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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14701709 No.14701709 [Reply] [Original]

I currently have 20$ to finish the month, any cheap recipe suggestions?

>> No.14701714

That’s kind of funny

>> No.14701717

beans and rice, my man.

>> No.14701724

Also don’t post an image more interesting than whatever low IQ crap you spat out of your “brain”. To answer your question, if you want a real answer then buy a bottle of multivitamins, 4lb jar of peanut butter and a loaf of white bread, spend the rest on 4lokos and you’ll get alright trust me

>> No.14701732

>pasta + mince meat
Really just any meat + anything. If potato is very cheap in your cunt then go for those.
If mince meat is expensive then choose the cheapest human-certified meat you can find.
However the important part is you do not fuck around. Only two components + spices. And if you're out of spices then none of those either. Maybe ketchup if you already have it.
Meat + stuff. Potato + sausage. Pasta + chicken. Rice + bacon. Whatever is cheapest.

>> No.14701746

Nigger its the 7th.

>> No.14701756
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>> No.14701762

what decisions do people make it life that leads them to not having enough money that they have to specifically budget for food?

>> No.14701764

Put all money into sugar and yeast. Make sugar wine.
You won't be so depressed about starving when you're drunk.

>> No.14701780

beer cheese soup
rice stir fry
rice and canned fish
If you have a budget you should be able to figure out how to feed yourself.

>> No.14701785

I did this one summer but it was actual wine and cans of green beans

>> No.14701791

food pantry, dumdum

>> No.14701793
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If it's $20 for the whole month, figure out how you can stretch rice and frozen vegetables. When you run out, go to a food bank.

>> No.14701817

Oats, frozen broccoli, lentils and beans lmao
You gonna lose some weight nigga

>> No.14701828
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>You gonna lose some weight nigga
this desu desu

>> No.14701851

Sometimes you try your best and want to be helpful but you can't stop having bad thoughts.

>> No.14701871

did you kill someone?

>> No.14702058

steal condiments from your workplace and eating establishments and gas stations. ketchup and coffee creamer can be very fattening!

>> No.14702520

Mom found the poop drawer?

>> No.14702525
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>> No.14702553

nothing will ever expose you as a newfag zoomer as much as
>pretending to hate anime on 4chan

>> No.14702696

i've done this when i was a kid out by myself around dinner time when i didn't have any money from mom. i'd shoplift over doing it again. it's easier and you save your dignity.

>> No.14702983

Go to trader joe's and slip a steak into your coat pocket. At trader joe's they don't have meat counters so all the steaks are prepacked in compact plastic and are easy to steal.

Then grab a couple potatos and go through the checkout line as normal. They won't suspect you of stealing meat if you actually purchase the potatoes. Do this every other day until you have more money.

>> No.14702988

Don't trust this anon, awful advice. Go to your local church or soup kitchen

>> No.14703037

/ck/ thieves guild questline

>> No.14703056


>> No.14703078
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ratso rizzo hands typed this post

>> No.14703106 [DELETED] 
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Multivitamins are OK, but some minerals are competitive, and few iterations are everything anyway.

Calcium (especially phosphate) and magnesium are really important. B vitamins.

Some of the cheapest and best protein is still eggs, 60 for $3.77. Choline.

>> No.14703109 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14703113 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14703117

Fuck off, tripfag autist. Are you ban-evading again?

>> No.14703121

1 bag of potatoes
1 bag rice
3 onions
12 eggs
canned tuna
frozen veg

>potato+onion soup
>potato salad
>potato pancakes
>fried rice
>tuna on rice
>scrambled eggs
>fried egg on rice

>> No.14703142 [DELETED] 

Idiot. Fool.

>> No.14703144 [DELETED] 

Not enough protein..

>> No.14703170

Secure tripcodes are for faggots. This is not an argument, but an undeniable fact.

>> No.14703288 [DELETED] 

"I don't believe you."

>> No.14703508

stock up on ramen

>> No.14703828
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>vitamins, white bread, peanut butter and booze
>he wonders why he's so agitated by a /ck/ post

>> No.14703846 [DELETED] 
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Multivitamins are OK, but some minerals are competitive, and few iterations are everything anyway.

Calcium (especially phosphate) and magnesium are really important. B vitamins.

Some of the cheapest and best protein is still eggs, 60 for $3.77. Choline.

>> No.14703850 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14703852 [DELETED] 
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Not enough protein.

>> No.14703854

Spaghetti with tomato sauce

>> No.14703939

Chicken breast and lentil soup
Chicken thighs might be cheaper though

>> No.14703964

Go to the food pantry

>> No.14703985

Potatoes/rice, beans/lentils, offal, frozen spinach/brocc, canned fish, eggs,

>> No.14704413

Pizza. Making everything from the sauce to the dough from scratch and using discounted meats / veggies means I get something like $3/1000 calories

>> No.14704423

Rice + lentils

>> No.14704449
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I don't need to keep my food cheap but I often do out of habit and because cheap food can be delicious.
If I had to pinch the pennies I'd be eating much of the same I eat now.
Something that's nice, cheap, delicious, and fun to cook would be stew. You can't go wrong with a nice stew.
Cheap cut of meat and in-season vegetables. You can use water if your budget doesn't allowed for beer, wine, or stock too.
I used to sometimes get stock bones for free from my butcher but I think those days are over in most places. Still, though, you can get chickenlegs or whole chicks for almost no money and make lovely stew, soup, and stock from that.
You can even stretch the stew too by having it with rice or bread or mashed potatoes instead of on its own. Or just add more potatoes and carrots into the stew itself.
Man, I'm putting myself in the mood for a stew. It's almost that time of year too.

Pic is heart and various root vegetables. Very cheap and delicious.
Heart is amazing stew meat. Liver's not bad for it either and it doesn't turn mushy even with a lot of braising.

>> No.14704715

so sub the potatoes for beans
simple as

>> No.14704830

Rice and beans babe, frozen vegetables if you wanna get fancy. I been there bro it’ll be be okay, and they have food pantries for a reason

>> No.14704831

If you are really that broke go to a food bank if possible or look into other stuff. Dem programz aren't just for black people.

>> No.14704867

>$20 for food for a month
I'd help but it's obvious you're a retarded manbaby that wasted his neetbux on something stupid.

>> No.14705095

>I currently have 20$ to finish the month
Literally how?

>> No.14705140

Some combination of egg and rice.
TKG is popular.
If you find you don't like it, stir more thoroughly, then pan fry into an egg-rice patty/pancake thing.

30 cents or so per meal.

>> No.14705323

Idk rent, utilities, fuel, phone bill, maybe some medication he has to have?
Maybe he also loves in california, so double all the above cost

>> No.14705651

its only the 8th...

go to a soup kitchen. and then next month dont spend all your money on weed ya fucking degenerate.

>> No.14705897


>> No.14705910

Also this

>> No.14705933

Also for any meal of the day

>> No.14705942

So he can eat half of the calories he needs for 1 week, then has to starve with literally nothing for 2 whole weeks lol.

Get a big bag of rice
Get the absolute cheapest shit meat you can, look for pork chops and the likes

That’s pretty much exactly how I would do it. Split the meat up and ration so you don’t run out

>> No.14705966

Soup kitchens and food banks. Have voluntered at both. You could walk in them with a rolex on your wrist and a hooker on your lap, they dont give a fuck. Some even deliver care packages.

>> No.14705967

I wasn't answering how to make him not fucking starve over the next month but what I like to make when I want something cheap and filling.

>> No.14705980

Buy bread flour. Make bread. If you don't have yeast watch a sour dough video. You could make noodles with the flour if you get tired of bread.

>> No.14706108

I'd roast the cheapest chicken I could find, and use the bones and some of the meat to make stock and soup with cheap vegetables. A bag of oats, eggs, butter, pasta, bread for chicken sandwiches and butter toast. If I could afford milk I'd get that too for the oats. Freeze and defrost things that won't last if you're shopping all at once.

>> No.14706128

Black beans. Onion, peppers, cumin, oregano, sugar, beans, some vinegar, some chicken powder from ramen if you got some. Top with lime. Can stretch 4-5 servings with rice. Only a few dollars if you have some base ingredients already.

>> No.14706155

bulk rice and bulk dried beans, maybe some canned tomatoes. perhaps also minced meat or chicken if you can get it cheap, any variation of that. Eggs could also work

>> No.14706196

Ground beef, seasoned with taco seasoning with a drained can of beans added. Then I mix with rice and wrap in a burrito, Ill add canned corn if I have any. Also mashed potatoes are cheap as shit and keep you full for awhile.

>> No.14706492

Cheapest shit is grains and beans, probably lentils/chickpeas with rice eternally

I'd do an egg fast diet, 1 egg with some cheese and a fat source like oil or butter, there's tons of recipes, omelettes, boiled eggs, etc and you'd lose weight too

>> No.14706575

Assuming you have basic shit like salt, pepper, oil, and some seasonings. Get a pork butt at $.99/lb, slow roast it so it's super tender, pull apart or cut it up and freeze it after it's done cooking. There's your protein, it'll reheat fine. Spend the rest on some rice, beans, other cheap veggies, maybe some potatoes or cheap tortillas/bread too.

>> No.14706912

$20 is going to be rice, beans, and eggs
Get some meals at a soup kitchen m8, this is what theyre for
If groceries are cheap where you are do this >>14706575

>> No.14706947

fucking kek

>> No.14706959

Just steal shit at the self checkout.

>> No.14706967

Are you sure you even have that? What about gas money

>> No.14706968

pasta is like a dollar a box, few cans of sauce. canned veggies, beans. bread and peanut butter.

>> No.14706976

who doesn't keep staples like pasta and some cans around just in case they run out of 'better' food?

>> No.14706978

I try to do that but I like making pasta too much. All I got is a bunch of canned beans

>> No.14707650

Seconding this. $20 won't last more than 2-3 days, you need dem programs.

>> No.14707656

It's time to vote:


Please vote to preserve the purity of this board, Reddit.

>> No.14707892
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>tfw broke
>but not a retard
>buy huge pork shoulder for $1 a pound at costco
>spend a day smoking it
>have delicious pulled pork to eat for a week

>> No.14707937

>very cheap in your cunt
Excuse me sir?

>> No.14708318

drugs are important

>> No.14708337
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just get on ebt dude, it's really easy and you get 180 bucks a month for free food

>> No.14708423

hmm rack of lamb is always pretty cheap at 10+ a pound, some lobster tails are usually not to bad at least where I live at like 8.99 for 4 oz.
if you really want to save money buy a whole rib roast its like 80 bucks for a couple of pounds and it has a whole lot of protein.

for carbs potatoes and rice are always a go-to, add seasonings and spices to the rice to make it taste better, if your personal chef has some indian cooking experience he'll know how to make a great jasmin rice.

for fats nothing beats avocados, and a drizzle of white truffle oil on a dish can really bring out the richness. and of course gordon ramseys favorite, african olive oil, much stronger then the stuff you can get in the US and EU.

and of course having your chef add some shaved truffles or toasted spices has a garnish will also add some nice flavor, I remember back when I was a poor college student at Harvard and I only had 20k a month to spend on food, those were some awful times. almost had to down grade my aventador svj to a shitty hurcan but luckily I put my mind to work and got my food budget down, good luck with your college buddy.

>> No.14708431

oops rack of lamb is 20 a pound, my bad.

>> No.14708790

Day 2
OP is dying

>> No.14709088

I currently have $17,000 to finish the month, any ludicrously expensive recipe suggestions to dab on OP?

>> No.14709220

this but with plenty of vegetables

>> No.14709224
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Why that nigga look like Batista?

>> No.14709240

Wagyu diet
Nothing but steaks for breakfast lunch dinner

>> No.14709256

Rice & beans, just multiply the amount by a factor of 1000.

>> No.14709514

Onion, garlic sauteed in olive oil. Add tomato sauce, cheap red wine, , cayenne pepper, and italian spices. It's what my girl and I call poverty sauce.

Sometimes I'll make meatballs if I have some stale breadcrumbs since I've pretty much always got ground venison on hand.

Serve with penne if sauce only, linguine or thin spaghetti if you add meatballs.

>> No.14709715

how much money can you make and still get food stamps

>> No.14710144

>Dem programz aren't just for black people.
this, if you actually do need the help then get it, no sense in starving yourself or not getting enough vitamins.

>> No.14710154

>Get a pork butt at $.99/lb
don't know where you are but I am in Ohio and also during my time in Indiana chicken legs and thighs are generally $.49/lb, and personally I like chicken more.

>> No.14710167


>> No.14710208

What are those little fellas between your parsnips and carrots?

>> No.14710330

If. I where to live as cheap as I could stand would be I would just buy oatmeal lentils and rice.
But if I had 20 this is what I’d buy
-large container of rolled oats
-whole wheat bread

- several dozen eggs
- peanut butter


-Billion cubes

>> No.14710346

Who the fuck actually qualifies for this? Who doesn't have 2 grand in the bank?

I'm poor as fuck but both my savings and checking account have more than that in each. And my 401k and ira blows that out of the water of course.

>> No.14710360

unfortunately its mostly used by people who just spend all there money and it actually encourages people to not save money, I am one of 12 children so we qualified mostly because the limit grows larger depending on the number of people.

>> No.14710376

damn i live with mum and can't qualify for free tendies cuz she's rich and only buys vegetables ;((

how do I get free housing? is it possible to not live in a faggy apartment complex?

>> No.14710411

If you’re getting housing from the government then it’s going to be a shitty apartment in the ghetto with drug dealers in the hallways

>> No.14710435

yep, friend was the landlord for complex that was full of either roughnecks or people on government gibs, once she heard a drug deal happening next door (thin walls) called the sheriff but he didn't come down because that would be "entrapment" most benefits are just abused by druggies who ruin the entire system.

>> No.14710443

eat a singular mcchicken, every day, and buy nothing else

>> No.14710489

Shit happens. I've had to use both just to keep my car running after a couple failures on mechanic neglect and to make rent, pay uber and I still cant get EBT

>> No.14710619

Good one , did this myself with whisky and vodka too many time back in high school

>> No.14710845

Wow gay. How do I collect free money to live in my own place then?

>> No.14711230
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>> No.14711280

OP go to a food pantry. Take care of yourself, I love you.

>> No.14711376

If you're going to be an absolute poor piece of shit, just lean into it. Grocery stores are super easy to steal from. Buy some rice, potatoes, bread, beans, lentils, greens, and steal your meats.

>> No.14711396
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You're fucked. You'll start craving confort food when you start rationing.

>> No.14711532
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Knorr Stock cube
5 dl Creme Freiche
1 egg
Garlic powder

Boil pasta, put away.
Simmer creme freiche in same pot until stock cube is dissolved.
Stir an egg in
Tarragon and garlic powder to taste
Put pasta back in.

Egg is optional, you can put other spices in. The base of the sauce is creme freiche + knorr stock cube. I have yet to find a instant stock that works better, you are free to try something else, just know that it is not sanctioned by Marco nor me.

>> No.14711538

fried rice with whatever cheap vegetable and oils you have on hand. taste can always be forced with whatever spices you have at home.
If you got them: fry an egg and add at the end.
if you got them: spring onions, in they go at the end.
if you got it: peanut oil or sesame oil
if you got it: peas, tofu, carrots
soy sauce also goes well