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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14714049 No.14714049[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>look up recipe online
>kosher salt

>> No.14714061

>be OP
>suck massive cocks

>> No.14714066

Would the term "coarse salt" be more kosher for your autistic sensibilities?

>> No.14714070


>> No.14714071

>look in mirror
>gay retard
what do

>> No.14714072

Can we not have kike shit forced everywhere?

>> No.14714078

look man just use kosher salt man it has a more dispersed biiger flakes please man just use kosher salt man i beg of you the deepwater space jews will kill my family just fucking use it you faggot

>> No.14714094

suck co/ck/

>> No.14714100

Yes. The rest of the world already describes the grain, not the cutting hoard.

>> No.14714103

How does one ethnic minority/religion generate so much asspain? Salt is considered pareve under kashrut, anyways.

>> No.14714107

>kosher salt
>use regular salt

>> No.14714113

why the fuck do they call it kosher salt anyway? i dont want jew shit in my household

>> No.14714121

It's a coarser salt used for dry-brining or curing meat (kashering), which is a common technique in Jewish cuisine.

>> No.14714126

it's just coarser salt that jews use for brining or, where the name comes from, kashering

>> No.14714130

le limmy pepe face XD

>> No.14714154

What even is this kike drivel

>> No.14714159

A lot of them are just smug subversives that despise the idea of integrating into society. Some of them are still acting like if they were in the middle ages in fucking modern day New York.

I don't want to follow their rules even by accident.

>> No.14714187

Kosher salt has nothing to do with kashrut, though. Being pareve basically means it's a completely neutral food with no religious restrictions.

>> No.14714190

>A lot of them are just smug subversives that despise the idea of integrating into society
umm... anon...

>> No.14714203

dont give a fuck what the jews do with their meat quite frankly just want them all gone and dont want referring to something as 'kosher' to be normal

>> No.14714227

Do you sprinkle (((coarse salt))) on forskins while you are snacking?

>> No.14714251

imagine being triggered by a rock

>> No.14714533

imagine being this triggered by a geometrical figure

>> No.14714544
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>> No.14714548

Literally /pol/'s trashcan.

>> No.14714553

Fuck i miss /bant/ it was so comfy back in 2017

>> No.14714564


/bant/ was kino for about a week; it looked like the return of /b/ from ten years ago. But it almost immediately collapsed into a dumpster fire of faggot anime and kpop.

>> No.14714565

But my post was about this goofy name given to iodine free salt.
Do you really think a post about salt goes on /pol/? Why would it?

>> No.14714595
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