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File: 345 KB, 1920x1080, 02053_Popeyes_ChickenSdwch_PR_promo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14738501 No.14738501 [Reply] [Original]

Popeye's chicken sandwich has arrived in Canada. I hear it was a big hit in the US. So, is it worth trying, Ameribros? Also, original or spicy?

>> No.14738509

It unironically is really fucking good.
Only get the Spicy sandwich if you're not white, it's kinda hard to handle if you are, just saying.

>> No.14738515

its good, but will probably taste like shit due to inept canadian handling...fuck your country faggot

>> No.14738520

this, i ended up in the hospital

>> No.14738529

>first three replies are Redd/int/ trash
/ck/ is dead.

>> No.14738537

If you want to enjoy this chicken sammy the tradition american way you will have to beat the shit out of someone who has one or a popeyes employee

>> No.14738544

I've only ever gotten the spicy. Popeye's are very hit or miss with quality and service (like not just location to location but the same location hour by hour). I wish I could just get the boneless breast they use by itself because it blows their tendies out of the water, and their bone in chicken is too hit or miss sitting under heat lamps for me to ever get unless I hit them up around opening. Not to say the bun isn't good, It's one of the best fast food buns, but I just don't really like wasting calories on buns. I'd rather just be able to get that boneless breast a la cart for like 3 bucks

tldr - it's the best boneless fried chicken you can get in fast food.

>> No.14738546

>Ay yo
>Smacks lips
>fried chicken
>hot sause
>wut dis herb shieeeet?
>whitie think water be to spicy

>> No.14738555

But nigga you do. I only say this because one of my white friends had the sandwich (I bought it for him, since I wanted him to try it) and the next day he texted me saying his "ass was on fire" and that his asshole was "enflamed."
I'm just warning you guys, it really doesn't matter to me if you can't handle spice.

>> No.14738557

>col Sanders the nigger god is white

>> No.14738559

I don't know a single Canadian who would call this a chicken "sandwich." Why are chains so out of touch?

>> No.14738560

>I bought it for him
Popeye's accepts EBT now?

>> No.14738564
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Wow, rude!

>> No.14738566

Gods don't concern themselves with the opinions of canadians.

>> No.14738568

Never heard that one before! Haha!

>> No.14738570

He doesnt know whites had wars fought over spice while his ancestors where eating dirt

>> No.14738609

I would. To me a burger constitutes a preformed party of ground/minced meat. Even a veggie burger is a preformed mixture. When meat is just placed on bread, in this case a fried chicken breast, it's just a sandwich, regardless of the type of bread. Would you call a steak sandwich on a bun a burger? What about a pulled pork bun or an arby's sandwich?

>> No.14738644

In Canada a burger can refer to any solid piece of meat or meat-substitute on a hamburger bun. An intact steak on a hamburger bun would be considered a burger while a sandwich with loose meat like pulled pork or deli meat (in the case of Arby's) would not.
When I hear "chicken sandwich" I think of leftover roast chicken cut up on Wonder bread with mayo.

>> No.14738647
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>> No.14738657

I had one for lunch today. Got the spicy. It's good. Worth trying. It doesn't BTFO of chic fil a, but it is maybe a little better.

>> No.14738664

That's "My Life Me" a Western cartoon.

>> No.14738669

Imaging not thinking chicken vendors are not racist in 2020, what a shock.

>> No.14738670
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>western anime

>> No.14738673

You must live in Toronto or some other fagbag city. I've never heard anyone refer to a steak sandwich as a burger anywhere other than there, even when on a bun. And it was some I'm.igrant who said it. I've been everywhere west and north of Quebec and never heard that. I have heard people call shit like the KFC big crunch sandwich a burger mistakenly, but it's still called a sandwich on the menu and by people who know the difference between a burger and a sandwich.
Fucming mcdonalds even calls there filet of fish a sandwich, even though is a preformed burgerpatty of whitefish mince , because they want you to think it's an intact filet.

>> No.14738694

I've definitely had quite a few of these sandwiches since last year when they first opened up in my town. They use a lot of seasoning, so it is very flavorful, and the breading has this unique flavor and extremely consistent crunchiness. The chicken breast itself is usually thick and juicy. The pickles are surprisingly good, I normally dislike fast food pickles and I do make my own, but the Popeye's pickles are great. The sauce is decent and it ties the rest of the sandwich together, but you can google a copycat recipe for that and get similar results.

Anyway, I had one yesterday for the first time in a couple months. It's easy to get addicted to them and the main thing that made me stop was consistent 20+ minutes waits in the drive-thru.

>> No.14738726

I'm from northern Ontario where Toronto almost universally loathed and the KFC offerings and mcfish have always been called chicken burgers and fish burgers respectively. Anyways I've never even heard of a "steak sandwich" beside the Philly Cheesesteak so maybe that one's up in the air.

>> No.14738742

its mediocre.
chicken to bread ratio is way off

>> No.14738753

yea you should definitely consider hanging yourself in your closet, you fucking waste of life

>> No.14738759

Then why make the claim that universally all Canadians call it a burger when that's clearly not true? You have the guy you're replying to you calling you full of shit. And now I'm going to call you full of shit. It's a chicken sandwich, you dog fucker.

>> No.14738796

After a while the wait for chicken sammies really got to me so i would cut the line anyone with a problem would talk some shit but it didnt matter cause i was ready to fight for my chicken sammies. After my first fight i relized i could just fight people who already had that delicious sammy. Id go to my local popeyes every day and before too long people started calling me sammy wammy which was cool. They even started handing over thier chicken sammies when they saw me comming.

>> No.14738810

>people started calling me sammy wammy which was cool
Beats 3-for-free I guess.

>> No.14738817

you genuinely should fucking kill yourself, please do it, your family won't miss you

>> No.14738848

Really the best part was when popeyes hired me on for security. That popeyes was pretty crazy. They offered me regular pay but i insisted on free sammies instead. They agreed and i would go in for an hour or 2 during peak hours. They would tell me things like sammy wammy go take care of those 2 and get em off the property or its a little slow today sammy wammy just take a sammy and go home. I was happy to do so because any time i took care of business they would let me take a break in the back with those fucking delicious sammies.

>> No.14738849

Too much breading, dry meat

>> No.14738863

I fucking knew it. You GTA people are your own breed of strange. You may have your own stupid way of calling things colloquially bit I sincerely doubt that if I went to mcdonalds or kfc.ca and switch my province to Ontario, that all mentions of the mcchicken sandwich or spicy big crunch would suddenly change the wording to "burger".

>> No.14738891

can u even read u fuckin mongoloid he said hes from northern ontario. probably sudbury or some bumfuck hick town

>> No.14738906

>is it worth trying?
Sure. You'll either get a well cooked sandwich or one that's half tender half tough like a tire. All of the taste comes from the breading imo
>original or spicy?

>> No.14738925
File: 45 KB, 351x334, Screenshot_2020-09-04 Legality of bestiality in the United States - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a chicken sandwich, you dog fucker.

>> No.14738931

How can love be a felony?

>> No.14738935

Nigga it is literally completely okay to suck a dogs penis everywhere in Canada.

>> No.14738949

And now that its legal i can make dog love every day, once i gave him a treat and let my good boy fuck my ass hole. Its cool cause its totally not gay and im totally not even gay for doing it! God i hate faggots

>> No.14738958

Go back to fucking Redd/int/. Bestiality is illegal at a federal level in Canada and its territories, unlike the US.

>> No.14739002
File: 153 KB, 1024x1024, janes_chicken_burgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to any Canadian-owned chain supermarket or even Wal-Mart across the country and tell me the chicken patties (breaded or otherwise) aren't almost universally labelled "chicken burgers." Go to any mom-and-pop diner, chip truck, or takeout place and try to order a "chicken sandwich" without receiving a blank stare. Even all the Albortions I know call them chicken burgers so don't try and pin this on the east.

>> No.14739046
File: 200 KB, 960x960, 118227540_644619786189667_2692341043694872904_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken burgers are made with ground chicken meat. Chicken sandwiches are made with whole chicken meat. Just because your welfare province can't afford anything but chicken scraps, doesn't mean the whole country is as fucked as you are.

>> No.14739290

>Just because your welfare province can't afford anything but chicken scraps, doesn't mean the whole country is as fucked as you are.
>highest GDP in the country, over double that of the next wealthiest province
>40% of all Canadians, more than all of Western Canada combined
You're either a LARPing yank or you watch too much American TV. Either way, seek help cowboy

>> No.14739304

You're a malignant tumour on this country, pal.

>> No.14739311

You would be another US state if not for Ontario.

>> No.14739339

I'd honestly prefer that at this point with how you faggots seem dead set on turning this whole country into California 2.0

>> No.14739355

You get to be a us territory. You cant vote and you pay for health insurance. Why is Canada so fucking stupid?

>> No.14739360

Whoa checked. Canada IS stupid confirmed

>> No.14739384

not true. you can lick some horse dick in alberta

>> No.14739391
File: 224 KB, 800x853, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mary Brown's calls it a sandwich

>> No.14739419

yeah it's not bad to try once

>> No.14739439

>Mary Browns

>> No.14739470

How is the poutine that Popeye's has in Canada? Their fries and gravy are pretty good.

>> No.14739483

it's a straight up chick fil a contender. Spicy only.

>> No.14739514

>San Francisco is California
Again, you consume too much shitty biased American media. California would be a Tory province if it was in Canada.

>> No.14739525
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>> No.14739529


It is okay but extremely overrated. Overrated to the point that I am convinced that the initial hype was a paid ad campaign.

>> No.14739531

Stop being white

>> No.14739532

It WAS a paid ad campaign to further financial abuse of niggers. They are literally so stupid they where happy to do it.

>> No.14739557

Spicy sandwich is shit, ignore this LARPing gorilla-nigger. Get the classic.

Most "spicy" fast food doesn't actually use spicy herbs, they use manufactured sprays and coatings.

>> No.14739571
File: 39 KB, 720x720, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>self-hating fag who wishes he was American uses American terminology
What a surprise. I bet you call pop "soda" too

>> No.14739572

You so clearly got filtered and fucked up from your shitty ass white pussy genetics.
Spicy flat out tastes better, stop being so weak, christ.

>> No.14739580

He need to eat spicy food cause all the cigarettes and meth killed his taste buds

>> No.14739591

remember lads you can get a free big mary chicken sandwich if you download the app

>> No.14739605

forgot to mention the only downside is you can't choose the spicy one

>> No.14739607

The move is to get the sandwich without mayo and put some of the buffalo or ranch on it

>> No.14739612

Why the fuck are we r34'ing Wendy when we have this absolute MILF?

>> No.14739619


>> No.14739637

Wendy's social media handler shitposts and acts like a bratty anime grill.
Mary Brown's has no social media presence.

>> No.14739640

>spicy flat out tastes better

If you only enjoy the taste of something because it's spicy, you objectively have shitty taste and your genetics are likely derived from your mother have drank alcohol while you were in the womb.

>> No.14739667

>not enjoying the taste of something and also an appropriate amount of spice to go with it

>> No.14739716


I'm not tho

>> No.14739723

He's white. But it seems like the white anti-spice gener mutated inside him and became... Well, you see it.

>> No.14739729

New pasta?

>> No.14739732

>If you like spicy food your mom is an alcoholic
I love brainlet logic

>> No.14739733

Everyone loves Mary browns thighs.

>> No.14739738


I'd eat her hot chicken sandwich, if you know what I mean.

>> No.14740159

its completely fine. its just a chicken sandwich. this is the most over hyped thing ive ever seen. ITS JUST A FUCKING CHICKEN SANDWICH.

>> No.14740184

You mean like all fast food?

>> No.14740190

EIther is pretty good as far as fast food sandwiches go so it doesn't matter. Also it's fast food, it's not like you have to pay a lot to try it.

guaranteed replies

>> No.14740221

I was incredibly disappointed that the only thing that is different about the spicy is a spicy mayo. It's the same chicken breast otherwise.

>> No.14740346

Shits trash tastes like grease no flavor, the kfc triple breaded famous sandwich shits on it.

>> No.14740441

I had both the spicy and the regular.
Assuming it's the same, the only difference is that spicy uses a "spicy" mayo, the chicken and breading is the same.
Good sandwich but greasy.

>> No.14740444

*it's the same in CA as it is in US

>> No.14740449

huh? no fast food had a line out the door and was consistently sold out. this wasn't treated like all fast food.

>> No.14740651

It's pretty good. Go spicy because it's fucking bland as hell if you don't. Or put your preferred dipping sauce on it if you're not feeling spicy.

>> No.14740822

Who the fuck would even care? We've already had a popeyes chicken sandwich here for years that had better bread, a bigger cut of chicken, and lettuce/tomato.

>> No.14740849

My first popeye sammie was a revelation but after having a few I came back to earth. still the only fast food I'll go out of my way to eat though

>> No.14740868

Spicy sandwich would be better if the actual breading/chicken was spicy and not just the cheap ass mayo they use. Chic fil a is better anyways.

>> No.14740917

>inept canadian handling
Our fast-food industry isn't made up of 90% niggers. It's no surprise that McDonald's and A&W's food quality is 10 times better on our side of the border

>> No.14740923

Is shooting them acceptable?

>> No.14741004

For me its the popeyes chicken sammy. After a while the wait for chicken sammies really got to me so i would cut the line. Anyone with a problem would talk some shit but it didnt matter cause i was ready to fight for my chicken sammies. After my first fight i relized i could just fight people who already had that delicious sammy. Id go to my local popeyes every day and before too long people started calling me sammy wammy which was cool. They even started handing over thier chicken sammies when they saw me comming. Really the best part was when popeyes hired me on for security. That popeyes was pretty crazy. They offered me regular pay but i insisted on free sammies instead. They agreed and i would go in for an hour or 2 during peak hours. They would tell me things like sammy wammy go take care of those 2 and get em off the property or its a little slow today sammy wammy just take a few sammies and go home. I was happy to do so because any time i took care of business they would let me take a break in the back with those fucking delicious sammies.

>> No.14741016
File: 83 KB, 600x800, 614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only get the Spicy sandwich if you're not white, it's kinda hard to handle if you are, just saying.