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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 163 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-Chipotle_Mexican_Grill_logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14729732 No.14729732 [Reply] [Original]

Name a single flaw

>> No.14729742

E-Coli in their food

>> No.14729745

Over priced for a pretty mediocre meal. I can make a burrito at home for a quarter of the price and enjoy it more.

>> No.14729748

Chain fast food restaurant with poor sanitation standards and it's generally inferior in quality to Taco Del Mar.

>> No.14729750

Exactly. People pay $10+ for a tortilla, beans, rice, and a paltry amount of meat. Are they retarded?

>> No.14729755

White people thinking this is actually mexican food.

>> No.14729784

Chicken/steak burned to a crisp, boiled and burned chunks of vegetables passed off as "sauteed". The whole thing would somewhat passable if they at least didn't burn the meats to a rubbery crisp.

>> No.14730049


At some point all the Hispanic workers at the one near me got replaced by black teenagers who can't wrap a burrito to save their lives

>> No.14730071

twice as far away as the indian takeout place

>> No.14730090

every single time i get a bag of chips they're overly salty

>> No.14730091

the food is boring and monotonous.

>> No.14730095
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beef burrito at taco bell is $1/ea.
or, even better, make your own. cheap and miles better than any fast- or fast-casual food.
overpriced, bland, way too fucking big. it's not even a burrito. it's a novelty, like those 5-patty burgers with 8 strips of bacon and 3 pounds of miscellaneous toppings.
trash "restaurant".

>> No.14730107

Standing in line for overpriced bullshit is retarded and anyone that submits to that bullshit should be hanged from poles until dead.

>> No.14730133

blood and shit in your underwear

>> No.14730136

I went there once when a coworker raved about it. It was overpriced and I could've gotten better food for the same price.

>> No.14730139

not enough bogo coupons
having to ask them to fill he big salsa cups all the way

they fill the salsa cups all the way if you ask them too
they will give you double or tripple portions of beans, rice, or anything else
tabasco for stealing

>> No.14730232

Mexican food for gringo tastes

>> No.14730237
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Their app doesn’t work properly so I wasn’t able to get my free chips and guacamole for my birthday.

>> No.14730253

Health code violations

>> No.14730262

likely some crap code outsourced to india

>> No.14730270

>taco bell

>> No.14730274

burritos aren’t mexican they’re tex mex retard
if i had a peso for everytime someone on ck labels burritos/chimichangas/fajitas as mexican food id have enough to fund the border wall and end the drug war

>> No.14730400

no, but when my gf insists on eating at the mall instead of going home, this is the cheapest place and i can get a good deal buying their gift cards.

>> No.14730402

>$12 for a burrito

>> No.14730406

Food makes you shit. Thats all I got.

>> No.14730417

too fucking expensive for just a bunch of basic shit I can make at home

>> No.14730431

Its Actually like 8.20$ jew nigger

>> No.14730437

Shitpoltle has all the flaws.

>> No.14730441

It's owned by mcdonalds and the ingredients are so cheap that stupid people actually pay for the prices and think it tastes good.

>> No.14730501

>didn't read the rest of it
>doesn't realize i hold taco bell at super low standards, but chipotle at even lower standards

>> No.14730723

>making fresh guac
>making 2 salsas including corn salsa
>frying tortilla chips
>ALSO making flour toritalla thats burrito sized from scratch
>thinking this is a better use of your time and money than a quick counter service.

>> No.14730757

You can make guac in like 20 minutes that's easy as shit. And since I'm not a fatass that's the only addition to the meal I need aside from the bowl which is just throwing meat, lettuce, cheese, beans and a bunch of other cheap shit together. Fuck your overpriced zoomer resturant

>> No.14730769

>Too big
Pick one, pleb.
That's the best thing about Chipotle, you have half the burrito for dinner and the other half for lunch the next day. Of course, how could I expect someone who enthusiastically patronizes Taco Bell to have any sense whatsoever.

>> No.14730784

The guac, salsa, beans, rice and corn are all made separately, from scratch, fresh and delicious. They're all objectively easy to make, which is why the chain is so efficient, but making them all at once, plus meat, is a full evening of cooking at home. The beans alone, depending if you start them from a can or dry can take up to 12 hours. Rice takes solid 30-40 minutes to cook right. Not labor intensive, but plenty of time investment in the kitchen. You go to some shithole like Taco Hell, and you're not getting fresh food, or anywhere near the quality of ingredients you get at chipotle.

>> No.14730885

Bland as fuck meat and their rice and beans are mediocre for what you pay. Never understood the chipotle meme.

>> No.14730888

All restaurants are based on customers being fat lazy and stupid

>> No.14730899

>storing junk food overnight
Do Americans really?
Sounds trashy as fuck.

>> No.14730924

Two flaws in an otherwise perfect restaurant.
>their steak is disgustingly tough and flavorless
>their prototype queso was fucking disgusting and tasted like a shitty broccoli cheese soup with a weird grainy texture instead of queso
They've redeemed themselves on my second point with their queso blanco, though. Good shit, new favorite side w/ chips. All around 10/10 restaurant. Simple. fresh food, hard for retard line cooks to fuck up but also justifiably priced because it would take someone a full day to make all that shit on the line from scratch as >>14730784 said. Replace the steak with the carne asada they had a while ago and never bring back the original shitty queso and it's perfect.

>> No.14730989

>junk food
It's very high in fat and carbs, but they use fresh ingredients and (usually) more servings of veggies than most Americans see in a week. Comparatively pretty fucking healthy for fast food,

>> No.14731010
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Haha, sucka! I got my birthday chips and guac.

>> No.14731017

It's still junk food.
Keep living in denial, fat cunt.

>> No.14731024

Junk food = some sloppa snack you eat out of a bag, like Cheetos or chips. Fast food = a shitty sloppa meal, but a meal nonetheless. Seethe, cope, and dilate europoor

>> No.14731029

>Seethe, cope, and dilate
Reddit is that way ---->

>> No.14731060

No, idiot. Junk food is not fresh cooked rice, beans, pico de Gallo and corn. Thats FOOD. the source down make it junk food. Taco Bell is junk food. a hotpocket is junk food. a chipotle burrito eaten the next day is exactly the same as a home made burrito eaten the next day. Chipotle uses regular ingredients you can find in a home kitchen. Other FF places get food shipped to them remade, mixed with preservatives, frozen and reheated.
holy shit you're an idiot.

>> No.14731137
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I remember when this restaurant was making the front page of Ycombinator. I feel so fucking old.

>> No.14731152

>defending corporate junk food chains
The Jews have really got a grip on you Amerisharts, haven't they?

>> No.14731289

How do you have leftovers?

>> No.14731998

Burrito bowl
Brown rice
Double fajita veggies
Pinto and black beans
Mild, medium, and corn salsas
Lettuce, sour cream, light on the cheese
Go to Chipotle when they give you a free guac coupon and get guac added on

There, you got 2 solid meals out of it for $7.58, including tax. I don't understand how people manage to spend double digit amounts of dollars at Chipotle.

>> No.14732059

It is made by 16 year old not following food safety guidelines.

>> No.14732936

it was norovirus, e-coli was jack in the box

>> No.14732943

it's all downhill from here anon

>> No.14734144

Kinda bland tasting. There are generally better options of the same food for the same price. Portions are fine I think.

>> No.14734157

Chipotle's main flaw is that it's right next to LSU campus and fuck fighting all the bullshit for a burrito when I can get drive through from Izzo's.

>> No.14734162

That's just how I like it.

>> No.14734524

>sub par seasoning
>charge extra for a basic ingredient

>steak and beans, warm
>Sour cream, cheese, guacamole, veg, pico. Cold
>luke warm shitty weak tortilla burrito

The proper thing to do is roll it and slap it on a grill to ensure everything is warm throughout and adding a nice crunchy outer shell. Chipotle is vaguely above Taco Bell and that's being generous.

>> No.14734549

Is it better than Moes?

>> No.14734809

>rice and beans
>corn chips
how is this not mexican?

>> No.14734823

burritos and tortilla chips are tex-mex/ americanized mexican food.

>> No.14734836

wrapping a bunch of shit in a tortilla and corn chips both originated in mexico.

>> No.14734931

get the carnitas or barbicoa next time. the chicken and steak at chipotle are a joke

>> No.14734937

where do you live you are paying these prices?
here it's $8 at most

>> No.14735040

No. Moes puts this trash in the dirt

>> No.14735188

So yes? Dumb ESL

>> No.14735205

I cant pronounce it without sounding retarded...

>> No.14735218

Just buy canned
>Rice takes 40 minutes
Lol? Boiling water, 2 parts water for 1 part rice, 15 minutes
>What's a mise en place?
Get some experience and it'll take half an hour tops

>> No.14735229

Do you live in the 90s? Chipotle is an extremely well known word now

>> No.14735413

while I think he is retarded for making a big deal about it. If you want some good ass rice for your burrito you gotta toast in in the pan with oil until it's golden/translucent and the pot is piping, slap in your canned diced toms plus juice (yes, canned, they are picked at peak ripeness and thus are preferable for this application over fresh) add the proper amount of water and a roughly chopped opnion and your preffered seasonings. wait for the beginnings of a boil and lid the bitch and turn her to low and leave her alone for 20 mins. all in all it's about an hour for the rice, but I swear you'll never go back.

>> No.14735430

Not helping your case

>> No.14735468

>tacos are the same as burritos it's both tortillas with stuff in it!
>tostadas are just large tortilla chips!!!
do you realize how retarded you sound. both the modern tortilla chip and burrito originate from chicano restaurants in california in the 1930's-40's.

>> No.14735470

tortillas could be way better

>> No.14735505

This. Everything is ok, but their tortillas are pretty bad.

>> No.14735523

This. I don't make boring ass white rice that takes 15-20, you gotta dice the garlic or onions and brown the rice before you put the water in. this isn't some basic bitch asian rice cooker bullshit.

>> No.14735564

It's not QDOBA

>> No.14735597

>all the retards saying "make your own it's cheaper and better"
Yeah, sorry to break it to you buddy but that "Chipotle killer" burrito you just made at home? It tastes like shit. I know you've convinced yourself that it's better because you're poor and have no disposable income. But you need to come to grips with the reality that your sour grapes have clouded your judgment. You couldn't pay me to eat that slop you made.

>> No.14735608

rice is pretty bland

>> No.14735612


>> No.14735735

Willie's is the king

>> No.14735747

It's Hipster and Yuppie Taco Bell.

>> No.14735754

>Name a single flaw
I can name a few legit ones:
-sous vide steak instead of fresh
-bomb ass chorizo, but it's only a limited-time offer
-only experienced staff can whip up good chips. they usually come out either undercooked or too oily
-they got rid of corn tortillas

It's not that pricy if you don't go ham Tbh. a burrito should only be like $8.00 at most, and it's a decent size.

>> No.14735764

it's not the mid 00s anymore, McD bailed on Chipotle after fucking them up

>> No.14735773

IMO, they're undercooked. They should really press them for like 10 more seconds, but corporate has a fetish for moving the line as fast as possible and the line people end up not even cooking the tortillas.

>> No.14735779

>this many replies
and yet, the company that sells literal cat food is rated at a better satisfaction rate as mexican food

Chipotle fags will NEVER outlive /TacoBell/bois

>> No.14735800
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I'm a delivery wage slave and like the majority of my deliveries are for Chipotle, I've been to all the ones in my side of the city. It's a surprisingly healthy meal for eat out food but quality greatly varies depending on location, that's my main gripe. If you go to a shit location, the rice is undercooked and the meat has been sitting and the chips are oversalted but the good ones are great. Queso blanco is actually really good, I like it a lot.

>> No.14735824

I was a Grill guy there for 5 years who trained under a grill guy who worked for chipotle for 10 years so I know a thing or two.

2 things really fucked up this place

1 - The food poisoning outbreaks
Chipotle overreacted and seriously compromised the quality of the food. It used to be restaurant-grade ingredients that were cooked fresh daily, and now most of their shit is processed at a facility before it reaches the restaurants. It was unnecessary; all they had to do was train the staff to wash their damn hands, take the time to wash the produce, cook to the meats to proper temps, and not show up when their sick

2- Gave up on the culture.
It used to be a more structured work environment. Almost like a fucking military. We had to memorize the history, the 13 characteristics, and the mission of the company. No one knows that shit anymore.
The staff had discipline and pride in their work. Sure there was a cult-like aspect to it, but the work ethic and productivity was 100 times higher. Nowadays, they higher like any fast-food place instead of looking for people that'll stay and move up in the kitchen.

>> No.14735833

also drunk af right know, so fuck grammar/spelling

>> No.14735838

what are you drinking??? for me its Oktoberfest by Yellowhammer Brewing

>> No.14735857

coors heavy and modelo black
ngl, don't really know my alcohol, but usually $50 worth of coors gets me through the month so I stick to that. anything fancier doesn't seem worth it to me

>> No.14735867
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>That's the best thing about Chipotle, you have half the burrito for dinner and the other half for lunch the next day.
Who the fuck do you think you're fooling you fat fuck? Seriously. Neckbearded motherfucker.

>> No.14735880

I live in AL, so I just pick up at least on six-pack of local/seasonal beer...it always lives up to the standards...coasties and big-cityfags always seethe over southeastern beers doing well

>> No.14735890

>coasties and big-cityfags always seethe over southeastern beers doing well
I'm both and idgaf Tbh.
I hit up my local breweries too, but i guess my palate isn't refined enough to see beer as anything other than just beer

>> No.14735897

>im both
what city are you in?
you might be the coolest anon ive talked to on this board to be honest

>> No.14735900

>for gringo tastes
>for good taste
FTFY juan

>> No.14735906

San Jose, CA
aka silicon valley USA
I'll take the compliment, but it's not saying much considering we're on 4chan haha

>> No.14735910

>Chipotle fags will NEVER outlive /TacoBell/bois
kek how the hell is taco bell less cat food quality than chipotle

>> No.14735913

says the incel that can't possibly imagine not eating a whole pound and a half of burrito in one sitting.

>> No.14735926

>I'll take the compliment, but it's not saying much considering we're on 4chan hah
i get that, its just...everytime i get on /ck/ they always shit on me because im from a "flyover" state (despite me visting and loving multiple western states) so its really rude, and I really like to have discussion from anons all over the US like you

I think e-celeb and fast food threads have destroyed this board beyond reparation

>> No.14735934

re-read my post you stupid dumbass, i literally stated that TB is cat food, you just "conveniently" skipped past that

>> No.14735939

fuck em
don't take shit from these losers man
>I think e-celeb and fast food threads have destroyed this board beyond reparation
this is the last site you should take seriously
save that attitude for the important shit in your life.

>> No.14735966
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>calls other people dumbass
>thinks taco bell or chipotle is mexican food

>> No.14735968

>fuck em
>don't take shit from these losers man
this is true, i dont usually take it personally but when they unsult my sate and my hometown i cant just stand for it
sorry about the spelling, im pretty drunk

>> No.14735985

No that's an incel trait. True chads eat a lot.

>> No.14735989

There's a local place a block away that sells burritos that are twice as big and contain higher quality ingredients for less money. I doubt anyone except tourists goes there.

>> No.14736001

Nah, shut the fuck up.

>> No.14736559
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the queso sucks, flavor is off

the chicken qdobo is better

the cold ingredients are too cold, burritos come out lukewarm 100% of the time, compare to tocobell where the burrito is always warm

the pico is too strong, overpowers other flavors

guacaomle is bland, the guac at chilles is better

they mix the green peppers with the onions, I want the onions without the green peppers


stingy, they never do a full scope, compare to panda express where they give a full scoop of meat



they chage you for chips, many other tex mex restraunts give chips for free with the burrito (moes)

>> No.14736560
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>Chipotle is vaguely above Taco Bell and that's being generous
toco bell warm

chipotle cold
I will go with taco bell

>> No.14736843

I don’t get it, isn’t that true for any meal? Plus there’s like 5 components so I would have to prepare a bunch of different shot and probably buy a bunch of spices/ ingredients to get the same flavor. This argument makes no sense. Do you only fine dine when you eat out?

>> No.14736846

They don't mix their ingredients or build burros properly and the beef sucks. Also the tortillas suck and the add too much rice.

>> No.14736848

I did this as well

>> No.14736852

what are you even going on about do you just eat boullion cubes and boiled chicken for all your meals

>> No.14736856

How many chickens does it cost for them barley pops Eugene? Yall got a pack mule to takem back to the homestead?

>> No.14736857

these people are spending $30 on a meal that takes an entire day instead of just going to chipotle

>> No.14736861

I miss Elmers Tacos in Chandler AZ.

>> No.14736899

Fat fucks on this board order a large drink and a side of chips and queso which inflates the price of the meal. They also add every extra item to their burrito they can. A chicken burrito is only $6.50. The cunts bitching about $10 orders are advertising, and complaining about, their own obesity.

>> No.14736903

This nigga eats chicken lmao

>> No.14737721

i ujihvlb vhkcg v

>> No.14738900

I'd rather eat McD's and that's healthier believe it or not. Not to mention that it's a lot cheaper.
Chipotle has no flavor. The only way I can eat it is if I throw all the 3 sauces they have. The meat is so bland. I haven't eaten there in over a year and for 12 bucks I can get way better food especially from chinese places.

>> No.14738920

>prep cilantro lime rice
>cook steak
>cook beans
>saute veggies
>grate cheese
>something something hot sause
>chop peco de gallo
2 hours later and walla! I was starving when i started now im angry and famished

>> No.14738952
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>> No.14739344

it should take you less than a hour to cook all of that at most if you’re not a sped

>> No.14739353

Well I certainly don't buy something that i I can EASILY make on my own, would I? That's a waste. It's better to spend on things you can't easily make, like proper creme brulee, caviar, crab legs/rolls.

>> No.14739700

>soak beans for 6 hours
>over cook rice into moosh
>ruin tomatoes when cutting for pico, either mush them or they're not ripe
>Neighbors hear you yell in frustration a few times and post about it on nextdoor.com

>> No.14739756

Imaging being so fucking poor you cant spend 8 bucks for quick food. Why bother with all that shit.

>> No.14739998

imagine being so fucking lazy that you can’t be bothered to cook rice and meat on a cooking board. i don’t buy chipotle with my parents credit card and would much rather get better ingredients, cook it how i want it, and have left overs for the week.

>> No.14740011

Moe's is better

>> No.14740023

If you want leftovers why not just double your Chipotle order? You're not poor are you?

>> No.14740042

No there were definitely multiple e coli outbreaks linked to chipotle. Mostly due to the lettuce. Fun fact that tends to get swept under the rug, it's often because of some illegal farm worker wiping their ass with lettuce and tossing it with the rest because they just don't give a fuck. The only reservoir of e coli is in the mammal GI tract, and the o157h7 variety that gives you horrible bloody shits, is almost exclusive to humans.

>> No.14740045

for $16 i could make 4x the amount of food that’s in a bowl with better ingredients.
i’d rather spend my money on things that are actually important in my life instead of giving into impulses and desires and taking the easy way out and eating at a fast casual restaurant every day.
but i guess you don’t have to care about financial responsibility since your parents bankroll you.

>> No.14740116

Only single ply terlit paper in the restrooms.

>> No.14740139 [DELETED] 

the somehow made mexican food bland

>> No.14740145

Your poor because you spend all your time cooking meals that you could otherwise buy with money left over if you spent that time making money. Poor fags are the worst

>> No.14740149

They somehow made mexican food bland as hell

>> No.14740157

>he thinks repeating your poor is the key to winning an arguments
no more you’s for you parrot. keep literally eating into your parents savings.

>> No.14740806

Barberitos > Salsaritas > power gap > Moe's > power gap > the e. coli shits you get after eating Chipotle > Chipotle

>> No.14740813

>paltry amount of meat

If youre cool and in colorado they cook you up

>> No.14741407

So...do you not plan to eat most days?

>> No.14741826

this. if it was unter $10 id eat there every day

>> No.14742743
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Imagine being on a cooking board and advocating against cooking.

>> No.14744050

normie shit

>> No.14744239

He is admitting that he is manchild who needs fast food or tendies. Most of this board has nothing to do with cooking.

>> No.14744628

overpriced and extremely mediocre here
it's better if you get local mexican food

>> No.14744988

The ingredients aren't evenly distributed throughout the burrito. So one bite you'll get meat and veg and another is just flat out rice

>> No.14746218

my only complaint used to be that it was expensive at like $8 a burrito!
i used to love that it taste so different from all the mission style burritos im used too for $5/ea

but then the price of a mission burrito went up to $8 ea, and the portions shrinked in half

now that im ultra frugal, i have like one mission burrito a year, when ten years ago i was having one every other day :(

greasy al pastor burrito has always been my hangover cure

>> No.14746914

4,000% of the recommended sodium intake for the day in any given meal

Supports the BLM riots because they're clueless trendy cunts.

>> No.14746932

Heard their sodium levels are way higher than what they actually say. Don't know if real but damn.

>> No.14746945

A teaspoon of steak per burrito. And they look you in the eyes while they give you such a tiny amount of meat.

>> No.14747203

The name is too hard to correctly pronounce.