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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 103 KB, 720x1280, full english sans blood sausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14716603 No.14716603 [Reply] [Original]

alright britbong anons, I made your full english. Couldnt find blood sausage, I know thats mostly what makes it. Also not doing toast bc cutting and we've all had toast before.

9/10. Honestly one of the top 3 breakfasts Ive ever had and breakfast foods are pretty much my favorite. I dont even like baked beans typically but between the bean juice reducing and the juices from the rest of the ingredients being reduced and absorbed into the beans, as well as how they contrast with the other foods... top notch I cant lie. Plus all this cooked in one pan in ~10 min? As a chef by trade on my day off this makes me even happier.

Im gonna find blood sausage I swear to god if it ruins this otherwise incredible amalgamation of perfect macros and flavors Im gonna dump every fucking bag of tea into the ocean in your entire snaggletoothed country.

pls forgive the normie snapchat filter

>> No.14716609

the beans don't seem to be in red sauce but it looks pretty good

>> No.14716611

Jesus christ
How did you manage to get everything so wrong?

>> No.14716613
File: 42 KB, 696x442, alan-1-696x442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using a sausage as a breakwater

>> No.14716616

yeah they dont come in tomato sauce in the US, its brown sugar and molasses I believe. Everything here has to be sweet unfortunately :/

Im reverse ocd. I like my food touching.. in fact when I make this again tomorrow im cutting it all up afterwards and mixing it together.

i cant get the exact same ingredients at my local store lol anything thats wrong about it is minor as fuck. plus theres plenty of versions of it

>> No.14716619

low quality bait

>> No.14716643

>whole tomatoes barely cooked
>mushrooms barely cooked
>tiny chipolatas
>unsauced beans
>fuckin' tater tots or something, what even are those

>> No.14716644
File: 26 KB, 474x266, Beaten+out+by+a+house+decorating+simulator+and+a+game+_6322e6ace76a9944554c1ae04c656c08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not proper baked beans
>Not proper sausage (should be porkies style small fat sausage)
>Tater tots
>Tomatoes should be sliced
>Mushrooms shouldn't be sliced
At least you got the eggs right I guess...

>> No.14716657

checkd and splitting hairs
>everything is the wrong size / shape!
oh well its the same food

i know how to cook lol the tomatoes were cooked through as well as the mushrooms.

>> No.14716659

It's just beans in a thin sweet tomato sauce, you don't need to buy that premade (even though there's no way you can't find heinz imports)

>> No.14716701

>I just used shit out of the toilet instead of the actual ingredients what's wrong??

>> No.14716708
File: 2.57 MB, 382x554, 1593925507815.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14716718

Looks good, don't listen to the naysayers. It's just a comfy and easy treat, afterall, not a meal you have every day.
Hope you enjoy the black pudding when you find it, it's one of my favourite parts.

>> No.14716729

based and nicepilled

>> No.14716734

>t. Ore-Ida CEO

>> No.14716746

>Ore-Ida CEO
I prefer making my own hashbrowns actually but it's to each their own, and all that

>> No.14716749
File: 133 KB, 483x442, 1595203658967.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wholesome fags saying this slop a shit's fine when literally only ONE thing was actually made well and how it should be

>> No.14716752

well why should people care about what bongs think

>> No.14716753

fuck blood sausage who would want to eat that shit anyways, good work anon dont change a thing

>> No.14716756


youre only mad because its the only good food your entire country has to offer

>> No.14716757

we all frens here
frens who punch each other in the face repeatedly then be nice when actual cooking attempts are made

>> No.14716804

>Implying I'm a bong
I'm not even one of those crooked teeth inbred fucks, I just care about food being made properly

>> No.14716836

what would be the closest equivalent to a cumberland or lincolnshire sausage? shallots and white wine? toulouse? breakfast? My local sausage maker seems very aware that the French and German people love sausages, but there are no English sausages

>> No.14716858

well not breakfast sausages evidently according to the whining itt as thats what op used

>> No.14716887

but based on my cursory research, lincolnshire sausage is sage heavy, which would make breakfast sausage its closest equivalent. Could bongs just complain based on the shape?

>> No.14716907

that has been the theme here and in my /fit/ thread. wah dont quarter the mushrooms wah slice the tomatoes wah why are your hashbrowns shaped like that wah thin sausages. its the same ingredients just not how theyre sold there lol. only legitimate complaint ive read is that I forgot bacon, and the baked beans they use come in a tomato sauce which is true. I guess some people have onions in the hashbrowns as well which sounds good but not a meal-ruining difference. only thing im changing in the future is adding bacon, blood sausage (if its good) and trying to find the right beans

>> No.14716921

You don't need blood sausage, any sausage is good, but some here will swear by black pudding, I don't personally like it though.
Full english should also come with buttered toast, the beans in tomato juice, and the tomatoes are rarely served whole, you're better off with plum tomatoes. A cup of tea or coffee and glass of orange juice are not unwelcome either.

>> No.14716990

Is there such a thing a a half or quarter English? I'm not usually that hungry.

>> No.14717061

just use less of the ingredients. 1 egg, 1 or 2 links, etc. im doing one meal a day so this is a pretty decent meal for that, albeit less protein than id like

>> No.14718646

desu that's good looking and fuck the brits, they're just jealous and will always be that way, they're a sad lot. I'd grill those tomatos though, they're far too red.

>> No.14718727

no one is jealous at the shite on OPs plate

>> No.14719837

>no one is jealous at the shite on OPs plate

>> No.14719839
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>> No.14720614
File: 56 KB, 960x639, https___specials-images.forbesimg.com_dam_imageserve_1074661666_960x0.jpg_fit=scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being this much of a fag about a fucking full English

>> No.14720626
File: 76 KB, 1536x445, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cross board /fit/ posting
Homosexuality incarnate.

>> No.14720759

>reverse ocd
not a thing
>when I make this again tomorrow
from experience, I would suggest you to tone it down on the fry up. That shit is intensely fattening.

>> No.14720857

>this guy posts on multiple boards!
bongs brag about this on both boards retard

all you gotta do is track your calories. what i cooked was precisely 990 calories, which yeah under normal circumstances if you arent paying attention thats a shitload and it wouldnt take much more eating after that to overeat. if it filled my 6'4 278lb ass up for the entire day it should fill everyone else up tho. /fit/ bongs eat this very regularly its actually a much healthier combination of foods than a big breakfast in america, which is usually pancakes or crepes and a bunch of sugary fruits, potatoes and toast plus the meats. this and a protein shake like 12 hours later fueled 3 hours of intense workout and one hell of a good nap.

>> No.14720950

>Not a bong
>Still spergs out because it's not bong approved
Imagine being such a loser lmaooo who cares about what an autistic foodie thinks on the internet

>> No.14720983

eh like other anons itt have said, this is an extremely personalized and regional dish. everyone has different expectations from it. if you google 'full english' you will see dozens of plates that look exactly like the OP and dozens that look slightly different. posting your fry up is an easy way to b8 bongs into arguing

>> No.14721020

The main issue is that you haven't cooked it properly and it looks like shit

>> No.14721022

OP breakfast looks fine, I swear people on 4chan got the easiest buttons to push

>> No.14721025

i literally cook for a living you stupid fuck i know what im doing

>> No.14721033

>Nooooo you didn't cut the tomatoes and the potatoes like my mommy used to do this is literally inedible garbage reeeeeeee

>> No.14721037

>dry ass beans
>undercooked mushrooms
>undercooked tomatoes
>watery fucked up eggs because you decided to cook it all at the same time in one small pan
>tater tots

OP is either a child or really good bait

>> No.14721040

>splitting hairs

>> No.14721042

Stick to your usual routine then as you clearly aren't capable of intuitively understanding other foods, even really simple dishes where you just have to fry a few ingredients lol

>> No.14721046

why would you even post this pic, surely if you work as a cook you know presentation is important and it looks like shit

>> No.14721054

not when im the one eating it. besides you think bongs know fuck all about presenting food? they just slop beans on a plate as a side and call it a day

>> No.14721060

>they just slop beans on the side and call it a day
And you can't even do that right kek

>> No.14721065
File: 19 KB, 550x550, 1594589178072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14721085
File: 48 KB, 499x333, Brit_pork_scratchings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brit food for their sorry masses

>> No.14721090

>Couldnt find blood sausage, I know thats mostly what makes it.
no it isn't

potatoes don't go in a full english
>no bacon
>4 tomatoes

>> No.14721105

Those sorry brits can't afford bacon anymore, they're paying off to merkel so a bunch of brownies and niggers can go there. It's the merkel guilt trip from ww ii.