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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14710786 No.14710786 [Reply] [Original]

How do you spruce up your mac and cheese?

>> No.14710799

Salt in the water.

>> No.14710801
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eat a bullet, son

>> No.14710805

Bread crumbs/croutons.

>> No.14710810

just make your own its way better also

lawrys seasoned salt, just a bit goes a long way

>> No.14710814

sometimes I stir in pimento cheese. Or bacon.

>> No.14710817

You can start by making actual mac and cheese and not something from a box.

>> No.14710819

Sauteed onions and garlic.

Also, don't use a ton of sharp cheeses. While a bit of sharp cheddar is good, i've found when making a bechamel that the best mix is like 25% sharp cheddar and the rest either a nice Emmental or Jarlsburg,

Also >>14710805
on the top then baked.

>> No.14710832

ketchup, chilis, peppers

>> No.14710954


>> No.14710969

Make it from scratch in the exact amount of time and effort it takes to make kraft dinner

>> No.14710971

disgusting, does not belong with mac and cheese at all

>> No.14710973

Nutmeg and cayenne

>> No.14710974

If mac'n'cheese is all you can muster and put in your precious body, then a bullit is the answer.
You, are probably on this planet for 40 years, Do make better.

>> No.14710985

Imagine getting triggered at someone online eating macaroni and cheese

>> No.14711009

You're right. I shouldn't give a fuck
This decaying planet already got too many humans inhabitating. Let's get rid of 2/3 already and start living decent lifes.

>> No.14711012

Mac and cheese is so disgusting. I wish i didnt know its a thing.

>> No.14711025

cheese and onion pairs well together. it's not common with mac and cheese but it tastes good. not sure about the garlic though, i usually like sauteed onion and mushroom together.

>> No.14711031

>someone says they eat mac and cheese
>"let's kill five billion people"
get help

>> No.14711044

Pulled pork, jalapenos, croutons. Only bake mac n cheese and use cottage cheese. It comes out super fucking creamy with a nice crust

>> No.14711049


>> No.14711068

a pinch of sodium hexametaphosphate added to the cheese sauce at the end of simmering or right before baking if you are doing that will make your sauce emulsify perfectly every time

>> No.14711108

cz50 a cute pistol. I have one

>> No.14711205
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>> No.14711210

By throwing it in the bin.

>> No.14711216

i like ghost pepper sauce and a can of tuna mixed in

>> No.14711235


>> No.14711267

if i’m doing a box of annie’s i’ll add:
>diced turkey slices
>fried egg
>cut up hot dog
>hot sauce
>spoonful of pesto
>more cheese

>> No.14711277

pan fry some sliced up sausage, also add a bunch of herbs and spices after the cheese sauce is ready. typically add a diced red pepper right at the end, so they stay crisp.

>> No.14711999

Bleu cheese and sour cream

>> No.14712105

Add spruce, their leaves are a bit spiky but edible. The cones can be boiled when young. The inner bark can be used to as a flour replacement.

>> No.14712116
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No need to with these bad boys

>> No.14712117

Try it with a tomato based salsa.

>> No.14712122

>Not having cravings for KD fake cheese taste

>> No.14712139

making your own is dumb so i was gonna criticize you but i also came in here to say lawrys so i don't know what the fuck

5/10 post i guess

>> No.14712287

why the fuck are you eating mac and cheese you insufferable manchild

>> No.14713966


>> No.14713986

because I don't have a napoleon complex like you

>> No.14714002

yo that spicy italian antipasto paste, here we have it as something called la bamba but idk

>> No.14714006

Spinach and a packet of sazon goya, those bitches will be sucking your dick faster than they can say blurb blurb blurb!

>> No.14714011

Just never let them see how easy it is.

>> No.14714018

Dont forget to live that la vida loca

>> No.14714027
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Stewed tomatoes with basil ladled overtop. The acidity and sweetness of the tomatoes cuts the creaminess and fat of the cheese perfectly.

>> No.14714042

Basil once it's done is best imo, the residual heat of the dish will take care of the basil and make it's flavor shine.

>> No.14714054

peans and tuna :)

>> No.14714064

penor and vag, sounds like some crap from indian / paki biden supporters

>> No.14714074


>> No.14714145

Sun dried tomatoes and capers

>> No.14714161

at least 3 types of cheeses (1 of which should be american cus it makes shit all creamy), panko and cheese on top (you don't need to fuck w/ the panko. some cunts add butter to it but that's pointless)

season your sauce with salt, WHITE pepper, a spoonful of dijon. you should be using as much cream as you can physically handle. mac and cheese is not health food so you should take it to its logical conclusion if you're making it

also make sure some of the pasta is poking out from the sauce (still covered in cheese tho), you get an almost fried texture from those pieces and it owns

>> No.14714164
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Put it in the smoker

>> No.14714167

Onions, sardines, and peas. The way momma made it

>> No.14714169

Fresh basil too

>> No.14714249
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i like to make baked penne

>> No.14714252

Real bacon bits.

>> No.14714463

Hot Dogs.

>> No.14714528

whip it at the wall and plop some indian curry on the plate instead

>> No.14714534

parmesean cheese and fresh salmon

>> No.14714572


>> No.14714579


Mac and cheese doesn't need sprucing up, you faggot. People like you ruin perfectly good mac and cheese by adding bullshit to it. It doesn't need anything but the pasta, cheesy sauce, and maybe some bread crumbs on the top. It is a side dish.

>> No.14714583

Depends. If it’s from a box mix, I usually like to add at least a little bit of real cheese to it, salt, pepper, maybe sausage. If I’m doing it from scratch, I find adding a bit of mustard powder and worchestershire sauce to the bechamel gives it a little more tang that works well with sharp cheddar.

>> No.14714646

bechamel sauce.
i'm also gonna try to make my own american cheese with colby, sharp cheddar, parmigiano reggiano, some feta, sodium citrate, and evaporated milk.

>> No.14714660

God you're a fucking weird one. You wanna come over my house? I'll make two bowls of annie's gluten free mac n cheese and you can guess which one I came in. It's like a funny new kind of game, you'll love it.

>> No.14714799

Hot sauce or siracha

>> No.14714946

Slap some Worcestershire sauce on some Kraft dinner and you're good to go

>> No.14715004

So many schmucks who will never experience making a bechamel sauce and adding all sorts of cheeses you want to make a cheese sauce a million times superior to that that fake cheese powder crap.

>> No.14715011

Salt and pepper.
I'm not going to put the effort in to pretend it's something it's not.

>> No.14715030

It's not dumb, it's a completely different food.

>> No.14715036

Ċottage cheese

>> No.14715046

Ground Beef, pan-fried and seasoned.

>> No.14715052

All of the fanciest ketchups....dijon ketchup

>> No.14715053

its just macaroni, no need to put a bunch of shit in it it's not go' 'za

>> No.14715071
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add bouillon to the mornay sauce

>> No.14715089

do you replace bechamel with cottage cheese?? struggling to imagine a macaroni cheese without it but would like to try something different

>> No.14715192

Green onions

>> No.14715365

Perhaps that means that you're not only a faggot that let's his wife/gf get fucked by rampaging nignogs but takes care of the niglets. That's your problem, not mine bitch.

>> No.14715420

bechamel sauce

>> No.14715431

Cubed pepperoni and black olives

>> No.14715475

this but lately i've been adding them to everything

>> No.14715482

Roasted broccoli. A little garlic powder and pepper

>> No.14715484

ground beef and black pepper

>> No.14715936

No. Cottage cheese is in addition to other cheese.

>> No.14715953


>> No.14716022

garlic powder, red pepper flakes, hot sauce and broccoli!

>> No.14716025

I just tried this and it made me vomit and the food coloring stained everything

>> No.14716146

I like to remove the pasta, bechamel and cheese because I'm not a fucking infant. Why does this dog shit dish always get a pass? It's like seeing an adult eat chicken nuggets, peas and carrots.

>> No.14716600
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With this (or other similar sauces)

>> No.14716607

By putting it in the trash and making good food instead

>> No.14716625
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this shit

>> No.14717070

So many people who are dead inside getting angry at boxed mac n cheese.

>> No.14717118

tomato, onion, garlic, extra cheese, whatever leftover meat I have, jalapeno and/or hot sauce, pepper

>> No.14717154
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>> No.14717160
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Dried fried onions

>> No.14717173

+ green peppers
+ onions
+ garlic
+M & C

>> No.14717232

+ bacon -> ++good

>> No.14717248

Euro trash types that are seething at the USA yet they're getting by merkel every which way. They're jealous and while not admitting it try to keep their eurotrash uppercrust 'tude.

>> No.14717301
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Well well well, if it isn't the smoker

>> No.14717308

Never tried this. Makes me wanna try dried garlic chips too.

>> No.14717382

toss it in the garbage and whip up some indian curry instead

>> No.14717464
File: 215 KB, 1500x1500, Gardettos-Special_Request_Garlic_Rye_Chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get these Gardettos garlic chips if you can find them

>> No.14717470

yeah, dredge up the ganges for poo in the loo, not too appealing. Now with extra burnt bodies from those savages.

>> No.14717479
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A hot dog with ketchup, of course! The ultimate poor man's feast!

>> No.14717520
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Wrap it up beotch, in wonder bread.

>> No.14717565

After age 7 you should not eat macaroni and cheese

>> No.14717953

Homemade mac and cheese IS so much better that it's worth the extra work, but it's not something someone would always have the time to do.

For boxed mac and cheese, add a little bit of cooked ground beef (4 to 8 oz. precooked weight for 1 box) and chunky salsa for spicy cheeseburger macaroni.

>> No.14717977
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With Japanese cooking, of course.

>> No.14718308

i also add that too friend

>> No.14718941


>> No.14718975

Say spruce instead of "spice" because of the obvious hot sauce overtone

>> No.14719111

Why? Explain your failed logic, if I can pay for what I want then it's none of your business, get over yourself fag boi.

>> No.14719363

shut your fuck up

>> No.14719437

by making indian curry instead

>> No.14719482

sodium citrate in the health food section of your grocery store, it's an annoying fad but it works like they say it does.

>> No.14719499
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kimchi or sliced dill pickles

>> No.14719554

curry in kraft dinner would probably be really nice

>> No.14719564

>making your own is dumb
You can make the cheese sauce by lightly tossing shred cheese in heavy cream and microwaving that shit for like 30s.
It is stupid easy.

>> No.14719569

fuck off gordon

>> No.14719593

Lots of people with the palets of toddlers on this board. You all eat slop or something?

>> No.14719811

What would you add them jackass?

>> No.14719955

only needs some freshly ground black pepper

>> No.14720104

usually I spruce it up by adding steak and veggies or maybe bbq and something like green beans. mac and cheese is a side dish

>> No.14720145
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Really? No one's said it? I guess I'll be the one to say it:


>> No.14720181

16oz of ‘milk cream stuff’ was $3
and a 16oz of alfredo sauce was $1.50 .... can i use the alfredo sauce as a base for mixing in other cheeses to use in my mac and cheese

alfredo and velveeta?

alfredo sauce is bitoni brand or something, from grocery outlet

>> No.14720197

>can i use the alfredo sauce as a base for mixing in other cheeses to use in my mac and cheese
maybe dilute it with a little milk then add the cheese. if you just add cheese to it with no extra milk it might end up too salty.

>> No.14720209


If you're using Velveeta, I would probably skip the Alfredo and save a small amount of the pasta water before straining. Then, put the pan back on heat with pasta and add the Velveeta and some cream. Add fresh cracked black pepper and oregano

>> No.14720219
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Add the pasta water before adding Velveeta*

Maybe about 1 cup of pasta water max

>> No.14720264

Man I wish there was a way to make them the ole soul food southern way not that Yack there its nothing likr the authentic way

>> No.14720267

Sweet chili sauce
Proceed to put in a pie dish
Top with panko mixed with a lot of black pepper and parmesan
I usually also throw in about 5-6 hotdogs

>> No.14720271

I forgot to add I usually use sweet chili heat doritos as my serving utensil

>> No.14720278

AND I also forgot I use about an eighth of a cup buttermilk, and half cup of heavy cream

>> No.14721313

If it's regular Kraft, protips:

- go heavy on the butter light on the milk
- add a bit of sour cream
- don't mix in the cheese powder completely, especially if you have the shells - some unmixed powder will hide out in the shells and make for the random bite of sharp cheddar here or there. This also helps to diversify the texture of the bites.
- some shaved or grated "real" cheese on top