Pain was horrifying. Had to be given morphine several times. I'm drinking plenty of water now.

>> No.14748064
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eat raw kidneys

>> No.14748352

Okay Oldfag Pro™

>> No.14748374

Baking soda, water, vitamin k2, and citric acid.

>> No.14748384

It seems to be from a 2015 article saying a Chinese man that consumed "an excessive amount" tofu.

>> No.14748403

I need more of this. Pajeet and nutbusting optional.

>> No.14748413

Stay mad, ESL.

>> No.14748450
