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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14697116 No.14697116 [Reply] [Original]

what kind of food won't give me cavities?

>> No.14697119

I remember i had to stop throatfucking ur mom bc she had cavaties. So until she got them fixed i just fucker her ass and choked her until she cried instead

>> No.14697120

A regular dental hygiene routine + no shit like fruit gushers or rollups

>> No.14697122

sugar, sparking stuff, acids in citrus, coffee, wine, alcohol are all bad for your teeth

>> No.14697132


>> No.14697148
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>> No.14697156

My gf has like 5 cavities that have been festering for years since her parents never brought her to the dentist when she was a kid. How fucked will her mouth be?

>> No.14697165

Green, vegetables, low glycemic fruits, beef, poultry, fish, butter, nuts and seeds, oils, grains, beans, rice.

>> No.14697167

sounds she needs to go to a dentist right asap.

>> No.14697168
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>> No.14697177

Throw me a bone here, she’s freshly 18 and still on mommy and daddy’s insurance so how would that work?
t. Drunk retard

>> No.14697183

Find one nearby that accepts her insurance and have her make an appointment or make it for her and tell them her mouth is rotting

>> No.14697190

Cut out carbs and lower your acids.

>> No.14697197

You american? You need to find a good dentist in that case, many american dentists will look at a young patient with no experience and insurance and all they see is dollar signs and then it's drill baby drill, doing all sorts of unnecessary stuff just to build up that bill
Get a second, third and even fourth opinion before you actually do anything

Ofc it's not super common but for every 5 dentists there is one who will mess you up big time, healthy teeth don't pay the dentist bills

>> No.14697201


>> No.14697208

>A regular dental hygiene routine
sometimes i just want to snack before bed without having to brush after

>> No.14697210

Thank you bros

>> No.14697218

I just got a water pick for my gums
Should that stop them from bleeding so easily?

>> No.14697219

I hate it when people make threads with images of teeth. They unsettle me for some reason, including my own.

>> No.14697228

And yes I am a burger. We’ll shop around and avoid any practitioners with last names ending in stein, berg, and witz

>> No.14697239

Dont forger schitz

>> No.14697245

Does she (you) have gum disease? Poor oral hygiene can lead to heart problems anon.

>> No.14697267

No just cavities. I’m gonna have to drag her ass to a dentist when I get back into town

>> No.14697275


>> No.14697280

You're pretty fucked m8, even the vegetables and fruit we eat today have been selectively been breed to be more palatable which means more sugar and starch than what a natural human would eat. You pretty much need great mouth hygiene and to not be a genetic toothlet. If you want to go the extra mile you can rinse your mouth with water shortly after meals or drinking things like soda and coffee on top of your regular mouth hygiene routine.

>> No.14697299

Reminder enamel strength is genetic and you’re simply going to lose all your teeth no matter what you do if you have weak ones. Brushing is basically a meme, just rinse with salt water.

>> No.14697306

>not waiting for her teeth to fall out so she can give you wicked gummers
Bro, do you even know why crackwhores are the best whores?

>> No.14697307

load of nonsense. way more people lost their teeth before brushing became common. for a long time it was just assumed that getting old meant you were going to lose your teeth by default.

>> No.14697313

Try to go to dental schools for cheap or free treatment. If all she needs are fillings she should be fine there. Supposedly, the teacher is supposed oversee the students but...

>> No.14697469
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I envy your gf, I have this thing plus my 2 top wisdom teeth have pieces missing l. The on the left was broken with a popcorn cornal and the one on the right has basically rotted. Not to mention all the smaller cavities on my other teeth any dentist anons wanna tell me how fucked I am?

>> No.14697516
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>that pic
oh hell nah im not going through that ever again i religiously brush my teeth and use mouthwash twice a day

>> No.14697541
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Stop consuming sugary drinks every day. Those things are clearly fixable, cavities from sugary, acid drinks are typically wide but shallow. Do not acccept onlay/inlay/crown treatment for these, they are easy to do in direct composite.
Your lower third molar (wisdom tooth) is showing obvious signs of not being cleaned properly, but you are forgiven because it's placement is fucked and I would have recommended removing it even if you had zero cavities. Be sure to get an oral surgeon to exctract the wisdom tooth, they are by far the hardest tooth in the mouth to extract.
t. dentist

>> No.14697622


Been eating candy since I was little. No cavities, eat candy regularly, no mouth problems, full grown wisdoms

>> No.14697629

You know he can simply drink with straws right? It's probably why I never get cavities, I always use straws when available.

>> No.14697642

ok homo

>> No.14697692

Damn, anon I can say goodbye to candy or any sugary foods easy but I love my sugar dranks. Thanks for the advice as soon as i have the money I'm going to get it looked it. Just hope I don't get a heart problem before that

>> No.14697706
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>what kind of food won't give me cavities?
Essentially all foods that contain carbohydrates (AKA 'sugars') will form cavities if you leave the food in your mouth over a period of time. Bacteria lives in your mouth, and they eat leftover sugars from stuff we ate during meals and didn't brush away. Unfortunately, when bacteria breaks down the leftover sugars, it releases a corrosive acid, which wears down the enamel of our teeth over time. This is why it's important to brush twice a day and floss at least once a day in order to eliminate the food source which causes the acid erosion that causes cavities.

In other words, eating foods with less sugar (meats, veggies... as opposed to fruits and dairy) will reduce your risk of cavities, but at the end of the day though the most important thing you can possibly do is brush, floss, and keep routine checkups. Prevention is key: scheduling a hygiene appointment every six months is much, much cheaper than having to get four new fillings every year. Furthermore, small fillings on a tooth are much less expensive to deal with before they turn into a root canal or periodontal disease.

I agree; get more than one opinion if you can afford it. Request the x-rays to be emailed to you to avoid being charged for them at every office.

Also agree; you will get VERY nice reduced-cost treatment at dental schools, plus faculty dentists will always check to make sure the students didn't fuck up on you.

Listen to >>14697541, but I would need to see an x-ray before I could decide on the treatment for your second molar there

>> No.14697715

Carbonated water is fine, no?

>> No.14697755

I never went to the dentist as a kid. I just brushed properly. The dentist doesn't do anything special beyond making sure you're not messing up. 35, no cavities, dentist confirmed three years ago and I'm not going back until I'm 40.

>> No.14697758

Stark drinking tea, water flavoured with cucumber or rosemary etc. basically wean yourself off sugar and acid in your drinks. >>14697706
Listen to this fag.

>> No.14697763

Nope, the carbonic acid that they use to make the water carbonated will still deteriorate your teeth. Not as fast as soda because soda has both the carbonic acid and sugar which is why it rots teeth like crazy. Literallt only plane tap water and tea won't fuck your teeth

>> No.14697766

Did that model with the glasses just get a nintendo switch or something?

>> No.14697773

do you think a dental school will work on me? Im>>14697469

>> No.14697778

Dentists scrape plaque off your teeth and pick out anything they find. It's very important you go to the dentist in order to prevent plaque buildup in between your teeth.

>> No.14697788

You know you can just rinse your mouth after you eat right? Food will come out easy, and candy dissolves fast.

>> No.14697828
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>Carbonated water is fine, no?
It’s not GOOD for you, but it’s objectively better than soda because carbonated water is less acidic (but still acidic to possibly cause some irritation: about 4.0 pH; soda is about 50 times more acidic at 2.5 pH; normal physiological pH is 7.2) and generally sugar free.

All carbonated beverages get their ‘fizz’ from CO2 as it escapes the liquid into the atmosphere. Furthermore, the CO2 exists in equilibrium inside the liquid as an acid, so they are acidic to some degree by design. Fun fact: sodas go ‘flat’ because as the CO2 escapes into the atmosphere, the reaction equilibrium shifts to the left, and the water reagent becomes more favored than the acid, which ‘waters’ down the taste of your drink. Consequently, carbonated beverages are most acidic when they are cold and freshly opened.

This is great advice. It’s hard to stop anything cold turkey and most people (including myself) needed something to replace soda with before weening off it.

Yes. Find one that’s close to you, then give them a phone call and they’ll walk you through everything.

>You know you can just rinse your mouth after you eat right?
Yes, in fact you’ve highlighted why drinking water and staying hydrated is so important. Water acts as a buffer that keeps the pH in our mouths at a high enough level to prevent demineralization and tooth decay from occuring.
>Food will come out easy, and candy dissolves fast.
Unfortunately, no, it doesn’t work that way. Have you tried washing a dirty plate with just water, and noticed the residue left over? Most sugars are notorious in that they quite literally stick to the sides of your teeth and require mechanical force to dislodge them, more than the force of water.

>> No.14698724

Much appreciated anon, I don't care what anyone says dentist are real doctors

>> No.14698733

A bowl of jokes

>> No.14698819

How about milk?

>> No.14698830

toothpaste obviously

>> No.14698851

I've been refraining from chewing with the left side of my teeth cause it started to feel funny, like I can bite down and suddenly a burst of tingliness makes it too uncomfortable to keep chewing.

how /doom/ed am I bros?

>> No.14698893

you might just have sensitive teeth
but if you have it for more than a few days get it looked at

>> No.14698903

don't listen to >>14697120
brushing your teeth every day wears down the enamel. Even worse if you do it multiple times a day.

>> No.14698914

It's been sensitive like this for a couple of years now. Each time I go to the dentist he says my teeth are healthy and only does a routine dental cleaning for some tartar that's built up.

should I change dentists? :(

>> No.14698920

Carbonated water is fine as long as it's not flavoured, since they often add acid with the flavors. There is technically carbonic acid in the water, but the concentration is so dilute that it basically doesn't matter. Soda and other soft drinks are two orders of magnitude worse for your teeth.
source https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.1365-2842.2001.00795.x

>> No.14698925

yes the teeth is most likely rotten from the inside, I had this happen to me
change dentist asap
its not that bad, it can be healed easily but will cost you quite a bit if you choose a ceramic false teeth to replace the rotten one that will have to be smoothed

>> No.14698943

>what kind of food won't give me cavities?
don't eat sugar
brush your teeth after eating anything.
I floss after eating as well. I only eat two times a day and Don't snack. eating less frequently is a great way to protect your teeth. But remember to always brush your teeth immediately after a meal. do not wait.

>> No.14698944

What about diet drinks, that are carbonated, but are sweetened with artifical sweeteners rather than sugar/corn syrup. How would they rank in terms of damage for your teeth compared to other drinks?

>> No.14698957

I'm not an expert on the topic, but I think as long as they avoid adding any acidity regulators it should generally be ok, but those will be in almost any flavored beverage so be on the lookout if you choose to go for flavored ones. In any case, artificial sweeteners aren't that good for you either and are generally not very well understood so limiting your consumption of those is also a good idea, if not for your teeth then for your gut and brain.

>> No.14698968

everything is bad for your teeth. its a normal function of life for them to rot away.

you can slow it down by regular brushing and a mouthwash or peroxide / salt gargle.

if you have gum disease ....you're fucked.

>> No.14699003

If you eat anything that contains sugar, your enamel will soften after eating and brushing your teeth during that time will damage it, so it is best to wait for half an hour after eating/drinking anything that contains sugar.

>> No.14699049

What do I do if I'm scared of the dentist
Last time I was at the dentist was 2014
Had no cavities or any other problems then
Who knows what's going on there now
I don't even know why I'm scared, I've never really had any bad experiences there
My father is a dentist, so it would usually be him checking my teeth
But for some reason I'm scared anyway

>> No.14699154

how have your teeth looked/felt lately? as long as you haven't been getting dental pains, or noticed holes developing, a good dental care regimen should suffice.
are you as hesitant with other health care people like doctors?

>> No.14699160

Is there a food that makes you not clean your teeth you fat lazy fuck?

>> No.14699170

You realize were a few thousand years removed from being natural humans and that fruits are supposed to be sweet in order to spread seeds? Of course not, another sophist fucking retard that bellows about MUH NATURE while guzzling down another fried whopper

>> No.14699218

anything that doesn't contain a lot of carbohydrates

>> No.14699225

shut up.
The dentist is lying to you, hoping you forget to brush so your teeth rot.
I've been brushing right after eating for 20 years and my teeth are in great shape.
Toothpaste neutralizes acid. You want to neutralize acid as quickly as possible, not let it ravage your teeth enamel.

>> No.14699247

>you tried washing a dirty plate with just water, and noticed the residue left ove
If you leave a plate to soak in water and then rinse it, majority of the residue comes off. Plus, we aren't just considering water for melting sugars, your mouth is full of salivs, which has one of a purpose being to help dissolve food. If there is a gummy piece in your mouth, reachable by saliva and water, it will dissolve.

If it's broccoli or chicken, probably not, but that's why you rinse, brush, and floss (frequency depending on your genetics)

>> No.14699261

>Toothpaste neutralizes acid.
Holy shit, daily reminder to never brush your teeth after vomiting, rinse with baking soda. TOOTHPASTE DOES NOT NEUTRALIZE ACID

>> No.14699264

>You want to neutralize acid as quickly as possible
that's why you rinse your mouth out with water.

>> No.14699279

Or baking soda

>> No.14699282

I guess I might feel a little something something every once in a while, nothing persistent. They look fine
No I don't really care about other doctors
There's just something unpleasant about the thought of somebody digging around my mouth with tools

>> No.14699303

yeah, i get it. If your anxious about that sort of thing, doctors can prescribe benzodiazepines to calm you down for a dental visit

>> No.14699317

you slob. that doesn't get rid of the food trapped in between your teeth, nor does it get rid of the bacterial slime sticking to your enamel and releasing acid.
Brushing your teeth most definitely neutralizes acid. again I've been doing this for 20+ years my teeth are fine, if I was ruining my teeth they would be sensitive (wouldn't be able to handle hot and cold food and beverages) and they aren't, quite the opposite, in fact, I experience no tooth sensitivity with foods or drinks..

>> No.14699323

>please listen to me, my anecdotal experience is the rule.

>> No.14699333

How much do these dental schools cost without insurance? Got a few cavities I need taken care of, but I won't have any insurance for another two years or so.

>> No.14699345

waiting to brush your teeth is literally an old wives tale. Nobody has ever tested this. My experience is valid. Especially since I've done it for 20+ years. I have literally brushed my teeth 2,3 sometimes 4 times a day for 20 years with colgate total and NOTHING has happened to my teeth.

>> No.14699354

some people's teeth are just less genetically predisposed to get cavities.
you're lucky you hit the jackpot in tooth genes

>> No.14699359

sugar and carbs, to protect teeth's outer layer, acid stuff like lemon and acv needs to be washed quickly, or just drink through a straw

>> No.14699360

jesus christ

at least you can look forward to some good BJs

>> No.14699364

do toothless people rly give better bj's?

>all those stories of old people sucking are starting to make sense now

>> No.14699397

this, please get a 2nd opinion if you can. I was 14 when I went to the local dentist first time and they said my mouth was a mess, spent a day a week there for a few years as they drilled root canals and laid porcelain all over my mouth. It's been like 15 years and my mouth is falling apart because I refuse to go to another dentist if I can avoid it, half my molars are missing now due to lack of maintenance

>> No.14699405

>carbonic acid that they use to make the water carbonated
Pretty sure they just pump CO2 into the water

>> No.14699623

Dude last they checked a few years ago they told me I had 13 cavities, my teeth aren't even black nor hurt, only if I don't brush for a while the air hurts em, just go get em filled in it's not that big a deal unless there's actual black or real pain, alot of people have like mini cavities
Anyway that's why you don't pull out your wisdom teeth their your backup weapons

>> No.14699628

Go take a trip to the Mexican border and get them filled out for 50-60 bucks each, no they won't mess up filling cavities

>> No.14699632
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>tfw never had a cavity
get fucked slobs.

>> No.14699694

>I got a cavity between my teeth.
>got it fixed
>when they fixed it they widen the gap between my teeth
>now whenever I eat anything shit get stuck between them and it hurts like hell.

feels bad man

>> No.14699712


My dentist said that popcorn doesn’t rot the teeth

>> No.14699733

black coffee with no sugar is good for your teeth

>> No.14699769

your dentist is wrong. popcorn is straight up made of carbs and bits of kernel can get stuck under your gums.

>> No.14699771

no it isn't lol. coffee itself is acidic. it's obviously not as bad as drinks with sugar though.

>> No.14699917


Just dont eat a bunch of candy and you wont get cavities. Anything thats high in sugars just make sure it doesnt stay in your mouth long. Its really that simple. And brush of course you fuckers

>> No.14700076

man I love popcorn. I make a huge mixing bowl sized serving, then spray it with butter cooking spray, and sprinkle vanilla coffee creamer and aspartame all over it. Tastes like candy. And relatively healthy as well. Much healthier than any potato chip. That big bowl of popcorn is often my dinner.
I don't have issues with the shells getting stuck inside my gum, when they do they usually fall out with some brushing. I to have inter-dental brushes to brush in-between my teeth as well for the hard stuff. my point is I've eat a helluva lo of popcorn, mostly white popcorn, and have yet to get a nightmare shell that is stuck inside my gum and doing damage.

>> No.14700169

>not brushing your teeth every day
Do 4channers REALLY?

>> No.14700292

Guys I'm scared. My father has basically no natural teeth in his mouth in his mid 50's. I don't wanna lose my teeth that early. What can I do? I gotta admit though is lived in russia and they had shit diet and drank like middle class russians do. I don't.

>> No.14700320

>What can I do?
don't eat/drink sugary things. Brush and floss right after every meal. that will get tedious, so you will eat less frequently to compensate, which is a very good habit, and great for your teeth!

>> No.14700322

or just embrace the denture lifestlye when it's your time

>> No.14700352

Don't eat white sugar or white flour products
Eat dairy, seafood and animal organs

>> No.14700372
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>don't live in a third world country
>don't be poor
>replace sugar with xylitol
>start drinking sweet as fuck tea with xylitol
>this will actually kill off bacteria causing tooth decay

unlike Stevia and the other retard sweeteners it does actually taste exactly like sugar

oh and brush your teeth you disgusting

>> No.14700378

xylitol gives you diarrhea.

>> No.14700400

I brush mine twice a day and floss daily.

>> No.14700509

Depends on the school. Sometimes, it's even free.

>> No.14701897

>sometimes i just want to rip a toenail off
alright bro, do you. just don't cry when the cavities come

>> No.14702050

Boneless fish is generally better than meat and poultry because it's a little harder (in my own experience) for it to get caught in your teeth.

>> No.14702267
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>If you leave a plate to soak in water and then rinse it, majority of the residue comes off.
Key word is the “majority” of the residue. I’m sure you’re familiar with plaque. It’s the formation of a bacterial colony on your tooth enamel that starts from a single point of attachment and grows upon itself as a biofilm (pic related). All it takes to form plaque (which, subsequently, secretes acid that wears down surrounding enamel) is that small amount of residue that you missed by not brushing.

>how about milk?
Milk is very odd. When most of us think of ‘sugar,’ we usually think of the white sugar cane kind, which is called sucrose. Milk, however, is largely composed of lactose (whole milk is about 5% lactose by weight), which is a different kind of sugar. The bacteria in our mouth doesn’t really care about the difference between the two, and catabolizes both types of sugars for energy, and doing so releases acid. In other words, lactose itself is cariogenic. However, in most documented literature, milk consumption does not significantly increase risk of cavities. This is most likely because of the calcium and phosphorous in milk, which assists in remineralizing enamel in decayed teeth (similar to fluoride). So the two roughly cancel each other out. The milk observation seems to be consistent from an mammalian evolutionary perspective as well.

So yea... milk is kind of an exception. Here's a big fancy article about milk:

Yea I would get a second opinion from another dentist. Do you have a lot of dental work on your left side? Would have to see x-rays and get more info. Hope you feel better m8.

>> No.14702318
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>How do diet drinks rank in terms of damage to your teeth compared to other drinks?
The worst thing about diet sodas is their acidity, which is roughly equal to their sugary counterparts.
Best to worst:
Water >>>>>>>>>>>>> pretty much everything else >>>> Diet soda > Soda

My guess is it’s because you’ve waited so long at this point and you know there’s some work that needs to be done, so it causes anxiety. All I can really say is that I see like 100 people a week and probably 10 of those people are in your exact same scenario of returning to a dentist after many years with a lot of work needed. It’s quite normal, but it takes some courage on your end to show up, and I hope you can overcome your fear in interest of your health.

Your dentist was not lying. Everything >>14699003 said is factually correct. For most people, it doesn't make an enormous difference, but some people are REALLY hard brushers with severe gum recession and they need this advice (probably not you though).

Just like tires on a car, dental work requires maintenance. Unfortunately, most crowns only last about 10 years until some degree of maintenance is required. I’m sorry that happened to you though anon.

>Pretty sure they just pump CO2 into the water
Correct, but it exists in equilibrium with carbonic acid under pressure

>Dental work south of the border
Ya get what ya pay for

The starch would cause cavities, but the kernel would not. However, a lodged kernel can cause an infection, which is a lot more serious than the slow process of a cavity.

Black coffee has a pH of about 5. That’s about five-hundred times less acidic than soda, and one-hundred times more acidic than water.

>> No.14702321

Is my teeth gonna be fucked because I love drinking lemonade?

>> No.14702358
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>fucking black
Dude at this point you might as well pull that one out with pliers

>> No.14702362

Just make sure you drink water right afterwards and swish it all around your mouth if you're paranoid. Also use a straw when possible because then the liquid doesnt wash all over every tooth.

>> No.14702372

You can just scrape your teeth yourself. There's nothing high tech or special about scraping shit off a surface. Just have to be careful not to nick your gums. Only reason to go to a dentist is if one of your teeth is actually fucked up.

>> No.14702389

What is this straw meme
I was under the impression that straws result in more liquid coverage around your mouth
They do make you drunk faster after all

>> No.14702396

>they do make you drunk faster
Who tf is drinking alcohol with a straw?

>> No.14702435

dunno but it's common advice to drink/not drink with a straw if you do/don't want to get drunk faster

>> No.14702456

Can the dentist tell if you smoke
If yes, does it depend on the quantity/frequency or is one enough
And how long after quitting will the dentist no longer be able to tell

>> No.14702476

probably years.

>> No.14702708
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this happened to me also . I don't insurance or money to get them fixed , so i get them pulled when they get too bad. It sucks that you can't grow new teeth or heal them like tissue does, and you only get one set of permanent teeth that you can fuck up when you are young and suffer the consequences for many decades after

>> No.14702814

Raw meat. Read Nutrition and Physical Degeneration

>> No.14703092

>That’s about five-hundred times less acidic than soda
All i'm getting out of this is I can drink about 500 times more coffee and be perfectly healthy.
Thanks doctor man!

>> No.14703247

>For most people, it doesn't make an enormous difference, but some people are REALLY hard brushers with severe gum recession and they need this advice (probably not you though).
NOT brushing your teeth causes gums to recede. I brush my teeth several times a day, my gums are in great shape, gums are very sensitive, if I was hurting them, I would feel it.

>> No.14703251

>Is my teeth gonna be fucked because I love drinking lemonade?
yes, lemonade will destroy your teeth.
There is a very easy way to fix this. use an artificial sweetener instead of sugar and drink through a straw.

>> No.14703276

You're an actual retard. The acid that kills teeth in soda is phosphoric acid. Carbonic acid doesn't do dick to your teeth.

>> No.14703289
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i didn't need this

>> No.14703346

Dentistry is a great profession to be in, even if it makes me want to shoot myself.

>> No.14703353

Note that I said regular and not daily.

>> No.14703868

Take care of your teeth man at any cost.

I had three cavities and a cleaning done last month and it was over 1k in costs. Now I use Sensodyne.

>> No.14703937
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>> No.14704211

The herpes cant help

>> No.14704238

Any sort of vegan food, being serious here. I got cavities all the time as a omnivore and as soon as I went vegan the doctor reported none

>> No.14704442

nah, vegan food is loaded with carbs. there's absolutely no reason it wouldn't give you cavities.

>> No.14704576 [DELETED] 

Asking the dentist in this thread, how does one find a decent dentist if you are new in town?
I moved recently and got some stuff that needs to be taken care of, but don't know anyone here and there are three dentists around.

>> No.14704584

Asking the dentist in this thread, how does one find a decent dentist if you are new in town?
I moved recently and got some stuff that needs to be taken care of, but don't know anyone here and there are three dentists around, but all with hardly any reviews online.
I'm a kraut btw, so all essential stuff is free of charge.

>> No.14704712

I doubt that. Most of my vegan patients have cavities, they typically have no understanding that dried fruit is loaded with sugar.
"But it's vegan it has to be healthy", yeah sure but soda and sugar are vegan.
You get what you pay for, enjoy your black amalgams in every tooth. Germany is unique in Europe in how they don't "believe" in tooth colored fillings.

>> No.14704798

people in africa seem to have pretty white teeth

>> No.14704924

No sugar to rot their teeth.

>> No.14705744

hearty kek

>> No.14705947

>How fucked will her mouth be?
It already is, retard

>> No.14706113

You don't have to worry about your teeth if you never eat sugar. It's why tribals aren't getting cavities all the time. People didn't start getting fucked up teeth until white flour and white sugar became common, that's why Anglo colonists in America and Australia all had tons of missing teeth and needed fake teeth.