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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 133 KB, 1400x934, lard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14705263 No.14705263 [Reply] [Original]

Why should you use anything else but lard for frying?

>> No.14706194

because olive oil is healthier you dumb southern yokel

>> No.14706250

Olive oil also tastes better as does ghee and pretty much every other oil you can buy.

>> No.14706252

Lard is great for pastry crusts but it isn’t a particularly good frying oil.

I prefer corn oil. Has a nice flavor and high smoke point.

>> No.14706298

if you are eating fried food you suposedly don't give a fuck of the calorie intake of that particular meal, either because you will expend such calories later(or already expended it) or, your case, you are a fat fuck with no self respect.
Now if you are talking about frying some onions or sauteing/searing in general i think animal fats add more flavour, if you are trying to be "healthier" you can use vegetable oils but then again you can pretty much fry with whatever fat you want as long as is not obviously poison(margarine) and remain healthy as long as you do physical activity and the rest of your diet is not all over the place, people like you that tells to eat this or that for "health" reasons really don't know what you are talking about and should be eliminated

>> No.14706315

you wrote a lot of words but said nothing of value

>> No.14706337

Wrong. Lard is the best cooking fat you dumb soyboys

>> No.14706339

If you have protein poisoning you can eat it like chocolate

>> No.14706347

It's great but getting expensive for some fucking reason here. I really like roasting potatoes in beef tallow but the last time I went to buy tallow it was like 10 bucks a pound

>> No.14706355

Tallow is expensive because carnivore diet people made it popular. I miss lard because I moved from Arizona and Morrel snow cap buckets behind the iron curtain in the ussr on the east coast and the don't have mexicans, guns, or lard here.

>> No.14706431

>if you dont cook with lard you're a soy
ask me how i know you weigh over 250lbs

>> No.14706453

He is right, but sure keep using your Canola

>> No.14706454


Stop with this fucking soy meme, I could inject tofu between my toes like a fucking junkie and it wouldnt give me tiddies. Plus soy products can be great, specifically edamame and properly stir fried tofu.

>> No.14706469

lard, butter and olive oil are all the fat you need for cooking, anything else is kike trickery

>> No.14706473

Based and redpilled

>> No.14706474
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You're a jew or a muslim. I personally love duck fat. But I have beautiful ducks that produce it for me. Seed oils are kind of shady. Getting pure olive oil that isnt adulterated is hard to get or even certify as authentic. And other cheap oils are actually rancid and are put through many different processes so it doesnt smell like cloudy stank ass. Meanwhile I get a delicious roast duck and half a jar of duck fat as a byproduct.

>> No.14706481

ps that is freshly rendered duck fat from a roast, not pee.it solidified in the fridge

>> No.14706506


Bullshit we all know you’re gunna put your Rainbow Dash plushie in there.

>> No.14706522

every thing you just listed has low smoke points and adds a certain taste. add avocado oil and it's perfect.

>> No.14706585

Ask me how I know you can't even bench 2 plates

>> No.14706622
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>Oh no, you dont want to burn your olive oil! Buy some hecking avocado oil or soybean oil my duderino bro

>> No.14706645

As neutral oil for pan-frying, is corn oil superior to sunflower?

>> No.14706748


>> No.14707208

i'm a fan of broiling and i don't want my kitchen smelling like smoke. keep seething giuseppe

>> No.14708129

european here, i always use animal fat because we have used it for thousands of, not vegetable oil

if you think lard is only an american thing, visit europe along with your girlfriend so we can fuck her raw and you watch, cuckboy!

>> No.14708340

too long I aint gon read that shit nigga

>> No.14708398

weird flex

>> No.14708530

I made the switch from plant-based oils to lard recently for frying things and the difference in flavour is amazing, I wish I'd changed sooner.

>> No.14708551

I don't want to be obese and die of a heart attack.
I only use lard for english pastries

Canola oil all the way

>> No.14708876

if you deep fry, you don't care about the health quality of your food. retards

>> No.14708879

Weren't we already past the "saturated fat is evil" meme?

>> No.14708913

Health and weight, while related, are not the same thing. You can't "work off" lard. You can remain skinny, but it'll still fuck up your cardiovascular system

>> No.14709449

You wanna know a cool trick? You can mix oils, mix an evoo with a high smoke point oil and it won't get that metallic off taste.

>> No.14709462

Lard nowadays is mass produced, back in the day when pigs were eating vegetable scraps and other throw away green materials, they were outside producing vitamin d and eating stuff loaded with omega 3, so their lard was loaded with omega 3 and vitamin d. Would be cool to have a pig in the backyard and feed it table scraps, have the little fat bastard out in the sun producing vitamin d and slaughtering it when the time comes.

>> No.14711090

lard is 50% mono fat though

>> No.14711773

I thought lard had a relatively high smoke point

>> No.14711783

>he fell for the "saturated fats are bad" meme


>> No.14711786

heart attack literally just became an issue AFTER people switched from cooking lard and butter to vegetable oils, also sugar happened, lard and saturated fats are not the issue

>> No.14712226

we produce our own olive oil, and lard just isn't sold in stores here. I have used pork lard once, given by a friend who had pigs in his farm; great for potatoes but not much else. Same for butter.

>> No.14712266

I always use sunflower or vegetable oil. It's cheaper, healthier than lard and you get to taste the food instead of the fat

>> No.14712276

smells/tastes like shit

>> No.14714122

>heating olive oil
Do Americans really?

>> No.14714162

>thinking vegetable oils are better than butter

>> No.14714170

>Main fats used before technology brought us hydrogenated oils and trash like soybean oil and cottonseed oil.
>Obesity wasn't a thing
> heart disease wasnt a thing
Why don't people use their fucking heads?

>> No.14714175

you are literally doing the opposite of preventing a heart attack

>> No.14714178

>healthier than lard
no its not

>> No.14714181

>Why don't people use their fucking heads?
most are retards

>> No.14714201

they do, and other americans beg them to stop frying in EVOO, but... try to tell them, they can't hear it, try to give it to them, they won't take it... harumph.

>> No.14714228

>not cooking with different oils for different foods
>there is one oil for everything

>> No.14714294
File: 228 KB, 1000x1000, 1583081236970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people still think canola, vegetable, and seed oils are healthier than animal fat
You know vegetable and seed oils are literally Great Depression tier holdovers, industrial lubricant tier byproducts that were sold to people who couldnt afford the real shit? To cope, they marketed it as healthier, then got used to it and passed the myth onto boomers, who passed it onto us. Even though it's obvious to see that boomers are a bunch of fat fucks riddled with health problems. Seriously use your brain, why do you think that sickly looking shit comes dirt cheap in huge plastic jugs?

>> No.14714362

>why do you think that sickly looking shit comes dirt cheap in huge plastic jugs?
as opposed to butter costing ridiculously expensive amounts of money?

>> No.14714403
File: 204 KB, 960x1280, 5C34CFE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, GOOD quality butter DOES cost more than canola and vegetable oil. Shit like Land O Lakes is often cut with canola oil or their own brand of cream, which has additional crap additives (Carageenan is actually banned in several countries, and there is no reason for it to be in cream except cost cutting). An entire jug of vegetable or canola oil costs like $1.50, and 2 sticks of high quality butter is $2-4. So yes butter is more expensive than that industrial runoff trash.

You can demonstrate the differences in butter yourself at home by taking a stick of Land O Lakes and a stick of higher quality butter (Kerrygold or fancier) out of the fridge at the same time and seeing how fast they soften up. Land O Lakes takes far longer to soften because it's cut with additives.

>> No.14714541

okay, and an entire "jug" of olive oil can be double digits. so what's your point again?

>> No.14714571

>noooooooo seaweed in my butter
Pleb filtered.

>> No.14714574

Yeah I never said olive oil was bad for you, idiot. Olive oil is ancient and everyone knows its good for you, the only "debate" is whether or not it becomes bad after heating. Prior to industrialization, soybean and canola oil were only used by chinks, and they weren't known for their good health.

>> No.14714586

>it was used by my mediterranean LARP societies, that mean good
oh you're just a deluded NEETsoc lmaooo

>> No.14714635

>buzzword buzzword buzzword
Ok retard, keep coping with the fact that you're slurping down Depression era industrial byproduct. Wont affect my life in any way lol

>> No.14714662

you're literally retarded, kill yourself
>huur I was merely pretending lmfao troled u!

>> No.14714727

NO, evoo isn't bad for you after heating, its been proven with some fancy queer reviewed research papers even, only thing that happens is it gets that weird metallic taste if you heat it too much.
t. faggot who has 35l of olive oil in his basement in a 50l stainless steel fusti sealed
and it was shipped to the US by boat from a family friend who grew and pressed it overseas

>> No.14715226

What's it like being in the mafia?

>> No.14715270

>high quality butter

>> No.14715272

>t. Lurpak CEO

>> No.14715274

Lurpak is just as bad as Kerrygold.
try real european butter, not their fake stuff.

>> No.14715277

>carnivore diet people
This is such a minority/niche audience that I have a hard time believing that they have the power to increase the price of anything.

>> No.14715314

I said highER quality, not high quality. It's still miles ahead of fucking Land O Lakes in any case. Personally I used some locally produced stuff that blows away any imported butter. Euros don't import their really good stuff to America anyway.

>> No.14715320

*export not import mb

>> No.14715326

This nigga buying butter from churning amish lmfao

>> No.14715331
File: 36 KB, 600x600, 759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14715339

Lot of exporter/importers around here. Trying to stop exporting and get mostly into importing though.

>> No.14715372
File: 67 KB, 650x296, food-crisco-15-swscan00336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this, 100%

>> No.14715447

for real? how much they charge

>> No.14715537

No adult male should weight under 200lbs.

>> No.14715559

What about manlets?

>> No.14717288

Soft titties types this

>> No.14717324


>> No.14717343

your ilk is the worst

>> No.14717675

Butter tastes better.

>> No.14717873

Lard is compromised because pigs are getting shit feed and their human-like inability to saturate the fatty acids from corn oil etc leads to those fats ending up in the lard

>> No.14717892

>Hurr durr hydrogenated bad
You have zero understanding of chemistry. Trans fats are the result of insufficient hydrogenation, fully hydrogenated fats (saturated fats) are some of the safest fats you can eat.

>> No.14718397
File: 78 KB, 620x420, membersonlyguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, maybe a loose affiliation association or two, I'm not in the mafia and never have been. You can imagine I'm like guy in pic related.
This, the pigs are indoors, no vitamin d produced which if fat soluble and would end up in lard, I'm also certain pig feed is mostly grain omega 6, double whammy nowadays compared to previous pig farms where they took pigs outdoors in the sun to feed and it wasn't all grains.

>> No.14718434

imagine thinking what you fry in matters.Like a table spoon of olive oil is going to affect my health lmao.

>> No.14718702
File: 29 KB, 741x568, 1564370149971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because the grocery doesn't sell it
simple as

>> No.14718734

it does, I don't know what is he smokin 2bh

>> No.14718891

Commercial lard is almost always deoderized. It's the only reason it's white and odorless.

If you want proper old timey lard suited for baking you'll need to get artisanal leaf lard.

>> No.14718914


its not about health its about flavor you fucking tastelet

>> No.14718989

The irony.

>> No.14719468

How much does oil actually mask/inhibit flavor? For every chef or poster I see saying "strain off the oil so you can actually taste the ingredients underneath it," there's someone else saying "what the fuck are you doing, bro, that oil is where all the flavor is." Which is it?

>> No.14719484

Depends, when I make stock for chicken soup you best be thinking I'm skimming the oil from the chicken.

>> No.14719497

But what does it depend on, exactly? Why is it that when I throw garlic in a skillet of fat, the garlic strongly infuses everything, but if I throw onions or peppers, they become untastable in the final product? I don't get it.

>> No.14719555

You answered your own question and didn't even realize it. You need to learn how to properly gauge how much fat you use, eyeball and get a taste for it from experience cooking with said ingredients, its why some recipes are useless and why chefs taste a lot of stuff they make. Only cooking I don't have to taste test anything and can consistently use pre-measured amounts of all ingredients is with a pressure cooker, the type that don't exhaust too much steam and use no weight. Garlic is somewhat solid, but then again think about how many ways you can prepare garlic for sauteing, chopped, small chunks, small or thick slices, cut in half, it'll saute up different with each type and come out tasting different with each type of cut, now peppers and onions have a lot of mass compared to garlic, yea saute them for a long time in a lot of oil and they'll slop up turn soft, it'll be an oily mess, may taste good, but turns sloppy. Now chicken fat in a broth, you leave it in especially if you rendered the fat from the skin for it, soup will turn into a heavy unsatisfying mess, you'll need something to counter the heavy hard to digest chicken fat, it'll be a slick greasy type soup otherwise. I've never bothered to keep the chicken fat in, but jews render schmaltz all the time and add it to cooking even, no idea how they do it.