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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14700606 No.14700606 [Reply] [Original]

*actually just cooks and doesn't have faggy intros and unnecessary dialogue in your path*

>> No.14700620
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actually enjoys your coom

>> No.14700629

J “what’s up guys, gals and non-binary pals” Kenji

J “I’ll take my wife’s last name” kenji

>> No.14700636

Why does he have three names but abbreviates his first name, Jim, and seems to not like being called just Jim?

>> No.14700638

and that makes you shit your pants?

>> No.14700644

literally who

who, literally

>> No.14700651

Because he's always gone by his middle name. I do the same thing.

>> No.14700658

pinay embarrassed with who he is so he pretends to be full jap since that's "trendier" in the culinary world

>> No.14700671

If you read any of his actual cook books or articles, he shoves in a ton of political shit. It's exactly what you'd expect from a guy with a hyphenated last name.

>> No.14700675

Who the fuck reads stupid boomer this is about videos.

>> No.14700681

Made his oven-baked wings yesterday, and they were so fucking good. Really simple, but I was amazed you can get that result without frying.

>> No.14700683

faggot who knows how to cook and comes up with unique cooking techniques.

>> No.14700686

Yup I love them I've been making them once a week for while.

>> No.14700748

i love him
based and comfy videos

>> No.14700758

watching non white people isn't comfy it just reminds me they are trying to invade our countries

>> No.14700763

Cry about it

>> No.14700765

He also literally banned people with MAGA hats from his restaurant

>> No.14700772

I won't I'm just saying he knows he would be much more popular (and smart) if he were fully white and he has a huge complex about it and it makes his content unwatchable.

>> No.14700778

If that was true he wouldn't go by Kenji or combine his wife's last name with his. Take your meds schizo and fuck off from the thread.

>> No.14700785

what made you this way?

>> No.14700795

What? He goes by Kenji because he wants to be seen as >muh diversity rather than white, because he CANNOT BE SEEN AS FULLY WHITE, and is overcompensating like mad as a result.

He literally is carefully avoiding using his normal white ass first name because he's so ashamed of being just half white.

Living in a city that's half black. They are pure horror to interact with at all.

>> No.14700803
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Where are the jannies when you actually need them

>> No.14700814

You've rotted your brain on politics go the fuck outside and get some fresh air dumbass. Jesus christ I hate you chronically online morons

>> No.14700815

As someone who lives in the south in an area with one of the highest concentration of blacks in the country, you are absolutely retarded.

The worst of what black people have to offer are no worse than the red neck hill billy 70 iq idiots who act the same. 2 sides of the same coin

>> No.14700816

Could be worse, they used to send people to jail for being suspected of being a communist. At least he's not an authoritarian mindcontroller like the Republican party of the United States was.

>> No.14700820

I literally went for a nice hike earlier today.

Jesus never existed, religion is a lie to brainwash the dumb.

Non whites are less pleasant to be around and less intelligent and Jim knows this and overcompensates wildly.

>> No.14700829

Go for another hike but walk into traffic this time.

>> No.14700882

>The worst of what black people have to offer
The problem is not how low they can go (there's a bottom limit that is the same for everyone) but how often they go that way.
And on that account there's no comparison with rednecks.

>> No.14700892

>He also literally banned people with MAGA hats from his restaurant

>> No.14700895

>disgusting, sloppy eating sounds throughout the video
>feeds his mutt beast his faggy food and makes more unbearable, open-mouth chewing noises
fuck this guy

>> No.14700903

He does it in his videos to you retard

>> No.14700909

No he doesn't, retard. Yeah it's obvious he's a NYC/Cali liberal and he may make off hand remarks in his stream of consciousness style videos but he never makes it a point to preach to his audience or stops cooking to talk about that shit. If you think he is that's just your immense bias and butthurt over people having opinions different than your own. Cope and kill yourself.

>> No.14700915

Bullshit. You are safer in a trailer park than in the ghetto...hell NIGGERS are safer in a trailer park than in the ghetto.

>> No.14700919

He knows everyone at home would much rather watch a white/jewish chef and it eats him alive and you can see it on his face.

>> No.14700928

k i l l y o u r s e l f

>> No.14700940

Yes he does you immense queer. In his last video he started randomly talking about how black lives matters as if anyone actually fucking cares.

>> No.14700944
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>> No.14700948

Seething chink detected.
Also this. Along with the fact that he says "uhhh" and "um" more times than Obama without a teleprompter

>> No.14700953

Trying nothing, it is done and our nations now belong to aliens.

>> No.14700954
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No he didn't and quite frankly I don't fucking care. I genuinely hope you faggots kill yourselves and your single mom cries about it and finds pieces of your skull months later caked into the carpet and relives the nightmare over again.


>> No.14700957
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>> No.14701009

He's a Californian in the Bay Area. What do you expect?

>> No.14701017

him to go back to Japan and never bother us again, ideally

>> No.14701023


lol that rules, I like him more now

>> No.14701249

I don't know who he is but this thread seems to indicate he's a libfag

>> No.14702579

Fuck this half n*gger cuban

>> No.14703267

>get this guy on the pan
>take this guy off the heat
>drops ingredients on the floor and uses them
>while this guy cooks
>this guy
>this guy
>this guy
>finds excuse to mention muh wife
>finds excuse mention muh daughter
>holy shit he referenced something in the youtube comment section LOL! (reddit)
>headcam chewing noises mmm so good
>guys and gals and nonbinary pals
>feeds the hecking doggerino LOL! (reddit)

>> No.14703512

watch any unedited footage of any youtube cook/chef
youll see this shit too, kenji is the same except a better cook and isnt trying to be cool with flashy videos
just strap a camera to your head and get cooking, no muss no fuss

>> No.14703525

>does no research
>everyone else shits on them for thing not re-elated to cooking
>makes a judgement based on absolutely nothing

fuck and you all thought reddit was an echo chamber

>> No.14703540

i watched his rice video yesterday and heard that non binary thing and thought it was friendly and cute to be honest, maybe have sex?

>> No.14704042


>> No.14704062

i feel like every single recipie online these days can be tracked back to him

>> No.14704097

Cause he's actually a great chef unlike the rest of the hacks. Don't watch the Kenji/Ragusea interview unless you want to see peak cringe and fanboying on the part of Ragusea

>> No.14704620

Jesus’s existence is indisputable historical fact, even Roman pagan and Jewish sources acknowledged Him.

>> No.14704713

I really like his videos and his cooking. I dislike his political and ideological views.

He's also an immense faggot for not only censoring but actively deleting negative comments ("so you don't have to see them") on his videos.

>> No.14704771


>> No.14704962




>> No.14704982

found the reddit fag

>> No.14705020

He acknowledges a handful of people that watches his videos. What's the big deal?

>> No.14705030

J Kenji-Lopez Alt(I don't know where the - goes honestly)
He's a MIT grad who quit being an engineer to work with food.
He has a pretty big following.

>> No.14705035

Good. And I say that unironically

>> No.14705037

I haven't tried that method yet, but think I will this weekend.

>> No.14705047
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>> No.14705050

Yes, my girlfriend introduced me to Kenji.

>> No.14705057


>> No.14705190

So, besides the wings someone mention some more recipes they liked ...

>> No.14705211

They absolutely did not put ordinary people in jail for being communists, retard. Of all the things to hate Republicans for, at least pick something not fake and gay.

>> No.14705341

double fried french fries, NY pizza dough is legit, cast iron pizza is easy, 5 ingredient fried chicken sandwich, chicken scarpiella. He doesn't really miss in my opinion.

>> No.14705391

Kenji is talented, but he seems like the kinda guy who is going to write you a 10 page essay on why it is not gay to fuck a trap.

>> No.14705560

project harder, degenerate

>> No.14705678

>makes a video showing his restaurant
>only 40 minutes away for me
should I go bros?

>> No.14705690

I remember him getting mad because people were making fun of American cheese in one of his videos

>> No.14705740

I think they're closed or only doing out door seating but it looks tasty. The korean fried hot chicken sounds based

>> No.14705847

He's got dogshit neoliberal politics, but he's my favorite in food-media by far. His SeriousEats articles are top-notch, and his YouTube channel is fantastic. Just mute him on Twitter and you're golden.

>> No.14705894
File: 26 KB, 260x327, meathead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I won't say by far.
I think Meathead does a really fine job with Amazing Ribs, and as smoking is my favorite form of cooking, I like to give him props.

What do you guys think about this lad? Kenji wrote the foreword of his book, btw.

>> No.14706092


>> No.14706157

>i-i'm scared of change
Non binary people have existed since the dawn of time, it just has terminology now. The wife last name thing is lame though.

>> No.14706372

It's both of their last names together it's not like he dropped his

>> No.14706437


>> No.14706618

>He also literally banned people with MAGA hats from his restaurant

>Wear MAGA hat to crowded place wanting to start shit
>Refuse to wear masks and throw loud tantrum when asked about it
>Be fat in public

He's just trying to sell food, why allow these type of idiots with their performative cringe politics into his place of business.

>> No.14706652
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cmon now

>> No.14706827

Good. All restaurants should do that.

>> No.14706840

king shit

>> No.14706884

All I need to know to not watch this faggot's vids. Thanks anon.

>> No.14706894

your samefagging has not gone unnoticed

>> No.14707026

Prove it dumbass

>> No.14707211

guy feeds his dogs garlic and doesn't understand why he shouldn't.

>> No.14707224

>and non-binary pals
>I’ll take my wife’s last name
Do Americans really?

>> No.14707329

Lmao imagine thinking like this
Political opinions aside, the guy has the best cooking channel on YouTube without a doubt.

>> No.14707345

Us co/ck/suckers don't have gfs, buddy

>> No.14707349

He literally says so but says it's fine because it's a minuscule amount. Just like your dog eating a single M&M you dropped isn't going to make them drop dead
He didn't take his wifes last name he combined it with his own, retard Lopez-Alt

>> No.14707411

>He didn't take his wifes last name he combined it with his own
Do Americans really?

>> No.14707437

theobromine is water soluble whereas the chemical in garlic is fat soluble leading to a potential where the chemical gets stored in the animal's fat and could potentially cause issues later down the line.

>> No.14707618

she should be, its is just cheddar, with gelatin
and probably flavour enhancers in the factory made cheese

>> No.14707671

now take the asmr cooking pill

>> No.14708157

He really doesn't. You'd need to follow him on twitter/reddit to even know he's politically retarded.

>> No.14708166

Bro it's not like he's feeding them cloves of the shit whatever garlic flavor molecules coating a piece of meat or veg isn't gonna cause long term damage and he probably only does it for the videos.

>> No.14708172

I intend for each of my children to have four names, First, Middle, Mother's, Father's. First and Middle will be used like they are currently in the United States (though I like the idea of the Middle name being a "personal name" being used by family and people close to you). The mother and father each pass on one of their parents' names, and the one the mother passes on becomes the Mother's Name, and the one the father passes on becomes the Father's name. Generally it would be understood that a woman passes on her mother's name and a man his father's name, but if you wanted to respect the other name by passing it on instead, you could, as well as not passing on either and just using your partner's names.

>> No.14708197

maybe dilate

>> No.14708219

no u dierightnow faggot

>> No.14708333

Yeah give it go, nothing to lose.

>> No.14708534

He went by J. Kenji Alt until he tacked on his wife’s name.

>> No.14708592

dangerously based

>> No.14708602
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The only white person to survive Sohla.

>> No.14708621

hes not white and hes not on bon appetit

>> No.14708633

The videos where you can tell he is drunk as he is cooking the meals are pure kino though I will never understand why he doesn't wait even a second before eating his food, all I hear at the end is him just burning his mouth over some egg sandwich lol

>> No.14708777

What a clusterfuck lmfao