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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 910 KB, 2000x1938, Strawberry-Banana-Bread-2000x1938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14731457 No.14731457 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been vegan baking for about a week now and here's the number one thing to know that no one tells you. THIS SHIT GROWS MOLD EXTREMELY FAST! Like three to four days fast. You gotta eat that shit ASAP or it WILL go bad.

>> No.14731468


eat animals or die, faggot

>> No.14731472

no1currs, fagduke

>> No.14731474

flax eggs > rape eggs

>> No.14731476



>> No.14731483

food lasts longer when cooked by heterosexuals

>> No.14731539

That's nature telling you not to be a vegan.

>> No.14731591

ew that's fucking disgusting, why did you coom on that cake

>> No.14731595

Well, bagged local bakery brands, you know, breads on the bread aisle loaves, have some dough conditioners and preservatives for sure. Local bakeries near me, like the german pumpseed rye I buy from one seller, or the ukrainian bakery, or even Aldi, utilize frozen loaves. They will be happy too pull a loaf out of their freezer that you can take home and thaw or bake again.

So, there's your problem. Fresh bread is really a 24hrs produce. Portion and freeze what you aren't going to eat in 36-48hrs. That's really for all baked items. Fridge can dry it out, but if you're toasting it anyway, whatever, but it extends it another 2 days if you don't wish to freeze it. I'd for sure immediately refrigerate a "banana bread or what you have pictured. Make sure you handle your bread/knife/bag/twisty/cutting board with clean hands and very clean surfaces, such that you don't introduce contamination yourself.

(I sometimes buy pita bread, tortillas or other flatbreads, and when I lift out a inner piece in an older bag, there's literally a thumbprint shape where the mold forms in the beginning, and that's not from me but some worker stacking and counting them in their bakeries.)

>> No.14731597

False. The suffering makes it taste better.

>> No.14731613

My bread loaves last for like a month or two in the fridge.

>> No.14731616

>be vegan
>mmmmm i could go for some yummy scrummy muffins for my vegan tummy
>muffins come put of the oven piping hot
>oooh so scrummy i hope i have room for more than one in my tummy *chortle*
>yummy scrummy muffin goes rancid in my esophagus before it hits my tummy
>poopy gets runny out of my bummy from my tummy while i scream for mummy

You get what you fucking deserve OP

>> No.14731634

>vegan baking tips
here's a tip for you:

>> No.14731676

>baking the strawberries into the dough

>> No.14731724


>> No.14731758


>> No.14731784

Do you also reduce the amount or type of sugar normally used in the recipes?
How well this stuff preserves shouldn't be underestimated.
Also, I found that many vegan versions hold a lot more moisture, could contribute too.
Maybe freeze the parts you won't be able to eat in time, worked pretty well for brioche i made.

>> No.14731820


>> No.14731867

vegan or not, i don't like letting fresh baked pastries or breads sit for too many days. either give some to people you know, halve the recipe, or freeze what you can't eat in a few days
i'm planning on baking some vegan cornbread soon cause i love that stuff

>> No.14731983

That's a glaze, you immature mong.

>> No.14732000

>You gotta eat that shit ASAP or it WILL go bad.
freeze it
when you want some, take a piece out to thaw on the counter or in the fridge overnight.

>> No.14732054
File: 128 KB, 1300x957, domestic duck raping wild duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How tf is it rape? These birds literally just shit out the eggs and don't care? The chickens I get my eggs from don't even have a fucking fence, they literally just go wherever with their roosters, the eggs are delicious! Definitely better than concentration camp eggs, but desu I think the chickens like the whole deal they got going on. Free food and shelter in exchange for eggs they just don't give a fuck about.

But tell me more about how the animals who had the misfortune to eat rodenticide in those flax fields are just sooooooooooo glad you're vegan while they bleed out internally for 3 weeks.

>> No.14732060

>defending factory farming in 2020
Unironically kys.

>> No.14732076

You didnt read her post.

>> No.14732377

Only because it's homemade. Anything homemade will go bad. All that vegan Daiya shit doesn't go bad for example cuz it's processed.

>> No.14732387

Well no fucking shit. That's what you get when you make food from scratch/with literally no preservatives.
I can make a fresh loaf of bread (non vegan) and it'll still mold up in about a week or so because it's actual food.

>> No.14732714

are you a vegan baker?